Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Village Hidden in the Waves ❯ The Long-Awaited Fight! Sasuke Returns! ( Chapter 10 )

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Chapter Nine
The Long-awaited Fight
Sasuke Returns!!
Now the spectators were getting very impatient. Naruto began banging on the rail.
“Why did he give up?! What an idiot! Now I'm getting mad!”
He put a foot on the rail and I knew instantly what he was trying to do, and grabbed on his shirt.
”Where the hell do you think you're going?!” I yelled at him, but he slipped and fell from my grip, landing hard in the arena. I sighed, watching him quarrel with Shikamaru.
“You idiot!” he yelled.
“Shut up, you super idiot,” returned Shikamaru.
“Why did you give up?!”
“That's all a matter of the past, it's all good now.”
“No, it's not! You almost won that match! And you gave up right before you won…”
“Put that topic aside and let's get ready to watch the next match.” Shikamaru overlapped while he was talking.
“Totally unacceptable!” Naruto finished, then stopped. “Next?... Sasuke!”
I then remembered that the next match had to be Sasuke and Gaara. He had to get here quickly, or he would be disqualified! Leaning on a wall of the waiting room, I thought of whom I would have to fight. More importantly, what was Kankuro talking about, `plan'? What were they plotting?
Then, Temari came back up, and Kankuro began talking to Temari.
“Hey, the time is drawing near. Is he really going to come?” he asked.
“He will.” answered Gaara. “I am sure of it.
Putting aside the mystery of the Sand Team's plot, I looked down into the arena and saw Naruto pacing.
“About the final match...” began the proctor, “Time is up, so...”
Suddenly, a vortex of wind and leaves appeared next to the proctor. When it stopped, everyone stared in awe at Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei, who had arrived at the last second.
“See? He's here.” said Gaara.
“I'm sorry we're late,” apologized Kakashi-sensei.
“Name?” asked the proctor.
“Sasuke Uchiha,” replied Sasuke.
When Kakashi-sensei asked if Sasuke was late, the proctor said he was fine. Everyone cheered, for they would finally see what they had come to watch.
“Gaara, come down,” called the proctor.
“Naruto, let's go up,” said Shikamaru as he went towards the stairs.
Then, I looked back at the Sand Team. Gaara was growling like some demon.
“Hey! Gaara! Do you remember the mission-?” Kankuro began, but Temari muffled him.
“Mission?” I asked.
“Mind your own business!” Temari snapped.
I shrugged and decided to go down as well to look for Sakura. I silently followed Gaara until a corridor where two grass ninja were, and decided to stay hidden.
“Low-level tournaments like this Chunin exam... are good for betting.” said the first ninja. “Quite a few feudal lords come here just for that reason.”
“So... can you lose in this match?” asked the second ninja.
There was a silence, and I could hear a cork struggling.
“Hey now, at least say something,” spoke the first ninja.
“Are you too scared to say something?” taunted the second ninja.
I then heard the sound of sand being released and peeked over, seeing Gaara releasing his sand on the two ninja. The lights in the corridor shattered, and the sand rushed forth at the first ninja, enveloping and crushing him with it. The second ninja started on a run, but was caught by the feet and dragged back.
“Help... !” cried out the grass ninja as he was taken back to Gaara by the sand. “Stop! Stop!”
He yelled out in pain as he, too, was killed by the sand. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I waited until Gaara had left. As he walked, I looked to the stairs at the end of the hall and saw Naruto and Shikamaru. So they had seen it too. He simply walked down the stairs without another word. I walked out from behind the wall, then walked towards Naruto and Shikamaru.
“Hey, guys,” I greeted them awkwardly.
“Hey, Kitsune,” they replied. I sat between them, and we stayed silent a while.
“If those two weren't there...” brought up Shikamaru, “He would've probably killed us. I've never seen someone kill people like that without any hesitation. Sasuke may have trouble with him.”
I nodded.
“Hey do you remember what he said yesterday?” asked Shikamaru to Naruto.
“Back then, he said, `I'll definitely kill you guys. You just wait.' Remember? But he didn't. He had a very good opportunity too. We weren't even in his sight.”
“We aren't good enough for him right now,“ stated Naruto.
“The only guy who can excite him is…”
“Sasuke.” I finished.
Then, there was another long silence, and Naruto got up.
