Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Sadness and Sorrow ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but that's no reason why I can't own Kakashi. XD
All rights, ideas, privileges, etc, belong to Misashi Kishimoto.
Unexpected Love
Chapter 2
Sadness and Sorrow
Sakura slowly opened her eyes to a new day. She could hear birds chirping in the early morning hours as rays of sunlight drifted through her shades. Rainbow patterns fluttered on the floor like many colored butterflies. She began thinking about the events from the past day. She wondered if Kakashi thought she was going crazy. Besides, where was he? Sakura looked around her room to find Kakashi by the window, his head resting on his upturned palm. She was shocked to find that her room was spotless. Did he clean her room?
`Gorgeous,' Sakura thought as she studied Kakashi's lack profile. She shook her head to clear the image her mind produced of a shirtless Kakashi.
`Come on Sakura. He's your teacher for goodness sake. Get your mind out of the dang gutter. First I'll get dressed then I'll go train.' Sakura got up from her bed, putting her shinobi skills to go use as so she didn't make a sound. The floor was cold, making a shiver run up her spine even though it was almost summer. She walked over to her closet and got out her normal attire. It consisted of a white tank top with mid-thigh black shorts. She also retrieved a red blouse that she tucked into her shorts and her medic pack that went around her waist. She walked over to her wardrobe and picked out her undergarments. A blush rose to her cheeks when she remembered that Kakashi had cleaned her room. Her panties and bra had been in plain sight for him to see.
She sent a glare at the sleeping Jounin. `That pervert!'
She began changing her clothes, thinking that Kakashi was sound asleep. She was sadly mistaken for the elite Jounin watched her with heavily lidded eyes. After she finished dressing along with her knee length boots she continued putting on the rest of her equipment.
First she got her strips of white cloth and wound it around her legs with a small black pouch that held her kunai and shurikan. After she finished she walked over to her desk and picked up her hairbrush. She brushed out the tangles in her hair that now reached the small of her back. She pulled it back into a tight braid when she was done. After checking herself once more in her large vanity mirror she turned around to see Kakashi watching her.
“Good morning, Sakura.” Kakashi noted with a smirk the blush that surfaced on her cheeks.
“Good morning, Kakashi.”
Kakashi stood up from the chair, stretching his arms above his head. “Shinobi shouldn't care about their looks when it comes to training and missions,” he said.
Sakura saw the glint in his obsidian eye. “So what?”
“Are you trying to dress up for me?”
She felt like a complete idiot for she knew that Kakashi was right about not needing to look good to train. But what really irked her was that Kakashi thought that she had dressed up for him. She focused her gaze back on Kakashi and narrowed her eyes. “Do you have to be such a pervert?”
“I don't know what you're talking about, Sakura,” Kakashi said with an innocent look.
“Sure you don't. I'm going to train now. So if you'll excuse me I best get going.” Before she had made it to the door she felt a hand on her wrist.
“Who are you going to train with?”
Sakura looked over her shoulder, giving Kakashi another glare. “I'm training myself. It will be easier that way.” Sakura wrenched her arm away from Kakashi before she stormed out of the room. Not caring that Kakashi was still in her house she left without looking back.
She stopped just outside her door, adjusting her eyes to the bright day. She looked before her to see the many people going to work and the children going to school. She turned left and exited the village, grateful that she didn't run into anyone she knew. She walked through the forest, all thoughts escaping her mind as she watched the animals scurry about.
She smiled to herself before walking on into the forest, intent on finding a good training place where most people didn't go. She stopped at a place that she had trained at with her teammates and sensei many times when they were Genin. She found this a fitting place as she reached out with her chakra to see if anyone was around. She didn't sense anyone.
She closed her eyes and breathing in the fresh air, began warming up. After doing numerous amounts of sit-ups, push-ups, and various stretches for the rest of her body she began her training.
She began with Genjutsu, the art of illusionary techniques, which she was best at. She did up to ten different illusions and used the replacement jutsu a number of times. Now she moved onto the next hardest jutsu, Ninjutsu, the art of hand seals and chakra to form a technique. This was far more difficult than Genjutsu because it called for better concentration and if interrupted, it would mess up the whole sequence.
