Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ The Shinobi and the Valkyrie ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Welcome to the second chapter, everyone! With the first chapter, you must be wondering about a lot of things including Kazuto’s Keyblades, right? Well, you have to remember that the Keyblade wasn’t part of SAO and it is ‘ultimate weapon’ from the Kingdom Hearts universe, so, it makes sense that Kazuto is able to use them in the ‘real world’, right? Well, you can expect that and many more surprises to come, folks! Now, before I start, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, with the introductions over, as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Ages of characters at the start of this story:

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: Age 16

Hinata Hyuga: Age 16

Sakura Haruno: Age 16

Kasumi: Age 19

Ayane: Age 18

Ryu Hayabusa: Age 25

Momiji: Age 21


Chapter 2: The Shinobi and the Valkyrie


July 1, 2025, Alfheim Online


Inside of the VRMMO world of Alfheim Online or ALO for short, the virtual world created from a copy of SAO’s server, Leafa, the ‘virtual persona’ of Suguha, is flying through the air of the virtual world of ALO with a lot on her mind.


Flashback; June 30, 2025, Tokyo, Akiba District


Within the mysterious fighting arena in the district of Akiba, Tuxedo Mask, Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Sailor Orion, Kotone, Ryoutarou, the Digidestined and their Digimon partners, including Davis, Sailor Sun, Veemon, and Gatomon, Sailor Celestial, and Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts are facing the former Signers as they are ‘forced’ to explain what’s happening.


When they are done, Crow says, with a sigh, “I’m not surprised by this. It is just another day and another set of mystical and supernatural powers that could change or destroy the world.”


Jack says, “Despite what we went through as Signer, I was still a little hard pressed to believe what Leo and Luna were saying. I trust them as all friends do, but there are limits to what I can believe.”


Crow asks Jack, with a smirk, “Someone that fought undead duelists and evil Earthbound Immortal along with duels that dealt real damage not believing in super-powerful magical girls in a virtual world in which two of them are reincarnated princesses from our planet’s moon and that the madman that trapped ten thousand people in that ‘death game’ is their reincarnated father. Is that really hard to believe?” Sailor Moon becomes solemn at those words while Sailor Celestial gives Crow a very nasty death glare that causes him to winch in fear as well as Leo despite it not being directed at him.


Kazuto says, a bit nervously, “I think that it would be best that you didn’t mention that last part in front of Sugu and Serena. They are a bit ‘sensitive’ on the subject.”


Leo says, nervously, “Yeah, I’ll bet.”


Sailor Uranus says, with a serious tone and glare, “And we are ‘sensitive’ about their feelings for the moment too.”


Crow says, nervously, “Right. Got it.”


Sailor Neptune says, with a sweet smile, “Easy, Uranus.”


Sailor Uranus flinches from the sweet tone of Sailor Neptune and she replies, with a nod and plain tone, “Right, Neptune.”


Luna says, “I thought that story was really sad and horrifying.”


Akiza says, “Same here, Luna. All that death just to force Sailor Celestial to bring out her powers.”


Jack says, “It shows how much of a monster that Kayaba really was. He even knew about the connection between him and Sailor Moon for over a year and yet, he still committed SAO. It isn’t surprising that his ‘former daughter’ went hog wild on his butt and I say that it is perfect justice. She did exactly what I would have done: Put a sword right through him. However, I would have rammed in his heart not his gut.”


Sailor Celestial says, “Personally, it was what I was aiming for Jack-san.”


Yusei says, “Well, from what you said, Kayaba is dead. He transferred his mind into the virtual world completely and Sailor Celestial then destroyed his consciousness for good. He is dead in body and in spirit so to speak.”


Leo says, excitedly, “It was one wicked battle! She really kicked his butt out there!”


Luna whispers to Leo, “One that Kirito might not like to remember since his sister nearly died in that battle.”


Leo winches and he says, nervously, “Oh, yeah.”


Crow asks, “Anyway, since one of you visited the twins earlier on, I suspect that you also visited the other ‘elite players’ from the final battle, right?”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “That’s right. However, they consider Sailor Celestial one of the heroes of SAO along with her sister, her brother, Asuna, Davis, and Sailor Sun, so, they are never going to do anything to endanger them.”


Sailor Venus says, “Yeah, they were beyond grateful for all that they done for them.”


Sailor Mars says, with a sigh, “Tell me about it. I had to listen to all of their praise for them.”


Kazuto says, “Well, I never meant to be a hero…and I don’t think of myself as a hero either. I only started out in order to get back to Sugu and my family. Serena was and is the real hero. The instant that she regained her courage, she went out of her way to save as many players as possible. In my book, she is a real hero not me.”


Asuna says, with a sigh, “Kirito-kun…”


Sailor Celestial says, solemnly, “A hero doesn’t let herself be used as a pawn in a sick game like I was with Kayaba. I fell for Kayaba’s trap hook, line, and sinker. Sailor Moon is the real hero. I’m just the girl that finished off that madman.”


Sailor Moon says, solemnly, “You’re wrong, Celestial. I’m no hero…I’m just an SAO survivor.” Leo is confused by their words and opens his mouth to say something, but a look from his sister causes Leo to immediately not say a word.


Sailor Mars thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Oh, geez…Kazuto…Sug uha…Serena…”


Yusei says, changing the subject, “However, our immediate concern is Sayer.”


Tuxedo Mask says, seeing what Yusei is doing, “That’s right. Sayer learning about Sailor Celestial’s power is a great concern to us and it looks like someone didn’t want him talking about them.”


Sailor Saturn asks, “Do you think that it is the Dark Agency?”


Sailor Pluto says, “I don’t think so. The Dark Agency wouldn’t use real humans for such a thing.”


Sailor Venus says, with a nod, “That’s not the way that they do things. Despite them being stronger than when I fought them as Sailor V, they are still doing their ‘infiltration attacks’ the same way. They have youma disguised as humans to do their dirty work. Personally, they think of humans as just batteries to get energy from.”


Crow says, drolly, “That’s a pleasant thought.”


Sailor Pluto says, “Sailor Venus is right. Sailor Nebula has been giving me assistance in the investigation that I have been doing.”


The others look at Sailor Pluto and Sailor Sun asks, “Investigation?”


Izzy says, “Yes. Cody, Ken, and I have been helping her in that regard.”


Ken says, “She has been concerned about the final words of Kayaba before we left SAO.”


Kazuto says, “The one about war in the near future.”


Cody says, nodding his head, “That’s right.”


Sailor Mars says, “I’ve got a bad feeling that you are going to say that there are ‘other forces’ operating ‘behind the scenes’ in play.”


Sailor Pluto says, “And you would be right to worry. I fear that there is more than the Dark Agency at play here and the first battle of this war has been fought.” Sailor Pluto says, looking at Sailor Celestial, “And Sailor Celestial’s duel with Sayer was that battle.”


Sailor Celestial asks, “Huh?”


Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Celestial, “That dragon, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, had a great power inside of it. Mars and I could sense and I’m sure that you could too.”


Sailor Moon says, “I could feel it too. That is no ordinary card.”


Jack says, “Yeah, we kind of got that feeling.”


Leo asks, excitedly, “Where did you get such cool cards?”


Sailor Celestial says, nervously, “Actually…”


Kazuto responds, “Those cards were from Kayaba, weren’t they?”


There are gasps of shock and Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yes, they were. They were given to us by Rinko-san herself on the day that we found Kayaba’s body.”


Sailor Mercury says, “We have been trying to study them and we have been testing them.”


Sailor Celestial says, “But just a minute ago, Stargazer and Timegazer, were just normal non-effect monster cards and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was an effect monster known as Odd-Eyes Dragon.”


Sailor Uranus says, pointing to the crystal necklace, “I think that crystal necklace, which was one of a couple that came with those cards, is the source of it.”


Asuna asks, “It came from the commander?”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “With the cards that we were given in that briefcase that he hid away.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Something tells me that he knew about the power of those cards and he hid them away.”


Kazuto says, “With the notion of Sugu and Serena getting their hands on them.”


Sailor Venus says, “And it looks like she used them to bring about a second brand new summoning method.”


Plenty of the others look at Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon asks, “Second?”


Sailor Celestial says, “Duel Monsters has changed while you were ‘away’, sis. Just before Sword Art Online started, Industrial Illusions created a new set of monster cards: XYZ monsters.”


Keiko asks, “XYZ monsters?”


Leo asks, “What are those?”


Akiza says, “Oh, right. You haven’t heard yet.”


Crow says, “Not surprising since they were in recovery for several months.”


Yusei says, “XYZ monsters are a brand new type of monster card. They have black borders much like Dark Synchro Monsters that the Dark Signers used, but they aren’t filled with the negative energy like those cards are.”


Jack says, “You use two or more monsters of the same level and you ‘overlay’ those monsters to summon the XYZ monster from your Extra Deck, but unlike Synchro and Fusion monsters, the monsters used in this summoning don’t go to the graveyard, they are attached to the XYZ monster as ‘overlay units’ in which the XYZ monster uses them to activate their special abilities.”


Crow says, with a grin, “Not to mention that they don’t use levels for XYZ monsters, they use ‘ranks’ and the rank of XYZ monster is equal to the levels of the monsters used to summon the XYZ monster. Basically, if you used level four monsters, you summon a ‘Rank Four’ XYZ monster.”


Jack says, “And since XYZ monsters have ‘ranks’ and not levels, any cards that targets monsters with levels are useless against XYZ monsters.”


Crow says, with a grin, “They are becoming all the rage and there is already a ton of them out already! Heck, I’ve even got a few of them!”


Jack says, “While they may becoming all the rage, they currently don’t match up to a good old Synchro Summon through I have got to admit that they put a new spin on the game.”


Yusei says, “Well, it seems like there is a new ‘spin’ in the game now. It looks like Celestial unlock the power of the cards that Kayaba gave them, but I don’t get is purpose of these cards much less how he got them in the first place.”


Crow asks, “Speaking of the madman, was that guy that appeared in the mist…?”


Kazuto says, “That’s him all right…Kayaba. He was in his SAO avatar of Heathcliff.”


Tuxedo Mask says, with a nod of his head, “He’s right.”


The former Signers gasp and Leo shouts out, stunned, “How is that possible? We, all, shall Sailor Celestial beat him and he shattered into pieces!” Leo asks, nervously, “Wait! Are you saying that…?”


Luna says, “I would say that there is no such things as ghosts, but we encountered the ghost of a kid.” Sailor Moon and Asuna winch at the mentioning of the word ‘ghost’.


Leo says, nervously, “Don’t remind me, sis.”


Jack says, “Whatever or whoever that was, I think that he was sending a message.”


Akiza asks, “A message?”


Jack says, looking at Sailor Celestial, “Never forget. Kayaba may be dead, but he won’t just let himself be forgotten. And like it or not, you and your sister have his ‘legacy’ within you. It is up to you on use it. While you contain ‘his legacy’, this is your life and how you handle that ‘legacy’ is up to you.”


End Flashback; Return to the Present


As Leafa flies through the skies of ALO, she thinks in her mind, “Easy for him to say. However, he may have had a point about Kayaba sending us a message to never forget him. That duel disk that mine transformed into was based on the advanced design that we saw in the data that he left for Serena. I had seen it just once, but my subconscious mind managed to take those drawings and use the power of Etherion inside of me to reform my duel disk based on the advanced design that Kayaba made…Or that’s the theory that the others can give me. The duel disk also seems to work with an advanced Solid Vision system that allows holograms to become solid objects which can make holographic monsters become ‘real’ for example. Basically, it is like bringing the VR world into the ‘real world’ itself.” Leafa thinks in her mind, gaining a snarl on her features, “And that’s what pisses me off. He had all of these awesome ideals that could revolutionize the gaming industry all around and he used that genius for his monstrous act to create his own world for his own ‘pleasures’ and force me to awaken my powers, Sailor Scout and Etherion, for his own selfish plans. It is the reason that I can never forgive that fiend for what he has done.” Leafa shakes her head and sighs as she flies through and looks all over ALO from her position in the virtual skies and think about all that has changed in ALO since she was last here.


During her time in SAO, there was a battle between Sailor Nebula, Sailor Neo-Moon, Sailor Moon’s older future daughter, and the Digidestined allies with their Digimon partners that allowed them get access to RCT Progress in which they had exposed Sugou Nobuyuki’s plans for ALO. Add that with evidence with his tampering of the SAO servers including with the router and his ‘experiment’ that got him and his ‘goons’ trapped in SAO, Sugou was in big trouble along with the fact that Ami passed down the evidence of his mind control experiments in SAO. However, while events that happened inside of the virtual world of SAO tend to stay there, due to various reasons, Sugou’s tampering with SAO servers got him in major ‘hot water’ in the form of over six thousand legal charges of reckless endangerment of the victims of SAO. That, along with his original plan of trapping a number of SAO victims inside of secret lab in ALO to perform his mind control experiments which could have proven to be major trouble for RCT Progress and its ‘mother company’ as a whole, got him removed as head of RCT Progress. Right now, Sugou, who is completely disgraced, is in prison and being refused bail since he is considered a major flight risk. He is still trying to worm his way out including pleas of insanity, but there is plenty of evidence to show that he is ‘sane’ to plan such an evil, so, Sugou won’t be getting out on that route.


