Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Mask of Kakashi-sensei ❯ Naruto's Unlucky day ( Chapter 10 )

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Chapter 10 : Naruto's Unlucky day
After the tragedy, everyone started to fix ( ?) Konoha. Temari, Kangkurou and Gaara joined too.
First, they started to clean the place so that when they fix it, there will be no more dirt( I think). Team 7 was assigned to clean in front of the hospital, eventually, Naruto cleaned and ate in front of the ramen shop or restaurant ….whatever!.
“Naruto!” Sakura shouted.
“AH-“ Then the ramen fell into his feet.
“OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW” Naruto shouted in pain.
“Sakura! You startled me! Now I won't be able to eat my ramen.”
“Serves you right.”
Then, a dog came and licked Naruto's feet.
And the dog licked and licked. * Slurp! Slurp!*
“Shoo dog! Don't bother me!” Naruto said. Then he hit the dog.
The dog had an angry and scary look on his face…..” grrr…….” * CHOMP!!!*
The dog bit Naruto!!!
“ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!GET THIS FREAKIN' DOG OUT OF MY HAND!!!!!!!” Naruto shouted in pain.
Then, he started to clean again. Meanwhile, Gaara was using his sand. While using it, the same dog that bit Naruto pooped there. And what a coincidence that Naruto was walking by and stepped on the large, brown poop. (how unfortunate….tsk ,tsk) And the pooped reached Naruto's pants.
“UGHHH…..That's disgusting. * looks at dog* you're gonna get it ya mangy mutt!!!”
“ arf! Rowrf! * looks at Naruto angrily..* “ The dog barked.
“uh,,,,, steady boy ...heh..heh…I was just kidding…* runs*”
“ rowrf! * runs after Naruto and bit him.*”
“AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Naruto screamed.
After several bites on every part of the body….
“ow… hurts….” Naruto said.
“Naruto! Stop fooling around. Get to work!” Sakura ordered.
“But….the mangy mutt….”
“No buts! And how dare you accuse a dog for your condition. You became like that because you were not working!”
“Hmph! * holds dog*”
“……* poops on sakura's hands*..”
“* let go of the dog* How dare ya you mangy mutt!!!”
“umm…Sakura ..are you angry to the one you've been protecting??” Naruto said.
“How can I not be angry?? It pooped on me!!”
Then, Sakura chased the dog until she was tired of going after it.
“Sakura, why are you chasing a dog?” Sasuke asked.
“Umm… Nothing Sasuke-kun. .heh..heh….” Sakura answered.
“You're weird.”
“ * gasp* Sasuke thought I was weird!! This is the end of the world..AAAAHHHHH” She thought.
“umm…Sakura, are you alright? You're looking pretty stupid.” Naruto said.
“…………………..*looks at naruto *”
“Ok, I'll leave you alone”
Lunch time and Naruto was going to eat ramen. He reached for his pocket to get some money. But, the pocket was empty…..What will Naruto do now…( I wonder..).
“please… Ayame…..give me some free ramen. .pls. I'm starving.”
“No can do Naruto! We need some money now, so you can just loan.”
Then, Naruto ate the ramen….
After that, many unfortunate events happened to him until the end of the day.