Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ulterior Motives ❯ The End Of It All (Epilog/Second Part) ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As the sun sets on the horizon armies of Konoha nins stand ready for the cover of the night to begin their attack. ANBU, Jounins, Chuunins and Genins of all sorts gather stealthily in the edge of Hidden Sound Village, surrounding the area. In the front lines of this formable army stand their proud Hokage, Jiraya, Kakashi and Sasuke. Nervous troops finger the cold hard steel of their sharpen kunais nervously and limbs twitch tensely ready to attack at any given moment. AT the sight of the first starts in the night sky Tsunade gives her signal for the attack.
Large summons rampage a path of destruction, leaving the surrounding structures in rumble. Hordes of giant snake summons emerge to battle out with the summons of the attacking Konoha nins. The forces clash, sound verses leaf. Advance Jounins and ANBU are in the front lines attacking feverishly with long-range attacks as the midsection engage in closer range combat against any Sound nins that get past their frontal assaults. In the back line, Genins are station with a few Jounins to deal with any stray Sound nins. Medical nins accompany the Genins in the back line to care for any injured soldiers left behind.
Explosive notes set off left and right, creating large craters everywhere. Tsunade and Jiraya ride a top their respective summons, with them are Kakashi and Sasuke. Together they tear their way into the heart of Hidden Sound to seek out Orochimaru. Before them the Four Elite Sound Guards stand, defending their leader. Breaking away from Tsunade and Jiraya, Kakashi and Sasuke engage with the four Sound guards.
Sakon and Kidoumaru stand before Sasuke. Kidoumaru smirks mockingly at Sasuke, “Ah, Sasuke-kun, back so soon, we only dropped you off at Leaf a few days ago. I suppose you want to test out those new eyes of yours. I hope you are still competent without those hand Sharingans to help you.” Sasuke glares menacingly at the two Sound guards while charging up a chidori in his right hand. “Shut up Kidoumaru, even without my Sharingans I can still beat you easily.” Sakon twitches irritably, “That is enough taking already, lets get this over with quickly so we can go back to protect Orochimaru-sama.” Sasuke powering up another chidori in his other hand charge at the two Sound Guards. While Sakon and Kidoumaru try to dodge the chidori in Sasuke's hands, two other Sasukes appear behind the two Sound Guards. He thrusts a kunai with explosive tags on them into their backs. Stumbling forward from the impact, they look dumb fold at Sasuke. This is nothing like Sasuke's usual fighting tactics. During all their training together, he has always been very direct in his attacks, this time however his attack is too tricky. Both Sound Guards drop to their knees, gurgling out, “Kage Bushin? How...?” Sasuke smirks triumphantly, “a little trick I learned from a very dear friend.” Setting off the explosive notes the bodies of the two Sound Guards explodes. Lumps of singed flesh scatter everywhere. Without hesitation, Sasuke runs towards Orochimaru's location.
Arriving at the scene, Sasuke witness Tsunade executing a killing blow on Kabuto. The silver hair man slumps down, with blood seeping out of all his openings; eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Orochimaru in his familiar form, black hair, serpent like eyes and sickly grey skin, stands a top of Manda fighting against Jiraya. The perverted frog hermit stands a top Gamabunta. Jiraya is showing clear signs of fatigue, but Orochimaru still stands strongly looking as if he is barely exerting himself. Tsunade, Sasuke and Kakashi join Jiraya in his fight with Orochimaru. For a moment, Orochimaru's attacks stops, to taunt the group before him. “Sasuke-kun, back so soon already, I must say those blue eyes look much better on Naruto-kun.”
A growl vibrates from Sasuke's throat, shutting his eyes briefly in grief. “Shut-up Orochimaru, I am going to kill you for what you did to Naruto. You are going to pay. Tell us now, where are you keeping Naruto? What have you done to him?”
Orochimaru licks his lips slowly, and his eyes glaze slightly from recalling the pleasure of taking Naruto's innocence. “What I did to him? Oh, yes that…mmmm…that was a delicious experience. I must admit Naruto-kun has just as much stamina in bed as he does in battle. Do not look so angry, I made sure he felt good too. I made him scream and beg. I never had so much fun fucking someone before.”