Thankfully, the quick actions of RCT Progress managed to save itself from major trouble from Sugou’s actions and add the fact that the horrible experiments took place in SAO and not ALO which allowed RCT Progress to create a cover story about why they had to shut down ALO from sometime after they had to ‘remodel’ the game since the ‘Grand Quest’, the quest where the players get to the top of the World Tree, which is in the center of Alfheim Online world, in order to be ALF, special fairies that are allowed to fly as long as they want since ALO only allowed the players to fly for only ten minutes at time before their wings had to recharge. The goal of the so-called ‘Grand Quest’ of ALO was to reach the top of the World Tree and meet with the Fairy King Oberon, which Sugou made himself as the GM of ALO, where they will become ALF fairies and have the flight restrictions taken away. However, the ‘Grand Quest’ was a fake to make ALO the perfect cover for Sugou’s wicked experiments. RCT Progress informed players that ALO was undergoing an ‘update’ since Sugou had illegally modified the game for his own personal agenda, which was partially true, and the ‘Grand Quest’ was cancelled, but the remodel and update of ALO allowed all players to fly as long as they wanted with no restrictions on flight, so, there was actually minimum loss of player base because of Sugou’s actions and RCT Progress and their parent company suffered ‘minor damage’.


To make up for this, RCT Progress managed to access a lot of the ‘stuff’ that they had gotten from when they bought over Argus when it went bankrupt thanks to SAO and Kayaba in which they were able to import the good elements of SAO into ALO itself: Namely the Sword Skills of SAO. Since ALO was created from a copy of SAO’s servers including the operation system, known as the Cardinal System, RCT Progress was able to import ‘stuff’ from SAO into ALO especially the Sword Skills. Now, players can perform much of the same Sword Skills that the SAO players used to fight for their freedom, but that’s not all. RCT Progress improved on that with their Original Sword Skill system or OSS for short. Now, players can create their own Sword Skills, but they need to create the skill by performing the skill without the assistance of the system which shouldn’t be possible since there is a lot of speed, combo and execution requirements in order to create one’s own Sword Skill. However, players seems to have found a way and they have been creating new Sword Skills for various weapons left and right.


The application of Sword Skills into ALO is a benefit for our SAO survivors since RCT Progress allowed them to transfer their SAO avatar into new ALO avatars if they decide to join ALO which is possible since ALO is based on a copy of SAO’s server which meant that the means of saving data is similar if not the same. This led to a lot of surprises with first being that plenty of the skills and stats that Leafa, Mamoru, Darien’s ALO avatar, and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, minus our main Moon Princess, got from their time in SAO have transferred into their ALO avatars especially the Sword Skills.


Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, Keiko, Andrew, Ryoutarou, and Serena have joined ALO and they have transferred their SAO avatar data into their brand new ALO avatars, which make their likeness much like their SAO avatars/real-life selves, but what was surprising that Kazuto’s and Serena’s brand new ALO avatars of Kirito and Usagi contained their ‘Unique Sword Skills’ of Duel Wielding for Kirito and Mimic, the Sword Skill that allowed Usagi to use any and all Sword Skills of SAO, even ones like Kirito’s Duel Wielding Sword Skill, and Medic, which was the first ‘unique skill’ that Usagi gotten that allowed her faster Battle Regeneration, basically HP restoration without using potions or crystals, and transferring that HP restoration to other players, for Usagi. However, with Usagi’s two skills, they became something more in which Usagi’s Mimic Sword Skill gave her the ability not only to use any Sword Skill, but to use any form of magic even ones that can’t be used by the fairy race that her new avatar belongs to. Usagi’s Medic Skill not only enhanced her Battle Regeneration and allows her to transfer it, but in ALO, it also enhances her healing magic spells and also allows her to transfer, temporary, the usage of her healing spells to other players even if they don’t have any healing spells of their own.


Davis and Kari seems to be in a ‘similar predicament’ as Kazuto and Serena despite different fact that they were part of a ‘living virtual world’, Rainbow Gardens, the two of them found a way out of Rainbow Gardens for a time and gone into other VRMMO worlds, namely ALO, in which they have accounts by the handles of Dai and Akari, of course. However, a lot of the skills and stats that they have gained from SAO and even Rainbow Gardens have been added to their ALO avatars which seem to include Akari’s Divine Blade Sword Skill and Shield Blade Sword Skill along with Dai’s Sword Emperor Sword Skill, the Sword Skill that allows him to perform any Sword Skills that uses swords as the ‘base’ including One-Handed, Two-Handed, and even Duel Wielding Sword Skills. However, RCT Progress found the data on the Unique Sword Skills and plan to create quests to allow other players to gain these soon-to-be former ‘unique skills’, but from what was heard, the quests aren’t going to be easy at all and you need to meet certain requirements in order to start the quests.


Speaking of unique sword skills, when she returned to ALO, Leafa found out that she, too, gained Duel Wielding Sword Skills as well! She was really shocked and she wasn’t the only one. The others tried to explain on how she got it and the only best theory is that due to the fact that she wielded two Keyblades in the final battle against Kayaba in SAO, she gained the ability to use the Duel Wielding Sword Skill like her brother. However, since she prefers kendo style moves, she keeps her Duel Wielding as her ‘ace in the hole’, but it doesn’t mean she couldn’t create kendo style Duel Wielding Sword Skill combo of her own. With the OSS system, Leafa created a kendo style Duel Wielding Sword Skill known Starlight Edge, a powerful 8 hit combo that uses two swords in unison with rapid fast kendo style attacks. Leafa, already famous in ALO as one of the Five Great Sylphs, has become even more famous with this and for other reasons.


Before we continue, let’s get a bit into ALO: The players in ALO are fairies in the game in which you can see with their elf-like ears and fairy wings and the ‘fairy people’ of ALO are divided into nine different kinds or races of fairies with each one having their own strength and weaknesses.


Leafa belongs to the Sylphs, who are identified by their green colored fairy wings, in which they are among the fastest flies of the fairy races which isn’t surprising since their specialty is wind magic.


Next, there are the Cait Sith, who have the best eyesight and they are the elite monster tamers, known as beast tamers, which is said that they have tamed powerful dragons belonging to their Dragoon units. They are well-identified since unlike the other fairies in ALO, who have elf-like ears, they have cat-like ears and they have cat-like tails coming out of their tailbone areas which cause them discomfort when you yank on them despite them being part of a virtual reality world.


There are the Gnomes, who are among the largest fairies in ALO and specialize in Earth magic.


Then there are the Imps and their main color is purple/violet in which they specialize in darkness magic and they have among the best night vision, which means that they can see in the darkest of places.


Leprechauns are the elite blacksmiths of the fairy races and their fairy wings are different because they look mechanical rather than biological in nature.


Pooka are magical fairies that use magic to weaken and confuse enemies and strength allies.


Salamanders, who prefer the color red, are considered the strongest when it comes to attack power and their main specialty, in terms of magic, is fire magic.


Spriggans, who prefer black as their color, are masters of illusion magic and they specialize in treasure hunting, but since their skills don’t help in combat too much, they are one of the least popular races in ALO.


And finally, the blue styled Undines are the great healers of the fairy races and they also specialize in water style magic making them the best for water and underwater combat.