She had a small problem trying to clear her mind but she eventually succeeded. Then she moved onto hand signs. It would seem that it would be easier for her since she was a female and naturally had slimmer and shorter fingers than a male, but not for Sakura. She accidentally switched her hand-signs, but quickly learned from her mistakes. She felt good about herself until she moved onto her next session, Taijutsu, the art of hand-to-hand combat.
Sakura breathed in deep, focusing all of her thoughts on one thing, to keep her balance and move quickly. She formed an illusion of Kakashi, thinking it fitting before she launched her attack. She quickly reached into her shurikan pouch and pulled out five of them. But she was only able to hit the illusion once. Instead of getting angry she ran at the illusion Kakashi and tried punching him. She missed as he jumped to the side to avoid her fists that kept coming in rapid succession. Sakura began getting angry with herself for not being able to hit a mere illusion. She circled around him fast and threw more shurikan. She growled in frustration when he sidestepped them all. Her strength had diminished and all she could do was glare at the illusion hatefully.
“I can't even get close to an illusion,” Sakura said softly as tears of frustration surfaced to her eyes. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder that made her gasp as she looked up. It was her illusion Kakashi. But illusions couldn't be putting pressure on her shoulder. Kakashi…the real Kakashi was standing behind her with a worried expression on his face.
“What are you doing here, Kakashi?” Sakura asked. She tried wiping her offending tears away but they kept coming.
“I came to check on you,” he explained softly as he removed his hand from her shoulder before it went back into his pants pocket.
“Was it you I was fighting this whole time?”
Kakashi nodded. “I switched places when you threw the first shurikan.
“Well, you shouldn't have. I thought I told you to leave me alone.” She turned her back on him, hoping he would take the hint and leave. She hated it when people saw her cry. It made her feel even weaker and more like a child when she cried in front of the people she looked up to.
“I'm worried about you, Sakura,” Kakashi said as he came to stand in front of her. He watched her tears as though in slow motion roll down her pale cheeks. He felt useless when it came to women crying. Most of what he knew about women had came from his Icha Icha series and the few one-night stands he had with women. But those experiences wouldn't help him in this situation.
“Leave me alone!” Sakura yelled as she turned around, intending on leaving when she ran into Kakashi's hard chest.
“I just want to help, Sakura,” he said with worry and a hint of pity laced within his voice.
Sakura caught onto the pity in his voice. “I don't want your pity, Kakashi! You also made me feel this way for always going easier on me than you did Naruto and Sasuke!” Sakura ran, sprinting into the forest before Kakashi was able to stop her.
Kakashi let her go. He could feel the anger and hurt radiating off of her. How could Sakura think that he was one of the one's responsible for her feeling this way? Did he really go too easy on her? Maybe he should listen and leave her alone for a while until she cooled down. He remembered that he told Naruto and Sasuke that he would tell them what had happened to Sakura last night. He decided to leave Sakura to herself for a while and go find them. He turned on his heel as he thought of how close those two had become after their last battle.
The battle had taken place in Konoha two years ago. Orochimaru had launched an all-out attack on Konoha. They had been unprepared for the shear ferocity of the third Sannin. Kakashi could still hear the dying screams of those that were killed unawares. He himself had taken on Kabuto. The boy had given him a run for his money, but he had come out the victor in the end. But not before having to use his Sharingan. Naruto had immediately sought out Sasuke.
Sasuke had eroded to state two and Naruto had already been using his nine-tails power when they began. It didn't take long for the two boys to finally wear themselves out. Naruto, for all his determination had come out the victor. His preserverence had won through. After Sasuke had been admitted back into the village Naruto and him had demolished Itachi and his comrades. But ever since the day that Sasuke had returned, Sakura had been left behind. Naruto had once been her best friend, but after Sasuke returned, she had no one.
`How did Sakura get left behind?' Kakashi asked himself as he neared the village. Over the years she had improved, she could probably fight himself if she tried harder. And she was still weaker than Naruto and Sasuke. But did that mean that she was the weakest ninja? No, it didn't.
A quarter of the way into the village he spotted bright yellow hair and pitch black in the midday crowd. He grinned beneath his mask at the differences of day and night. He silently crept behind them.
“Good Morning!” Kakashi exclaimed. He laughed as he watched the two Jounin whip out their kunai and whirl around. Kakashi teleported behind them and took their kunai from them.
