Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What do you see in me ❯ On the edge ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Even when she hated him most she couldn't stay away from him
(This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me)
Disclaimer: sadly I don't own Naruto
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What Do You See In Me
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Chapter 5: On the edge
She ran, never turning back.
For if she turned, she might have seen the hurt in his eyes.
If she didn't keep running she knew she would fade away to nothing just as every other person that lived there had.
Hinata could see her breath come out before her in short puffs, her slim legs pushing her on in a direction unfamiliar to her.
Wherever her legs took her she would go, far from the Akatsukis.
Far from Itachi Uchiha.
Hinata slowed down, her hands on her knees as she gasped for air.
This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been so absorbed in what Itachi did in the privacy of his room.
If she had left his room door shut she wouldn't have had to face all the obscene things that she hoped to never see.
Itachi Uchiha in the arms of another woman.
Her heart shattered as she remembered standing in the arch of his doorway, watching as made love to this mysterious woman. Her slender legs had a vice grip of his waist, her moans excelling with every thrust he complied.
The scene made her stomach turn.
Only twenty-four hours ago, he had her in his arms, taking full advantage of her vulnerability. The rays of light from the hall bulb caused her shadow to hover over the entwined couple, arresting Itachis attention.
She would never forget the bleak stare he tossed her, as if she didn't matter to him.
As if she was just a slave amongst the Akatsukis as she once had been.
She could no longer bear the sight of him or even breathing the same air as him.
So she fled, packing what was rightfully hers.
Hinata continued running blinded by the fresh set of tears brimming her eyes.
He only said that he liked her, not that he was addicted to her.
So why was she addicted to him?
Their first physical contact was just yesterday but it felt like his hands were still trying to undo the bow of her night gown.
Those nimble, lengthy fingers caressing the skin beneath her silk gown.
Her throat closed up, thick bile rising within it to cease her from speaking.
If she hadn't let him hold her so passionately, she wouldn't have been so confused about her feelings for him.
Goosebumps formed along her bare arms, the chilly air making it even harder for her to go on.
Snow crunched beneath her boots as she tried to push herself.
Time was slipping away and so was she.
Her life span felt shorter as she became light-headed.
Was she supposed to feel this way?
Her knees gave out, plummeting her to the snow.
She began hyperventilating, her hair damp as she sank even further into the snow.
Was this how kami wanted her to die?
She swallowed the large bile clogged in her throat, her eyes emotionless.
Would someone find her before she died a horrible death?
Would Itachi look for her?
She felt languid; the numbness that once had her feet migrating further up.
Itachi would most likely be happy that she took it upon herself to end her life.
Tears built up behind her pupil less eyes, upset with her own self for making such a big deal out of nothing special.
Itachi told her himself that he slept with women regularly.
So why did it feel as if he were portraying her?
Her head throbbed as the snow melted her fever.
Now she would die a very sick woman.
Dark blotches impaired her gaze, making her blink a few times.
Her vision was becoming hazy the tears fell.
Itachi shouldn't have exempted her from the punishment just because she was a Hyuga heir.
Just because they believed they could retrieve the nine-tailed fox by using her as bait.
He should have burdened her with pain just because she was from the village he despised greatly.
If she were to die this way, she was highly grateful that it wasn't by the hands of Itachi Uchiha.
He didn't deserve to be burdened with such a heavy task.
He hated resorting to violence.
Her vision blurred.
Itachi deserved to have a life were he made his own rules, not taking orders from a man he barely saw.
Her breath came out in a slow rumble, her eyes shutting.
Itachi deserved to be free, like a butterfly.
……………………̷ 0;
Itachi never moved from the place she caught him, something within him told him that if he were to move something would be broken off from everything else that he built.
His utopia,
The rustling of sheets in the background caught his attention.
He almost forgot about the main woman that got him into this mess.
The woman was tightly covered under his sheets, her blonde mane wild and oddly unattractive to him.
Before hand, he found everything about her attractive.
Now she was just trash before him.
“Itachi- kun,” Her voice coed, her violet eyes blinking innocently up to him. “Could you please come back; I'm getting cold.” She tugged at his naked shoulder, her body flushed against his back.” He paid no attention to her, his mind focused rather on the Hyuga who stormed out his room just hours ago.
Why did she barge into his room?
Hinata was never that defiant.
Itachis gaze flickered to the woman pressing her large breasts against his back suggestively, wishing that it were Hinata instead of her. “I need you to get your things and leave, now.” His voice low as he parted from her. “Are you kidding Itachi- kun?! You're asking me to leave just because some inexperienced brat barged in while you were climaxing?!”
He ignored her violent screaming, yanking up his pants. Why had Hinata came in unannounced? She would usually knock or wait for him to let her in but lately she had been just barging in without warning.
