Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Strength ❯ secrets ( Chapter 4 )

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Hey guys! Thank you for your reviews!! And thank you Dragon_lord for your help.
By the way Keino is a new character I'm adding. He doesn't belong to me, his Dragon_lord's great creation.
I hope you guys like it
I don't own Naruto and gang
“Tsunade-sama? Where are you going? Hinata's house is that way” Kiba said pointing to the opposite direction.
Tsunade walked up to one of the houses lined up on the street of Konoha. It was an old, plain looking house, but it seemed bigger then it looked.
“We're going to be up against the Hyuuga house hold if I'm correct, so I don't think it would be wise to go in yet with just the two of us. “She said as she knocked on the wooden door.
Kiba looked at her in agreement but he was curious. “Then who else is going to come with us?” Kiba asked as they waited for someone to open the door.
“His an ANBU who specialize in fire, darkness, and water, Attacks” Tsunade said before knocking again this time harder. “His very strong, so don't worry Kiba”
The door opened to reveal a boy about Kiba's age wearing a navy blue long-sleeve shirt with a neck that ends at the nose and he wore long black pants and dark blue boots that seemed a size to big for him. He had short sliver hair with was spiked up showing his extraordinary eyes which where like emeralds.
Kiba stared in surprise. He wasn't expecting some one his age to come out. He was expecting some one older.
“Keino-san, I need to ask a favor of you” Tsunade said giving him the letter, Neji had written.
“Tsunade-sama are you sure? This guy doesn't seem that strong.” Kiba said looking at Keino and then at Tsunade.
Tsunade was about to reassure Kiba when Keino cut her of.
“You shouldn't judge a ninja by their looks, you'll get killed that way” Keino said not bothering to look up from the letter he was reading.
Kiba stared at him in amusement. This guy didn't seem bad, but he was curious. He wanted to see him fight.
“The Hyuuga's huh” Keino said in a thinking manner. He gave the letter back to Tsunade. “I guess I should go” he said as he closed the door behind him.
“Well now that's done and over with can we go!” Kiba said being impatient.
“Calm down Kiba we still have to get Shino” Tsunade said as she put the letter back in her pocket.
“I'll get Akumaru to get him. Akumaru, you know where Shino is right hurry up and get him and head straight for Hinata's house ok!” Kiba ordered. Akumaru nodded and head for the training grounds. While Kiba, Tsunade and Keino headed for the Hyuuga's
Neji stared at Hiashi in surprise. He could sense the hatred Hiashi held and it sent shivers down his spine.
“Your mother, my wife and the love of my life cheated on me with your father!” he hissed as he moved closer to Neji. Neji held his ground he wasn't going to let Hiashi intimidate him.
“She gave birth to twins and I wanted to kill both of you! But she begged me not to, she said she wanted to let my brother have you and to let her keep that useless daughter of hers.” Hiashi said calmly as he took another step towards Neji.
“But I couldn't have her as heir could I now! So I made her bare me another child and once she did that I killed her” Hiashi said laughing a little.
Neji stepped back. Hiashi had gone mad. But Neji was now furious at what he said. If this was true he had just admitted he had killed his mother.
“Would you like to know something else? Those people who tried to kidnap Hinata, well let just say I hired them and my dear little brother gave his life to protect her. It was all part of my plan, but I still have you two to finish of!” he said as he took a couple more steps forward.
Neji activated his bakyugan. (Sorry I don't know how to spell that ><) He was seriously pissed now.
“Are you angry Neji?” Hiashi asked in a teasing tone.
Neji glared at him. He was about to go in for a hit when a kunai flew past Hiashi's face and just scratching him.
Both Neji and Hiashi looked at where the Kunai had just come from and where surprised.
Hinata stood there with another three Kenai's in her hand. While Hanabi was lying unconscious on the floor. But she was unharmed, it only looked like she was sleeping
Hiashi stared at her in anger. “I thought you weren't going to hurt your own sister?!” Hiashi almost yelled as he run towards Hanabi.
“I didn't, I just knocked her out” Hinata said throwing another Kunai at Hiashi. But he dodged it.
“What do you think your doing hitting your own father?!” Hiashi said angrily.
“You're not my father” Hinata said as she walked towards Neji.
“Hinata, did you hear what he said?” Neji asked
Hinata nodded, trying to hold her tears back. She had heard everything, her mother was killed by the only father she had known, and her real father died because of her. She didn't know what do to but she knew she had to fight him or else he might kill both of them.
“Nii-san…” Hinata said just above a whisper. She was trying to keep herself from breaking down.
“Its ok Hinata, we can take him on, we have to” Neji said sternly as he went in a fighting stance. Hinata followed him.
“Can you still fight Hinata?” Neji asked concerned
“I'll be f-fine” Hinata said activating her bakyugan.
Hiashi looked at both of them and his temper quickly rose. “Do you think you two can even touch me?! I'll kill both of you before you can even blink!” Hiashi said as he ran towards them.
He threw three kunai's at both of them but Neji and Hinata dodged it.
“Don't under estimate us!” Neji yelled as he appeared behind Hiashi and was about to strike his arm, when Hiashi grabbed it and flipped him over. Hiashi went straight for his heart, but Neji quickly kicked him which put Hiashi of balance. Hinata came from behind him and kicked him in the back sending him flying across the training area.
