Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Confessional ❯ Chapter One ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Confessional

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto. Rated M for language, sexual content, and violence. I will use your flames to roast my marshmellows.

~ The Confessional ~

The Sand Siblings had just entered Konoha for their holiday visit, looking around for their friends. They stopped at the ‘Yamanaka Flower Shop’ at the sounds of screaming and crashing.
“Stay here, I got this.” Temari said cooly, silently pushing the door open. She sighed in annoyance. Everytime the siblings came over, Ino and Sakura were fighting over the ‘hottie too hottie’ Sasuke Uchiha. Sure, Temari thought he was cute, but she never thought of him as more than a friend...or rival.
“Give it up, Billboard-Brow! Sasuke-kun wouldn’t date a girl with a 24-inch head!”
“Oh, save it, Ino-Pig! He’d never go out with a nasty pig like you, either!”
“Sasuke-kun is mine!”
“Mi -
“SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Temari slammed her fists onto the counter that seperated her from beating their asses.
They both ‘hmph’d,’ turning their back against each other. “What’re you doing here, dyke?”
Temari blushed as Ino slid the last word out because of instinct, earning a smack on the cheek. “DON’T YOU DARE CALL ME A DYKE, BITCH! And I’m here because it’s the holiday tradition. Now, listen, I know a way to let Sasuke decide who he wants!”
They both stared at Temari in disbelief, then smirked. “How?”
“Well, there’s this show called ‘The Confessional,’ hosted by Haku Momochi, where you confess your feeling towards someone, and they confess them back.” Temari smirked. ‘Or don’t, heh.’
The not-so-friendly duo jabbed a finger at each other. “YOU’RE ON!” The shouted in unison, looking back at Temari.
“Wait, where is ‘The Confessional’ hosted?” Sakura asked, biting her lower lip. It can’t be too far away!...Right?
“Oh, just in the the Village Hidden in the Mist. It’s not too far away,” she pointed her index finger to her own head, sticking out her tounge, “if you jump there.”
Sakura and Ino pumped a fist into the air, screaming ‘Alright!’ in unison. “Better get going, I wish you luck!” Temari walked out of the store, seeing Kankuro and Gaara waiting impatiently.
“Well, how’d it go?” Kankuro asked excitedly, Gaara showing no emotion.
“Let’s just say we have a show to watch tomarrow.”

The next day, everyone in Konoha, including the Sand Siblings, knew about the trip to ‘The Confessional.’ Everyone was going, of course, but only to the maximum of five were allowed on stage: An adult and four teenagers. Kakashi willingly took the ‘adult’ part, and now it was down to one boy to get on stage: Naruto or Lee.

“Naruto.” Sakura whispered as she nudged Ino’s arm.
“Lee.” She returned the nudge.
“NARUTO!& #8221; Sakura yelled.
“WOO-HOO!” Naruto shot his arms in the air from excitement, running up beside Sakura. He was about to hug her when-
‘That’s going to leave a mark.’ He whined to himself, rubbing his cheek that was already turning red.
“Hn. Dobe.” Sasuke stuffed his hands in his pockets. Clearly, he was annoyed.
When wasn’t he?

They soon arrived at the Village Hidden in the Mist, by jumping of course, and stared at the huge building with the bold blue letters of ‘The Confessional’ on it. Once they got inside, the rest of the Konoha-ians and Sand-ians took their seat in the front row whilst the other five took a seat on the stage. Haku, Sakura, Ino, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi, in that order, were seated in navy-coloured chairs.
“Hello, everybody, and welcome to ‘The Confessional,’ the talk-show where everyone comes to admit their feelings, and their feelings might be admitted back. So, let’s meet our guests today. Sakura Haruno is in Team 7, along with her crush Sasuke, and has a rivalry with Ino Yamanaka, who used to be her best friend.” The audience booed, unpleased that a friendship was broke due to one boy.
“Next, we have Ino Yamanaka, the ex-best friend of Sakura, who also has a crush on Sasuke Uchiha. Okay, who in this audience wants to meet this Sasuke?” The crowd cheered in responce.
“Alright, this is Sasuke Uchiha, the last survivor of the Uchiha clan. He wants to avenge his clan and doesn’t seem to take interest in either of the girls, or so we think.”
Naruto whined. “What about me?!”
“Ow!” He rubbed the back of his head where Kakashi had fisted him, whining.
“Okay, so let’s start this. Ino, Sakura, want to share why you are the better girl for Sasuke?”
Ino progressed more quicker than Sakura. “I’m the better girl for Sasuke because he likes long h-”
She was suddenly intterupted by Sasuke. “Okay, I’d like to meet the asshole who said I like long hair, because it’s not true.”
“Ooooooh!” The audience began to think about what kind of hair the Uchiha likes.
“What kind of hair do you like, Sasuke?” Wow, this Haku kid could read minds.
“Short hair.”
“YES! So you like me, Sasuke-kun?!” Sakura practically jumped out of her chair, but decided not to as she saw Haku giving her a ‘don’t even dare’ look.
“No.” He smirked, pleased with the audience’s confusion.
“Well, if you don’t like Ino, and you don’t like Sakura, who do you like, Sasuke?” Haku leaned in his chair, interesting himself in the situation.
His smirk grew as he turned and kissed...Naruto?
“OOOOHHHH!!!!” The audience was surprised as Sasuke and Naruto had a make-out session right in front of them.
“No! No! No!” Sakura and Ino covered their eyes, repeatedly whispering ‘no’ to themselves, as if trying to wake up from a nightmare.
And they did.
“Ugh...w-what....what happened?!” Ino rubbed her eyes lazily, looking over towards Sakura who was wide-awake.
“Did you have the nightmare, too? The Sasuke and Naruto one?” They shivered in unison, remembering their horrible nightmare.
“Yeah, what a nightmare!” Ino nervously laughed, rubbing the back of her neck. They began doubting more and more that Sasuke would ever turn out gay, until, that was, they saw Sasuke....humping....some....thing?
Or someone.
They crawled quietly over to the kitchen, peeking into the slightly-cracked door. Sasuke was thrusting into something, alright!
He was quietly grunting, possibly moaning, repeatedly moving back and forth with his hips.
‘Maybe he’s making something, yeah!’ The girls completely believed this was true, until...
...They immediantly fainted.
“What?”“Help me open this damn oven, the door’s stuck!” Sasuke continued yanking the door to the oven, receiving nothing.
Hadn’t Temari told them yesterday it was Thanksgiving?

A few hours later, Tsunade had told all the ninja to meet at her office for a celebration. Once they had all gotten there, Sakura and Ino avoided Sasuke everytime they saw him. Naruto whined about it, while Sasuke was glad.

Sakura and Ino never talked to them again.