Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Jinchuuriki Nine ❯ Part 1 Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey everyone. Just to let you know, I forced myself to fix the problems in the later chapters of the story and now have a great plotline to follow. Many more chapters to come.
Kandyapple08- Thanks for the reviews. As I said in an earlier chapter, I can make the chapters longer but the updates won't be as frequent. Also, in chapter 1 it was originally around 6000 words but towards the last quarter of the chapter, it was really, really dull and boring lol. So I decided to make it 2 chapters. If other readers prefer longer chapters as opposed to short ones, then I might have to write longer ones I guess.
Well, I think that pretty much covers it so on with the chapter…
Chapter 7
“Hold on. Everyone but Hinata”
The guard had a confused look on his face. “May I ask why, Lord Hyuuga?”
“If I understand correctly, my daughter seems to have a crush on the Kyuubi brat. It would not do well for her to find out about our plans and then run of to Tsunade. Gather all our available ninja and meet at the training grounds”
“Of course, sir”
The guard retreated out the door and within 1 hour, the Hyuuga compound training ground was full of the clan's finest, trust-worthy ninja. Many knew why they were here, but those who didn't kept calm and quiet nonetheless.
“The majority of you can probably guess as to why we are here. My spy that was keeping tabs on the Hokage, reported back to me earlier today. It would seem as though I was right, the Uzumaki has left the leaf. This doesn't follow our plans but still works in our favour. We now know the location of 3 Jinchuuriki”
“But Hyuuga-sama, how are we to take on a Bijuu with the numbers we have now?” A tall Hyuuga male questioned.
Hiashi smirked. “The head family holds many secrets, some of which most of the head family do not even know. There is more to the Byakugan then what has been taught in this village”
Everyone in the crowd got worried. If this was true, then not only had Hiashi been lying to them the whole time, but he could have gone after him a long time ago. Hiashi picked up on their questioning glances and glared at them.
“You are Hyuuga clan members. On these training grounds are over 50 members, all of whom I trust. However, if I were to tell all my secrets-” Hiashi stopped. Quickly he activated his Byakugan and stared at a particular spot in the surrounding forest. Leaping from tree to tree, not 200 metres away was a Leaf shinobi. Hiashi grinned and turned to his clan.
“It would seem as though we have a little spy. If this gets out, then everything will have been for nothing. I will take care of him; you all stay in formation and await my return”
Hiashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves and gave chase for the ninja. Hiashi appeared to be faster, as he was gaining on him. When Hiashi was about to jump onto a particular tree branch, the unknown shinobi turned to face him.
When Hiashi saw his face, he spoke. “Oh, if it isn't Raidou Namiashi. What are you doing here?”
The Special Jounin was growing worried. If he had to fight Hiashi, he would surely die. “I think the better question is what the hell your doing? Are you planning on betraying Konoha?”
Hiashi was getting angry. There was no way he would let a Konoha-nin ruin the plans of the Hyuuga clan. Getting into his Hyuuga style taijutsu stance, he reactivated his Byakugan and smiled.
Hiashi jumped at Raidou and aimed for a Chakra point on his chest. Raidou only just dodged and jumped backwards. Beginning his hand signs he spoke.
“Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu”
A ball of fire erupted from what appeared to be Raidou's mouth and aimed straight at Hiashi who stepped to the side with practised ease. Only then did he realise that another Raidou was behind him, preparing to attack.
`Shadow Clone? And to have created one before the battle even began shows he's worried' Hiashi thought as he smiled. The Shadow Clone Raidou threw several shuriken at Hiashi who began to emit chakra from all of his chakra points whilst spinning.
“8 Trigrams Palm Rotation” Hiashi soon became shrouded by a large force field that looked as though it was made of chakra. All of the oncoming shuriken were deflected away leaving a trembling Raidou in front of him.
“The Hyuuga will always be supreme. It is over. You're in range of my 8 Trigrams”
Raidou had just realised how close he was to Hiashi. He tried to back away but it was too late. Hiashi was already in his stance.
“Gentle Fist Art: 8 Trigrams 64 Palms” Doing a spin, Hiashi turned and prepared to attack.
“8 Trigrams 2 Palms” Hiashi then struck two chakra points on Raidou's body and continued his attack.
“4 Palms”
“8 Palms”
“16 Palms”
“32 Palms”
“8 Trigrams 64 Palms” Having all of his Chakra points closed, Raidou fell to the forest floor, staring up at Hiashi. A `poof' was heard signalling the Shadow Clone had disappeared. Hiashi smiled down at Raidou as he began to speak.
“Y-You w-w-wont get a-away with t-this” Raidou stuttered out as Hiashi used his Gentle Fist to aim at Raidou's heart, killing him.
“The classic `You wont get away with this' speech will not work on me. There is nothing that can be done to stop me”
Earth Country Border
Travelling with Gaara had its advantage's. One, he didn't have to stop to sleep because of his almost endless amount of stamina and Gaara's inability to sleep. Two, it would mean they would get there almost twice as fast. It was a good thing that the Village Hidden in the Stone's wasn't too far away for the border. Naruto had to find this Jinchuuriki as fast as he could. Although they hadn't come across any foreign ninja yet, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about something. It had been bugging him for a while now and so he turned to Gaara. Before he could speak however, Gaara opened his mouth.
