Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Heart Don't Lie ❯ Forbidden Love 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Heart Don't Lie 1 Forbidden Love
Chapter One
"Sandaime-sama, konbanwa," an orange-haired, purple-eyed, twenty-year-old woman greets as she enters the room.
"Ah, Nozomi-san, right on time as usual," the man, known as the Third Hokage, greets with a smile.
"Konbanwa, Sandaime-sama," a black-haired and black-eyed twenty-year-old man states in a tired tone as he enters the room.
"Uchiha Yasuo-san?" Nozomi, the woman, greets with surprise in her voice.
"Konbanwa, Hyuuga Nozomi-san," he bows his head respectfully.
"Konbanwa," she nods.
"Glad to see that the two of you get along," Sandaime smiles, "let me just say before we start, neither of your fathers would approve of this mission."
"Then why summon us?" Nozomi asks.
"Says the goody-two-shoes," Yasuo rolls his eyes.
"Oh, would you shut up!"
"Make me, Daddy's girl."
"Calm down, both of you," Sandaime sighs.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't feel confident that I can succeed in a mission with him," Nozomi states.
"You can, and you will, Nozomi-san," Sandaime states firmly, "both of you are needed in this mission."
"Is it us that you need? Or is it our eyes?" Yasuo asks.
"I'll gladly admit that it's the latter. Both the Byakugan, and the Sharingan are needed in order to complete this mission."
"So, it's a scouting mission?"
"An undercover scouting mission," Sandaime clarifies.
"Then why not choose other members of the Uchiha and Hyuuga Clans?" Nozomi asks, crossing her arms. "As you know, I am in line for becoming the head of my clan. If I anger my father there's no guarantee that he'll hand the clan over to me."
"You mean you actually want to be the head?" Yasuo raises his eyebrow at her.
"As a matter of fact, yes, I do. I've dreamed of nothing else since I was a little girl. It's what I've worked towards all of my life," Nozomi admits gladly.
"You're one sad little girl, you know that?" he shakes his head.
"Would you shut up? Just because you don't have a goal in this life doesn't mean that you have the right to go around and dis on everyone else's dreams," she snaps.
"All right, chill," he rolls his eyes. "It just seems like a boring position to hold, that's all."
"Show's how much you know."
"Are you two about finished now?" Sandaime asks.
"Yeah, I guess," Yasuo nods his head.
"Good. The other reason why I chose the two of you is because you're familiar with the world outside of our way of life."
"So, we're going into that part of the world," Nozomi states in realization. "Sounds like fun. I guess I could work with him for that. What the mission?"