Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To Know The Future ❯ -Filler: Team 7- ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
To Know the Future
Summary: This is a forward in time fic. Where the Rookie 9, Team Gai, and the Sand Sibs are sent forward in time. Rookie 9 are 16 so figure the other ages from there. Enjoy and if you like please review. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Pairings: NaruxSaku, SasuxOC, KibaxHina, ChouxIno, ShikaxTema, NejixTen, KakaxShun, AnkoxGia, AsumxKuri, GaaxOc
“Talking”'Thinking'“Demon/ Inner Person Talking”'Demon/ Inner Person Thinking'JutsuAuthor Notes
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters, but I made up Kazumi and all the kids. You may borrow w/o permission.

-Filler: Team 7-

“Hi my name’s Akari Uzumaki. I like ramen and training with Shizune-sensi in medicine. I dislike anyone who is rude to my friends. My hobbies include training to be a medic nin, eating different types of ramen and shopping Inomi. My dream is to surpass my mom’s medical abilities. My ninja rank is Chunin!”

“Name’s Arashi Uzumaki. I like a couple of things. I dislike a lot of things. My hobbies include training. My dream is well I haven’t actually thought of one. I’m a Jonin.”

“My name’s Sasumi and that’s all you need to know. Sharigan! Any other questions?”

“I’m here to tell you more about my brother and Sori. Arashi dislikes bananas. Weird I know but. Sori likes to listen to music, reading and ignoring people. Her dislikes include about everything else. Her hobbies include following my. . .”

“SHUT-UP AKARI! Excuse me while I kill my teammate.”

To end Akari’s sentence, brother. Incase you lost track of who was talking: Akari, Arashi, Sasumi, Akari and lastly Sasumi.