Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Only Thing I Need To Hold Dear ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Only Thing I Need To Hold Dear

By: Kaki-kun

Yupper, here's the second chapter! ;) It's not really what you think, and you'll find out what's wrong with Kakashi later in chapter 3. Iruka makes an appearance today, heh heh. So does Gai unfortunately.-.-;;;

Disclaimer: don't sue, cuz my money isn't worth ur time. of course for the rich bastards out there, i suppose any form of money is good for you leeches.
i dun own Naruto, k? Or else I would keep Kakashi to myself and sell Sasuke, Naruto, and the others on ebay. Except Gai, cuz probably no one would buy him for $200, so I would just torture him in slow painful ways. For instance, a mirror. ;p

'.....' = Thoughts
"...." = Speaking
....... = Stuffness
------------------------------------------------------------- -
Kakashi groaned as he rolled over and faced the red glowing digits on his alarm clock. Not like it mattered to him, he never paid attention to time. Plus he never set it and it was all the way on the other side of the bed...the empty side of the bed...

Kakashi forcibly rolled over and stared out the window, morning light beginning to slowly creep in, making the desk under the window glow radiantly. He squinted as something began to shine brightly near the desk. He grumbled while climbing out of bed to investigate the source of the annoying bright light.

Approaching the desk, he saw his shiny head protector glare at his eyes. He picked up his headband and glared back.

"I never gave you permission to sit there...," he grumbled at the headband while lying back down, the cloth still in his hands. After crawling back under the blankets, he poked his head out of the sea of warmth and thumbed the incarving on the flexible and durable steel. "This is why huh..." He said aloud, starting to feel more depressed than the day before. He yawned sleepily while returning his headband/protector to it's rightful place over his Sharingan.
'Might as well have breakfast...'


Iruka walked down the streets of Konoha happily. He finally became a teacher at the Konoha Ninja Academy, fighting was not how he really wanted to serve his village. Iruka wanted to help further the future Hokages and hero's- the children. Although the job wasn't easy, and he had only started a month ago, he was ready and willing to give these children a chance.
Iruka paused suddenly, unnerved. He looked around, glancing at a window with a blonde child sitting in front of it, staring threw him with blue angry eyes. He turned to face the boy, finally realizing who it was. 'The Uzumaki boy...Kyuubi...'

"Hey Iruka-chan!" Iruka didn't have time to turn around before getting wailed in the shoulder. Mizuki smiled wickedly as usual. "They say if you stare at the 9-tails hellspawn too long, a tail might drag you off..."

"What do you want, Mizuki?" Iruka asked, not in the mood to deal with Mizuki's high-and-mighty attitude this early in the morning.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about something later on, meet up with me at the bar say around 8? I have a mission to do until then." Mizuki held up his hand. "Alright cool, see ya'!"

"Wait, Mizuki! You know I don't...drink..." Iruka muttered, Mizuki already had left. He huffed and shoved his fists in his pockets before turning back to the window, the blonde long gone also. Iruka sighed. 'How long 7 years (1) seems to be...since that demon killed my parents...' Iruka smiled as he viewed two of his students hurrying off to school. While running by him, one stopped in front of Iruka and smiled.

"Konnichiwa Iruka-sensei!" She chirped before rushing off again after her slightly older brother. Iruka glanced one more time at the window, before fixing his smile back on his face and walking off to school also.


Kakashi stepped into the mission assignment room sleepily.

"I'm here for my mission, Hokage-sama..." Kakashi muttered while feigning a yawn.

"You're early Kakashi...yes yes, a simple escort mission. Mr. Sukaiya needs to arrive to the cloud country with all of his belongings, an easy C Class mission." Kakashi scratched the back of his head, a bit annoyed. 'Why couldn't he have some Genins or a Chuunins to take this?' He pondered.

"Hai sir...," Kakashi muttered instead.

"GOOD morning everyone!!" a loud overpowering voice echoed down the hallway. 'Oh no. Not now...' Kakashi groaned. Gai burst threw the doorways. "I have my report Hokage-sama! And must I say was sadly...uneventful..." Gai had streams of tears running down his face.

"It was only a D Class mission, Gai..." Sarutobi said, but was completely ignored.

"Even with that, I worked hard to fulfill my duties you have granted me!! As always!" Gai let his teeth ping. Kakashi smirked, at least he got a higher level mission than Gai. 'I suppose it could be worse...' Gai's head turned in Kakashi's direction.

"Ah, so there you are! Good morning my eternal rival Kakashi!"

"Is it really that hard to call me Kakashi flat out?" He asked sourly.

"But if someone who did not know of our rivalry heard me say that, they might imply that you are just a friend or comrade!" Gai pumped his fist into the air dramatically. "But you are MUCH more than that! You are my ENTERNAL RIVAL, which I strive day and night to best you!"

"You need a hobby..." Kakashi said flat out, before reconsidering his choice of words. "That doesn't involve me..." He added. Sarutobi sighed, he pitied Kakashi, but he also wasn't so fond of both of them choosing the mission assignment room to chat in. Gai's face went serious for a nice change.

"Also...I wanted to give you my respects. I'm sorry about what happened..." Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

"Shut up Gai..." he said coldly then left. Gai shook his head sadly.

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(1) This is pre-Naruto timeline. Naruto is only 7 right now, so he is not attending to the school yet. Or probably having a major part for a long time.
Yep there you have it. Iruka and Kakashi meet next chapter! And Kakashi lies about something to Iruka, which he finds out was a lie in the fourth chapter. ;) please R/R, constructive criticism appreciated, ranting also appreciated since I do a lot of that, flames will be ignored, you know the drill. ;)