Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Feelings Reveled ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor will I ever.
Unexpected Love
Chapter 7
Feelings Revealed
Kakashi walked alongside Sakura as they made their way out of the hospital where they had just spoken to Tsunade. Sakura told her about that night of attempted rape on her person and he was assigned her guard. To tell the truth he didn't see any reason why she would need a guard since that had happened over two weeks ago and the man hadn't shown up since. Yet he wanted to stay as close to this female as much as he could since he realized that the feelings he was having was love.
"It's a beautiful day," Sakura commented as she looked up to clear blue sky.
"Yes," Kakashi agreed, but instead of looking at the sky he gazed over to Sakura as he watched the sun bring out her light complexion and sparkling emerald eyes. He cleared his throat to bring Sakura's attention from the sky to shift her gaze to him as he continued.
"Are you all right with me staying at your house?" Kakashi asked, keeping his gaze on Sakura's face to see her expressions.
"It's fine, nothing to worry about," she quickly said as the blood rushed to her cheeks, making a blush surface.
"Do you mind if I stop at my apartment to grab some stuff?" he asked as he grinned beneath his mask watching as her cheeks flared darker under his gaze.
They continued on in silence with each other occasionally glancing at one another, but when their eyes met Sakura was the one who looked away, embarrassed at being caught. A few blocks from Sakura's own house they came to a set of old apartment buildings for the Shinobi of Konoha.
"You lived this close to me and you never said anything?" Sakura asked incredulously as she gaped at the small distance from their living quarters.
"Hn." Kakashi walked into the apartment building and up to the top floor with Sakura following behind him silently, fuming at him living so close to her without ever noticing. Kakashi stopped at the room 4H and fished a silver key from his back pouch and inserted it into the lock, opening the door. Being the good gentleman that he was, he waited until Sakura entered before coming in behind her as he watched her scan his apartment of what she could see. It wasn't much. The living room consisted of a small couch with a recliner and coffee table in front of it.
Sakura was not too surprised that there wasn't anything that she could see that Kakashi kept as keepsakes. Not even one picture was present on the bare white washed walls that stood stark against the almost black carpet. Further from the living room was a bar that separated it from the kitchen where she could make out a refrigerator, sink, and a small round dining table. On the opposite side was a short hallway that led to a closed door, presumably his bedroom with the bathroom beside it.
"Make yourself at home," Kakashi said snapping Sakura out of her assessment. She watched as he walked down the short hallway and opened the closed door before stepping inside. Sakura took his offer as she walked over to his couch and sat down. But after a minute of not finding a comfortable position she turned sideways and taking off her sandals put her feet up on the couch. She could hear the light shuffling of clothes being taken out of drawers, making her relax even further and close her eyes as exhaustion took over from the long day.
She was suddenly brought from her dozing when a hand was laid on her shoulder, occupied by a soft yet deep masculine chuckle. She narrowed her eyes at being rudely awakened from her dozing state before she glared up at Kakashi as he removed his hand from her shoulder.
"Don't make yourself at home too much," he teased seeing her glare then her face become red in embarrassment.
"Sorry," she mumbled sheepishly as she swung her legs over the side of the couch and put her sandals back on before standing up and walking towards the door. Kakashi followed her out, watching as her hips swayed as if she were pouting at being awoken then waiting patiently as he locked the door back. They continued on in silence out of the apartment with Sakura in front being followed by Kakashi as he kept his eyes on the sway of her hips. Too soon for Kakashi they arrived at her house where she unlocked the door and walked on in without seeing if he came in behind her or not. Grinning at her child like antics Kakashi silently shut her door and with his transportation jutsu appeared in front of Sakura within the blink of an eye.
Sakura gasped in surprise as he easily lifted her up in his arms bridal style before carrying her to her bedroom and laying her gently on her bed.
"What are you...?" she started but was interrupted when Kakashi softly laid his finger over her lips, silencing her.
"You're tired so you should rest," he softly said as he reveled in the softness of her lips and how bad he wanted to feel them against his own.
"I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself," she said indignity, muffled by his finger as she crossed her arms over her chest as she closed her eyes in silent redemption. After a moment of silence and he still hadn't removed his finger she was surprised when his lips replaced his finger in a sweet kiss. Before she could react he retreated out of the room, closing the door silently behind him with a smirk on his lips as he replaced his mask.
"Damn, I didn't even get to see his face," Sakura mumbled as she glared at the door Kakashi had escaped from.
