Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Jinchuuriki Nine ❯ Part 1 Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Work, it's good for the money, but sucks when you are doing a boring job. Sorry I haven't updated already, but I got called into work on my days off. Nevertheless, I rushed home, and started my writing of Chapter 9. For those who immediately read this when I updated, you will notice a significant difference in the length of the chapter. I was disgusted at how long it was so I added on to it. Here it is.
Chapter 9
“So, I guess you have reconsidered?”
Ayaka turned to Gaara. “This is for my benefit as much as it is for yours. Also, after watching that fight I've decided I don't want to take them on myself” Gaara looked from Naruto to Ayaka and back again. Caught up in the fight, he hadn't noticed how fast Ayaka was moving. But before Gaara could ask, she spoke.
“As you obviously know, each Bijuu has a special technique, unique to them alone. Shukaku controls sand, Kyuubi has almost unlimited Chakra but also uses fire techniques and Rokubi uses advanced lightning attacks and is second to none in speed. I bet you're wondering why a Bijuu who uses lightning would be sealed within a Stone Ninja. Its simple, I guess it was a coincidence that Shukaku was sealed in a Sand ninja and Kyuubi in a Lea…HEY ARE YOU LISTENING!?”
Gaara had long since lost interest in what Ayaka was saying and was now tending to Naruto. Ayaka was completely lost in her explaining she hadn't noticed Gaara take him. He started working on taking the long grass blades from Naruto's legs and was surprised when it started healing.
“I'll be fine, just stop pushing that one further in” Naruto said, having regained consciousness and was now trying to push Gaara off, who was leaning on one of the blades. Gaara quickly removed the remaining ones in Naruto's leg and continued running. “So, Ayaka-chan, you're really coming with us?”
Ayaka was still pretty annoyed at Gaara's arrogance but answered the hurt Jinchuuriki. “Sure why not. Anyway, my clothes have your blood all over them. Give me one of them robes” Naruto reached for his bag and tossed her a black robe before coming to a stop with Gaara by his side. The two just stood there when a fist connected with Naruto's face. However, Naruto disappeared and a log took his place.
“Hey, that would have hurt”
“Idiot's, go away while im trying to get changed” Ayaka said with a blush on her face.
“Oh, is that all?” Naruto and Gaara ran off to a safe distance, and sat down waiting for Ayaka to return. Gaara broke the silence that had somehow come over them. “Ninth, I hate to say this but we have no idea where any other Jinchuuriki are”
Naruto frowned. Yes, it was true. Finding Ayaka was by far the luckiest thing that had happened to them but they were without a clue where to look for another. Suddenly, Naruto got an idea and turned to face Gaara. “Hey, what if some of them left their village? That would make them Homeless-nin and much easier to convince to join us”
“That's a great idea. Now, shall we search all of the Land of Lightning before the Land of Water?” Naruto sighed, their chances of finding a Jinchuuriki among Homeless-nin were slim, but having to search a complete country for one? That was insane. By now, Ayaka had returned sporting black robes with her Stone forehead protector attached to the back of said robe. Ayaka did a spin to show off her new outfit but Naruto threw a kunai straight at her, she only just dodged and it missed by millimetres. Naruto kept an impassive look on his face as Ayaka walked towards him and kicked him hard in the shin.
“IDIOT! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?” Ayaka yelled but was obviously over-looking something; the fact that the kunai didn't completely miss.
“Ahh, you moron. I was just scratching your Stone forehead protector” Ayaka turned and pulled the back of the robe around to see it was indeed scratched and smiled while scratching the back of her head.
“Sorry, Ninth”
Fire Country Border
Team 7, accompanied by the two Hyuuga had just passed the Fire Country border and were now travelling in a diagonal direction. If all went to plan, they would pass through the Waterfall/Grass gap without being noticed and proceed into Earth Country. All 5 kept running towards their target but Hinata couldn't help but wonder. Wonder what hardships Naruto would be going through right now. Yes, she had fallen in love with his `Never-give-up' attitude but she still couldn't believe he had lied to her. But then again, why would he tell her who he really was. Kakashi suddenly stopped and turned to the 4 Genin.
