Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The Truth is Out ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and I never will.
Unexpected Love
Chapter 6
The Truth is Out
Sakura slowly opened her eyes to a new day as she stretched her arms up over her head as she lay in bed. Images of last night filtered through her mind from Kakashi carrying her home to when she fell asleep in Kakashi's arms. A blush arose to her flushed cheeks as she opened her eyes the rest of the way and looked to the side where Kakashi was supposed to have been. She wasn't surprised that he wasn't there, the only remnants of his presence were the slight creases in the sheets and pillow. She quickly whipped her head around when she heard movement in the doorway. Her mouth opened slightly at the sight she saw. Kakashi was standing in the doorway with a plate piled full of food and a cup of orange juice in the other hand.
"Good morning Sakura," Kakashi said coming to sit beside her on the bed since she had just been gaping at him ever since she first noticed him. He grinned beneath his mask when Sakura closed her mouth with a snap and turned her head to the side with a blush on her cheeks.
"Go-Good morning Kakashi," she stuttered as she avoided his eyes.
"I brought you some breakfast," he said laying the plate down in front of her and the orange juice on her bedside stand.
"Thanks." Sakura turned her head down to look at the breakfast he had brought. It consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, two pieces of toast, and sausage.
"Did you make this or did you go buy it?" Sakura asked as she took the eating utensils from Kakashi's hand and started devouring the food.
"Actually I made it. I'm not too good of a cook though so I wouldn't be surprised if you don't eat it," he said sheepishly as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"This is fantastic," Sakura said between bites of toast, catching Kakashi off guard. He looked over to her and watched as she quickly ate all of the food and drowned the glass of orange juice.
"You're just saying that because you don't want to hurt my feelings."
"What, no I mean it, it's great. The best breakfast I've had in a long that I think about it, you can cook a whole lot better than Naruto and Sasuke put together."
"Thanks," he said rubbing the back of his head with his eye closed.
"Actually that's the first time anyone's ever brought me any breakfast in bed."
"Really?" Kakashi asked quizzically as he returned his gaze to Sakura as she pushed the covers aside and got up from the bed.
"Yep," she answered as she made her way over to her closet, then wardrobe to get her usual work clothes and undergarments.
"I'll be just a minute," she said then closed the bathroom door softly.
Kakashi silently sat on the bed as he listened to the muffled scuffling of Sakura in the bathroom as she got ready to go to work. His thoughts strayed to last night's events, but he was quickly brought back to the present when Sakura emerged from the bathroom.
"Well I guess I'll see you later then," she said as she walked out of her room with Kakashi on her heels. They both exited her house with Sakura turning back around and locking the door once they were outside. She jumped in surprise when Kakashi circled her waist with his hands and turned her around until she was facing him.
"What?" she was silenced as in the blink of an eye he had his mask pulled down and crashed his lips to hers. She could vaguely feel as he pushed her up against the door as one of his hands tangled in her hair and the other rested on her collarbone. His lips on hers started out sweet and innocent then as a few seconds passed it became desperate and erotic. Sakura felt as if her whole being was being swallowed up by a burning fire of passion, desire, lust She found herself with her hands around his neck, pulling him closer until their bodies seemed to be one.
They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes until their breaths had evened out. Before Sakura was able to say anything Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving her standing alone in front of her house in a dazed state of mind.
"Hey Sakura!" a feminine voice yelled from across the street, bringing her out of her dazed state. Sakura looked up to see no other than Yamanaka Ino waving at her as she ran across the street, dodging the few people out this early in the morning.
"Hey Ino. Where are you headed?" Sakura asked as she started walking up the street to the hospital with Ino walking beside her.
"To train with Shikamaru," the blond replied as she practically skipped alongside Sakura with a smile on her face.
"Are you two an item?" Sakura asked with a matching smile on her face as she saw the blush on her friend's face.
"N-no," Ino hesitantly said as Sakura's eyes widened in surprise at the change in her friend's personality. Ino was known for telling everyone what was on her mind no matter the consequences and this uncertainty caught her off guard. She remembered when herself and Ino used to be rivals over Sasuke's affection, but it seemed both of them had finally given up on the Uchiha.
Speaking of Sasuke she hadn't thought about him at all since she last saw him which was about a week ago. Maybe she had finally, completely given up on him since he never did return her affections. Maybe it was because Kakashi had replaced the image of Sasuke and now she was moving on to bigger fish. Just of the thought of Kakashi her cheeks heated up in flames as she brought her hand up and traced her own lips where his previously were.
