Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unbreakable Bonds ❯ The Confessions and the Kidnapping ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Naruto was walking down the stream outside of the leaf village thinking of the mission he was currently assigned to by the fifth. He was being sent to a clan he couldn't place the name for to help repair there town which just got attack by a group of bandits. Usually he would've wanted the mission of going after them, but lately he notice the Fifth dropping the importance of rank on Naruto. Naruto felt a flicker of irritation at this. He didn't complain before because he seemed to be wrapped up in his own little world or rather the world he shared with Saskue before he left. Naruto shook his head of those thoughts. Wouldn't do any good showing up to the village and scare them by the dangerous look that always entered his eyes when he thought of Saskue. Back to thought of his missions being downgraded, he will be having a talk about being assigned more important missions in the future if this keeps coming up. Naruto glanced back at Sakura who was lagging behind him. He caught her staring at him and saw a blush creep up her collar. Naruto never knew that Sakura liked him beyond their friendship until one night after his extensive training he had with Pervy Sage and returned back to the village and of course after Saskue departure did she confess to him at his doorstep. Naruto was briefly brought out of his own misery of the shock it caused. Sakura loved him? That almost seemed laughable until he saw in her eyes that she was serious. Naruto thought about all those times he chased after her in his youth and not once did he catch any vibes telling him that Sakura returned his feelings. It wasn't until Saskue came and started to fill his thoughts was when Naruto started to pull away from Sakura and got closer to Saskue. With her standing like that with that pleading look in her eyes Naruto almost cried. How could she love someone like me? I wasn't popular, in fact I was scorned by everybody because of the thing that resided inside of me. Naruto was trying to grasp for the words that he would need to tell her that he couldn't return his love to her when he saw she was wearing only a silk robe around her body. Naruto again was stunned. Did she plan to seduce him? Naruto put his hand up to stop this from happening when Sakura took a step forward at the same time. Naruto sucked in his breathe at the firmness of her breast filling his hands. Sakura moaned loud and deep and the sound was like a drug to him. All thought of letting her down and saying no flew from his mind. Though he was with Saskue Naruto was still attracted to the opposite sex and found Sakura an amazing women. He grasped her firmly against his chest and slammed his lips against hers. Closing the door behind him. The kiss wasn't sweet or gentle. The passion he showed her was violent and heated them both the instant they deepened their kiss. Slowly Naruto dragged his mouth away from her and started to suckle her neck only then to trail down her breast. Through the fabric Naruto could see Sakura's nipples harden with passion and he filled his mouth with her forbidden fruits. Again Sakura moaned in passion, but it wasn't a gentle moaned this one was filled with an animalistic sound that made Naruto go hard at the wildness of it all. Forgetting about going slow, Naruto rips open the sash of her robe and tears the silk away from her body. There lay a most magnificent female body he ever lay eyes on. Not that he ever had experiences with females all that much he knew she was something to behold. Stripping his clothes from his body and reclaiming Sakura in his arms and feeling there skin make contact with each other made them both shudder. Taking her to the bed and laying her down on the comforters gently and not pound his cock into her immediately took all his self restraint. He again started to suckle her nipples while his other hand slowly traveled down her body and circling her clit slowly at first that had her gasping for air, but only to scream in pleasure when he started to insert is fingers in her. Sakura was gripping the sheets above her head and and moaning so sweet that it drove Naruto mad. When Sakura thought it wasn't going to get any better then that was when Naruto started to move down her body, leaving trails of kisses in his wake. When he started to lift her legs over her shoulder did Sakura started to come to her senses. “Naruto? What are you doing?” But she soon found out when he started to kiss and lap at the core of pleasure. She wildly started to fling her head from side to side and repeatedly moaning Naruto's name over and over again. She started to fell this new found pleasure on the brink of pain, but would have never told him to stop if his life depended on it. All of a sudden she came into Naruto's mouth and didn't feel a least bit as bit ashamed at doing so because she was currently riding on cloud nine and nothing could pull her away from that. Naruto came up and gave her a kiss that seem to brand her mouth his and no one else. When they both came up for breath Naruto stared into her eyes and was starting to smile when he saw a shift and saw a raven haired boy with ruby red Shenanigan staring at him is betrayal. He blinked again and there he saw Sakura looking up at him through pleasure filled eyes. Naruto shook himself from the horrible vision and looked to Sakura again. He felt her grab his pulsating member and guide him to her core and shuddered in passion at her hands on his cock. He knew though was about the hardest thing he had to do, but pushed away from her. He saw the confusion flash before her eyes then the pain that resided there afterward. Naruto grabbed her face and kissed her with all he had and in a detached voice he said, “Get out!” Sakura flinched and looked at him as if her slapped her. She reached for him and Naruto slapped her away from him. “Don't you understand what I'm saying! GET OUT OF HERE!” Naruto roared in her face and Sakura jumped up and ran out of his room. Naruto looked outside of his building and saw he running out in the street in his shirt she grabbed and hastily put it on before she left. He could also hear her heart breaking in a million pieces and her cries reached him from his window. Naruto slammed his fist against the wall and screamed at the way the world worked! Will he never get Saskue out of his mind? Or his veins? It wasn't fair! Why did he have to suffer so and bring everybody he loved with him. He never knew how she could ever accepted his apology, but it seem after the 30,000th time she finally relented and they were just friends ever since. Naruto would never understand why she still liked him after the way he treated her, but cut his losses by saying her will never understand women and their way of thinking. Naruto saw the peak of the village up ahead and was about to call out to Sakura when he heard a muffled scream. He turned and saw that Sakura was being held with a short katana held at her neck. The attacker was shrouded in dark fabric that it hid hid face from Naruto. Naruto starts forward when the attacker starts to slide the katana slowly against her skin, drawing beads of blood. Naruto seizes up and raised his hands. He calls out to the stranger and says, “Please take me. Let her go and you could take whatever you want, but please let her go!” Naruto felt his anger and fear for Sakura getting to him and felt the Kubi within him start to feed him power. The length of his nails and the lines of his face deepen. But the most thing that most people feared was when his eyes turned into slits of the Kubi. He feels himself lose control and lunges at the attacker. The stranger dodge, but also tossed Sakura along the floor and grabbed a hold of Naruto. Naruto instantly felt his power being drained and felt himself losing consciousness Before he closed his eyes he caught a glimpse of the attackers eyes. They were the color of ruby red shenanigans that haunt his nightmares. Naruto meekly whispers, “Saskue?” Before he blacked out.