Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy of Fire ❯ Recruits ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author’s Note: Oh my goodness! I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while, work and the holidays had me tied up but I’m back with gusto!!! *_* I would recommend listening to the Naruto OST while reading these because these chapters were written while listening to them :) Anywho, enjoy this chapter, ONWARDS!!!


Aiko slowly and forcefully opened her eyes as she lay in bed. It had been almost a week since she had gotten out of the hospital and she was feeling it. “No training for…for…wait, how many days? I swear I’m going to have my ass handed to me soon…” she thought, her face contorted in disdain. She was staring up at the ceiling, the back of her hand on her forehead and her normally bright blue eyes seemingly dull and exhausted. Dragging herself out of bed, she took a quick glance in the mirror and reminded herself just what this day was. It was a search and destroy er, recover mission. Finishing her mundane routine of getting prepared, eating breakfast, and giving her brother the noogie of a lifetime, Aiko ran (or should I say flew) out of her house and out to the Hyuuga compound.

Once again, Aiko treaded almost weightlessly across rooftops and apartment balconies, her pastel hair fluttering behind without restraint. Her face was written with worry as she contemplated the complex tactics required to retrieve the needed information. “It’s possible that the clan information is in another location, but such a unique trait like those eyes…it has to be there. If I’ve never heard about it, there can’t be any other place.” Aiko confirmed mentally, her destination in sight. With an agile and over-styled round off, Aiko leapt over the front gate. Although she had to have the best manners of any young woman, there’s one thing she considers more important than manners in this kind of situation…her life! The Hyuuga compound was laced with traps meant to ensnare any unwelcome visitors onto the property, some of which were meant to do a bit more than simply catch an intruder. Plus, she did not want to stir up any suspicions or have any loose ends untied when the self-assigned mission was completed.

Quickly forming the hand seals for a jutsu, she tightly pushed her back against the outer laying wall of the property. However, the jutsu she was about to use was not a basic one, but one she had come up with a few years ago to prevent any unwanted peeping from Kenshirou, for he, believe it or not, is a reformed pervert. Although became one without being completely cognizant of the reason his beloved cousin wanted him to do it, he still did it. However, reminiscing on the past had to wait. Gently, Aiko picked herself up and used her chakra to adhere herself to a large tree nearby. She climbed it the tree to the very top, careful as to not trip any surprises hidden in that specific area. Aiko surveyed her surroundings, her brows knit tightly together as she noticed a few Hyuuga guarding the perimeter. “God! I swear no one ever comes out to check this far!,” Aiko clenched her fist “Leave it to me to come on the day I actually need no one out here!”  She didn’t want to use a distraction, and a henge wouldn’t do either. Currently she was suppressing her chakra to the point of what would be perceived as death, so not to rouse any Hyuuga clan members. This was a skill that came naturally to her however, it reduced her ability for jutsu and she needed to be quick if she used one. She narrowed her eyes and thought it best to employ the help of a friend.

Quickly letting go of her current jutsu, she bit her thumb and formed the necessary hand seals, laying her hand on a nearby branch. A puff of smoke appeared and in it, a small orange toad. “You rang?” Aiko smiled with a wide grin. “Okay Gama-ki-chi,” she made sure to say his name extra sweet “I need a big favor.”

He replied, “Anything for Aiko.”

She scooped him up in both arms and sat on a nearby branch. “I need you to find Kenshirou for me and tell him where I am. I can’t go much further without alerting any Hyuuga on the premises.” She said with a stern look her face. “Yes Ma’m!” Gamakichi then hopped from her arms, downward branch to branch and finally against the tree line.

Wiping the sweat from her brow she commented something inaudible under her breath and re-employed her special suppression technique, waiting for Gamakichi to return with Kenshirou.


Gamakichi currently was sticking to the underside of a roof that was, how do you say, more than preferably high off the ground. “Kenshirou, Kenshirou, Kenshirou…” he chanted in hopes that would help him find Aiko’s needed person. Gamakichi had met Kenshirou before when he was first summoned by Aiko with the help of Naruto. Of course, he failed to realize that Naruto didn’t summon him but a peculiar pink-haired girly with sparkling blue eyes and one of the biggest grin’s he had ever seen plastered to her face. Suddenly, Gamakichi heard a familiar voice.

“It’s him!”