"Yo! Sakura are you listening to me?" Ino said jumping in front of Sakura, making her stop from going any further as she waved a hand, trying to get Sakura's attention.
"Oh sorry Ino, what did you say?" Sakura said, snapping out of her recollection of Kakashi.
"What's gotten into you...are you seeing someone?" she asked suspiciously as she saw the remaining blush lingering on Sakura's cheeks.
"That isn't an answer, either you are or you are not, which is it?" Ino asked placing her hands on her hips and glaring at her friend.
"I am...I guess," she said, side stepping Ino and continuing on to get to work or she would be late again.
"Who, who, who?" Ino asked catching up with Sakura.
"Come on, if you tell me then I'll tell you about Shikamaru and me, please!" she whined as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"'s Kakashi." Sakura suddenly regretted ever saying anything when she heard Ino's loud exclamation of surprise as she momentarily halted in her tracks.
"It's that bad huh?" Sakura asked as Ino caught up with her once again.
"Yes. I mean no; but he's your teacher Sakura!"
"Ex-teacher," Sakura stressed with a scowl on her face.
"But isn't that taboo?" Ino asked quietly as she looked around to see if anyone was watching them.
"Well if it is then it shouldn't be, I mean he isn't my teacher any more, is he?" Sakura asked, mostly to herself.
"Is he training you any?" Ino asked with her index finger pressed to her lips as if she were thinking.
"So that's means he's still your teacher."
"Yeah...and he's still officially my teacher since I'm still a Chunin" Sakura said sadly with her head held down, watching her feet.
"You really love him, don't you?" Ino asked sympathetically as she watched Sakura with a frown on her face.
"I don't know, to tell you the truth I don't think I know what love is anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I've been pining over Sasuke for years until I finally realized that it was just a crush, so I don't know what it feels like to be in love."
"Oh..." Ino was for once in her life at a loss for words.
"Now about what Shikamaru?" Sakura asked brightly as she brought her head back up with a smirk on her face.
"Um...we're dating," she whispered, avoiding eye contact with Sakura.
"That's great Ino, you two are perfect for each other!" Sakura happily exclaimed as she was truly
happy that her friend had finally decided to do something about her affections to her team mate.
"You really think so?"
"Yes, how long have you been dating?"
"Two weeks," Ino said with a smile on her face.
"What, and you never told me?" Sakura accused as she stopped at the bottom of the hospital steps with her hands on her hips.
"Sorry...I just haven't had the courage to tell anyone."
"Oh...well that's okay. I completely understand," Sakura said pulling Ino into a sisterly hug.
"Thanks, by the way I think you and Kakashi would make a perfect couple, keep me updated!" Ino laughed as she ran in the opposite direction, waving back at Sakura.
Sakura shook her head in amazement at how quickly Ino changed emotions in one conversation as she watched her form disappear from sight. She turned around and ascended the steps, walking into the large hospital with a serious expression on her face. She immediately missed the outside when the smells of the hospital and the scuffling of quick footsteps assaulted her senses.
She sighed as she made her way to the main office where she knocked softly on the door then entered when Tsunade's tired voice beckoned for her to come in. Not wasting any time she got her assignments for the day and shifting into her working face, she started without complaint.
Kakashi sat in front of the memorial as his gaze wandered over the names of his two friends; Obito and Rin. Almost every morning in Konoha he would come and sit for hours at a time, either thinking about his past or thinking about nothing at all. For once this morning his thoughts were not on his two deceased friends but on a pink haired kunoichi who was constantly on his mind. He was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone clear their throat to his right. He quickly whipped his head around, thinking it was an enemy but sighed inaudibly when he saw that it was just Asuma and Gai.
The two were looking at him as if he had grown an extra head as he stood up and made his way to his friend and arch rival.
"What?" Kakashi asked, snapping the two out of their daze.
"You didn't even hear us calling you," Gai said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah and you're usually on your guard no matter what, so what's up?" Asuma asked, crossing his arms over his chest also.
"I was just thinking," Kakashi said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head that was starting to form into a habit.
"About what?" Gai asked thinking he could use it to his advantage.
"This and that," Kakashi said walking past the two.
"What is it Kakashi?" Asuma asked catching up to the Copy Ninja with Gai on his other side.
