Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf and fox plays with fire – A Naruto love story ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I wake up shivering, to see that I'm in a white room. I gather myself together and jump out of bed. Humm where am I? I collected my weapons off from the chair beside me. Uh that was so weird yesterday! What happened to me… and Naruto? I've never felt or been like that in a fight before?
Outside, the main street in town.
“Hey! You're supposed to be resting!” someone tells me.
Huh who said that? Kakashi then pops up in front of me.
“Ah!! Don't, do, that, to, me! You scared the living daylights out of me!” Bah that's the last time I let down my guard.
“Oh haha sorry, but you're supposed to be resting after that fight yesterday! Oh I also need to talk to you about that.”
“Yeeaah, that was weird, I have no idea what happened. It felt so different fighting Naruto, not myself. But also not like any other another fight I've been in, it was like we weren't supposed to fight but... I donno... It was, um, like seeing who's the leader of the pack, and since we had to fight it felt like, well to me if felt like our heart and soul were being ripped apart.. Do you get what I mean?”
“Yeah, but there's something that led Naruto and you like that yesterday you see its-”
“Hey Ookami!” Sasuke cuts in.
“Uh, sorry I've got to go we'll finish this later?” I ask Kakashi
“Yeah, sure.” Kakashi says with a sigh.
"So sup?" I ask, still thinking about my fight with Naruto
"..." he just stares at me
"Look spit it out, I was having a serious conversation before and I just ditched Kakashi for you lol" I say with a cheeky smirk on my face.
"..." he still said nothing
"... ... ... ...?" I start to walk away.
"No wait" Sasuke grabs my wrist.
I turn to face him "Mmmhhhmmmm?"
"... ..Ummm…well…" He started slowly.
I jesture with my hands for him to go on with what he's saying.
"Well I was wondering if you could train me, cas well I can sense your strong and yesterday-"
"Sure why not." I cut in with a smile. Haha it seems little Sasuke doesn't like to look weak in other peoples eyes. Ha that would have taken him a bit of guts to ask me to train him... ...Oooo he said I was strong :D.
"Thankx" he said in relief. "We'll start next week?"
"Okey dokey."
He slightly smirked and walked off with his hands in his pockets.
Humm after being in that hospital I feel hungry!
"RRRAAAAMMMEEENNN!!" I shouted with glee outside of the Ichiraku ramen bar. And then ran inside.
15mins later, up to my 6th bowl of ramen.
Oh my gosh chicken. Yummy, my fav ramen. Yum yum! I smiled up towards the chef who was passing me it. "Thankx!" I grinned from ear to ear as the bowl was served to me.
"Hahah, you're just like my main costumer that comes in here, haha" the chef said to me.
"I am?"
He chuckled and nodded as he walked off to serve another customer.
Wow someone else loves ramen just as much as me?! SWEET! And with that thought someone came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist holding me close to them...
...To be continued