Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Boy Is Mine ❯ Sakura vs. Ino ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Naruto is the new Hokage, now Ino and Sakura decide that they want him.

Ino and Tamari were walking around the village, until they saw Sakura sitting at a table talking with Tin Tin. Ino turns to Tamari," Isn't that Sakura, hold up a sec."She walks up to Sakura and says,

"Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute?"

Sakura, acting as if she didn't know who Ino was, ignored her completely and continued to talk. "Excuse me!" Sakura turns around,

"Uh huh, sure you know, you look kinda familiar."

Tamari glanced at Tin Tin, who seemed ready to attack if Ino decided she wanted to fight. Of course Tamari didn't feel any threat, after all she beat her once, she can do it again. Ino walked closer to Sakura, rolled her eyes, and began to speak,

"Yeah, you do too but, umm, I just wanted to know do you know somebody named you, you know his name."

Sakura knew she had to be talking about the new Hokage, I mean who doesn't know his name. NARUTO UZUMAKI, Lord Hokage. She then says,

"Oh, yeah definatly, I know his name."

She looks at Tin Tin, who gives her one of those, girl you ain't got nothing to worry about smiles. Ino also looking at Tin Tin said to Sakura, without turning her head,

"I just wanted to let you know he's mine."

Sakura leaped to her feet, angered by Ino's statement, and now ready to fight, yells out,

"Huh... No no, he's mine!"

(By now a crowd has formed, everyone trying to see who's going to get hit first)

You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

Ino steps in Sakura's face. She starts rolling her neck, and waving her finger in her face, she begins to yell at Sakura,

"I think it's about time we got this straight
Let's sit and talk face to face
There is no way you could mistake
Him for your man are you insane"

Tamari and Tin Tin, now spectaters, are sitting watching, and laughing at how immature the two are acting. Sakura pushes Ino, and then yells back,
"You see I know that you may be
Just a bit jealous of me
Cuz you're blind if you can't see
That his love is all in me"

Ino yelling even louder, swings, but Sakura steps back, and dodges. Ino then clips her and punches her in the face. Sakura flips and lands on her feet.

"You see I tried to hesitate
I didn't wanna say what they told me
He said without me he couldn't make
It through the day ain't that a shame"

Sakura, shaking off Ino's attack charges toward her, kunai in hand. She then throws her kunai at Ino, Ino jumps out of the way, and the kunai hits the ground. While Ino was dodging the kunai, Sakura was running up toward her, as she hits Ino in the mouth, she says,
"Maybe you misunderstood
Cause I can't see how he could
Wanna change something that's so good
But my love is all it took"

As the fight starts to get more violent, Senseis Neji and Rock Lee walk up. The two men look at each other, and Rock Lee spoke, "Mabey we should break the two of them up. It is not good for them to fight like this."Neji didn't say a word, nor did he move.

You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

As Rock Lee attempted to step in, Tin Tin stopped him, "Sensei or not, you get in there, and you'll get killed." He took heed, and just in time. A chair suddenly flew past them, Sakura had throwen it in Ino's direction, Ino blocked, but falls to the ground, still a little injured by the impact. Sakura then runs toward Ino, attempting to hit her while she was down, and yelling

"Must you do the things you do
You keep on acting like a fool
You need to know it's me not you
And if you didn't know it girl it's true"

Sukura, unaware that Ino wasn't unable to move, ran right into a trap. Ino kicked her in the stomach, and jumped to her feet. Sakura, surprised, and dazed by Ino's kick wobbles back a little. Ino then grabs her hair, and while constantly bashing her head into the wall, yells,

"I think that you should realize
And try to understand why
He is a part of my life
I know it's killing you inside"

Sakura, trying to get out of Ino's grasp, pushes back on the wall, and headbutts Ino with the back of her head. Ino traumatized by the blow to the forehead, pauses for a moment, to come back to her sences. Sakura chose this as the perfect time to attack, she jumps in Ino's direction, yelling,
"You can say what you want to say
What we have you can't take
from the truth you can't escape
I can tell the real from the fake"

Ino, came to at the perfect moment, she grabs Sakura's leg, and swings her around. She throws her toward the crowd, and yells,

"When will you get the picture
You're the past, I'm the future
Get away it's my time to shine
And if you didn't know the boy is mine"

The girls are now in the middle of a huge circle of people, holding on to each other's hair, tired and strengthless. Neji turns to Rock Lee, and says, "I don't know why they are going through all of this. He doesn't want either of the two." Just then Naruto walks up to see what all the comotion is.
"You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine"

Sakura still holding on to Ino's hair breathes heavily and says,

"You can't destroy this love I found
Your silly games I won't allow
The boy is mine without a doubt
You might as well throw in the towel"
Ino, also out of breath, says,

"What makes you think that he wants you
When I'm the one that brought him to
This special place in my heart
Cause he was my love right from the start"

Both girls, almost in unison, yells,
"You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine"

The girls were anaware of the fact that Naruto was standing there watching them. They finally let go of one another's hair, and falls to the ground.
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

Neither of the two had the strength to continue to fight, so they began to bicker instead.
Sakura started,
"Not yours"
Ino then replied,
"But mine"
Then Sakura said again,
"Not yours"
Then Ino
"But mine"
And Sakura
"Not yours"
Finally Ino said,
"But mine"

They then noticed their Hokage, standing there, hand in hand with none other than Hinata. He looked at them, but did not speak, instead, Hinata said,
"I'm sorry you two
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine"

She then turns around, grabs Naruto's hand, and says,"Come Naru-chan, lets get out of here" The two of them turn around and walk off, leaving Ino and Sakura in the middle of the street, out of breath, and out of luck.