Kakashi and Sasuke remain silent, plotting how they are going to torture and kill Orochimaru in the most painful ways possible. Tsunade simply cannot take it any more and snaps. “I am going to kill you, you sick bastard!” In a burst of speed, she appears before Orochimaru throwing a punch into his stomach. “Where is he you snake freak, where? Tell me now!”
Hunching over from the impact of Tsunade's punch, Orochimaru begins to chuckle. The black color of his hair gradually melts away to reveal bright blond hair with red streaks. His grey skin glows a healthy tan color. Orochimaru throws his head back in a maniacal laughter. Tsunade remain frozen in front of Orochimaru in mortified shock. Facing Tsunade, he reveals his face. Familiar whisker marks and a pair of advance Sharingan eyes looks at Tsunade in the eyes. Shifting slightly, he looks over at the three other ninjas rigid in horror. In the loud boisterous voice very familiar to them the figure with blond hair speaks. “You want to know where Naruto is, well he is right here.” This unexpected turn of events leaves them speech less.
Sasuke reaches a hand forward in attempt to touch Naruto. Eyes fixed on the blond boy, Sasuke takes a tentative step forward, whispering Naruto's name. “Naruto…” Kakashi stops him, a hand firmly griping Sasuke's shoulder. “That is not Naruto, Sasuke. That is Orochimaru in Naruto's body.” Sasuke hearing this stops his advance and rejoins Kakashi's side.
“What is the matter? I just showed you where your beloved Naruto-kun is. Is that how you greet your friends? Aren't you going to give dear Naruto-kun a hug?” Snapping out of his horror-stricken state, Jiraya yells angrily. “Why, why him you sick bastard? You did not want him before, why did you take him instead of the Uchiha? You had him in your grasp, but you let him go. What did you see in Naruto for you to take him in place of Sasuke?”
Orochimaru tucks a blond lock of hair behind his ear. “Ah, yes initially I did want to use Sasuke-kun's body as my new vessel, but during the Chuunin exam three years ago I found out some fascinating things about Naruto-kun's remarkable body. Did you know? At the time Naruto and the Kyuubi no Kitsune were beginning to merge into one being. The more he used Kyuubi's chakra the more they assimilated, giving Naruto all the qualities of being a demon.” Orochimaru snickers, “You all look so confused. Here let me simplify for you. In essence, Naruto-kun was becoming a demon, becoming immortal. Since then my main objective has always been Naruto-kun. Sasuke was just the means of getting Naruto into my hands. The Sharingan was a bonus.
“Clouded with rage, Sasuke attacks. “You asshole, you tricked him into making that deal with you. You used me to get him to agree! Argh! Die!” At Sasuke's attack, Tsunade, Jiraya and Kakashi also move to attack. On the rooftops of Hidden Sound, a battle of immense destruction commences. With Kusanagi in hand, Orochimaru, with the use of Various clones to fends against all for of his opponents.
As the battle rages on, fatigue takes its toll on the four Konoha nins. Never before have they ever cursed at Naruto's endless stamina and chakra supply this much before. Kakashi is the first to fall of the four. Collapsing from chakra exhaustion, Orochimaru takes the opportunity to plunge Kusanagi through his chest. Now the group of four is down to three. In the heat of the battle Jiraya leaps in front of Tsunade, taking the full force of a Rasengan attack aimed at Tsunade. Catching her long time teammate in her arms, Tsunade cry out. “No!”
“Jiraya you are such an idiot, why did you jump in front of the attack like that? You baka!” Blood seeps out the corner of his mouth, Jiraya mumbles weakly. “I can't let a beautiful lady such as you get hurt. Tsunade-hime *cough* I-I l-lo… *cough*…” With a last gasping breath, Jiraya passes to the far plane, never completely able to tell the love of his life his feelings for her. “Jiraya no baka, come on please, I promise to never complain about your hentai ways every again. Jiraya don't die, Jiraya, no!” Tsunade lets out a heart-wrenching cry. Glaring at Orochimaru with eyes burning in hatred, Tsunade growls, “I am going to kill you. You will pay for defiling Naruto's existence; for killing Jiraya and for all your crimes, I will kill you. I will not rest until you die! Even if it may take me another life time to kill you I will.”