“All of you stop. It is far too uncertain whether there are enemy ninja up ahead so im going to call in for some assistance” Kakashi winked as he bit his thumb and performing hand signs.
“Summoning Jutsu” Kakashi placed his hand to the ground as a large dog appeared in front of him, with a much smaller dog atop his head. Pakkun let out a tired yawn and rubbed his eye with his paw.
“Yo Kakashi, what's up?” Pakkun's voice didn't do a good job in hiding his uninterested mood.
“Pakkun, I would like the both of you to travel on ahead and patrol for enemy ninja. If you spot any, inform me right away. You are not to engage the enemy in combat, understood?” Pakkun nodded as he and the other canine dashed on forwards. Kakashi faced the Genin once again and spoke.
“All of you remove your forehead protectors now. Earth and Leaf are long time enemies and if we are spotted infiltrating their Hidden Village then it will be highly unlikely that War will be avoided” Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata removed theirs without so much as a second though whereas Neji hesitated. Deciding to get it over with, he took his forehead protector off and quickly turned away. Sensing why he did so, Kakashi walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You do not have to try and hide it, Neji. It is who you are and you cannot change that. It is destiny” Kakashi added this last bit as an after-thought for the situation and Neji turned to face the squad. Sakura gasped and Hinata looked away. Sasuke seemed bored and Kakashi turned to keep running. Sakura, being the loud and curious person she is, spoke first.
“What the hell is that?” Neji merely glared at her and spoke.
“This is hell. This mark on my head marks me as a branch family member and gives the main family power over my actions” Deciding to leave it there, Kakashi jumped off with the Genin and continued there vigorous mission to the man they so desperately wanted to find.
Outskirts of Stone Village
Zetsu looked in the direction where the Jinchuuriki had retreated to. He had gone easy on them so as to lure the other one out but he hadn't anticipated that one would be so fast. He could barely keep up with the movements of whoever had saved the two. In fact, only a select few techniques would be able to neutralize abilities such as that. Slowly he merged with the earth beneath and instantly travelled far away to the hideout in River Country. Removing the seal on the large boulder blocking the entrance, he made his way in to see two holographic figures talking to each other. One appeared to be Pein, the other was an unknown figure in robes that disappeared the moment he saw him. Pein turned to Zetsu and spoke.
“You are early Zetsu; you will have to wait a while for the meeting to begin”
“Master, I encountered the Jinchuuriki outside the Stone Village-”
“Needless to say you failed to retrieve them?” Pein started walking away towards the back of the cave while Zetsu tried following, but collapsed from the pain in his leg. Or more precisely, where his leg used to be.
“I had immobilized one and almost the second but the one that was hiding saved them. I did gather some information on the Rokubi container though. She goes by the name of Ayaka and appears to be around the age of Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara of the Sand. The only information on her abilities that I could get was her extreme speed and apparent use of lightning based techniques”
“Understood, I will have Kakuza fix your leg once the meeting commences. Zetsu, how much did you see earlier before I noticed you?”
Zetsu look up to Pein once again and remembered what he saw when he entered the hideout. “I saw you speaking with a robed man. I only saw him for less then 5 seconds before he disappeared”
Pein sighed. Something he didn't do often. “You will not repeat what you saw here to any of the other members. You will all know soon enough but until then, this stays top secret”
“Yes sir, but was that man -” Zetsu was cut off by a large bang just outside the entrance to the cave. Turning around, Zetsu could see Deidara stumbling inside with Sasori behind him.