"Do I have to tell you?"
"Yes, so spit it out or we'll just keep bothering you," Gai said with a smirk on his face.
"Fine. I have feelings for someone."
"Who?" Asuma asked.
"Haruno Sakura."
"What! Are you out of your mind?" Gai and Asuma said simultaneously as they jumped in front of Kakashi, blocking his path so that he had to stop.
"Maybe," he said shrugging.
"It's forbidden!" Gai yelled, making Kakashi wince.
"You don't think I know that?"
"What kind of feelings?"
"What?!" both men yelled at the same time.
"I think I love Sakura," Kakashi shrugged once again as he sidestepped the two, leaving them with gaping mouths. Kakashi was beginning to regret ever telling them anything because now it would be all over the village. He sighed as he heard Gai snickering about how he could use this against him as blackmail as Asuma remained silent. He reached the village as he ignored the futile attempts of his friend and rival saying how wrong it was that he loved Sakura. Yet he didn't care what they thought, he only cared what Sakura thought. It was no denying now that he was in love with Sakura since he could never get her out of his mind. Walking into the village a little ways Kakashi spotted another one of his good friends, Gemma who had two women hanging on his arms.
"Yo Kakashi," Gemma greeted, taking his hand from around the blond woman and waving.
"Yo," Kakashi said casually as he walked over to Gemma with Asuma and Gai trailing.
"Have you heard Gemma?" Gai asked.
"About what?"
"Kakashi's in love."
"Oh that, Sakura was it?" Gemma supplied walking with the three Jounins as they made there way into a nearby bar.
"How did you know?" Asuma asked with a surprised expression on his face.
"I heard Ino telling everyone around town about Sakura loving Kakashi."
"What, so Sakura loves Kakashi too?" Gai asked, clearly shocked that Sakura could like anyone like Kakashi.
"It's the rumor." After they ordered their drinks they found a large enough table in the back of the bar where they all started talking about Kakashi and Sakura.
While the three Jounins were gossiping about him and Sakura, Kakashi was thinking on what Gemma had said.
'Sakura loves me?' This thought ran through his head as he finished off his drink and without saying anything to the now arguing Jounins, he walked out of the bar. As he walked down the street with shoulders slouched and hands in his pockets he began thinking about Sakura and if they were having the same feelings then what were they to do about them. Suddenly a thought came to mind that he had forgot about. The other day Sakura said she was going to tell Tsunade that she was almost raped if she allowed him to be her bodyguard.
Kakashi leapt up onto the roof of a nearby building and began making his way to the hospital where Tsunade spent most of her time and where Sakura was at the moment. It wasn't long until he was in Tsunade's office where he asked permission to be Sakura's bodyguard. Before Tsunade thought on the idea of why Sakura would need a bodyguard she called Sakura in so she could find out what was going on.
"Come in," Tsunade said as she heard a light knocking on the door. Sakura walked into the room with a worried expression on her face that soon turned into a surprised one when she saw Kakashi leaning up against the white washed walls of the hospital.
"Kakashi, what are you doing here?" Sakura asked, stepping forward where she was able to see him more clearly.
"To request permission to become your guard," he said pushing himself up from the wall and coming to stand next to Sakura.
"Oh that...I guess I just forgot," she whispered, as she suddenly became nervous about having to relive that night again.
"Now what's this all about you having a guard?" Tsunade asked, lacing her fingers together atop her desk as she watched the emotions cross Sakura's face.
"First assign me as her guard then she'll tell you," Kakashi lazily said as he glanced down at Sakura who was nervously fidgeting.
"I can't until you tell me what's going on," Tsunade said, becoming annoyed that they wouldn't tell her what they came here for.
"Please Tsunade-sama just let Kakashi be my guard and I'll tell you," Sakura pleaded as she put her hands behind her back in an attempt to calm her nerves.
"Is it that important?"
"...Very well, but only on one condition." After receiving both of their nods of conformation she continued. "You will still go on missions."
"Understood," Kakashi said lazily.
"Now what is this about?" Tsunade directed the question to Sakura.
Taking a deep breath Sakura told Tsunade what happened that night as Kakashi laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, making her relax. After they finished Tsunade agreed that it was a good idea that Sakura have a guard and that Kakashi should start right away. Kakashi and Sakura were both surprised when Tsunade gave Sakura the rest of the day off to let them get situated with how they were going to work this out.