"I heard that," came Kakashi's amused voice from behind the door.
"You were meant to!" Sakura yelled.
"Idiot," she whispered as she turned on her side with her back to the door, thinking he wouldn't be able to hear her this time.
"Heard that too," Kakashi said with a chuckle.
"Arghhh!" she screamed into her pillow as she threw another one at the door, which landed with a small thump to the floor as she heard Kakashi's deep laughter coming from behind the door. She calmed down, her eyesight becoming blurry as her eyes closed on their own will. She was lulled into a peaceful sleep filled with dreams of a silver haired Jounin with mismatched eyes.
Kakashi listened at the door until he could hear Sakura's soft and steady breathing before silently opening the door and entering, leaving the door open behind him. He grinned as he picked up the discarded pillow that she had thrown at the door as a soft chuckle resounded in his throat. After setting the pillow up against the headboard of the bed he quickly discarded his sandals, vest, and wrappings before settling down beside her. He lightly ran his hands through her pink tresses as he watched her face for any sign of stirring from sleep.
Never in a million years had he dreamed of loving someone this deep no matter how discrete it was or if it was forbidden. He had thought over this a lot and now he knew for certain that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this small cherry blossom beside him, no matter the cost. His life had been filled with sadness and regret ever since his best friends and sensei died yet ever since Naruto, Sasuke and especially Sakura came into his life he was able to live in the present again. They had filled the hole in his heart and brought out the feelings that had been left dormant for so long until they had been resurfaced by a young woman.
He was brought from his thoughts when Sakura stirred in her sleep, making him glance down in surprise when her arm was laid on his stomach. As quickly as the surprise came it vanished to be replaced by a soft smile upon his masked features as he laid his hand atop hers, making a soft sigh escape her slightly open lips in an enticing manner.
"...Forest..." Sakura mumbled in her sleep as she breathed in deeply, bringing his scent to her senses.
Kakashi chuckled when she said this but it turned into a silent gasp of surprise when she threw her leg over his own, tangling the two appendages. She moaned softly in her sleep as her hold on his torso tightened, bringing a small sigh from her parted lips as she mumbled his name in broken syllables.
The blood rushed to his cheeks, which seemed weird since he had been in more intimate positions than this before. Yet he was blushing as he silently watched to see if she would say or do anything else. After a minute of silence Kakashi ran his hand down her clothed side as he brought the other to tangle in her pink hair, eliciting a small shiver through her body. He pulled down his mask and softly kissed her parted lips, then just as quickly pulled his mask back up, bringing a small whimper of protest from Sakura. He quickly removed his leaf headband and carelessly tossed it on the ground with a small thud. He looked upon her with both his eyes and breathed in the light strawberry scent of her shampoo mingled with her own unique scent as he lowered his head, nuzzling her neck.
He continued ravishing her neck and exposed collar with light butterfly kisses, making Sakura's breath come in pants, which made him more aroused when she brokenly whispered his name. From what Genma had said, Sakura loved him as well. So should he tell her the feelings he has for her or should he wait for Sakura to tell him? He rested his hand on Sakura's curvy waist and tucking his other arm under his head, drifted off into a deep sleep that Sakura's presence always seemed to do.
Sakura turned over onto her back and stretched her arms up, hearing two resounding cracks but suddenly something registered into her sleep filled mind. There was a hand laying on her abdomen that made the haziness disappear from her eyes as they opened wide in surprise. She looked to her left with wide eyes to be met with the sight of Kakashi sleeping so deeply that he was softly snoring, making the Jounin the most relaxed Sakura had ever seen him. She softly giggled as an idea popped into her head as her eyes came into contact with his black mask.
'Take off his mask,' Inner Sakura yelled as she threw a fist up in the air.
'He's sleeping so deeply he won't even notice.' Slowly Sakura brought her right hand up to the edge of the mask and slipping her two fingers down into the soft fabric, started pulling downward. The black cloth was slowly tugged down revealing the top of his nose. As she began tugging the fabric down more her hand was suddenly caught in a soft grip. She gasped in surprise, her eyes following the contours of his covered face to his eyes as she suddenly realized that he wasn't wearing his headband, revealing his Sharingan.
"Trying to take advantage of me, eh?" Kakashi said as he released her wrist as he pulled his mask back to it's original position before smirking at Sakura who looked like a gaping fish.
