Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Traitor of Konoha ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only own Kitaro, Koteshi, Hitori, Ryu, Fuji and Shikato
Traitor of Konoha
“No! That's impossible!”
Hitori stepped out of the shadows. He chuckled, “What's wrong? Why is it so hard to believe that I am Akatsuki's spy?” He moved towards his older brother. “Anyway, I've gathered loads of information that I need you to report back to the leader.”
Ryu did not answer. His head was lowered and shadows were thrown on his face, covering his eyes. His fists were clenched and his body was shaking.
Swallowing, he asked in a low voice, “Why are you working for Akatsuki?”
Hitori looked taken aback. He tensed before speaking. “What's up with you? You seem…tense.”
Ryu's head snapped upwards and Hitori could see the uncontrollable fury in his eyes. Hitori closed his eyes and folded his arms as he leaned against the fence.
“I did it…because I hate Konoha. Remember when we learnt about Dad? Madara came for me soon after that and I joined them.” He crouched down. “I hated what Konoha did to Dad. It was them who killed him. He died a traitor while that bastard Sasuke killed Dad and came back a hero.” Hitori slammed his fist onto the ground. “I…hated…everyone. I swore to myself that I would avenge Dad.” He grinned and continued, “And I did. Konoha is falling as we speak. Aren't you proud of me? After all, you're an Akatsuki too.”
“Yeah, but I joined for a different reason.” Ryu snarled.
Hitori smiled and walked towards the Uchiha heir. Placing a hand on the other's shoulder, he asked, “And that would be?”
Ryu grinned, “To kill you.”
Hitori's eyes widened before Ryu whipped out Sasuke's katana and plunged it into his right shoulder. 80 miles to their right, an explosion rocked the land.
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An inhuman scream echoed as a red aura of chakra surrounded the Jinchurikii. His pupils were now slits and his teeth were much sharper, giving him a feral look.
“Where is Ryu Tazumi?!” Naruto hissed at the Akatsuki leader.
The ginger head replied calmly, “Don't worry about him, he's well. You should focus on me though.”
Naruto tilted his head to one side just in time to avoid Tobi's strike. He flipped backwards as he skidded across the floor.
“Teme! Where is he?!” He prowled forward. “Get out of my way! That traitor's mine!”
Tobi chuckled. “You don't need to worry about that kid. He's ours.” His cheerful attitude drained away as a tail emerged from the enraged Shinobi.
Pein looked on as four tails emerged and Naruto slowly turned into the demon fox.
“Here is our prize.”
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Hitori gasped in shock and pain as he registered what was going on.
“What…what are you doing? Is this Akatsuki's plan? What?”
Ryu channelled his chakra into the blade. Hitori's shoulder started going numb as paralysis started to set in.
The younger Uchiha pulled back and bounded backwards, clutching his shoulder.
The other straightened up.
“No. This is for killing my sensei and for betraying Konoha.” Ryu's eyes turned from black to crimson. “I really should bring you in for questioning,” he paused. “However, I think I'll kill you instead.”
Hitori's mouth slowly turned upwards. “You really think I'm that much of a weakling, Ryu? You're not the only one who's improved, you know.” His eyes turned crimson as well. “Neither are you the only one who has the Sharingan.”
Performing the necessary hand seals, he slammed his palms onto the ground. “Doton!” Rock pillars shot up and curled themselves around Ryu's legs, tripping him up in the process. As Ryu tried to scramble to his feet, he looked up in time just to see Hitori's rock covered fist smash into his face. Blood spurted from his mouth and nose as the ANBU captain smashed into a rock. The rock wrapped itself around Ryu, effectively trapping him. The Uchiha tried to free himself by channelling chakra through his body to perform the Full Body Chidori but his efforts were futile.
Hitori laughed. “With my defeat last time, I learned some new techniques. Your lightning techniques won't work any more.” Walking forward, he pulled out his kunai. His eyes gleamed under the moonlight. “I will bring Konoha to destruction.” His smile stretched even wider. “And I won't let you ruin my plans.”
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Tobi stared at Pein's remaining body.
“You really should be careful, you know. If you die Pein, Akatsuki will be no more.”
Pein stared coolly at Madara. “Shut up. I know what I'm doing.”
Tobi grimaced as he watched Pein continue his assault on the four tailed Kyuubi.
“He's going to die, that fool.”
He joined the battle, hoping to save Pein's life and capture the Kyuubi in the process. He just hoped the others were doing fine.
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Koteshi shot out of the ground and his fist connected with Kisame's chin, sending him flying upwards. Leaping upwards, he drove his elbow into the Akatsuki's gut, causing him to plummet to the ground, forming a giant crater.
As the Akatsuki was recovering from the impact, the young Sarutobi took out his father's chakra knives. Channelling his wind chakra into them, he shot forward. The last thing Kisame knew was that a knife was sticking through his neck. Koteshi had stabbed him through the throat with his chakra knives, severing all the arteries as the chakra ran into his system and destroyed him from within.
“That's for my father, Akatsuki scum,” spat out Koteshi as he drove the knife deeper. Blood gushed out of Kisame's throat and covered Koteshi's hands, staining his knives and clothes. With a cry, the young Sarutobi lobbed off the shark man's head.
Kisame's body remained standing for five seconds before collapsing into a heap on the ground. Staring at the body, Koteshi felt no joy but felt as if a great burden was removed from his heart. Panting heavily, he looked up at the starry sky and whispered, “I have avenged you, Father,” before pitching forward, allowing darkness to consume him.