“I thought you guys were Jounin?”
“Kakashi! Why did you do that?” Naruto exclaimed as he turned to Kakashi.
“I was just having a little fun,” he said innocently as he handed their kunai back.
“We are Jounin Kakashi,” Sasuke said.
“Are you sure?” Kakashi asked.
Naruto crossed his arms over his chest. “Of course we are Kakashi. We passed the exam, remember?” he said.
`Naruto will never change, will he?' Kakashi thought as he listened to Naruto go on and on about the Jounin exam. Instead of standing there listening to him Kakashi motioned for Sasuke to follow him.
Naruto continued to ramble on without noticing they had left. “And then we had to pass the third part of the exam which was taijutsu….hey…wait for me!” He ran to catch up to Kakashi and Sasuke.
“Were are we going?” He asked once he caught up to them.
“Breakfast, my treat,” Kakashi said as he walked into a café. Naruto ran inside and began ordering before the waitress could get to their table. Kakashi sighed and was followed by Sasuke who rolled his eyes at Naruto's behavior before he sat.
“May I take your order, sir?” A young waitress asked Kakashi, looking him up and down.
“The same as Naruto,” Kakashi said, not even looking at the waitress as he pulled out his Icha Icha book. After the waitress took Sasuke's order she looked once again at Kakashi and strode angrily away.
“Well Kakashi, you sure know how to drive women away,” Naruto surmised. Naruto thought for a moment before a frown marred his whiskered face. “Why did Sakura leave in such a hurry last night? What happened to her?” he asked.
Their bowls were brought to the table. “Yes. Why did she have blood on her?” Sasuke asked.
Kakashi closed his book and pocketed it. “Oh yes. That's what I came to tell you. Well...Sakura left your party because she felt left out and couldn't stand to hear you bragging."
"Bragging!" Naruto exclaimed, drawing the attention of everyone in the café.
"Yes, Naruto you were bragging about becoming a Jounin when you knew that Sakura did not pass the last exam. Now where was I, oh yes...I found her in the forest venting her anger out on a tree. She kept on yelling that she was always the weakest one in the group and wondering why she was the one always being rescued. That's how she got blood on her." Once again he was interrupted by Naruto.
"Did you stop her?"
"I was getting there Naruto if you would just let me, yes I did stop her. But I had to hold her wrists before she would stop but then she began taking her anger out on me so I had to pin her to the tree so she wouldn't hurt herself anymore. After that she had gone off into her own world and I had to strike her so she would come back, then she burst into tears."
"Is she alright now?" Sasuke asked with a hint of worry lacing his monotone voice.
"No, not completely. She insisted that she was going to train herself, thinking that it would be for the best. But she got frustrated and I was afraid that she would hurt herself again so I intervened, but she left."
"And when was that?"
"Right before I came upon you guys."
"Why would Sakura think so low of herself?" Naruto asked.
"I could not tell you that but she thinks because you two used to protect and save her all the time that she was the weakest ninja. She has also blamed me because I went easier on her during training than I did with you two. I am the main one to blame so do not fret yourselves about it."
"What do you mean you're the one to blame?"
"Don't you see Naruto? I was the one who trained her and the one who made her think so low of herself since I was the one who went easy on her and you two did in the process." Kakashi sighed, finally being able to tell someone that he blamed himself for Sakura's behavior and he would be the one to fix it.
"Do not blame yourself, all of us are to blame," Sasuke said reasonably as he kneaded his hands beneath his chin.
"He's right. I haven't seen her as much as I used to since I brought Sasuke back," Naruto said looking downcast that he had caused one of his best friends to feel that way.
"Then lets fix it," Sasuke said, moving his hands and standing up.
"It may be harder than that Sasuke," Kakashi said standing up also, intending on finding Sakura again.
"Hn, Naruto and I have to report to Tsunade," Sasuke said in departure as he left the cafe and continued up the road from where they were previously headed.
"Don't be so hard on yourself Kakashi-sensei. We'll all get Sakura back to her normal self, bye," Naruto yelled as he ran to catch up with Sasuke.
Kakashi sighed at the way Sasuke and Naruto hadn't changed one bit from when they were Genin. He turned the opposite way and exited the village through the dispersing groups of people that were now eating lunch in various shops.
