Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Jinchuuriki Nine ❯ Part 1 Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, who would have thought I would be writing Chapter 11. It was really surprising how far this fanfic has come. As I have probably mentioned before, I didn't expect this story to last past Chapter 2 or 3 considering how short my attention span is, but I've really grown to love writing this.
Ya-ya-chan: Hey, thanks for reviewing. I don't normally write comments to every single person but Im glad that you don't mind the shorter chapters. Hope you enjoy this one.
Chapter 11
`Does that mean he's here now?'
Kyuubi nodded.
“Look kit, I won't lie to you. When I was first sealed within you I wanted you to die a slow and painful death. However, you have changed my views on you completely. I have accepted the fact that I will remain within you till one of us dies. Besides, I wouldn't want to have your body”
`What the hell does this have to do with my father?'
“You could draw his soul out of the seal right now and it would take the form of the body he used when he was alive but that would also mean I would be free to kill you and take over your body. I've decided I won't but I can understand if you don't trust me; so you will have to summon me temporarily”
Wasting no time, Naruto focused his gaze upon Kakashi and Body flickered away from his comrades so that he didn't injure them. Biting his thumb and proceeding with hand seals, he placed his hand to the ground and pushed an insane amount of chakra into the summoning.
“Summoning Jutsu”
Kakashi gasped as the Kyuubi appeared in all its demonic glory. Immediately, Naruto took his place on the Kyuubi's head. Just before he entered his mindscape, Kyuubi whispered to him.
“Don't take too long kit, remember what I said about my inability to heal you”
Nodding, Naruto appeared in front of the Kyuubi's vacant cage. Placing his hands into the tiger seal, Naruto focused on the seal holding the cage. Pushing a small amount of his own chakra into the seal, it responded by glowing an eerie green before a green beam shot out from the seal, coming to a halt in front of Naruto. Slowly, it took on the form of a man, a man with long blonde hair. A red and white cloak covered his back whilst on the inside he wore a standard Jounin uniform and a Leaf forehead protector atop his head. Upon being released from the confines of the seal, Minato tripped a bit, unable to walk effectively having not been able to for nearly 15 years. Naruto cleared his throat and Minato immediately looked up and his eyes widened. Turning around and noticing that the fox wasn't in the cage, Minato came to one conclusion; Kyuubi had taken over Naruto's body. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the look on the former Hokage's face and stepped back when Minato started forming a Rasengan.
“You beast, now you've killed my son as well?” Jumping up, he thrust his hand forward towards Naruto's stomach which narrowly missed. Naruto had been so shocked by the Fourth's speed that he only just moved to the side in time. Glaring at Minato, he spoke.
“Kyuubi hasn't taken over my body. I summoned him to fight while I talk to you”
Suddenly, realization hit Minato like a ton of bricks. He designed the seal so it was near impossible for the Kyuubi to take over Naruto's body and even if the seal had weakened, Naruto would have had to enter the cage. As Minato stared at his son, his eyes started to water. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing his younger self.
“Na-Naruto? You might not know me but-”
“I know who you are. Kyuubi explained the reasons as to why you sealed him within me and I can understand you had no choice. I just wanted to meet my father” Naruto smiled as he walked forward to hug his dad. It was a weird feeling, having only just met the man moments before and it was equally awkward that this was the Hokage that pretty much saved Konoha in the Stone/Leaf war. Feeling a little inadequate compared to this man, Naruto stepped back.
“Naruto, if I could go back to that day and change the outcome, I would. I over-reacted before because Kyuubi disabled me from seeing through the seal again. Throughout your life, he has been letting me see glimpses through your prospective. When he suddenly shut that link off, I got worried. I've watched how you were treated as a child and I have lost respect for most in Konoha. I think you are doing a smart thing right now and im proud of you. I suggest you go back to the fight, we can talk later”
As Naruto smiled a thought crossed his mind. “Is it possible for you to remain in this form instead of that seal?”
“Hoping to see a bit more of your old man?” Minato grinned and scratched the back of his head. “If you wish it, I will do it”
Returning to the battlefield, Naruto nearly fell off when Kyuubi jumped to the side. Naruto grinned when spoke. “Hey Kyuubi, I thought Kakashi would be finished off by now. Maybe you're going soft”
“Idiot, im doing a favour” Kyuubi said as he disappeared from the field, leaving Kakashi and Naruto.
