Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ ultimate tournament ❯ THE BEGINNING ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Beginning
At The Registration
All the teams were getting ready to sign up for the ultimate tournament. I don’t know for sure but I’m pretty sure that there’s love in the air.

“Sasuke! Oh Sasuke I bet you were just dying without me to comfort you but don’t worry Ino’s here for you”

“GET OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW!” Said a heavily irritated Sasuke.

“Sasuke and Ino Sitting-UCK!” Before Naruto could finish that song sasuke was at his throat. It was sort of like how Homer Simpson chokes Bart Simpson.

“Back off Ino-pig Sasuke’s mine!” said Sakura, cracking her fists maniacally.





“Shut up!” Said an irritated Shikamaru

“All you guys ever talk about is Sasuke, Sasuke, I’m sick of it!”

“I agree!” said everyone present except Ino and Sakura of course.

“I’m so pumped up I can’t wait for this competition Believe it!”

“Next.” said a random person

“Huh?” said Naruto

“You’re next for registration, kid.”

“Alright Believe It!”
Registration forms
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Sex: No not yet, I’m waiting for the right moment
Occupation: Well I love Ramen
Highest Rank Achieved: Well I don’t like to brag but I’m on level 14 in Runescape….oh you mean ninja um genin?
Previous Tournaments Entered: The chunin exam I kicked so much ass in that tournament.
Other: Well I’m really strong and I can kick your ass so what you want!

Name: Sakura Uchiha (or Haruno)
Sex: Female
Occupation: Spying On a Certain someone
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Tournaments Entered: Chunin Exams, and the Sasuke’s Lover Tournament.
Other: Sasuke is my future husband; um I was top of my class at the academy. Oh yeah, I hate Naruto!

Name: Sasuke Uchiha
Sex: Male
Occupation: I do not yet have a Job
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Tournaments Entered: Chunin Exams
Other: None of your business.

Name: Hinata Hyuga
Sex: Male
Occupation: Um I’d rather not say (blushes)
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Tournaments Entered: Chunin Exams, Miss Konoha Pageant
Other: I am strong and I think I’ll do well in this competition

Name: Shino Aburame
Sex: Male
Occupation: None
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Competitions Entered: Chunin Exam

Name: Kiba Inuzuka
Sex: You guys are molesters
Occupation: Oh what you wanna come to my job to rape me
Highest Rank Achieved: You guys are really creeping me out
Previous Competitions Entered: Hell No!
Other: Not on your life you molesters
(Kiba runs out crying for his mommy but don’t worry he’s still in the competition)

Name: Tenten
Sex: Female
Occupation: Well I volunteer at the weapons store (BORING)
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Competitions Entered: Chunin Exam, Miss Weaponry Pageant.

Other: I’m really good with weapons
Sex: Male
Name: Neji Hyuga (All Bow Down)
Occupation: You want to know why?
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin (I’m still better than you)
Previous competitions: Chunin Exam
Other: You’re a loser and I am not

Name: Rock Lee the handsome devil of the leaf village!
Sex: Male
Occupation: Training to defeat Neji and to become the strongest shinobi!
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin (I am in my springtime of youth!)
Previous Competitions Entered: Chunin Exams, the Most Youthful Person in Konoha (I lost to Gai-sensei)
Other: Yosh!

Name: Choji Akimichi
Sex: Male
Occupation: Eating
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Competition Entered: Chunin Exam, Eating Contest
Other: I like Potato chips
Name: Ino Yamanaka
Sex: Only with Sasuke
Occupation: Make-up
Highest Rank Achieved: Genin
Previous Competition Entered: Chunin Exam, Sasuke’s Lover competition
Other: I love you sasuke!

Name: Shikamaru Nara
Sex: Male
Occupation: Why do you guys wanna know all this stuff just let me in the competition already (Troublesome much?)
Highest Rank Achieved: genin
Previous Competition Entered: Chunin Exam
Other: That’s for me to know and for you to try to find out

That’s about it that was a handful read and reviews please!