“Im telling you Master Sasori, if you didn't wear that puppet all the time you might be able to get a girl-” Deidara stopped when he saw Zetsu and Pein in front of him while Sasori sighed. Pein turned to Zetsu and spoke in a cold voice. “You will forget it”
“Y-Yes Master” Zetsu turned to Deidara and glared. “You two are always getting here early. You still need to find your Jinchuuriki and in your case, Deidara, locate where your's has gone off to”
Pein faced the other 3 and motioned them forward. “The meeting will commence now. Take your places at the far end of the cave”
Hokage Tower
“You wished to see me, Hokage-sama?” Hiashi was now standing in the doorway to Tsunade's office where she was sitting at her desk looking up at him. Hiashi knew why he was here; he just hoped the Tsunade didn't know the extent of what he had done.
“Hiashi Hyuuga, as you know, the body of Raidou Namiashi was found in the Konoha Forest, less then 500 metres to the Hyuuga Compound. After examining it thoroughly, I determined that the cause of death was a Gentle Fist attack to the heart. As of now, an A-Rank investigation will take place involving all the members of the Hyuuga. To aid me with this, I have the help of Inoichi Yamanaka” Said man stepped out from the corner of the room, and walked towards Tsunade, “Using his Family's Jutsu”
Hiashi mentally cursed, he knew of the Yamanaka family's ability to invade ones mind and if this happened, their plans would be ruined. Conversely, if he made a run for it, he would be found out for sure. There was but one thing he could do and that was to try and resist the Mind Transfer.
Stepping forward, Inoichi put his hands together and faced Hiashi.
“Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu” Inoichi's technique replaced Hiashi's mind with his own and he began exploring his memories. Working his way further back, he came to a stop at a scene in the Konoha Forest. Hiashi had just performed the 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation of Raidou and was now continuing on to attack. Inoichi's eyes widened at what he was seeing. Hiashi had just finished off Raidou and retreated out of the forest. Inoichi tried to go further back but found that he couldn't and was forced out.
“What is it Inoichi, what did you see?” Tsunade yelled at a wide-eyed Inoichi who was pointing at Hiashi and trembling. Hiashi smirked slightly at this.
“I-It w-was hi-him. He killed Ra-Raidou” Tsunade closed her eyes for a moment and faced Hiashi.
“Why would you do that Hiashi? Why would you kill a fellow Leaf Shinobi?”
“That is none of your concern. However, since I've been caught, I guess you will be trying to assassinate the Hyuuga for treason?” After Hiashi finished his sentence, Tsunade made a small hand movement and 4 ANBU members jumped through the window along with Guy. One charged at Hiashi and seemed to punch him, but Hiashi merely grinned. Releasing chakra from all of his chakra point at once in addition to spinning, Hiashi announced his technique.
“8 Trigrams Palm Rotation”
The ANBU member was thrown back and the floor beneath Hiashi collapsed, from which he disappeared into. The remaining 3 ANBU members gave chase. Guy prepared to jump through the hole but was stopped by Tsunade, who had a serious look on her face.
“Guy I want you to go after Kakashi. Two of the Hyuuga are with him and though I want to trust Hinata, I can't after knowing this. Give him backup should he need it. You may take Lee but I will need everyone else here. The Hyuuga clan have betrayed us and will now pay the full price. If you encounter any Leaf ninja still in the Country, tell them to send half their forces back if they are below B-Rank”
“Yes” Guy disappeared out of Tsunade's office and with a rather loud `bang' removed his weights, taking off after Kakashi at full pace.
“Inoichi, inform the clan head's of the Hyuuga's betrayal and gather the Leaf's military strength. It is uncertain if Hiashi has contacts with enemy nations and if he does, then we must avoid a war at all costs”
“Yes” Inoichi ran out when Shizune came through the door shouting.
“Tsunade-sama, Hyuuga clan members have begun attacking the western side of Konoha. The Nara clan is holding them off until reinforcements arrive”
Tsunade sighed in frustration, this wasn't her day. “Send our fastest messenger bird to the Sand and request their assistance. Have our-” Tsunade stopped as she heard a noise outside her window and a loud thump. A large man jumped through the window and she didn't realise who it was until after she had thrown a kunai. Jiraiya blocked it and set an unconscious Hyuuga man on the ground.
