Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Only Thing I Need To Hold Dear ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Only Thing I Need To Hold Dear

By: Noki

Ah, 'ello. :) Noki here, TECHNICALLY this is my first fic. But screw technically man. Please understand that what I just said was utter bullshit. Probably what most of what I say is utter b/s anyway. ^_~ Oh, and thank you for correcting my mistake earlier. ^^
I believe my plot has some major ideas of most Kakashi-Iruka fans, or thoughts on his past,mingled with my own ideals. yayness for me. :D # is listening to Kakashi's Theme while whistling # What? Get on with it already!!

Disclaimer: don't sue, cuz my money isn't worth ur time. of course for the rich bastards out there, i suppose any form of money is good for you leeches.
i dun own Naruto, k? Or else I would keep Kakashi to myself and sell Sasuke, Naruto, and the others on ebay. Except Gai, cuz probably no one would buy him for $200, so I would just torture him in slow painful ways. For instance, a mirror. ;p

'.....' = Thoughts
"...." = Speaking
....... = Stuffness
------------------------------------------------------------- -
Kakashi sat there on his bed sadly.

No one understood. They never would.
Kakashi wheezed as his chest rose uncomfortably. Each small breath he took squeezed at his insides, he felt each muscle tear away from his lungs. He closed his eyes and focused on each raspy breath.
After what seemed to be forever, Kakashi gave up concentrating on breathing. It didn't help any. Sweat dripped down from his brow as he finally observed how hot it felt in the room.
He let his eyes wander around the room as if he were seeing it for the first time. The soft queensize bed he sat on supported his weight fairly well. Two doors, one leading to the hallway and one leading to the master bathroom. The walls were a nice mixture of red and purple, blending very well with the redwood desk and chair in one corner of the room. The closet was located across the window- directly above the desk,which Kakashi now stared out thoughtfully.
He was viewing his room for the first time, with these new pair of eyes that no longer had joy or satisfaction in them.

Kakashi sat there on his bed sadly and alone.

'I have to get outta' here...I'll die if I don't...' He swung his legs over the side of the large bed, gently letting his feet touch the ground. Kakashi stared at the dark, crimson carpet (1)for a moment, the dreaded memory coming back to him. He swallowed hard to tame his lurching stomach and kept his eyes straight-forward instead of the ground. Kakashi slowly stood up, wobbled, then almost fell right over. After regaining his balance, Kakashi made it to his bedroom door at the speed of a sloth. He wanted to dash out of the room;his intentions were the opposite of what his body was actually putting out for him, which left frustration on top of his anger and sadness.
After opening the door, he made his way down the hallway at an even slower rate. He closed his eyes, not even wanting to see his surroundings anymore. As he passed a certain spot, the mental image of the blood spot on his carpet came to his head. He shuddered and continued to make his way out of his house. 'I can't even live in my own house anymore...' Kakashi thought bitterly as he closed and locked the front door behind him. He turned back to the darkening village and and decided to walk around town. People walked about having a good time, enjoying their sunday evening. Couples went into movie theaters and fancy restaurants. He sighed sadly, he mysteriously could breathe again, just fine and well. He knew what the problem was, and the cure was something no doctor could prescribe...
Kakashi sat on the stool at Ichiraku, beginning to grow weary from walking around the town. The night had come and began to pass, a cool wind swept by, stirring all of the leaves from their fallen position.
"Winter might come early this year..." He turned his head to the man behind the counter. "Are you going to order anything, sir?"
"Sure...I'll have miso ramen...," he muttered, not fazed in the least by the man. 'With that kind of wind, you bet winter's coming'll probably be the coldest yet for me...' Kakashi sat there and stared at the shining stars until his miso ramen was done. He turned back around to face the inside of Ichiraku. Few people were there, most were probably eating with their loved ones at home. He gently pulled down his face mask and separated his chopsticks. He tried to eat slower than usual, which meant taking any more than 5 seconds eating ramen. Once finished quickly thereafter, he pulled his mask back up and left the money before returning to Konoha's streets.
Kakashi jammed his hands in his pockets while walking down the street. 'It's getting brisk out here...shouldn't stay out here for much longer...' Kakashi sighed at the thought of going back home.
"You sure do sigh a lot..." Asuma's strong hand came down on Kakashi's shoulder with a friendly smile and trademark cigarette in his mouth. "...Something troubling ya'?"
"Eh...I'm just bored. Plus I really am not looking forward to winter..."
"Who does?"
"Gai...," Kakashi muttered. "He wants to impale me with snowballs until I become a living, breathing snowman..." Asuma chuckled while blowing a puff of his cigarette.
"Heh, he looks forward to everything. I bet he even looks forward to death..."
"If I were him, I would also be looking forward to death."
"Now that's sounds like the Hatake we know." Kakashi smirked.
"Of course." Asuma walked alongside of Kakashi threw the streets.
"When is your next mission?"
"You've had this whole time off? Lucky...the very next day after the attack, we got missions..."
"Maybe Hokage-sama likes me best." Asuma glanced at Kakashi out of the corner of his eye.
"So, what's the deal with your hitai-leaf headband?" Kakashi looked at his companion, puzzled.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why the hell aren't you wearing it?" Kakashi paused until he realized it, he wasn't wearing his hitai-leaf headband across his eye, or anywhere else for that matter...'what the fuck? when the hell did that happen?' He placed his hand over his forehead.
"I have no idea. I just realized it was missing..." Asuma laughed heartily.
"Man, you really are out of it aren't you? It only blocks half of your vision!" Kakashi pushed his bangs out of his line of vision.
"Hope I didn't lose it...I'm going home before it gets any darker...and I have to find that damn thing before tomorrow..."
"Haha, alright I won't bug you anymore, see ya' Kakashi." Asuma waved his hand slightly before heading off in the opposite direction. Kakashi groaned while thinking about his leaf headband. 'Shit...Hokage will be furious if he found out I lost my headband...'
He walked back to his house and unlocked the door, stepping in quietly.
"I'm home..." He said to no one. There was some aura to his own house that was eating him away to the bone. He sighed sadly for probably the 17th time that day. "I'll look for it in the morning..." He said to no one again. After kicking off his sandals, Kakashi turned off the light in the living room.
He ignored the tears forming in his eyes, his chest tightening by the second.
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(1) the carpet in the master bedroom is naturally dark crimson. It's the other room where there was blood...>:)
Yes, please read and review. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but flamers will be shunned till the day the sun doesn't rise over the mountain. Ideas are always appreciated.