However, before she joined SAO, Leafa became an elite player of ALO since ALO wasn’t a level heavy game like SAO, but it focused on skill set. Basically, ALO focuses on player’s actual abilities and decision making will make the difference since there is no actual ‘level’, so, you can’t just stand around and take hits like in a level centered game where a high leveled character can just stand around and take hits from much weaker opponents in level. Because of that and her kendo training and skills, Leafa quickly went up and became one of the Five Great Sylphs, one of the top Sylph warriors of the ALO. However, her memories as Princess Selene mainly returned, the increase in skills and ability from the lessons of SAO, and the introduction of Sword Skills and more into ALO, Leafa has become much stronger than she was last in ALO in which the players call her the Ninth Great Nymph of ALO.


The Great Nymphs of ALO are actually none other than the friends of our Sailor Soldier of the Moon when they played ALO basically in order to gain the data that they need in order to either infiltrate SAO, which was what happened, or find a way to break her and the other SAO victims out of SAO by figuring out the programming that kept them trapped or at least make sure that the NervGear didn’t fry their brains. Ami, Mina, Raye, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista, in their ALO avatars of Mizuno, Minako, Hino, Makoto, Tomoe, Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna, respectively, had become elite members of the game, which isn’t surprising since they are battled hardened Sailor Soldiers and ALO is skill based and not level based, which the players call them the Eight Great Nymphs of ALO, the eight greatest female players of the game that can beat male and female player, in which they are respected and/or feared by many ALO. There are few other players that can match them with Darien, in his ALO avatar of Mamoru, being one of them.


Now, as she approaches Butterfly Valley, an area near the World Zone and Alne, the city at the base of the World Tree, Leafa can’t help to remember how she gained the ‘title’ as the Ninth Great Nymph of ALO which she feels embarrassed and a bit proud about. But then Leafa sees a huge group of players in the area and she waves at them as they turn to see her coming towards them. When she lands in front of the group, it is none other than our Sailor Scouts, Digidestined, and other SAO survivors.


Kirito’s ALO avatar is that of a Spriggan that looks a lot like his SAO avatar and wearing a classic all-black motif in which he has two swords hanging on his back. The two swords are known as Divination and one of them was made by Lisbeth while the other that he got by a monster drop.


Speaking of Lisbeth, her ALO avatar is that of a Leprechaun, which isn’t surprising since she was an elite blacksmith in SAO, and she looks much like she did in SAO with her pink hair and dark pink eyes as well as hairstyle and clothing with ALO ‘fairy features’ added in.


Asuna’s ALO avatar is an Undine that looks like her SAO avatar, but while her hairstyle is the same, her hair is now blue to show that she is an Undine and she has blue eyes as well. She is wearing a white and dark blue tight fitting dress with the skirt area of her dress having ‘extensions’ that go all around her skirt, expect for the front, and go down to just above her ankles, white sleeves across most of her arms, dark blue stockings that covers half-way of her thighs, and white high-heeled boots.


Silica’s new ALO avatar is, like Asuna and Lisbeth, is similar in appearance to her SAO avatar, but her brown hair is messier and she has two cat-like ears coming out of her scalp and she is wearing a blue and black outfit with blue jacket over a silver armor chest plate, black stockings, and dark blue boots. Her fairy race is the beast tamer Cait Sith and her dragon partner from SAO, Pina, is sitting on her shoulders.


Klein’s new ALO avatar, like Asuna, Lisbeth, and Silica, is similar to his appearance in SAO, expect that he has elf-like ears and his hair is colored red instead of brown in which he wearing a samurai style outfit with a classic samurai katana attached to his waist.


Philia’s new ALO avatar, like her fellow former SAO players/friends, is a lot like her SAO avatar, but now, she is a Spriggan fairy, much like Kirito, her hair is black in color and she is wearing an outfit similar to her SAO outfit.


Sinon’s ALO avatar is that of a Cait Sith and her features are similar to the avatar that she had in SAO expect that her hair and eyes are blue with cat-like ears coming out of her scalp as well as wearing a green coat with white chest armor, a black choker and a belted quiver across her shoulders. She also has a cat-like tail coming of her tailbone area. Sinon, when she went to get her account, was surprised to find that she has SAO avatar data despite her being within a Medicuboid and not using a NervGear rig or something like it, but the skills and stats that she got in SAO that could be transferred to ALO is now a part of her current ALO avatar.


Agil’s new ALO avatar is that of a Gnome with, like his fellow SAO survivors, being similar to his SAO avatar in which he is wearing green clothing with silver armor chest plate.


Dai’s ALO avatar is a Salamander male with spiky red hair, dark red eyes, he has a tight fitting black muscle shirt with an armored chest plate on top of it, he has a flame designed jacket with a black fluffy collar, tight fitting fingerless fighting gloves, tight fitting dark blue jeans with silver armored kneepads, and black combat boots with armored toes. Strapped to his waist, there is a pair of swords.


Akari’s ALO avatar is an Undine female with short blue hair, blue eyes, and she is wearing a pink version of Asuna’s SAO outfit in which all of the areas that are white on Asuna’s outfit is blue on this Undine’s outfit in which there is a symbol that means ‘light’ instead of crosses where there are crosses on Asuna’s outfit. Strapped to this young Undine female’s waist is a sheath for a rapier with a pink handle and a pearly white blade.


Usagi’s new ALO avatar consists of her being an Undine female with her head like her SAO avatar/real life-self other than the fact that her hair is same blue color as any Undine, deep and lovely pink lips, and her gear consists of a tight fitting white shirt with a silver armored breast plate, blue mini-skirt, silver armored elbow and kneepads, white fingerless gloves, and white high-heeled knee-high boots in which she has two sheaths to carry her swords, Escalon and Lunar Excelsior, with one on each side of her skirt.


Mizuno’s ALO avatar is an Undine with short light blue hair, blue eyes, lovely and full blue lips, elf-like ears to give her a ‘cute female look’ and wearing an aqua-blue open kimono with slits in the legs area to show white stockings and brown sandals on her feet.


Minako’s ALO avatar is a Cait Sith who has long flowing dark blond hair similar to her classic hairstyle with white bow on the top center portion of the rear of her scalp, she has large white cat-like ears coming out of her scalp and no human or elf-like ears, she has yellow cat-like eyes, deep, full, and lovely ruby red lips, and a large white tail coming out of her tailbone area. She is wearing an yellow armored bikini-like top, silver armored shoulder pads and elbow pads, white fingerless fighting gloves, a short skirt that covers only up to the top of her navel and down to one-quarter of her thighs, revealing quite a bit of mid-drift, and black high-heeled open-toed sandals. In her hands, there is a pair of cat-like metal claws and flying by her side, is Minako’s silver dragon.