Sasuke watches as Tsunade cries in agony. His body too weak even to stand hunches over and his eyes threaten to fall into unconsciousness. Hearing Tsunade's cry, Sasuke mutters Naruto's name quietly to him self. “Naruto…” His vision blurs as the world turns black, falling into oblivion.
Tsunade attacks Orochimaru feverishly. Fatigue clearly showing in Orochimaru's sluggish movements, but even with fatigue, Tsunade is far too deep into her exhaustion to gain any grounds in her attacks. Swinging Kusanagi in a wide arch, a huge slash is afflicted across Tsunade's back. In the return motion of the sword's swing, another deep gash appears across her chest. Her life slowly drains away from her. During her last moments, mustering the last ounce of chakra, her last bit of life energy, she lunges her fist at Orochimaru. The hit connects with his body, but he attack is not strong enough to injure him. Clawed hands grabbing hold of Tsunade's neck chocking her. Smirking wickedly Orochimaru whisper into Tsunade's ear, “Are you satisfied now Tsunade, you landed a hit on me before you can die. Do not worry about Naruto-kun; I will take good care of his body. I plan to keep for a very long time. It will serve me well indeed.” Tsunade spats in his face “Go to Hell.” Taking a clawed hand, Orochimaru digs his sharp talons into her deep chest wound, blood oozing profusely from the cut. Tsunade screams in pain until her voice is horse. Orochimaru watch in sadistic pleasure while the light in Tsunade eyes dim. Dropping the limp lifeless body, Orochimaru lets out a sinister laugh in triumph. “Finally Konoha shall fall before me, and I shall watch it burn to ashes.”
Orochimaru struts toward the Sasuke, watching him stir from unconsciousness. Sasuke, drifting in and out of darkness catches a glimpse Naruto coming toward him. Reaching a hand out to touch his blond hair friend, only to stop and realize that this man in front of him is not Naruto. This person before him is a fake, simply a sick man wearing his friend's body. His heart aches for his friend. Orochimaru kneels down to come face-to-face, inches apart, from Sasuke. A snake like tongue slips out of from between his lips and licks the some of the blood off Sasuke's cheek. “Sasuke-kun, how does it feel to lay there dying knowing everything that has happened is your fault. He he he… Do you know what Naruto-kun's last words were, his last thoughts? They were of you; his last thoughts are the good times spent arguing with you, fighting with you. He said your name before I took him. Give up Sasuke, you can never save him, you can never have him back. He is mine now, for all eternity.” Tears pour out from hurt coal black eyes. A sharp-clawed finger, glides across Sasuke's throat cutting a deep gash. Blood drains from his neck, killing him as he stares at the vile being in Naruto's body looming above him. Slowly the world dims, falling into coldness. For decades afterwards, a shroud of darkness blankets the shinobi world. No one is safe from the evil wrath of the vile being, Orochimaru.
Please Read:
Authoress note: There this is the last and final part to my little story. Action is hard to write. The war scene was by far the hardest for me to write. I hope you have all enjoyed reading this story of mine. I am sorry for killing off everyone, but there must be angst. A fellow reviewer pointed out that the story is a bit too long to be a one-shot, and that it would be better if it was made into a longer multi-chapter story. Well if any of you are that interested in that, I will gladly lend this plot line out to anyone who wants it. Just as long as you tell me you are going to use it, and the proper credit is paid. I have had a fun time writing this. I know I am a crappy artist, that I am better off drawing stick figures. Despite knowing, I have sketched up a drawing of what Naruto would look like. It is crappy, but if you really want to see it, just tell me I will send it to you. Once again, Thanks you all for reading and reviewing. It is always nice to have people stroke my ego. Thanks