Sasuke and Ayaka
Ayaka had just landed a kick through the Uchiha's defence continued fighting him with everything she had. But despite all of her efforts, he kept coming back at her as if he wasn't getting tired. It was almost like he was getting stronger. No, she realised, she was getting weaker. Prolonged use of the Curse seal had resulted in Stamina exhaustion and Ayaka felt ready to collapse.
`Guess I'll have to go out with a bang then' Ayaka thought as she almost completely used the rest of her Stamina to run behind Sasuke. Holding onto his shoulders, Ayaka channelled Chakra for her ultimate attack.
“Secret Lightning Art: Two Pronged Lightning Rod”
Ayaka and Sasuke were immediately struck by a bolt of lightning from the sky and slumped to the ground, unconscious and on the brink of death. Seeing his fallen comrade dieing before his eyes, Gaara lashed out. Neji had just used the Rotation and Gaara had an idea. Covering the chakra surrounding Neji with sand, Gaara continued to push his own chakra into it so it did not crumble away. As soon as the Rotation ended, Gaara had used a vast amount of his chakra. Neji instantly aimed a Gentle Fist attack at the sand wall in front of him and ran through before it hardened again but Gaara's sand grabbed his right arm. Slowly it slithered up and up until Gaara thought that it was sufficient.
“Sand Coffin”
Neji tried with all of his strength to be free of the sand but to no avail…he was trapped.
“Sand Burial” Gaara closed his opened hand as Neji screamed in pain when the sand crushed his right arm. Sprinting up so that he was facing Neji, Gaara drew 2 kunai and threw them at the Hyuuga's chest, but hit nothing fatal. Quickly delivering a punch to Neji's stomach, the Hyuuga fell to the ground unconscious. He turned Naruto's fight and ran to his friend's side.
Kakashi was slightly worried. He now had to deal with two Jinchuuriki. Naruto held out his hand and formed a Rasengan before charging at Kakashi. Just as he got within a metre of Kakashi, fate decided to join the fight in the form of Guy.
“Leaf Whirlwind”
Naruto blocked Guy's kick just in time. Looking up, Naruto could see Konoha's Taijutsu specialist with Rock Lee beside him. They were both standing in front of Kakashi with a determined look on their faces.
“Naruto, you have proven your unyouthfullness here today buy injuring my eternally youthful student and your youthful team-mates. Your flames of youth used to burn so brightly that it almost blinded my handsome, manly eyes” Guy said with a nice guy pose.
Naruto nodded to Gaara who disappeared, only to reappear next to Ayaka. Lifting her up over his shoulder, he ran back to Naruto. Gaara quickly began a series of hand seals and put his hands in front of him.
“Earth Style: Giant Sand Prison”
What appeared to be the ground below shifted a bit before a tremendous amount of sand shot up all around the Konoha ninja. Not having enough time to escape, Kakashi copied the Jutsu into his memory as the sand formed a massive shell around them.
Inoichi and his fellow clan members stood less then 500 metres outside the battle zone. Making a gesture with his hand, the Yamanaka Clan ran towards the fight to find that the Nara clan had already taken care of most of the Hyuuga. Deciding to help with the rest, Inoichi disposed of the remaining Hyuuga. Having just seen the Head of the Nara Clan, Inoichi Body Flickered beside him.
“Shikaku, we'll finish this up. You go and inform the Hokage about the Hyuuga's status.
“If you're sure Inoichi” Shikaku threw a kunai at a Hyuuga mans heart before he and the other Nara reported to the Hokage Tower.
Naruto and Gaara
“Lets go, she needs a Hospital” Gaara said, a little eager to get moving.
“Sounds like you two are pretty close huh?” Naruto grinned when Gaara blushed but they kept walking. Gaara adjusted Ayaka so that she wouldn't fall and they dashed off. Naruto briefly looked back to the Sand Prison where his old team-mates were trapped until Gaara severed the chakra connection between him and the sand. When they continued running, Gaara heard Ayaka groan a bit and smiled.
`At least she's alive'
Sand Prison
“Dammit, they escaped” Kakashi was circling around the dome of sand and faced Guy. “What should we do?”
