Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper of the Beast ❯ Whisper of the Beast ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This story was inspired by the AMV video Whisper of the Beast
To check it out go to this link &p=45DD9BC8B64AB29B&index=0
Whisper of the Beast
Hello my names Uzumaki Naruto and I am the container Kyuubi No Kitsune. All my life everyone hated me and looked down upon me. Until I finally found some, well actually two people Haku, and Uchiha Sasuke. These two people gave me the strength I needed to live and endure both those who hated me and the demon who wished to take over my body.
We were always together, we are the best of friends, or at least we were. Until Haku met a man named Zabuza, that's when everything changed. I had begged him not to leave us for that monster, but he just smiled as he wiped a tear that had fallen from my eye and said goodbye.
Zabuza corrupted Haku and twisted him into attacking both me and Sasuke. That was when my hell truly started.
He attacked us and we were both tired and not I or Sasuke wanted to fight. I got hit badly and I was unable to move from Haku's next attack but someone took my place at the grim reapers feet. As I opened my eyes to see why I was still breathing I saw a sight that broke me. There in front of me was the body of one that I called brother. Sasuke had moved in front of me and took the attack head trading his life for mine.
I was broken our family, my friend, was dead. I cracked and Kyuubi was released.
I was lost and all I could remember was that final scene. I only felt pain, suffering, anguish, dread, and insanity. Kyuubi's bloodlust could not be contained.
I remember being in a dark void, and then suddenly ripped away and brought back to reality, but that wasn't right this reality had to be a dream. I thought this because in front of me lay carnage. The bodies, no more like the remains of flesh of the only two who cared for me, the only two I loved, were lay in pieces before my eyes
This sight is what finally broke me. My spirit was shattered and all I can remember was falling and screaming as loud as I could, as tears cascaded down my face like a waterfall. As a knelt there I cursed myself and felt as though I had died and gone to hell.
At the funeral I looked at the picture of the two I had loved. My face was expressionless. Even though I was broken and could barely move.
I now sit alone in my room, my face blank, or full of sorrow. I look at their pictures beside my bed, and I feel hate, sorrow, and then come the memories of blood. This is my hell and each day I die a little more.
Those are my thoughts as I lay on this bed. The memories return and so do the tears. Why? We were so happy, the three of us, we were a family…
So what now?
Or is it?
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I think I might write a sequel to this or something I'm not sure. So PLEASE REVIEW. And tell me what you think.