Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Versions of the color Red ❯ The Color Red ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer for entirety of `Versions of The Color Red': I don't own Naruto.
The cries of a warrior long since forgotten in the heat of battle.
The stench of blood as one cold, blank obsidian eye stares upwards at a blackened sky, dead to the world; the other gone, given as a final parting gift.
The sound of metal as it clashes; the screams of a young girl echo.
The crunch of bones as a fist collides with flesh; as anger boils and eyes flash hatred.
Blood showers down, dimming silver hair with a crimson bath.
Two miss-matched eyes, for the first time, see the world together as red.
The color of blood.
The color of his new left eye.
The only color he can see as he avenges his best friend and teammate.