“First Naruto and now this. You should call back Team 7 now to help with the situation. You must realise now that this will lead to civil war. Im going to go to my contacts in the outer villages of Fire Country and gather the shinobi that have been placed there”
“Do what you will, just come back” Jiraiya disappeared out of her office as Tsunade turned to Shizune. “Send Asuma's team to help the Nara clan along with Anko, Kurenai and Genma. Evacuate the academy students to the Stone faces and make sure they are well guarded. This is to be considered a war on Konoha and treated as such”
Akatsuki Hideout, River Country
Pein was now sitting at the long table at the back of the cave surrounded by all 8 other members. Zetsu's subordinate, Tobi, was also present.
“This is the first meeting with all members present here in many years. Do you all know why you are here?” Pein asked and was greeted with murmurings around the table.
Hidan was the first to speak. “Because we have all failed to locate any of our targets, with the exception of Itachi”
“That is correct. Retrieving the Kyuubi at this point would be pointless when you consider we have to extract and seal it last. Deidara, what information have you on your Jinchuuriki's whereabouts?”
Deidara coughed nervously, “After he ran off with the Kyuubi container, I have lost all contact of him. I believe he may still be in Earth Country, according to Zetsu”
“Pein, if I may interrupt” Tobi walked towards the table. This was followed by Kisame coughing and Sasori shouting his frustration.
“You, who are not an Akatsuki member, are ordering our leader what to-”
“That is enough Sasori, please continue Tobi” Pein interrupted him and motioned Tobi forward.
“My contacts in Konoha have alerted me to a matter currently in the Leaf Village” Tobi turned to Sasori when he growled.
“You moron, it was my subordinate in Fire Country who told me. You merely overheard it” Sasori could only barely keep himself from piercing Tobi with a kunai.
“Liar! Liar, Liar, Liar” Tobi shouted out at Sasori. Pein was growing tired of the constant bickering of the two and interrupted before the argument got out of hand.
“Please continue Tobi”
“As I was saying, not long ago, Konoha erupted into a Civil war against the Hyuuga clan betrayal. We can use this to our advantage however, in finally eliminating the remains of that clan”
“And just how the hell could that help us Tobi. What interest do we have in the Hyuuga clan?” Sasori yelled at Tobi.
“I wasn't talking about the Hyuuga”
Pein chose now to speak. “Thank your for your information Tobi. Sasori, I want you to accompany Itachi and Kisame in finding information. Deidara, you will go with Hidan and Kakuza. However, you know of their fighting styles so stay out of any fights that you encounter whilst with them. Zetsu, you will come with Konan and I. The next couple of years will be spent gathering information only, and in exactly 2 years, you will all report here. If the opportunity arises to capture a Jinchuuriki, bring them here and I will call for an extracting and sealing meeting. Now, you may leave. Kakuza, I would like you to fix Zetsu's leg first”
With Team 7
Pakkun had just appeared in front of the group and was talking to Kakashi. After a short conversation, he disappeared and Kakashi turned to the Genin.
“Good news, Naruto is less then 2km ahead. Gaara of the Sand and an unknown female are with them. Everyone, prepare yourselves. Only use extreme force when necessary, we are not trying to kill. Sakura and Hinata, I want you two to stay out of this fight unless dragged in. If for some reason I, Neji and Sasuke are defeated, you will have to fight them. However, this is highly unlikely”
The Genin all shouted “Yes” and the 5 dashed off straight over the Earth Country border.
A/N: Well, I took a while to get this chapter out but it was my longest yet. I am going to tell you all now that the 2.5 year gap will take place, but it wont all be the same. You have probably noticed by now that there aren't many fight scenes and/or aren't long enough chapters. There is a simple reason for this. Over the next few chapters, I will make up for this. Also, I hate writing fight scenes but I try my best nonetheless.