Guy put a finger to his chin to signal he was thinking and was almost jumping up and down when looked at Kakashi. “I have a plan, my rival. We should play a game to pass the time”
“GREAT IDEA GUY-SENSEI” Lee shouted and began making suggestions for possible games. Kakashi just sweat-dropped and started giving the Genin first-aid. Turning around, Kakashi saw that Guy and Lee were playing charades and smirked at Lee who had is hands to his face and his forehead protector around his head but covering his eye. It was the best impression of Kakashi that he had seen in a while.
“Lee, you truly are a genius. I have no idea who you are”
Lee turned to look at Guy and kept a blank expression. “You say something Guy?”
“Aha hahaha” Kakashi couldn't help but laugh a bit but continued to tend to the injured.
Hokage Tower
Shikaku entered the Tsunade's office, which surprisingly enough didn't have ANBU guards, only to find Shizune yelling at no-one in particular.
“HOW CAN THE COUNCIL PICK HIM OF ALL PEOPLE!? IT'S NARUTO'S DREAM TO BE HOKAGE, NOT HIS” Shizune continued her yelling as Tsunade faced Shikaku.
`Women, so very troublesome' Shikaku thought before Tsunade spoke.
“Yes, the Hyuuga who attacked the western side of Konoha have been disposed of. The remainder have retreated to the Forest of Death where we believe they are keeping all of their forces”
“And there they can stay for a while. Hopefully the snakes will kill a few of them. I don't know what they hope to accomplish by attacking a whole ninja village by themselves. The only plausible explanation is that they have allies outside the village”
“If that be the case, then they will need to make the proper preparations assuming they haven't already. This should give us some time to prepare” Jiraiya spoke from his seat on the window. Tsunade turned to him with a hopeful expression.
“Did you bring ninja from villages of the Fire Country?”
“Yes, but along with them came all the villagers. They made a valid point that if the ninja left, there is a high risk of them being attacked. However, the ninja that I did bring strengthened our numbers substantially” Jiraiya finished with a sigh. “Akatsuki are on the move, it won't be long until they come for him”
Village outside Earth Country border
Naruto and Gaara were lucky enough to find a small hospital that was capable of healing Ayaka not far from there the fight took place. The two were in the waiting room when Naruto heard a voice from his mind. Immediately entering his mindscape, he found the Fourth Hokage standing at the far end of the room.
“I guess we can have that talk” Naruto said with a smile.
“I guess so, but while we have that talk, im going to train you. I have a lot of techniques that could be very helpful. Also, I have to talk to you about your adventure. I may know the location of a Jinchuuriki or two. I helped in sealing many things while I was alive. I was an exceptional seal master and that will be one of the things I'll be teaching you. But to get this information, you will have to learn a technique which got me the name `Yellow Flash of Konoha'. It's called the Flying Thunder God Technique”
“Got it” Naruto turned to leave, but was stoped by an arm on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Minato smiling at him.
“Thank you for not killing him”
“No problem, dad”
Naruto turned to see Ayaka limping out of the hospital room and stood in front of them.
“Im not to use chakra for a few weeks and my arm needs time to heal. I have serious burns and my chakra points were closed on it” Ayaka said with a smile. Naruto looked at her and Gaara and grinned.
“Let's go”
A/N: For those wondering why Ayaka would be exhausted? Simple. The curse seal may give her Rokubi's chakra but she doesn't have Naruto's nearly endless Stamina. Oh and I needed a way to finish the battle with Sasuke and Ayaka so if getting struck by a bolt of lightning and surviving isn't realistic, then I don't know lol. I had to because Ayaka's techniques are lightning based.
Well, the 2.5 year gap will take place now and the next chapter will be Naruto's return.
Ok, age's. I've decided to clear this up now, so the confusion doesn't continue.
Naruto: 14
Rookie Nine: 12-13
Neji/TenTen/Lee: 14
Gaara: 14
Temari: 15-16
Kankuro: 14-15
Ayaka: 14-15
I clear this up now so that you can calculate for the 2.5 year gap. If people really want, I guess I can put down the older ninja's ages =/ Anyway, I will have the next chapter out as soon as I feel up to it. I can tell you all now; it is going to be awesome. Lots planned.