It wasn't like he didn't approve of her visits but he just wished she hadn't done so this time.
“You're going to regret letting this night pass by Itachi- kun!” She jerked her clothes back in place, glaring callously at him over her shoulder. “This was the night I actually thought you might have changed your mind about us too.” She pouted, raking her fingers through her long mane.
If her hair was black it would've reminded him of Hinata.
“Get the rest of your things, Jun. You aren't coming back” She seemed truly upset by that statement, her belonging dropping from her limp arms. “You mean this is it?” Itachi was oblivious to her tears, snatching the remainder of her clothes up and pushing her out the door.
“Yes I do and if you don't leave soon, you're going to make me do something I will regret.” He dragged her along down the dimly lit corridor, his eyes pausing briefly on Hinatas closed door. “You can't make me leave Itachi- kun! What about our future together?!” She fought against his grip, ignoring the curious looks she received from the other Akatsuki members.
“We never had one Jun so would you stop your fussing our I'll cut your damn arms off.” She was silent.
She was even silent once he threw her out into the blizzard.
Itachi raced back up the corridor to Hinatas closed door, bursting it open without her say so. He knew she would be upset with him but none of that mattered to him now. The hinges of her door squeaked as he pushed it aside.
The room was empty.
All the piles of clothes that hid her floor were now gone, the small duffle bag with her clothes spilling out of it was no longer in the corner. The bed was even made.
Hinata never made the bed there.
He sank to the bed, the mattress protesting under his weight.
She was gone.
Hinata Hyuga finally built up the courage to flee the Akatsuki hideaway after his alleged attempts to make her go. His head hit the pillow. Her scent still lingered there. The sweet, sweet smell of honeysuckles.
He turned on his side, the window just above his head lighting the dark room. `She finally snapped', he though, his eyes drooping as he became more intoxicated with her scent. He hadn't known Hinata smelt this good. She was simply divine.
Something he wasn't.
If he known Hinatas reaction ahead of time, he would have never invited Jun over for a quickie.
But he didn't know that Hinata would be jealous.
The latch of the poorly hung door squeaked as the door was being pushed open. Hidan, one of the new members Itachi recently captured, entered the room. “Some woman just left the hideaway; well actually two. Do you want us to track them down so they won't tell where the Akatsukis are hiding?” Hidan was a member of the Akatsukis before but because of his foul temper, the Akatsukis no longer considered him a member until Pein formally noted that Itachi should bring him back.
(This was before he was blown up by Shikamaru!!)
“Just because you are an Akatsuki does not mean you can take matters into your own hands.” Itachi rose from the bed, his sharigan tomeos swirling around his lone pupils. Hidan refrained himself from trash talking Itachi. “I wasn't meaning to take matters into my own hands, it's just that those bi—“Hinata is not a bitch!” Itachi found himself having a tight grasp of the bed sheets, trying to calm his nerves.
Hidan gritted his teeth, wanting to lash out at the elder Uchiha for disrespecting him.
“You're fond of this woman, are you not?” Hidans violet eyes held a sly gleam, knowing he had the upper hand.
“How foolish would I be if I had any type of affection for a prisoner?” He rose soon passing the seething Hidan, not wanting the conversation to go on any longer. “Damn it Itachi answer the question!” He called after him, his grey hair coming out of place and his violet eyes ablaze.
Itachi ignored him completely, his mind on how he would convince Hinata to come back.
Hinata stirred, feeling unbearable beneath the heat hovering her. She blinks a few times, trying to get adjusted to her new surroundings.
`This isn't where I was before I …' The young heir paused from her thoughts as a light banging of pots arrested her attention. She froze, her fingers feeling numb beneath the small bed cot. How did she get here?
Who brought her?
The banging grew louder as a voice began swearing. The voice belongs to a male. Hinata felt even more nervous, now knowing that she was in a mans house alone. A slight breeze passed over her, making her tug at the blanket covering her for warmth.
She was naked.
Without knowing, she let out a piercing shrill that echoed throughout the small hut. The banging of pots in the distance ceased. Footsteps were making there way down the small hall, making her even more on her edge.
“Oh, you're awake.” Her head whipped in the direction of the voice, clutching the wool blanket to her bare breasts. She wasn't embarrassed because he was a male. She was embarrassed because he was a gorgeous male. He stood at the end of the hall a silver pot and a skillet in each hand. She felt her heart beating constantly against her ribcage as his forest eyes fell on her.
“Y-y-yes I'm up now.” Her cheeks were as red as his hair. “Sorry for waking you, I was just trying to make some tea,” He glanced down shamefully at the pots in his hand. “Or something along that matter.” She found his discomfort rather cute. “How did you find me?” “It was pretty difficult trying to find you since you were buried beneath the snow; I don't know how deep but I had to dig for a while.” Hinata felt the blood rush to her cheeks.