“You feel it to, right Ninth?” Gaara said, while they were still running.
“For a while now. I don't know what it is though. By the way, do you find it hard to talk in these face masks?”
Gaara just looked at him. “If it were my choice, we wouldn't be wearing these right now. On another note, Im starving. We haven't eaten anything but ration bars in days.”
“Don't worry, look” Naruto pointed to a rather large cliff that went around in a large circle. “I've been told that the Stone Village is surrounded by rocky cliffs such as these. As soon as we get there, im finding a ramen stand and ordering 10 bowls”
Gaara stared at him again with a blank expression. “10 bowls?”
“What, im hungry. And I can't stay deprived of ramen for too long otherwise I might die”
“You'd better not die brat. Or ill make sure to haunt your rotting corpse for as long as hell exists”
Naruto shivered at the thought. “Kyuubi, since you're here, you can tell me something”
“Screw you”
Naruto frowned. “C'mon im serious. Now tell me, are you on good terms with the Rokubi?”
“Let's see. The last time me and Rokubi were face to face was when I was standing over the top of his body, after I'd just kicked its ass”
“Well that's great. I just hope his host doesn't hate you or ill be screwed”
Naruto was brought back to reality when he noticed a large town in the distance. He didn't applaud the Stone-nin for their choice location. What idiot's! It wasn't overly smart of them to put their Hidden Village so close to the nation's border. Oh well, it just made things all the easier for them.
Leaf Village Forest
Kakashi was startled when he received a call on his radio. Answering it, he found out it was the Hokage on the other end of the call.
“Kakashi, what's you current status?” Tsunade's voice was calm but held an equal amount of fear.
“We left the Konoha Gates earlier today and are now making our way towards the Fire Country border. Why do you ask?”
Tsunade sighed. “The body of Raidou Namiashi was found in Konoha forest earlier today. His killer tried to remove every trace that he was ever in the forest but forgot one thing.
“And that is?”
“That I am one consistent bitch. After examining the body for a while I was able to find the cause of death. A Gentle Fist attack to the heart”
Team 7 stopped where they were and looked to Neji. Neji was surprised and shocked at both time but somehow he knew what was going on. He didn't need Hiashi to paint the picture for him, because he already had the paint.
“Kakashi, it is not that I don't trust him, but im sending Hinata to keep Neji in check. You told me in an earlier report that Neji had been reporting to Hiashi. After this death, I have grown weary of the Hyuuga clan and I can not say whether I fully trust them. We must try to avoid Civil War at all costs, lest our enemies take advantage of the opportunity. If Orochimaru finds out we are having Inter-village problems, he will more then likely attack again”
“Understood, but what will Hinata be able to do to keep Neji in check?”
“I think you already know the powers the Main family hold over the branch” After Tsunade said this, Neji flinched. He never wanted to be under the control of the caged bird seal again. He was subjected to it once when Hanabi had grown impatient with Neji in a training exercise. Of course, Hiashi praised Hanabi for her ability to `keep Neji in line'
“Of course, thank you Tsunade-sama”
“You are most welcome. Just bring Naruto back. Hinata should arrive momentarily” As if on cue, Hinata called out from behind them. She immediately glared at Neji but smiled at the other 3.
“H-H-Hinata H-Hyuuga, reporting” Hinata stuttered out, her stutter seeming to be affected by the fact she was out of breath.
“Greetings Hinata-sama” Neji said, forcing himself to be polite to a Main family member.
“Hello, Neji-kun” Hinata greeted politely, but scowled inwardly.
“Ok, let's keep the greetings for later. We have a comrade to find and bring home safely”
“Yes” was the reply from Sakura, Hinata and Neji but Sasuke just continued to brood.
`If only there was a way to get the same power as Naruto. I would do ANYTHING to be stronger' And at that moment, his cursed seal burned and his body seared with pain. He then remembered what Orochimaru said when Kakashi thought Sasuke was asleep.
“Do you think that seal will help him? He is an avenger; he will take any power he can no matter how evil he knows it to be. Remember, he will seek me for power!”
End Flashback
`If this cursed seal is just a taste of what he can give me, then I wonder what the real thing is?'
A/N: Chapter 1-7 have now been completely revised and edited. Remember when I said Sasuke's defection may or may not happen? I've decided it will. I read a fanfic where Sasuke isn't such a bad guy and it's changed my views on him. However, I still hate Sakura to no end. Anyone ever watched the movie Swim fan? She's the kind of person you can picture in that chicks place. I know im taking a while to get Gaara and Naruto to the Stone village but I wanted to explain some things about the Hyuuga's plans first.
Since I haven't seen Raidou fight a great deal, I just gave him the all-to-popular Fireball Jutsu, since nearly every ninja in Konoha knows it. To those who don't know, Raidou is the Ninja who was the Third Hokage's assistant during the 3rd stage of the chuunin exams. He is also the guy who was with Genma when they confronted the Sound 4. Still don't know? He's the guy with the scar on the left side of his face.
Oh, and that last quote of Orochimaru's was the quote from the Japanese version of the anime. Since I don't have the English one here right now, it'll have to make do.
P.S. I had to find a guinea pig that was disposable for that Hiashi/Raidou fight. I think Genma is awesome and I don't really think any of the other Jounin should die just yet so Raidou was the only choice. Sorry to any Raidou fans.