Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To See Again ❯ Preparation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He is announced the Ruler of Hell and all goes well with his initiation and ceremony. Who is Heaven's new ruler and who are those people she has with her? They're all familiar to Sasuke and his council. Who could they be? What happens when they meet each other face to face?
Sasuke/Sakura's Inner Self
Chapter 2: Preparation
He sat, not even bothering to listen to the council who seemed to be rambling on about this and that. He took no interest in the things they were talking about, nor did he bother to pretend he was interested in it. He wanted nothing to do with this council, he wanted nothing to do with any demon in this realm right now for he was far too depressed for it.
He just stared at the volcano that was at the far end of this island from out the window. It was dark out, about seven o'clock now. The island was surrounded by lava instead of water and instead of air filling the sky, there was smoke, and instead of houses made from wood, the houses were made from bone. Everything here was different than what it was like on earth. The land was the same, it was even called the same if you remove the Fire in front of every village.
There was no water or grass or air in this Realm though. There was only fire, smoke, dirt, ashes, lava, death and things like that, nothing good came from this realm. His new domain was made of the strongest bone in this realm. The bone was stronger than diamond and could not be broke easily. Fire in coated the bone, making anyone that touched it that wasn't suppose to burn into ash. He had a whole island for himself.
The only other people on the island other than him was his council, Akujin, his maids, chefs, guards, butler and that's about it. The island was over fifty miles long and over sixty miles wide. Volcanoes were all throughout the island, they surrounded where he lived and they surrounded every edge of the island where dirt and ash met lava.
Lava poured freely from all of them. His house was more of a castle with an outer lava-moat; a drawbridge was really the only way in. It had about ten miles of land in both length and width before you came to a huge wall made from bone. If you climbed over it, you saw the moat down below and saw the rest of the island.
His castle was about half a mile long, and wide. It was about a mile high though. His castle had about ten floors. There were about fifty rooms on the second and third floor. There were about forty rooms on the forth and fifth floor but the rooms where bigger than they were on the second and third floor.
There were about thirty rooms on the sixth, seventh, and eighth floor. The rooms were bigger than the lower floors. The ninth and tenth floors belonged to Sasuke. It was his room. Only he was allowed in there and only he knew how to get in there.
There was a huge kitchen, a master bathroom with a Jacuzzi, a master bedroom, a study, a dojo, a living room, a weapon and armor room, and a huge walk in closet for all his clothes (it was really big so it was considered a room). That was about it. His bedroom, bathroom, living room and the walk in closet were on the tenth floor. All were a forth of a mile long, and wide.
There were spiral glass stairs that contained flames leading down to the ninth floor where the dojo, study, weapon and armor room and kitchen were. They were also a fourth of a mile long and wide. Anyway it had been a day since he had come back and everyone was so busy. Except well him, he could care les about this party and initiation thing he had to go threw with. He was going to meet all new demons and there would be a crowd of demons there, he was not a public person. He hated going out in public for any type of social event.
The only way he went to one was if…Sakura had taken him. He smirked as he thought of all the occasions she had dragged him out of his house to take him to one. “Sasuke.” An anger voice said, snapping him from his pleasant thoughts. “What?” He asked irritated. He didn't like the fact he was interrupted from his memories of Sakura. “You have to get fitted for you clothes and than you have to go get armor and a weapon and some jewels made.” Akujin told him and he nodded, standing up.
He was lead to the one of the larger bedrooms on the eight floor, where an outfitter, jeweler and smith resided. The rest of the council were elsewhere. He sat down on the bed, not giving the demons a second glance. “Alright, first you will be fitted for your clothes, since you are the new ruler you need a new wardrobe. Pick whatever colors you wish and they will be your signature colors. But the only thing is you can only pick dark colors.” Akujin said to him and he nodded.
“Black and Blue.” He said to them, and they nodded. That was easy. `How annoying.' He thought to himself. `Yeah more annoying than our little cherry blossom, I think.' `No, nothing could be more annoying than our Sakura.' Sasuke told his inner self. The outfitter took his measurements after getting him to actually stand up and was done within an hour, much to Sasuke's relief. If he had to stand still for another minute he would have snapped.
The outfitter than left, saying he would have his closet filled with clothes by tomorrow. How he was going to pull that off was beyond Sasuke. His closet was huge; he doubted that man could pull it off. The jeweler was next up. Sasuke had to choose what kind of things he wanted the jeweler to make for him, both what they looked like and what type. (Like rings or bracelets and things like that) They were all going to be black and blue or just one color that was for sure.
In the end he choose a few different things. The types he chose were: rings, necklaces, belts and headbands. He added the last two to the list after an argument with Akujin, though. There were a few different things he wanted to made and they were: the Uchiha symbol, the Kohona symbol, a sword, a flame, and last but defiantly not least cherry blossom petals. The other people just looked at him like he was crazy, all except the smith who oddly smiled at him in a somewhat seductive way which freaked him out.
Akujin questioned his err… well his type after he had heard this. A guy like him who wanted a cherry blossom necklace? A wee bit weird. Sasuke ignored Akujin's comment though. He could care less what Akujin thought about him. He would see the things he asked for tomorrow, it was a surprise. He wasn't told what would be made with what. (Like what symbol would be put onto which type of jewelry.)
It was the smiths turn now. `Woo Hoo.' Sasuke thought, dully to himself as he stood still yet again so this guy could take measurements. He was rapidly becoming annoyed with this one. Because a few times his hands slipped and…well they hit somewhere they weren't suppose to. The smith apologized for it saying his hands were slippery for some odd reason but when it kept happening Sasuke started to seriously get pissed off.
“Touch there one more time and you won't see tomorrow.” He had growled at the man, his eyes flashing from red to black. The smith only nodded nervously in response and finished what he was doing. Sasuke was more than relieved when it was done and he left. But he could have sworn that before he left the smith had winked at him. It sent shivers of disgusted down his spine just thinking about it. “That guy was weird.” Sasuke said to Akujin once the smith left the room.
Akujin chuckled at him. “Yes, well you could get that reaction with the way you look, my boy.” Akujin told him and Sasuke looked at him with a disgusted face. “Don't tell me you're like him.” He said to Akujin who just shook his head. “No, my boy, I'm not. I have a mate remember. I'm just saying you're handsome enough to attract both male and female suitors.” “It's suitors now? I thought they were called mates?” Sasuke asked him, confused. “It's really whatever you prefer to say but it's usually either suitors and mates and things like that.” Akujin told him and he nodded meaning he understood what he was saying.
“Well go get some rest, for tomorrow is a big day, ok?” Akujin asked him and he nodded. “Got it. I have a question though, who exactly will be there?” Sasuke asked, wondering who was going to attend the ceremony. “Umm…well there will be many people, both from Heaven and Hell. Things like this are held for both Realms. All the people who will be there are important in way or another. Anyway go to bed, it's almost ten o'clock.” Akujin told him. They had been in that room for over three damn hours, doing nothing but take measurements for clothes and armor and such. He sighed and retreated to his room after biding a good night to Akujin.
(A/N: End of chapter 2. Ok the next chapter will be what happens before the ceremony and the one after that will be what happens during and maybe after. Thank you to all who reviewed and please continue to do so. I would appreciate it.)
Also please check out my other stories, I just put two new ones up.