“What did you say about not touching you?” Neji said mimicking Hiashi's teasing tone, as he grinned.
Hiashi stood up; the kick had been hard but it was nothing he couldn't handle.
“I got to admit that I've been impressed on how you two have improved but your still a thousand years to young to face me!” He said as he dusted himself of.
Hinata fell on one knee as her breathing became harsh, it was getting harder to keep her self up. Exhaustion was taking over her, but she couldn't faint now, not now that Neji needed her the most.
“Hinata! You don't have to fight, I can take him on my own” Neji said as he ran to her side.
Hinata smiled and shook her head. “we'll fight together Nii-san…” Hinata said as she stood up.
Neji looked at her concerned. She was hurt pretty badly but she was still able to stand. It reminded him of when they fought at the Chunin exams. She was strong and he was proud of her.
Hiashi watched them sickened of their display of emotion; he took this to his advantage.
When Neji and Hinata turned to look back at Hiashi he was gone.
“Where'd that bastard go to?” Neji growled as panicked a little.
And before Neither one of them had the chance to react, Hiashi had came from behind and Kicked Neji so hard he went through one of the wall's of their mansion and had Hinata by the throat.
Hinata struggled to get out of his grip. She kicked and scratched at his hand but Hiashi only gripped her throat tighter, cutting her air circulation. Hinata couldn't keep herself awake any longer. “p-please, don't… k-kill Nii-san…” Hinata said before she blacked out
Neji stood up slowly. His arm was now broken from the impact and he was bleeding a little. When he saw Hinata's limp body, in his gasp, Neji grew even more furious.
“LET HER GO!!” Neji yelled as he ran towards Hiashi. He threw kunai's at Hiashi but he jumped out of the way still holding onto Hinata.
“You want her? Then you can HAVE HER!!” Hiashi yelled as he threw Hinata towards the wall with great force and speed.
Neji watching in Horror as he saw Hiashi just hurl his injured sister to the wall. Neji tried to run as fast as he could to catch Hinata but he wasn't going to get there in time. Then all of a sudden a figure ran past him with great speed. He had just caught Hinata before she hit the wall.
Neji stared at the newcomer. He would have asked who the hell he was but for now, since he saved Hinata he was going to forget it. He had more serious matters to attend to like Hiashi.
Just then Kiba and Tsunade busted through one of the doors out of breath.
“Jeez Keino-san, how fast can you run?!” Kiba said trying to catch his breath.
“Faster then you can” Kieno said smirking.
Kiba was about to respond when he saw Hinata's unconscious form in Keino's arm's and quickly grew angry.
He ran towards Neji. “YOU BASTARD!” Kiba yelled as he hit Neji across the head.
Neji stared at him in shock.
“I told you not to let Hinata get hurt! Didn't I! AND YOU THE SO COULD FATHER! HOW COULD YOU HURT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!?” Kiba fumed.
Tsunade held Kiba by the collar. “Calm down Kiba!” Tsunade said annoyed.
Tsunade looked around and her eyes landed on Hiashi who seemed expressionless.
“Hyuuga-san, what has happened here!” she said angrily.
“Out of Respect Hogake-sama, but it is none of your business” Hiashi said retaining his composer.
“But it is my business when one of my Ninja's are hurt, is it not?” Tsunade asked letting go of Kiba's collar, once he was freed he ran towards Hinata and Keino.
“Is she ok?!” Kiba asked as he checked Hinata's wounds.
“She'll live but the wounds are pretty deep” Keino said setting her down softly. Neji and Tsunade ran to where they where.
“What happened?” Tsunade asked Neji as she checked Hinata's wounds as well.
Neji told her everything that Hiashi did and say.
Tsunade was furious, how could Hiashi do such a thing.
“Hyuuga-san! Are you out of your mind! Hinata and Neji cannot stay in this house hold any longer!” Tsunade said angrily.
Hiashi laughed. “And what makes you think I'll let them stay?!” he laughed and took a few steps forward. “As from now Hinata is no longer my daughter, and as for Neji, he is banished from this clan.”
Tsunade laughed. “Hinata was never your daughter and I don't think Neji would stay even if you begged him.” Tsunade picked Hinata up gently. “ you three, we're leaving” but before Tsunade could take a step Hiashi threw about ten kunai's at her. She dodged them all.
“What do you think your doing Hokage-sama?! Even if those two are banished from this clan I will choose how to dispose of them.” Hiashi said as he went in for a punch.
Tsunade stopped it with her free hand and sent chakra through her body to her fist. She was about to push him back but Hiashi dodged it.
“Don't underestimate me” Hiashi said as he went for another attack only to be kicked back by Keino.
“I think that's far enough” Keino said standing in front of Tusnade.
Hiashi stared at him in shock. This kid was able to get near him without him sensing him.
“What kind of person are you? You try and kill the girl you claim to be your daughter for 13 years; you kill her mother you claim to be your love” Keino said angrily.
Keino had no family and didn't know what it was like to have one but he knew a family wasn't supposed to be like this. Even if she wasn't that guy's real daughter she was still related to him.
“If your going to fight then your opponent will be me” Keino said as he readied himself.
Sorry Dragon_lord for not putting Keino more into it but I just wanted to show people why Hiashi hated Hinata so much, but don't worry I'm going to make Keino more into it next chapter.
I hope you guys liked it!