“Shikamaru... Kitsune...Let's go to Kakashi-sensei's place.”
“What are you going to do?” asked Shikamaru, but Naruto just ran off.
“Hey!” Shikamaru called out.
“Wait up!” I yelled after him, running behind him.
“Make them... stop this match!” Naruto said, obviously answering Shikamaru's question.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto called out as we reached their section. I saw that Lee, Gai-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, Choji, Ino and Sakura were all there. In the arena, Sasuke was standing in front of a spherical shield of sand.
“Sakura!” I called out to her. She looked to me, then looked away. I knew this would happen.
“Naruto! Kitsune!” Lee called to us. Naruto and Shikamaru were out of breath from the running, and so was I.
“What is it?” asked Kakashi-sensei.
“Sensei, please stop this match right now!” Naruto replied.
“What?” inquired Kakashi-sensei.
“He's... totally different from us. He's not normal!”
“Naruto, what are you talking about?” asked Ino.
“He lives to kill people... At this rate, Sasuke's going to die!”
“Kakashi-sensei!” I yelled at him, but he simply turned and watched the match.
“Don't worry,” said Kakashi-sensei.
“Why not?” I asked.
“We were late for a reason.”
“Sensei,” said Sakura.
“What do you mean you two were late for a reason?”
“Do you want to know?”
“We don't have time for that, believe it!” whined Naruto.
“Shut up and watch him.”
Sasuke then performed several back handsprings back onto the wall, performing a few strange hand seals and holding his left hand with his right hand. Slowly, electric Chakra began forming in his hand.
“Could that be...?” wondered Gai-sensei.
“I supervised Sasuke's training.” explained Kakashi-sensei. “because he's like me.”
Sasuke then began running down the wall with the Chakra in his hand.
“Body activation... I see. That's why you made him master his Taijutsu to dramatically increase his speed.”
“Correct.” answered Kakashi-sensei.
“That's amazing... I can see the Chakra clearly with my eyes.” awed Sakura. “How's he doing it?”
“What is that?” asked Naruto.
“It's making a lot of noise. What is that move?”
“Just a straight thrust.” I answered.
“But it's Konoha's number one jutsu specialist... my idol... Kakashi Hatake's only original move.”
“What?” asked Naruto.
“It's a secret move used for assassination purposes. Its secret lies in the speed of the thrust, and the activation of the body to generate a large amount of Chakra. Then he concentrates that large amount of Chakra into the thrusting arm. Because of the incredible speed he moves at, it emits a distinct chirping sound similar to a thousands birds that chirping. That's why that move is called... Chidori.”
At that moment, Sasuke's Chidori punctured Gaara's shell. Everyone stared in awe.
“Chidori... also called Lightning Blade.” said a voice from behind.
I looked and saw Tokeru there. “Tokeru, what are you doing here?”
“I have plenty of time before my match with Temari,” he answered. “But for now, I just want to watch the match with you.“
“But, what do you mean, Lighting Blade?” asked Sakura.
“Oh, yes, returning to the topic at hand, Lightning Blade is the alias it took because Kakashi once cut through lightning with that move. Its true name is Chidori. And its secret lies in the body's fastest attainable speed; the speed of the thrust. And the Chakra accumulated in one arm. The arm turns into a sword that can cut through anything.
“But you've taught him a reckless move.” interjected Gai-sensei. “I don't wan to hear that from you,” replied Kakashi. “Right, Lee?”
“I really don't understand the logic...” admitted Sakura. “But it's an awesome move!”
Suddenly, screaming was heard from the arena. It was Gaara.
“Blood! My blood!” he cried.
During this time, Sasuke began trying to remove his arm from the shell. He tried activating the Chidori more, which caused Gaara to scream louder. Suddenly, a huge hand pushed Sasuke away. It was monstrous and sand-colored.
“What is that?!” asked Gai-sensei.
Suddenly, the shell began to crack, and the fell into sand. Gaara stood there, holding his bleeding shoulder. I stared a while, amazed that Sasuke could have done such damage to Gaara. Then, I saw feathers fall. I recognized this as Genjutsu, and held my hands together in a hand seal, calling, “Dispel!” Tokeru, Kakashi-sensei and Gai-sensei did the same, as did Sakura. Suddenly, there was an explosion of smoke from where the Kage were seated.
“What the hell is going on?!” I exclaimed, looking at all the sleeping spectators.