Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To Have A Future ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: What would happen if the future were not as it was suppose to be? What would happen when unpredictable events happen to ruin everyone's lives and even end some? What would the survivors do to change it? Would they be able to change it? If so, how? They know nothing of the consequences of changing the past but they do know that the future would not end up as it is now. That is enough reason for two young men to take a journey off to fix the broken past. But weather they succeed or not is up to their parents and up to what they do. For if the past does not change than neither does the future.
It had happened so fast, so unexpectedly. Nobody noticed them, surrounding us while hiding in the trees. The next few scenes were all a blur. All I know is that within an hour all that I cherished was taken. Only two of us survived the attack. Weather it was out of luck or something more, I don't know. One minute we were in silence, staring at the gravestone remembering good and happy times and the next there were screams as we fought for our lives. Blood and death soon followed the screams. So many attacked us, we were clearly outnumbered and at a disadvantage.
So it was clear that we would lose but somewhere in the back of my mind I thought there was a chance, a chance we could win, a chance that everyone would be all right. The chance was crushed into dust soon after as I looked upon the field in which we had fought. There were bodies sprawled all over, mostly the enemies but there also laid our families. Fifteen bodies we all knew and grew up with, but now we knew nothing of them. They were all bloody with cuts and bruises filling their bodies. Their cold bodies laid scattered across the field, all so far away.
Once again the Uchiha's had only one living member left but this time they were not alone, for there was one more clan on the brink of extinction. The Uzumaki's. Only one member of the Uzumaki's and Uchiha's were left. The Hyuuga's were near extinction but they had more members, just not the ones that I grew up with. This was the other part of their family, the family we never met and never really wanted to. The Nara's on the other hand were non-existent now. Their last members were wiped out. That would not happen to my clan though, no. I would make sure that my clan lived on forever.
My clan would be rebuilt but first my revenge came. I had to find the one's who did this and kill them, but not here, not in this time. My father, my brother and my two sisters were killed today. My mother…well she was killed today also, but it happened four years ago. No tears have dropped from my eyes, not once; I don't even think I cried when I was young. No, showing emotions were weak, that is how you die. If its one thing my good for nothing father taught me it was that. My mother said that it wasn't, that it was ok to show emotions whenever you wanted. I felt as if it was one though so I showed none most of the time, but when I was with just my family and best friends, away from public view I would show some emotion but not much, just enough to show I was human.
My mother taught me many things that I still remember till this day. I could never forget what she told me. She was kind, caring, loving, everything a great mother could be. It was the saddest day of my life when she was taken from me. I loved her greatly and looked up to her and only her, for I hated my father with passion. Why? Well I can't answer that right now. Her grave, the one we stood before, before the attack was disturbed today. For today had been the day of her murder, now the day was known as the Uchiha, Hyuuga, Uzumaki and Nara Massacre.
The day all the clans were wiped off the face of the earth, forever. That's what people thought though. They thought everyone was killed but no, I survived and so did my best friend. There was still an Uzumaki and Uchiha alive even though none knew this. My mother's grave was disturbed, you know how? Because she had to be the witness out of all the people in the world to watch as her friends and family were killed right before her eyes. She had been sad and started to cry. You wonder how I knew this? Well, the skies don't rain for nothing. I could only guess it was her, crying as she watched us all.
I will never forgive the ones who did this. I will never forget today, the day my life changed. Twice in four years now. The two events, unexpected and unprepared for. You know the old saying like father like son? Well I guess it's true for not only did I not show emotion like him but I was an avenger now like him as well. But unlike him, I would kill the people I set out to kill. I would kill the ones he failed to. The two people who ruined both our lives. The snake sannin, Orochimaru and my uncle, the S-class criminal, Itachi.
(A/N: This is just a little info on what happened, it will be explained in detail later on in the story. As for whose p.o.v it was, you have to figure that out although it is quiet obvious. Well the next chapter will be the real beginning of the story. The story will have a few oc's in it but no more than two ones. There are others but they won't be too important. The story will take place mostly in the past but this chapter and the next will take place in the future. Anyway, reviews would be appreciated and it would get the next chapter out faster. Thank you.)