He knew for a fact that Sakura didn't eat anything for breakfast nor had she took anything for lunch so he was intent on finding her and taking her out to eat. He made his way to the place he last saw her before she had run away later that day. He followed the trail she had left in her haste. He easily found her a short distance from where he started. She was sitting at the edge of a small brook that ran through the forest with her bare feet dangling in the cool water with her eyes closed. He would be sure give her a lecture on letting her guard down in the middle of the forest once he got her something to eat.
Quietly making his way over to the unwary girl he sat next to her, waiting to see how long it would take her to notice him. He became quite concerned for Sakura since she hadn't said anything about him being there. He decided to interrupt her solitude.
"You know that you shouldn't let your guard down?" Kakashi said in a strict tone, deciding on giving her the lecture right now instead of waiting for later.
"I did not let my guard down. I noticed your presence when you were coming here." Sakura had opened her eyes and was now glaring at Kakashi for even thinking that she would let her guard down.
"My apologies Sakura," Kakashi said sincerely as he looked into the clear stream, watching a school of minnows dashing around Sakura's feet.
"So you still think I'm a little Genin that don't know what she's doing?" Sakura kicked her feet in the cooling stream before she roughly stood. She put her sandals back on and made way up the stream, deeper into the forest. She didn't even notice that Kakashi had acted and was instantly in front of her. Before she had time to stop she collided with his chest. From the force she lost her balance and started falling to the ground.
Before Sakura landed on the ground, Kakashi with his quick reflexes had pulled her back up. He hadn't intended on her grasping onto his shirt and encircling her arms around his waist. His one visible eye widened when he heard a small sob escape the confines of her throat. Before he could stop himself he pulled her closer to his chest as circled his arms around her back since he was a head taller than her and couldn't circle her waist fully.
"What's wrong Sakura?" he asked her as he laid his chin atop her pink locks where her headband held back her bangs.
"I-I'm sorry," Sakura said trying to pull away from him, feeling like a complete moron for grasping onto Kakashi like that; but was shocked when he wouldn't let her go and instead pulled her tighter against his chest.
"What are you sorry for?"
She could feel his chin move against her head, making her feel awkward but relaxed at the same time; "For ever bothering you with my problems and for being such a burden," she said, a sob coming forth from her throat as she tightened her arms around Kakashi's waist.
"You were never a burden to me Sakura." Unconsciously he tightened his hold on Sakura as well.
"Then why are you trying to help me?"
"That's what friends are for," he said, smiling beneath his mask.
"We're friends?" she said as if the word was foreign to her. Ever since Naruto had come back with Sasuke she had felt like she didn't have a friend left in the world, but now here was Kakashi saying that she had a friend all along.
"Yes, I have always been your friend Sakura. Why would you think that I wouldn't be your friend?"
"I thought you only saw the three of us as a responsibility. That you couldn't wait to get rid of us."
"A responsibility? No Sakura I have never saw you as one of my responsibilities. I enjoyed the time we spent together in training and on missions."
"Then why did you quit being our teacher?"
"I had learned you all that was required of me as a teacher and you had your own paths to trend. Did you not want to become a medic-nin?"
"Yes, but I got so lonely. I didn't know hardly anyone in the hospital except Tsunade and she was away most of the time on business so I never had any friends."
'Poor Sakura, I know what she feels.'
"Remember that you'll always have me as your friend. No matter how many times you try pushing me away I will remain your friend."
"You mean that?" Sakura asked raising her head up where she could look into Kakashi's eye.
"Yes...that is not all is it?" he asked seeing the sadness still lingering in her eyes.
"I can't stand being alone anymore Kakashi. Ever since Naruto and Sasuke have become best friends I have had no one and now here you are saying that you are my friend and I don't know how to act. But I also miss my parents and I haven't mourned over them since. I must be a sorry excuse for a daughter." Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of herself unworthy of being born to a great family when she wouldn't mourn them, afraid that it would become a weakness.
"First of all you can act like yourself around me and secondly..." here he turned her face up with his hand beneath her chin so he could see into her eyes. "You are not an unworthy daughter to your parents just because you choose not to mourn their deaths. But when you keep your sadness locked inside it will consume you until you wear yourself down until you can't show any emotion and you don't live." He slowly brought his thumb up and brushed the tears away from her smooth cheeks in an intimate gesture as he kept his gaze locked on her surprised and relieved ones.
