Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What's Your Secret Little Kitty? ❯ Here Kitty, Kitty ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Naruto, but I do own Mystery and
Note: I do not know if any of this is good, I just wrote it and decided to post it. This is
my very first fanfic, comments are welcomed and worshipped greatly =D
Updating may take a while between chapters because that involves thinking and
time, which I don't really have a lot of, but nonetheless I will try and update
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“Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!” A hyperactive blonde-haired Genin was singing (off key). His old academy teacher looked at the boy in wonder. After a three hour training session with his team, Naruto still had a boundless amount of energy, but why was he surprised? He had a bottomless pit as a stomach too; he's never seen someone eat as much as Naruto, his wallet always showed proof after shouting the boy to ramen. “Naruto, does Kakashi train you hard enough? You're still bouncing up and down.” With that chuckled comment, Naruto just turned and smiled before his eyes caught sight of something. “Ramen!” Naruto spotted his favourite ramen store and dashed towards it, his singing replaced by a Cheshire grin. “You'd think he was the Cheshire cat instead of the demon fox.” Iruka chuckled, still walking at a leisurely pace. By the time Iruka sat down next to Naruto, the blonde was already eating a hot bowl of ramen and ordering his next one between mouthfuls, all Iruka could do was laugh and hope that Naruto didn't spit out ramen as he spoke. “Naruto, don't eat too much or I'll be broke, then you'll have to treat ME to ramen.” With that said, the blonde decided to only eat 4 bowls of ramen instead of 5.
As the two were enjoying their meal, a mysterious figure sat on the rooftop watching, not stalking, just watching, but they were especially watching the chuunin. After a while Iruka came out from the ramen store and waved a goodbye to the blonde, with that the mysterious figure vanished in a puff of smoke.
§----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------§
“Behind you!”
A girl quickly dodged a kunai from behind before swinging her katana through the attacker with ease, “thanks!” The boy smiled at her, his eyes a bright purple and his hair a dull blonde that went all the way down to his hips. He was no more than 19 years old; he was built like a normal athletic teenager, except the fact that he was a ninja. “Tyrone! Underneath you!” She watched as Tyrone narrowly missed death from a ground attack by jumping into a nearby tree. “Thanks Mystery, now we're even!” Mystery, her full name:
-Uchiha Mystery-
She was Itachi's twin. But unlike Itachi, she wasn't a missing-nin or a threat at all; she was only a damn powerful ninja. You could more-or-less say she was the good twin and Itachi was the evil twin.
“Tyrone! Do you have enough chakra to teleport out of here?” She yelled over the fighting, surprisingly enough she spoke and joked more when she was in battle then when she was hanging around at a bar or park, “or are you as weak as a cub?”
“Shut up and let's go!” He smiled deviously before they both disappeared in a puff of smoke and re-appeared closer to their home, he'd get her back later, and it involved using bugs too. It was fun to torment someone who had a fear of bugs, especially when they used fire jutsu's to kill them.
§----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------§
Opening the door and stepping into his apartment, Iruka let out a sigh, an afternoon with Naruto was enough to make him tired, more than what his training did. He was also vaguely aware of the feeling of being watched all day, it made him nervous to some extent, but he pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on a more important and happy matter. Two special people were coming back to Konoha today.
“Well, I guess I just have to wait for them to show up now. The mission scroll did say it was today they were returning, it was the longest mission ever given and recorded in the ANBU folders. I'll make them some onigri and check their mission report whilst they eat. This is going to be an interesting week.” Iruka had been cleaning up a little while lost in thought, lost enough for the mysterious figure to watch and listen before disappearing again.
§----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------§
Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the report she was handed. The ANBU were doing their annual check on the Chuunins and Jounins in Konoha, reporting only if something seemed worth noting or dangerous. At times the annual check was quite annoying but it kept the village safe, so she put up with it. The report Tsunade had just received was an example of why they had these annual checks, it prepared them for anything that could be potentially threatening, and hearing that two people will be coming to Konoha from an ANBU mission she does not recall giving, she was suspicious. “Shizune!” A startled woman ran into the room carrying a small pig, “hai, Tsunade-sama.” She said with an awkward bow.
“Bring me EVERY file and folder containing the name Umino Iruka and ANBU missions.”
“E-every ANBU m-mission?” Dread creeping into her voice, the thought of getting every ANBU mission folder almost made her cry.
“Just the longest ANBU mission recorded, no, the last 5 longest ANBU missions recorded… NOW!”
“Hai!” And with that she ran to search for and collect all the files and folders. Tsunade took a side long glance to the window, “stop hiding Hatake, it's quite rude.”
Within seconds there was a puff of smoke and a lazy silver-haired Jounin was standing in front of the desk, reading one of the most inappropriate novels he had, Icha Icha Paradise. His leaf headband covered his left eye and a mask covered the lower half of his face. Tsunade looked at him with a stern expression. “Kakashi, I have a mission for you.”
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