Hino’s ALO avatar is a female Salamander with flowing fiery red hair in her real life hairstyle, pink-red eyes, deep, full, and lovely shimmering ruby red lips, and she is wearing tight fitting samurai style armor to show her lovely feminine body’s curves and lines while making it not look obscene. She has a bow attached to her back with a special magical quiver that constantly gives her new arrows.


Makoto’s ALO avatar is that of a Sylph that looks a lot like Leafa expect that her hair is leaf green with the bow being pink in color, deep, full, and lovely pink lips, with her clothing looking a lot like Leafa’s clothing, but it is light leaf green where Leafa’s outfit is dark green and pink where it is white on Leafa’s outfit. She also is wearing a pair of high-heeled ankle boots and she has no sword strapped to her waist.


Tomoe’s ALO avatar is that of an Imp that looks a lot like her as her real-life self as Hotaru Tomoe and she is wearing an outfit similar to Asuna’s Knights of the Blood outfit expect that anywhere that it was white, it is violet on this player’s outfit, she has no stockings on, and she is wearing violet knee-high high-heeled boots with three inch stiletto heels. And strapped to her back is a scythe weapon similar to Sailor Saturn’s Silent Glaive.


Haruka’s ALO avatar is that of a tall Sylph female with short golden blond hair, green-brown eyes, deep, full, and gorgeous pink lips, golden loop earrings in her ears, and she is wearing a tight fitting brown shirt with long sleeves, a silver armored breast-plate over the shirt, black armored shoulder pads, elbow pads, wristbands, black fighting gloves over her hands, greenish-brown baggy pants, and black combat boots on her feet. Around her waist, there is a black belt for a sheath for a short sword similar to her Space Sword as Sailor Uranus.


Michelle’s ALO avatar, Michiru, is an Undine female with wavy blue hair that falls only just past her shoulders, deep blue eyes, perfectly colored ruby red lips, and she is wearing an aqua-blue headpiece with silver wings on each side, on her torso she wears a sky-blue bikini top breastplate with choker on her neck, she has an long armored skirt that goes up to the bottom of her navel and down three-quarters of her thighs, there are white armored arm-guards going from her wrists to just below her shoulder blades around her arms, and black thigh-high armored high-heeled boots with leg-guards and on her legs with wings on the side of each ankle. In her hands, she has a silver trident.


Setsuna’s ALO avatar is an Spriggan female with long flowing black hair that reaches to her kneecaps behind her back tied in her classic hairstyle with a bun, violet eyes, deep, plump, and gorgeous dark pink lips, elf-like ears, and she is wearing an outfit similar to her Sailor Scout outfit expect instead of a bow with a heart jewel, she has black chest armor, black armored shoulder pads and kneepads, she has black armored kneepads, and she has a dark green staff with a dark ruby red orb on top.


Mamoru’s ALO avatar is a tall Spriggan warrior with well-combined black hair, dark eyes, and he is dressed in a black version of his outfit as Prince Endymon with a powerful looking sword to match.


Sora’s ALO avatar, Sara, is a female Salamander with flowing crimson red hair and brown eyes, light red lips, and she is wearing something akin to Sakura Haruno’s outfit in Naruto Shippuden expect that her gloves are fingerless and they are flame designed with the fact she is wearing high-heeled open-toed sandals not boots. Strapped to her back is a bow.


Izzy’s ALO avatar, Izumi, is a male Undine with short blue hair, violet eyes, and he has on a dark blue shirt with a silver armored chest plate, black short, silver armored kneepads, black combat boots, and he has a curved sword attached to the left side of his waist.


Mimi’s ALO avatar, Hana, is a female Undine with long flowing blue hair mixed with pink highlights, pink eyes, light pink lips, and she is wearing something similar to Asuna’s ALO outfit through everything on Mimi’s version is pink where Asuna’s outfit is blue. Mimi carries two daggers with their sheaths attached to her waist.


Joe’s ALO avatar, Kido, is another male Undine with shoulder length blue hair, round glasses in front of grey eyes, and he is wearing light grey sleeveless shirt under a light grey armored vest, silver armored elbow pads, black gloves, blue shorts, and white sneaker-like shoes. He has no weapon in his hands, but he has a shield attached to his left wrist.


Cody’s ALO avatar, Kendo, is a male Imp with short violet hair, deep brown eyes, and he is wearing an outfit similar to samurai with a long katana and a samurai style short sword attached to the left side of his waist.


Taichi’s new ALO avatar is a male Salamander with spiky and wild red hair, red-brown eyes, elf-like ears, and he is wearing the same outfit as his SAO outfit (A/N: Look at Sailor Moon Online Chapter 8 or Sailor Moon Online: Hollow Fragment Chapter 3 for details.).


Yamato’s new ALO avatar is a male Spriggan warrior that looks a lot like his SAO avatar, but his hair is black in color, dark eyes, and he is wearing a dark blue muscle shirt under a black chest plate armor, black fingerless fighting gloves, black pants, bronze colored shoulder, elbow, and knee pads, black combat boots, and a lance and shield attached to his back through a strap across his chest.


Juniper’s new ALO avatar is a female Cait Sith with her face and hairstyle like her SAO avatar, but her hair is dark ruby red, her eyes are a bright pink color, she has dark ruby red cat-like ears coming out of her scalp with same colored cat-like tail coming out of her tailbone area and she is wearing a similar outfit to her SAO outfit (A/N: Look at Sailor Moon Online Chapter 8 or Sailor Moon Online: Hollow Fragment Chapter 3 for details.).


Takashi’s new ALO avatar is a male Sylph that looks similar to his SAO avatar, but his hair is light green, and he is wearing a white shirt under a silver armored chest plate, leaf green fingerless fighting gloves on his hands, light blue pants on his feet, silver armored kneepads, and black armored combat boots with a two handed sword inside of a sheath with the sheath attached to a brown belt across Takashi’s waist.


Sam’s new ALO avatar is a male Imp that looks similar to his SAO avatar, but his hair is a such a dark violet that it looks black in certain light/shadow, violet eyes, and he is wearing an outfit very much similar to his SAO outfit (A/N: Look at Sailor Moon Online Chapter 8 or Sailor Moon Online: Hollow Fragment Chapter 3 for details.).


Miyako’s new ALO avatar is a female Imp that looks similar to her SAO avatar, but her eyes are a magenta color and she is wearing an outfit similar to her SAO outfit (A/N: Look at Sailor Moon Online Chapter 8 or Sailor Moon Online: Hollow Fragment Chapter 3 for details.).


Dai asks, “Hey, girl, where have you been?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “I logged in early to fly around for a bit. I needed to clear my head.”


Agil says, “I’ll bet after what happened.” Soon after, a little fairy/pixie version of Yui that’s no more than four inches in height in which she is wearing a light pink dress styled like a flower petal and pink anklets flies around.


The little pixie tells Leafa, “Daddy told me what happened. I’m glad that you are okay, Leafa.”


Leafa responds, with a smile, “I’m okay, Yui. It isn’t anything like I haven’t been through already. Anyway, I see that you are getting used to your Navigation Pixie form.”