"Thank you!" Sakura threw herself at Kakashi who laughed at her antics and whispered soothing words into her ear as she cried for her parent's deaths, but mostly for herself. Once her tears had dried Kakashi feeling her exhaustion, picked her up and carried her bridal style to her house where he gently laid her down on her pink covered bed.
He smiled at the beautiful picture she made as she fell asleep after she once again thanked him. He immediately left to go pick her up some food. Twenty minutes later he returned to Sakura's house, laden down with various foods that he would personally see to that she ate every last bit. He entered her bedroom to find her already up and sitting in bed as she watched him with amusement.
"You don't expect me to eat all of that do you?" Sakura asked, seeing the large amount of steaming food he carried to the bed that made her mouth water at the smell.
"Yes," he said sitting down the food and opening it for her.
"I'll get fat!"
"You can work it off and besides you already missed the most important meal of the day so you have to make up for it." He handed her a set of chopsticks and held a bowl of ramen up in front of her nose, beckoning for her to eat.
"I can feed myself you know," she said with amusement as she snatched the bowl from his hand and quickly devoured the food and began on the next bowl that caught her eye.
Kakashi watched with amusement as she hungrily finished the meal he had bought for her, but was intrigued when he caught sight of a blush that had appeared on her face as she noticed he was watching her eat.
"It's not polite to watch someone eating."
"Oh...sorry...and you said you couldn't eat all that food," he said with a smirk underneath his mask.
"I lied," she said, shrugging her shoulders as she began cleaning up the empty containers and deposited them in a small trashcan in the kitchen.
"Hm?" he questioned warily seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Why do you always wear that mask?"
"Oh. This?" he asked, touching the cloth covering his lower face. "It makes me more mysterious I guess."
"And you like to be mysterious?"
"Then can I see what's under your mask?" she asked sweetly, but glared when he started
laughing. "What's so funny?"
"No I won't show you. Now I believe you were in need of a trainer?"
"Yeah what of it, Kakashi-sensei."
"So you want me to be your teacher again?"
"Hmm...I don't are getting a little too old," Sakura said teasingly.
At the word old he became annoyed but decided to play along with her game. "No I don't think I will train you since you think I'm too old Sakura. But I will get Sasuke to train you if that's what you want."
"What...I don't want Sasuke to train me, he'd kill me!"
"I'm too old Sakura. I might break my back or something."
"Come on Kakashi you're not that old."
"But you said I was too old to train you?" he said acting completely ignorant to what she was saying.
"Kakashi! Come on your not too old. You could even be my boyfriend! Uhoh" Sakura quickly covered her mouth hoping he hadn't heard that last part, but it was very doubtful that he didn't.
Kakashi quickly recovered from his shock and decided to tease her some more to see how far he could get before she would give up. He appeared in front of her before she could even take a breath and placed his hands on her shoulders. He bent down until he was level with her. "Why Sakura I didn't know you thought that way about me," he said inching closer to her until he could feel her hot breath through his mask.
"I...I didn't m-mean that," she said trying to back away but was stopped as her back hit the counter of the kitchen bar as Kakashi followed her and moved his hands down to her waist.
"Really...then why are you trying to get away from me?" he said inching closer until he was but a few centimeters away from her lips that were being worried by her teeth as the blood rushed to her cheeks, bringing about a bright blush.
"I-I'm not." Sakura could feel his breath penetrating through his mask as her heartbeat sped up at a fast rate.
"Why is your breath coming out in pants?" he whispered, seeing the shiver run through her body.
"K-Kakashi?" Sakura panicked, trying to push herself up on the counter but was instantly met by a surprise. Kakashi had moved closer. As Sakura was trying to pull herself up on the counter his lips met hers. He cursed the mask that he wore wishing he had removed it when she asked, but couldn't do anything about it as he took the moment to remember the feel of her lips through the cloth.
Sakura on the other hand was completely beyond shock as she felt his lips. Even though they were covered by his mask it was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. But the moment was ruined when a loud voice cut through, coming from behind the door.
The moment ruined Kakashi pushed himself away from Sakura's warm lips as he moved to open the door. Just as expected Naruto was at the door yelling about what was taking Sakura so long to answer the door.