Gamakichi agilely leapt onto the nearby windowsill and peered inward to Kenshirou’s room. It was like any normal boys room except for one thing- it was huge! Although it was made entirely of what appeared to be a Zen décor with ancient Shinto scrolls framed and hung, there were still signs of the boy’s wealthy heritage, mainly a series of costly artifacts paired with what appeared to be a solid gold idol adorned with precious stones. He stared in wonder as the stones glistened in the daylight, kissing the surrounding walls with hints of color. Mesmerized by the spectacle before him, he nearly forgot his duty until he heard another familiar voice echo into the room.

“Yo, Shirou’ how about we go to check out some chicks at the plaza? Huh?” It was Hiroshi, estranged perv/ninja/cousin to our dear Kenshirou who appeared bored out of his wits as he plopped back onto the tatami strewn floor.

“No thanks…” Kenshirou replied a look of sadness gracing his features as he rested his head on a sole hand and stared at a small bonsai in a porcelain pot. Hiroshi wasn’t one to let his cousin sulk like that so he always had to figure away to lighten up the mood.

“So, your wife bugging you already?” he said sarcastically, his wide grin displaying ferocious canines.

Kenshirou laughed and threw a book at him without even turning around, knocking Hiroshi in the head. Hiroshi rubbed his head in pain as Kenshirou replied “Aiko’s grounded and I haven’t been able to talk to her in what seems like forever.”

“Aww how sweet…” Hiroshi sat up with his legs crossed only to start making kissy noises as he petted a sleeping Bin.

“Shut up. I just want to see her…and –“

“Kiss her and love her and” That comment promptly landed Hiroshi a not-so-pleasant meeting with Kenshirou’s fist.

Kenshirou then sat next to Hiroshi, who was rubbing his sore jaw, and said with a serious look “She’s only my girlfriend…but not for long.”

Their conversation was soon interrupted when Hiroshi made a sudden pause and began sniffing the air. A sleeping Bin awoke to the sudden movements of his master, his ears stiffening and his snout pointing to the window. “Dude, something’s here” he said, narrowing his eyes towards a window while Kenshirou stood into his fighting stance of choice and pulled out a kunai. As Hiroshi crawled low to the ground, his body in an animalistic fashion, he heard the faint tapping and what he thought was someone calling out a muffled name. As soon as he saw what, or rather who, it was, he bounded towards the window and with inhuman speed, unlocked the three latches and hoisted in the tiny orange toad.

“Hey Kenshirou, we have a visitor.” Kenshirou slowly let go of his stance and went over to see what Hiroshi meant. When he saw who it was Kenshirou bent down and asked him why he had scaled the main house for since there was a front door.

“Aiko’s here. She’s in a tree and we need to go find her. I have a feeling there’s a mission and the way she looked, it must be important.” No sooner than he finished, Gamakichi hopped away and towards the open window. Kenshirou’s face had brightened up considerably as he heard the news. She was here, and free at that. Hiroshi meanwhile seemed a bit disgruntled. What was he supposed to do? He didn’t want to be a bother but upon seeing Kenshirou jump out the window, Hiroshi decided it was best if he tagged along. Hey, what if they needed reinforcements? Before leaving, Hiroshi told a disappointed Bin it was best for him to stay there and received a small whine but when the bribe of all you can eat treats came, Bin set his head down and received a scratch on the head. Hiroshi then closed the door and left a note a bedside table that read ‘went to plaza, be back later’ in chicken scratch. By later, he meant ‘3 hours after curfew’. Ah, Hiroshi’s logic.


Aiko was becoming highly impatient, tapping her fingers on her thigh, her frown deepening every second until she finally slammed her fist down, she tree shedding unwanted leaved from the tremors. “Gamakichi, where are you?! It’s been too long! I hope he didn’t get distracted…” Aiko was definitely not a happy camper by this point. She, for one, has zero patience, a temper that even rivals that of her mother’s, and strength that could probably mutilate the tree she was currently sitting in, into splinters. Thank heavens she didn’t do that (the tremor had already attracted some attention).

“Jeez hon, take a chill pill would’ya? Patience is a virtue you know…” Inner Aiko announced, casually reclining in the farthest reaches of Aiko’s min

“I can’t wait anymore! Time’s wasting away and besides, I don’t particularly pride myself on being virtuous anyways.” Aiko told her mental doppelganger, crossing her arms and pouting.

“True…but just think about it, you’ll get to see your man candy soon and figure out what those eyes mean.”

“GAH! I’m happy about seeing Kenshirou but…”

“But what?

“…every time I think back to that moment when I saw those red eyes…I get the creeps and my skin crawls”

“I know, he seemed nice but his vibe was almost malevolent…very scary..”