"What, n-no!" Sakura said turning back over onto her back as she brought her hands up, covering the blush now adorning her cheeks. She blushed even deeper when she heard his deep laughter as he took his hand from her waist, but she was suddenly missing the warmth.
"You were trying to see my handsome face, admit it?" Kakashi said as he took Sakura's hands into his own, removing them from her face. He watched amusedly as she tightly closed her eyes as her blush slowly lessened, but then flared up again when he brought her hands to his lips and kissed them through his mask. He sighed as his thoughts returned to the problem at hand. He released her hands and slowly got up from the bed, but regretted it when he saw the confused look on Sakura's face as the questions were soon to follow.
"What's wrong?" Sakura asked as she got up from the bed and retrieved Kakashi's headband from the floor before walking over and giving it to him.
"Nothing," he said with a shrug as he took the headband from her outstretched hand.
"I know you too well to not know that something's wrong," she said placing her hands on her waist and raising an eyebrow, daring him to argue.
"You know me too well Sakura," he said, tying his headband back around his head then slanting it down where it covered his Sharingan. He took a deep breath, deciding it was time he told Sakura his feelings and from the rumors he had heard concerning their relationship, they would have to come up with something to be excluded their relationship being a taboo.
"Kakashi?" Sakura asked worriedly as she took a step forward, laying a hand on his chest in a comforting gesture as she saw he was worried about something.
"Sakura," he whispered as he pulled her the rest of the way towards him until she was flush against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her small form, bringing her closer. She emitted a small gasp that soon turned into a moan as he pulled his mask down and began placing light kisses on her neck and tasting her delicate skin with his tongue.
"Kakashi?" Sakura moaned lightly wondering why he was acting so strange, almost as if he were afraid of something.
He tilted her head up where he could look into her eyes. He stared into them until he was certain he had her full attention. "I love you Sakura. I have since the first time I laid eyes on you."
Sakura's mind was reeling with what he had just told her in those few words; that he loved her. Her heart raced with joy and relief as she flung herself at Kakashi as tears of happiness escaped her eyes as she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him with all the passion she could muster.
"I love you too Kakashi," she whispered after breaking from their kiss, breathless with her face flushed as she looked up into his lone eye, but was surprised when she saw sadness. "What's wrong?" she asked as she brought her hand up to his cheek.
"I want to be with you Sakura, but..."
"What?" Sakura was beginning to get worried with how sad he looked and the slight anger in his voice.
"It's forbidden for us to be together."
"What are you saying?"
"I don't know Sakura...I still want to see you, but I don't want to get you into any trouble."
"So you won't see me again because you're afraid that I can't take care of myself?" she retorted with anger and hurt in her voice.
"No, I will still see you, but we can't let anyone know about us," he said cupping her cheek like she had his earlier.
"I won't tell anyone. I would rather stay with you even if it means that we keep it secret," Sakura said smiling up at Kakashi, but was soon turned into shock for she just noticed that he had his mask down. She gasped, thinking he was the most handsome man she had ever seen with his perfectly normal features that would put any man to shame.
"Like what you see?" Kakashi teased as he watched her gaze at his face in absolute amazement.
"Your beautiful," she said as she ran her hands along his jawbone and lips, but gasped when Kakashi took one of her fingers into his mouth. Reacting out of instinct she pulled her hand away from his mouth when she felt his tongue run along her finger in a slow sensual stroke. She turned her head to the side as she heard Kakashi's laughter, making her face turn three shades of red in embarrassment.
"What are you doing today?" Kakashi asked, looking at Sakura after his laughter died down yet he still had a small grin sealed beneath his mask that he had replaced.
"I have to go to work today," she sighed as she wished she didn't have to go back to work just yet when she was starting to have fun with Kakashi.
"Maybe Tsunade-sama will give you the day off again?" Kakashi suggested as he tied his headband back around his head and pulled the right side down covering his red Sharingan eye.
"I doubt it," she sighed once more before walking to her closet and pulling out her usual work uniform and then across the room to her wardrobe, taking out some undergarments. "I'm going to take a shower, how bout' you?" Sakura asked as she stood outside her bathroom door with her clothes in hand as she turned around to await his response.
"I also need a shower," he said in his usual lazy tone, but looking closer you could see a teasing and hungry look in his eyes.
