Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Akatsuki Returns - A proposition ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Shikato, Fuji, Kitaro and Koteshi
Akatsuki Returns - A Proposition
The ex Konoha shinobi was breathing heavily as he leapt across tree branches. His left leg had burn marks all over it and he was limping badly. Clutching his right arm, he shot through the trees. His right arm was broken and was dangling uselessly while he was bleeding internally with blood leaking from his mouth. The shinobi had been pursued for 6 months by different teams of ninja from different countries. Konoha ninja, Suna ninja, Iwa ninja and even Kiri ninja had gone after him trying to capture him. Some wanted information to invade Konoha but some wanted him to return to Konoha. The ninja's vision was blurring as he started to run out of chakra. His left eye was swollen and bruised and he was having trouble breathing. Stopping on a thick branch, he slammed against the tree and slid downwards to sit and rest.
Breathing heavily, his brows furrowed as he remembered the vow that he had made. His fists clenched as determination gave him the energy to continue onwards. Ryu knew that his pursuers behind him were drawing near. He stopped again on a branch next to a river. Pulling one of his rings from his brass knuckles, he transferred the last of chakra into it before throwing it into the river. He just hoped that his enemies would fall for his trap and follow his chakra signature on the ring instead.
He winced as he felt his ribs crack slightly. He started to slip into unconsciousness as the pain and stress became unbearable. Ryu had not slept for three days in a row trying to avoid everyone and he was still no closer to completing his mission even after 6 months. He allowed the darkness to consume him gratefully as he slipped and fell off the tree branch, plummeting ten feet to the ground.
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Ryu groaned as he came round. He winced as he tried to move. Opening his right eye, he could see that his was in a large cavern with his wounds bandaged. He tried to sit up but found that he could not move his body. Coughs racked his body as he spat out blood. What had happened after he blacked out? Ryu asked himself mentally. A black figure walked through the doorway and Ryu could only turn his head to look.
Kisame chuckled as he saw the look of shock and anger on the younger shinobi's face.
“What do you want with me?” Ryu growled.
Kisame opened his mouth to reply but was stopped by a gloved hand on his shoulder. His partner, who Ryu recognized as Sasuke's killer, answered instead.
“Kisame caught you before you landed on the ground and brought you back. Unfortunately, we think that you've injured your back by hitting it on a branch or something and no one here is a medic nin, so you'll have to take some time to heal.”
“Still doesn't explain what you guys want with me.”
Tobi laughed. “You're a missing nin and the son of Itachi Uchiha. You've earned your place in this organisation.”
“You killed my sensei. What makes you think I'll join?”
The Akatsuki smiled. “We had no choice. Sasuke killed Itachi, so we repaid him by killing him. You are Itachi's eldest son and I feel that you should know about Itachi's past.” He sat down next to Ryu. “Sasuke learnt of it after he had killed your father and he was devastated. However, I feel that you should know about it. It is only right for you to know.”
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Tobi left the room as Kisame looked over his shoulder. The Uchiha heir was crying bitterly and hyperventilating. Tobi shook his head. “He'll be fine,” he said.
Kisame looked questioningly at the former Mizukage. “Can we trust him?”
The man behind the orange mask grimaced. “No. But we will start the process when he calms down.”
Kisame nodded in response.
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Ryu rubbed his face as he absorbed the newly processed information. His father was not the man he had thought him to be, yet he had died a traitor. The Akatsuki member's words echoed through his mind.
“Dishonour in payment of honour, hatred in payment of love. And even then, Itachi died smiling.”
Ryu's knuckles grew white and he reminded himself of the vow to root out the traitor and kill those who killed Sasuke. He knew that his sensei could not be blamed, he had no idea about his brother and had done what anyone in his position would have done. However, Ryu hated the ones responsible for Sasuke's death. Ryu could not betray his village by killing the Elders, but he could certainly destroy the Akatsuki, and here was a heaven sent opportunity. And he would take it.
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The large shark man entered and crouched beside him.
“You're going to have to come with me, kid. We need to let you join the Akatsuki “officially”. It's just a little process that you have to go through.”
“What process?”
Another voice spoke up. “Just a little something. It hurts though.”
Ryu turned and saw a man with orange hair and piercings running the length of his nose.
Kisame grinned, showing off his pointy teeth. “That's Pein, our leader. He'll be performing the process.”
Ryu could only watch as Pein crouched beside him. The Akatsuki leader pressed his palm against the younger shinobi's ANBU tattoo while his other hand formed the “Tora” seal. Ryu could feel a tingling sensation on his arm. After a moment, a piercing scream echoed through the room.
In the other room, Tobi laughed as he realized what was going on.
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Tobi entered Ryu's room and sat next to him. He could see that the ex ANBU captain was in a lot of pain. His face was as pale as could be and sweat was pouring from his face.
“What…what have you people done to me?” Ryu managed to rasp out between gasping breaths as he stared into the other's Sharingan.
“Pein…well, he turned your tattoo into a curse seal. Your powers have advanced and we can “keep in touch” with you.”
“What…do you mean… keep in touch?”
“Don't worry about it. Rest now.” Tobi got up and walked out.
Kisame was waiting behind the door and he chuckled as he saw his partner.
“You know Tobi, you can be very cruel sometimes.”
The other shinobi answered curtly, “Only the strongest survive, Kisame. Our organisation is a perfect example of that.” He started walking down the corridor. “I don't trust Itachi's kid. If he decides to betray us, that curse seal can be activated and cause him so much pain that he won't be able to move or speak. It's a perfect weapon.”