The little pixie, revealed to be none other than Yui, the adopted AI daughter of Kirito and Asuna, responds, with a nod, “Yes. I’ve adapted well to this form. It is so fun and exciting to fly around.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “I hear you, Yui.”


Miyako says, “Yeah, but it wasn’t so easy for us at first.”


Takashi says, “Yeah, we had to learn a lot.”


Flashback; April 9, 2025, Moon Kingdom


Inside of the rebuilt Moon Kingdom, our heroes and heroines are enjoying the party that celebrating the end of SAO and the releasing of the surviving players from that infamous death game including our Moon Princess. Speaking of whom, the others are assembled together as Kazuto and Princess Serenity tell the others something that shock plenty of the others.


Ryoutarou asks, stunned, “Whoa, dude! Are you serious?”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “I am.”


Sailor Mars asks, “Serenity?”


Princess Serenity says, with a smile, “Yes, I know. However, I can’t let SAO and ‘him’ rule my life, Mars.”


Princess Selene says, with a warm smile, “And ALO is what SAO could…No, ALO is what Sword Art Online SHOULD have been.”


Sailor Uranus says, “I agree. Alfheim Online is what SAO should have been despite its faults.”


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “Well, nothing in life is perfect, Uranus.”


Sailor Jupiter says, with a grin, “And with games like that, it is what updates are for.”


Sailor Mercury says, with a smile, “Even through the ‘Grand Quest’ was a fake, Alfheim Online is still a very popular game.”


Sailor Jupiter says, with a grin, “That’s especially so since RCT Progress decided to make up for Sugou’s ‘stunt’ by allowing all players the ability to fly as long as they want, not just ten minutes at a time.”


Keiko says, amazed, “Wow. Flying around like a fairy sounds so much fun.”


Sailor Neptune says, “It is the reason that ALO retained so much popularity despite it not being the only one of the few VRMMO out there.”


Andrew says, with a nod, “Thanks to ‘The Seed’, the VRMMO industry is starting to flourish.”


Princess Selene says, with a plain tone, “Well, they deserve their fair chance after what that sicko has done.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Despite help from ‘The Seed’, the VRMMO industry and Full-Dive technology did take a nasty hit and people are still wary of it. It is going to take people that know of the good that can come from Full-Dive technology and what good came from VRMMO games in order make sure that they can make a complete rebound.”


Plenty of the others nod their heads in agreement and Kazuto says, “It is like Sugu said. It wasn’t the game and technology itself that was to blame…It was the man behind it. It is also the reason that I want to go to ALO. I want to see what SAO should have been if it had been a proper VRMMO game.”


Ryoutarou says, with a grin, “I’m not surprised by this one, bro.”


Rika says, with a smirk, “That’s so you.”


Kazuto tells Asuna, “Asuna, we wouldn’t be alone in there. Yui and Strea would also be there.”


Asuna gasps and Sailor Mercury says, with a smile, “It isn’t exactly that surprising. Remember, ALO is built on a copy of SAO’s server, so, it is most likely that they can have ‘physical form’ over there.”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “And they are safe in my new Amusphere rig since it is a modified version of the NervGear.”


Asuna says, “I would love to see Yui and Strea once again.”


Sailor Venus says, with a sly smile, “Okay, it is decided then!” Sailor Venus then runs over to Princess Selene and drags her away to the others.


Princess Selene asks, “What the heck?”


Sailor Venus says, “If you are going to join us in ALO, you are going to need to learn what you are getting into and who better than the experts!”


Sailor Mars says, with a plain tone, “With Selene, I’m confident for their chances, Venus.”


Sailor Venus yells out, annoyed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”


Davis asks, “Hey, what are we? Chopped liver?”


Izzy says, “I believe that I can help in the explanation of ALO.” Sailor Mercury goes over, talks with Izzy, and she nods her head. Later on, the group is inside of a computer room with Izzy linking his laptop with a holographic computer system creating a hologram of a map of the ALO world.


Sailor Mercury says, “Okay, everyone. This is the world of ALO, the realm of Alfheim, and basically Alfheim actually means ‘Land of Fairies’.”


Ken says, with a nod of understanding, “It makes sense.”


Davis says, “While it may sounds like ‘kids’ stuff’, ALO isn’t that. It is a hard-core game that can be a match for any MMO. For one thing, this game is skilled based.”


Yolei asks, “Skilled based?”


Cody says, “You don’t have any ‘level’, Yolei. You can only power up skills through use and your HP and MP barely increase as you play throughout the game. Even with the introduction of SAO’s Sword Skills, ALO still remains the same.”


Kazuto says, “ALO is basically an action heavy game where a player’s actual movement and decision making made the difference not any of the stats. It isn’t like other MMO where a high leveled character can just stand around and take hits from a weaker character and not get much, if any, damage.”


Princess Selene says, with a nod, ‘That’s right, big brother. It is because of my skills and training in kendo that I became such a top level player in ALO. ALO allowed me to ‘transfer’ my skills and training in kendo from my ‘real world self’ into my avatar.”


Ryoutarou whistles and he says, with a nod, “Yeah, that’s hard core all right.”


Andrew says, looking at the Sailor Scouts and Prince Endymon, “And it is similar to you since you have real life battle experience.”


Sailor Mars says, with a nod, “Bingo, Andrew.”


Sailor Uranus says, “It might be a sore point, but PK is also encouraged.”


Kazuto says, “Not surprising since you don’t actually die in that game. However, I don’t get how.”


Sailor Mercury says, “Players in ALO choose from one of nine fairy races to create their avatar from through the looks of the avatar are chosen at random and they are allowed to ‘kill’ fairies of other races expect in their homelands. Each fairy race has a homeland in Alfheim and in their homeland, fairies from other races can’t attack that fairy as long as they are in their home city, but he can attack them.”


Princess Serenity says, “ALO’s version of a ‘safe zone’.”


Sailor Venus says, with a nod, “That’s right, Princess.”


Izzy says, “They are nine fairy races in ALO: Cait Sith, Gnome, Imp, Leprechaun, Pooka, Salamander, Spriggan, Sylph, and Undine.”


Soon after, an image of Princess Selene’s ALO avatar, Leafa, appears and Keiko says, excitedly, “It’s you!”


Princess Selene says, with a nod, “That’s right. This is the ‘me’ that you knew in SAO. In ALO, I’m a Sylph. Sylphs are the fastest of all the fairy races and it isn’t surprising since we specialize in wind magic.”


Images of Haruka’s and Makoto’s ALO avatar then appear and Sailor Jupiter says, “Uranus and I are also Sylphs in ALO and very well known in the game.”


Next, an image of Minako’s ALO avatar appears and Sailor Venus says, with a grin, “And that’s my avatar! In ALO, I’m a Cait Sith. You can tell us apart from other fairies since we have cat-like ears and tails. Female members of our kind are quite popular for obvious reasons.”