Sakura saw these things, making another blush arise to her cheeks. It seemed as if she could never quit blushing around this guy no matter how hard she tried not to. Not to mention the butterflies that erupted in her stomach when he looked at her that way as if he were hungry, for her. "Pervert," Sakura said in mocking anger as she walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. It wasn't but five minutes when she was finished in the bathroom and walked out to find Kakashi in the same spot he was before.
"You can take a shower now." Sakura deposited her dirty clothes in the hamper in her closet and walked out of the room, making her way into the kitchen where she made them a light breakfast.
When Kakashi was finished with his shower they quickly ate their breakfast in silence and were soon making their way along the streets of Konoha towards Tsunade's office.
They soon arrived at the Hokage's door and after being bade to enter they were surprised to find Sasuke and Naruto sitting in the two chairs in front of Tsunade's desk.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled as he jumped up from his chair and embraced Sakura in a tight hug, making the breath leave her momentarily.
"It's nice to see you too Naruto," Sakura gasped out as Naruto released his death hold on her. She turned slightly to find Sasuke watching her with a scowl on his handsome features and something akin to jealousy shimmering in his dark eyes.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura said nodding in his direction, wondering what had gotten him so cold as if he were still a revengeful Genin.
"Sakura what are you doing here?" Tsunade asked as she rose from her large chair before walking around to the front of her desk and leaning against it.
"I work today," Sakura said worriedly, wondering if her teacher was feeling ill or that she just plain forgot what day it was.
"You have the rest of the week off," the Hokage said with a shrug of her shoulders as if she discussed releasing her medical staff everyday.
"Why?" Sakura asked incredulously since Tsunade never let anyone leave work for no reason other than a serious injury or sickness.
"From that incident."
"But that was about three weeks ago!" Sakura waved her hand for emphasis.
"What incident!?" Naruto yelled as he jumped up from his chair.
"It's nothing Naruto," Sakura said as she turned back to Tsunade with her gaze narrowed. She had never been this up front with the Hokage and her Sensei before but it seemed as if Tsunade was giving her the week off because she thought she couldn't handle herself.
"I don't need the week off sensei, I'm just fine and besides Kakashi is with me," Sakura said waving her hand back towards him.
"Are you disobeying my orders Sakura?" Tsunade asked calmly as she walked back around her desk and sat with a large sigh in her chair.
"No. She's not," Kakashi interrupted as he saw Sakura narrow her eyes dangerously and open her mouth to throw out a retort. He stepped forward and gently took Sakura by her shoulder and turned her around, steering her out of the room before she would do something she would regret later.
Sasuke watched the interaction between Sakura and Kakashi with narrowed eyes, seeing the affection Kakashi held towards Sakura when he led her out of the room. He decided to leave the report to Naruto they were supposed to turn in as he followed the couple, silently channeling out Naruto's protests as he focused his senses on Kakashi and Sakura.
Once they were out of hearing distance of the Hokage, Sakura turned towards Kakashi with an angry expression on her face. "Why did you do that?!"
"Do what?" Kakashi asked surprised at the angry tone of Sakura's voice.
"I don't need a week off, why did you pull me away?!"
"There's nothing wrong with taking a break Sakura."
"I don't need a break, it happened over two weeks ago and besides your supposed to be guarding me so what could possibly happen?"
"That man that tried to rape you could come back to try again."
"That's the point, I can take care of myself! I'm tired of everyone seeing me as the weakest link and being the one that always needs protecting."
"Sakura...haven't I already told you that you are far from being weak?" he asked as he put an arm around her waist, pulling her up against his side.
"I know, but it feels like even Tsunade-shishou thinks I'm still a weak little girl," Sakura said silently as a lone tear fell from her eyes.
"Sakura." Quickly before anyone saw them Kakashi pulled Sakura into an alleyway and pulled her up against his chest. In one quick movement he pulled his mask down around his neck and placed his lips on Sakura's. He poured as much passion and love he could into this simple kiss, hoping she would see how very far from weak she is.
"Thank you," Sakura whispered against his chest after Kakashi pulled away for the need to breathe.
"I'm sorry if I offended you back there," Kakashi whispered just as quietly, referring to the incident in the Hokage's office.
"No, I'm sorry. I should have just done what Tsunade-sama said instead of making a big deal out of it. Besides, now I'll get to spend the whole week with you, right?" she asked as she stepped out of the alleyway, making sure no one saw them.
"Yes, a week you won't forget," he teased lightly as they began walking down the street once again after their short detour.