Why had he dug for so long just to save her, a stranger?
“I-I-I hadn't caught what your name was.” “Oh, shit,” He held a hand over his reddened face. “I'm Daichi. I normally don't forget to introduce myself but I guess I was so caught up in trying to keep you warm. I don't even know your name.”
“It's Hinata, Hinata Hyuga.” She thought about sticking out her hand to greet him but the thought soon left her as she remembered she needed that hand to keep the blanket up.
“D-Daichi, where are my clothes?” He looked perplexed, moving from the hall and towards her.
“Your clothes,” he scratched his head as he thought. “Your clothes! Yeah, I placed them on the furnace so that they could dry. If I had let you stay in those soaked clothes you would've gotten sick.” “T-t-thank you for your kindness, I don't know exactly how I'm going to repay you for it but I'll find out.” She ran her slender fingers through her soaked locks, sighing dreadfully as water droplets hit the bed cot.
“I'm sorry,” She sneezed, her face flushing from the heat of the furnace. “Damn it, you're sick.” He swore, setting himself before her, his green eyes showering concern. “Never mind me Daichi, I'm fine.” A fit of coughs seized her chest as she turned from him. “No you aren't alright Hinata, you need to rest here.”
“I can't rest here; you see, someone is going to come after me and he won't stop at nothing to take me with him.” The light that once consumed Daichis lively eyes vanished at the sound of another man taking Hinata from him. “W-what do you mean `he'?”
“I mean that if I stay in one place for too long that he will find me and take me back to that terrible place that he held me captive.” She didn't know why she was telling Daichi this for he probably could do nothing to protect her.
“Why is this man after you?” “He wants something that he thinks I can bring to him so I'm basically bait for the real person he is after.” That light returned.
So no other man was really after Hinata.
“Now that you're free from this demon man you can go back home right?” “Not exactly.”
Daichi didn't look away, a thin scarlet brow rising in question. “Well, the village of Konohagakure is my…my home,” Her mauve eyes drifted from his, becoming discomfort with what she was going to tell him. “I-Itachi kidnapped me hoping that if he used me as bait, the nine-tailed fox would come in search of me.” “Itachi?” his voice low, his eyes piercing her skull.
Her palms felt damp against the thin sheets of the bed cot.
How was she supposed to tell this simple man that she had feelings for the Konohagakure demon that captured her?
“He is the man that wants to hold me captive until Naruto- kun comes.” Daichi said nothing, his lips spread into a thin line, his hands becoming tight fists against his knees. Why had he become remorse for a complete stranger?
A completely beautiful stranger.
He clutched the material of his pants tighter, rendering himself from reaching out to her. “So this Itachi guy is after you because you can get him something that he wants?” Hinata nodded absently, bringing her gaze to meet his. “That's the reason why I can't stay here because if I do, I'll be putting you in danger. I can't do that to someone that to someone that dug my frozen body from under a pile of snow.”
Daichi laughed a thick, deep throated laugh that made her insides tingle. “I appreciate you giving me gratitude but it's not necessary.” He rose, reaching for the pots that he set aside.
“So what are you in the mood for?” Hinata hesitated, not accustomed to people asking her what she wanted.
Only Itachi asked her what she wanted and now this stranger was also.
“I'll just have some tea please.” Her eyes drooped momentarily.
“Maybe it would be better if you had some more rest before drinking.” Daichi suggested, soon disappearing down the hall.
Her eyelids grew heavy with sleep as she watched him leave. Itachi would be hot on her trail in no time if she stayed here any longer.
Maybe, just maybe, she wanted Itachi to find her and to fuss at her as he always had. Hinata rose to her feet, trying to untangle the unbearable blanket from around her. If she didn't leave Daichi, she would soon regret meeting him. She didn't want to burden him even more than she happened to be now.
She approached the furnace cautiously, not to draw too much attention to herself. If she left without telling Daichi, he wouldn't have to worry for Itachi and the other Akatsukis. The blanket pooled at her feet as she quickly threw on her clothes from the day before.
Had she really stayed a whole night form the Akatsukis?
The thought crossed her mind once as she gathered her damp duffle bag and slipped into her scandals. The floor creaked beneath her weight, making her freeze in place. `Damn!' She mentally cursed her odd luck, rushing over the floor boards. As she stood at the opened front door Hinata snatched a coat from the coat rack, almost knocking the course wooden pole over.
Maybe the guilt of soon leaving Daichi so soon ate at her conscience.
She steadied the coat rack then stepping out the door without a second glance. She briskly walked through the snow covered path, leaving the man who saved her behind, cursing and the sound of pots banging in the distance.