Ryoutarou whistles and TK asks, with a glare, “Did you whistle at my girlfriend?”


Ryoutarou gives a nervous laugh and Kazuto says, with a smirk, “Same old Klein.”


Rika says, with a grin, “You said it.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “We, Cait Sith, are the best beast tamers in all of ALO and in fact, we have managed to train powerful dragons used by our elite troop known as the Dragoons.”


There are gasps and Rika asks, “You have people that can ride dragons?!”


Sailor Venus says, with a nod, “Yep!”


Keiko says, amazed, “That’s incredible.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “Not to mention that we have the best eyesight of all other fairies of ALO and we have some of the best archers there.”


Shion says, plainly, “Interesting.”


Soon after, Tomoe’s and Kendo’s ALO avatars make their appearance and Cody says, pointing to his ALO avatar of Kendo, “This is my ALO avatar of Kendo. Saturn-san and I are both Imps. Imps usually known for their use of the color violet. They are experts in darkness magic and they have night vision abilities that are only rivaled by one other face of fairy.”


Just then Setsuna’s and Mamoru’s ALO avatars then appear and Sailor Pluto says, “That would be the ALO avatars of Prince Endymon and I. We are known as Spriggans. The Spriggans are known for their preferences for the color black.”


Kazuto says, “Interesting.”


Prince Endymon says, “Spriggans are expert treasure hunters and they are known for their illusion magic usage. However, since both aren’t the best used in combat, Spriggans are one of the least popular races through their body builds typically allow them to use many different types of weapons.”


Kazuto nods his head and Kotone says, intrigued, “Treasure hunters…”


The following images show Dai’s, Hino’s, and Sora’s ALO avatar in which Sora says, pointing to her avatar, “That’s my ALO avatar, Sara. Davis, Sailor Mars, and I are Salamanders in ALO.”


Sailor Mars says, “Salamanders are obviously known for red and they are experts in fire magic. They are also the strongest attack power race of all the fairies races in ALO.”


Davis says, with a sigh, “However, Salamanders aren’t known for being nice. The majority of the Salamanders are known as the most aggressive of the fairy races in ALO.”


TK asks, “How so?”


Sailor Mercury says, with a sigh, “You have to remember that each of the fairies has a home land in ALO which means it is also the ‘home nation’ of that fairy race.”


Kazuto says, “And that means that each race’s home land has a leader.”


Sailor Mercury says, with a nod, “That’s right, Kazuto. Each home nation of each fairy race is led by a player elected by the players that decide to ‘live’ in their fairy race’s home nation.”


Princess Selene says, “And the Salamanders have quite a ruthless leader. During the time before the ‘Grand Quest’ of ALO was exposed to be a fake, it was the main goal for all of the players to get up to the top of the World Tree and get the ‘eternal wings’. The Salamanders played the game, hard, in order to gather the money and resources in order to conquer the World Tree. At the time, you couldn’t fly up there, you had to go through the base of the tree which was guarded by powerful guardians which made the raid force that was needed said to be beyond any SAO boss raid party at least in terms of numbers in which it was getting close to hundreds.”


There are gasps and Rika yells out, stunned, “Whoa!”


Andrew says, shocked, “Hundreds of players for one quest? That’s…incredible.”


Kazuto says, “And most likely, practically impossible since the whole ‘Grand Quest’ was a cover for Sugou’s wicked experiments.”


Sailor Mars says, with a nod, “No joke, Kazuto.” Sailor Mars says, “Anyway, the Salamanders played the game, hard, in order to conquer the World Tree and in fact, they are the strongest fairy race in ALO and still are despite the ‘Grand Quest’ revealed to be a fake.”


Davis says, “They are making sure to keep their ‘top spot’ to prepare for the next ‘Grand Quest’ comes up in the future. Let’s just say that they don’t ‘play nice’ and that’s being nice at what the Salamanders do.”


Yolei asks, “Aren’t you, Sailor Mars, and Sora Salamanders?”


Sora says, with a nod, “We are, but we aren’t part of the Salamander homeland. We live in Alne, the neutral city at the base of the World Tree. We’re…basically renegades.”


Sailor Mars says, “Renegades are players that abandon their fairy home land or they are exiled by their leader for whatever reason making them unable to return to their homeland. Renegades are usually looked down upon.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “Our fiery girl is an exception to that rule and because she is against the ruthless policies of the Salamanders, she is respected by the other fairy races.”


The next images are ones of Mizuno’s, Michiru’s, Akari’s, Izzy’s, Mimi’s, and Joe’s ALO avatars and Joe says, pointing to his ALO avatar, “That’s my ALO avatar, Kido. I’m an Undine.”


Sailor Neptune says, “Our blue styled fairy race are the elite healers of the world of ALO. We can use the strongest healing spells and we are also experts in water spells in which we are the best in water and underwater combat.”


Kazuto asks, “So, there are water bound and underwater dungeons?”


Princess Selene says, with a nod, “That’s right, Kazuto.” Finally, there are images of a random Gnome, Leprechaun, and Pooka fairies appear and she says, “None of us are any of these fairies, but you should know about them. The big guys are Gnomes and they are the largest fairies of all the fairy races of ALO. They are experts in Earth magic and by the look of them, you would be right to think that they are your typical tanks.”


Andrew says, with a nod, “Interesting.”


Izzy says, pointing to the Leprechaun, “This is a Leprechaun and while they can fight in combat, it isn’t their primary duty. They are expert blacksmiths.”

Rika asks, curiously, “Blacksmiths?”


Princess Selene says, with a nod, “That’s right, Rika. They are the best blacksmiths in ALO and there are items and equipment that only they can make. It is the reason that their wings look mechanical and not ‘biological’ like the other fairy races.”


Rika gives wide eyes in interest and Sailor Uranus says, pointing to the Pooka fairy image, “And these fairies are Pooka. They basically use songs to enhance their allies and weaken their enemies.”


Kazuto says, “So, they are Bards.”


Asuna asks, curiously, “Bards?”


Kazuto says, “In RPG games, Bards are a warrior class that uses songs in order to enhance their allies’ powers while weakening the strength of their opponents.”


Princess Selene says, nervously, “Yeah, but because they can’t survive by themselves and they don’t have a skill outside of battle that they are experts in like Leprechauns, they are like Spriggans and not very popular.”


Kazuto says, “Not surprising since Bards have had a mixed history in RPG games.”


Ryoutarou tells Kazuto, with a smile, “It just makes you want to go even more.”


Kazuto says, “To be honest, after what happened, I am scared. I mean: Who wouldn’t be? However, I am interested. I mean: You get to fly in the game. Before this, with Full-Dive games, you were still limited based on what the human biology could do. You could only fly in games where you are flying in planes and such.”


Ryoutarou responds, with a grin, “I get what you are saying and your sister flies around every day in both worlds.”