Finally calming down, Aiko became somewhat stoic as she thought back to the eyes. She was determined to find out who has such an ability and how he knew her. Better yet, why was there an air of familiarity with his chakra signature? Biting her lip, she frowned. She was grateful but the fact still remained- Aiko knew nothing of the ninja who had saved her much less one with brilliant red eyes that had unique markings on them. She knew that presence from somewhere but she couldn’t place it. Who was he? What was he? She was already deep in thought by the time Gamakichi appeared in her lap. “Aiko! Both big brothers are here!” Both big brothers? Curious about his statement she looked down only to see her beloved man candy smiling upwards.

“It’s been a long time, Aiko” Kenshirou said with those eyes of his that made her heart become like mush. She felt like a giddy school girl all over again. Jumping off the tree (simultaneously forgetting who was on her lap) she almost glided down from her roost and into Kenshirou’s arms. A quick peck on his lips was enough to make her blush.


She had completely forgotten who the other ‘big brother’ was. Quickly letting go of her embrace with Kenshirou, she tucked a stray pink strand behind her ear and sheepishly looked towards Hiroshi who, at the present moment, had his arms crossed and was looking at them and shaking his head. Baring his fangs, Hiroshi broke the awkward silence “So what’s so important that you couldn’t see us in person and use the door?” Aiko smiled, feigning her innocence. “Um…well, remember the mission we just had?” she struggled to find the words on how to explain the story. “You see, I had a run in with a…strange ninja.”

Hiroshi and Kenshirou looked at each other bewildered.

“I think we all had an encounter with ‘strange ninja’” Hiroshi made quotation marks in the air “I think she’s lost it.”

Aiko sighed. “No, I mean a really strange nin. Like, one with….I don’t know, red eyes.”

Hiroshi laughed a little, his hands placed behind his head. “Aiko, I hate to break this to you but there are lots of shinobi out there with red eyes. Look at Kurenai and Asuma. They both have red eyes. So one of them may have been Asuma’s evil twin brother. So what?”

Aiko clenched her fist in frustration. They just didn’t get it! “UGH! If one day he ever understands anything, it’ll be the day hell freezes and pigs miraculously sprout wings…” Aiko then made a mental note to scratch the last one. Nin pigs could fly it’s just what shinobi in their right mind would sign a contract with a pig? She’d never know. As she attempted to explain a bit more in detail, she waved her companions to join her under a tree.

“No…not like just regular red eyes, I mean like blood line red eyes with little black markings and-“

“And what?”

“He had this weird malevolent yet familiar vibe to him.”

Kenshirou put an arm around Aiko’s shoulders in an attempt to calm her. When she was vexed, she would usually take it out on something and Kenshirou really didn’t want to have to haul her off to the Hokage in rags and be given the third degree for how she got into that particularly condition. Even Naruto Uzumaki, Greatest Hokage to ever live, played the father role when he had too and boy did he ever. Lord Hokage often resorted to a mass interrogation fear if anything happened to his precious daughter. He shuddered at the thought.

“Aiko, are you absolutely sure it wasn’t a genjutsu?” he asked. Her reply was a slight nod.

“It couldn’t have been, why would an enemy use a genjutsu to save me when he had already gone through the trouble of trying to kill me? And I know it wasn’t a former enemy because he said he was a friend!”

Hiroshi and Kenshirou raised an eyebrow at her statement. What did she mean ‘a friend’? Kenshirou could tell by her tone she was frantic and more scared than worried. Although he cringed at the thought of losing her because he was careless, he was glad someone had saved her. Kenshirou couldn’t have lived with himself if she had died. Hiroshi meanwhile watched the play of emotions across his cousin’s face. Hiroshi knew that Kenshirou rarely gave off the scent of being worried, and when he did, the reason had to be something of considerable concern. The forgotten Gamakichi had been watching the scene unfold before his eyes from a large planter with a pond. Gamakichi was bothered by what Aiko had stated but there were still some holes to fill in. He’d be back later after gathering some data of his own so in a poof, he vanished.

“Listen, I know you are both probably thinking I’ve been incarcerated too long in my room but I’m completely serious. I know what I saw and I know that the whole situation we were in had to be a setup and that ninja knew something we didn’t. Whoever it was, saved me and both of you from that last mission. And…I need your help. I need both of you to help me commit the worst crime of the century. I need you two to help me steal the Hidden Archives from the Hokage Tower.”