Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Deserve to Die ❯ Precious ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When Angels Deserve to Die - Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Naruto characters, all original characters are mine.
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you.
“At the Beginning”, by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx
The first rays of sunlight filtered into the room, illuminating two figures on the bed in the corner. It was cute, one might say, the way Kit's face was pressed into Itachi's neck, her left hand resting on his hairless chest. The way Itachi's hand clasped hers, even in the depths of slumber. The way his black hair caressed her face and hers returned the embrace.
All too soon it ended. Kit's bloodshot dark green eyes flew open. She closed them and groaned, waking her husband up in the process. He offered her a crooked smile, something he only dared show her, and she returned it. Kissing her on the forehead, he stood and began to dress. Kit got up and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Morning.” He replied.
He whipped around suddenly, and, catching her off balance, she began to fall. Just before her bottom could touch the ground, he grabbed her around the waist, and tossed her up in the air. She shrieked with laughter, and for a moment she was fifteen again. He caught her, his arms going under her knees and back, cradling her. She smiled up at him and he kissed her.
For a moment the world stopped. For them, anyway. Kit brought her left hand up to cup his cheek and deepened the kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue past her lips. He broke the kiss entirely too quickly for her liking, and she had to steal another kiss before he set her down.
It was moments like these she would do anything for. In the morning, it was usually up right away, make breakfast and Itachi and Ayame would go on their ways. Ayame had been old enough to find her way to the academy then, and Itachi went off for missions. At the end of the day Kit had finished training and cleaning, Itachi would come home, kiss her, and they would have dinner, Ayame would go to bed, and Kit and Itachi would follow soon after.
Kit smiled and walked into the washroom, slipping off her small nightgown and turning on the taps, setting it to `hot'. She stepped in, actually loving the feel of the burning water on her sleep-drugged skin. She had always been able to take heat more than others had.
Soon she was done. She turned off the taps, immediately missing the warmth, and stepped out. Kit wrapped a big towel around her body. Walking into the bedroom, she wordlessly dressed in a blue shirt and dark blue skirt, and returned the towel to her proper place.
Kit padded down the wooden floor in her bare feet, tossing her jet-black hair over her shoulder, and then suddenly stopped. It was Ayame's room. The paintings of endless seas and skies running alongside each other covered the walls, the bed lay made, fresh and clean, the room was spotless.
*She stepped in, and a shock ran through her as she realized someone was sitting on the rocking chair in the corner. The figure was blue-white, and translucent, and she recognized it immediately.
AN: Oh god, that took so damn long. I just got back from vacation and went through my old fanfiction, and found this chapter. I added the last two lines (starting from the star) so I would have some sort of lead to the next chapter. I know it's short, cliched, and pointless, but an least it's an update, right? =.=;;
Please review? <3