Kari says, with a smile, “I think that a lot of people dream of the ability to fly on their own.”


Asuna says, with a smile, “You are going, Kirito-kun.”


Kazuto says, “I am, Asuna. There are a lot of reasons that I’m going and I know that since ALO is based off SAO’s server, Yui and Strea can come back.”


Asuna says, with a smile, “I want to see them again too, Kirito-kun. It is one of the many reasons that I’m coming with you.”


Keiko gives a shocked look and Rika says, with a smile, “I’m not surprised, Asuna.”


Princess Selene says, “There is one more thing.” Everyone looks at Princess Selene and she says, a bit nervously, “You see, because Alfheim is greatly based on Sword Art Online and they transferred plenty of SAO’s ‘elements’ into the game, RCT Progress has found a way to allow SAO survivors, if they play ALO, to transfer their SAO avatar data into their new ALO avatars.”


There are gasps and Rika asks, stunned, “Are you serious?”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “That’s right. A good amount of skills and abilities that we had gained from SAO are in our current ALO avatars.”


Kazuto says, with a plain tone, “I see what they are doing. It is good marketing. Remember, Sugou was the head of RCT Progress and it is now a known fact that he tampered with the SAO servers which had plenty of people angered because it risked our lives. So, one way to repair the ‘damage’ from that is by them allowing SAO survivors to transfer as much of their stats and skills from their SAO avatars into brand new ALO avatars basically to gain our support.”


Sailor Mars says, “They’ll probably pay it off as honoring the SAO victims and such.”


Sailor Uranus says, with a nod of her head, “Most likely, Mars.”


Keiko says, “Pina…”


Izzy tells Kazuto, Asuna, and Princess Serenity, “It is going to be up to you if you want to transfer your SAO avatar data into your new ALO avatars.”


Princess Serenity says, “My SAO avatar…Usagi…”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “I’ll transfer my SAO avatar data into ALO.”


There are looks of surprise and Asuna asks, surprised, “Kirito-kun?”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “I don’t know why, but I feel that part of me is ready for a new adventure.”


Ryoutarou says, with a grin, “Not without me, buddy.”


Kazuto asks, surprised, “Klein?”


Ryoutarou says, with a grin, “I think flying through the air with your own wings and not using a plane rocks.”


Princess Selene says, with a smile, “Well, it isn’t easy, trust me. However, once you are able to fly on your own, you are exactly right.” Soon enough, the others began discussing joining ALO and, for the SAO survivors, to transfer their SAO avatar data into their new ALO avatars.


Flashback; April 10, 2025, ALO, Undine Capital


In a town that’s inside of a massive castle-like structure, our Moon Princess, in her new ALO avatar of Usagi, is looking around the capital with Asuna, in her new ALO avatar, as they look around and see all of the Undine players in the capital in which they notice the similar elf-like ears and mainly blue hairstyle.


At this time, Usagi is wearing a simple white and blue shirt, light blue shorts, white flat shoes, and across her waist, there is a belt containing a sheath for a simple long sword. The outfit shows the lines and curves of her of her feminine body including her very well-developed chest through not in an obscene manner and like the other players around her, she has elf-like ears, but they give her a really lovely female elf-like look.


Asuna, at this time, is also wearing stuff that looks like ‘beginner’s gear’ as well.


As the two of them look at themselves and each other through a reflection, Usagi says, amazed, “Wow.”


Asuna says, with a nod, “I know, Usagi-chan. We have a lot of our SAO avatars in us.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “By the way, you look good as a fairy.”


Asuna responds, with a smile, “So do you, Usagi.”


Just then a familiar female voice says, “There you are!” Asuna and Usagi look to see Akari, Michiru, Izumi, Hana, and Kido flying over to them and landing in front of them.


Usagi says, with a smile, “Hey!”


Hana says, with a warm smile, “Welcome to Alfheim Online!”


Asuna says, with a smile, “Thank you, Mimi…Oops! I mean Hana!”


Kido says, “We know how you feel, Asuna. It gets confusing.”


Usagi says, with a nod, “Tell me about it.” Usagi asks, “Where is Ami…I mean Mizuno-chan?”


Michiru responds, “She will be with us later. She has important duties as the leader of the Undines.”


Asuna and Usagi give looks of surprise and Asuna asks, “Mizuno-chan is leader of the Undines?”


Akari says, with a nod, “That’s right. Just before you-know-what, she had resigned as leader to get ready for that ‘other business’ that last nearly three months, but now, she has been recently re-elected as Undine leader.”


Usagi says, amazed, “Wow.”


Asuna says, with a nod, “She must be a popular leader.”


Michiru says, looking around, “I think that we should continue this elsewhere.” Everyone else looks around to see the other players looking at them or just giving glances at them.


Kido says, with a nod, “Good idea.” The group then takes off for a side area within the city where we find Asuna and Usagi discarding all of their items while Usagi has her swords from SAO, Escalon and Lunar Excelsior, strapped to her waist.


Asuna says, with a sigh, “Some of those items had good memories.”


Usagi says, “I know, Asuna, but RCT did say that if SAO survivors did transfer their data into their ALO avatars, they will have to discard their items since SAO items will most likely not work in this game.”


Asuna responds, with a nod, “I know, but why did your swords from Liz remain intact?”


Mizuno says, “Maybe unlike most of your items from SAO, there are probably blades that are similar to these. I heard that there are swords named Escalon and Lunar Excelsior in ALO.”


Usagi says, “That’s a surprise through I’m shocked that I have Escalon. It was turned into a Keyblade last time that I checked.”


Michiru says, with a nod, “That’s a good question, hime.”


Usagi asks, “So, how do you get your wings to work?”


Akari says, “All you need to do is focus on making them appear and they will.” Soon after, Usagi and Asuna gain blue fairy wings on their backs.


Asuna asks, “So, these are our wings?”


Izumi says, “Yes, but since you are just starting out, it is best that you use the training stick.”


Usagi asks, “Training stick?”


Mizuno says, “There are two ways to fly in ALO: Training controller and Voluntary Flight. With the training controller, you use a joystick that you can call up in your left hand to help you fly and Voluntary Flight is where you are able to control your wings with your virtual body without the need for a controller. You have to use the controller in your left land, so, it limits your combat abilities since you only have one free hand and your aerial mobility is limited because of that. Using Voluntary Flight is an expert skill and there are those in ALO who have been playing as long as we have and they haven’t been able to use Voluntary Flight or at least master it.”


Usagi says, amazed, “Wow! That must be a hard skill to learn!”


Michiru says, “It is, but all of us managed to learn Voluntary Flight through it was more difficult for some of us than others.”


Mizuno says, “We should start with the training controller for you, so, you can get used to it. You have to hold up your left hand and act like you are grasping something.” Usagi does so and virtual controller appears in her left hand. Mizuno says, “Pull back to ascend and push away to descend.”


Usagi pulls the controller to herself and she asks, “Like this?” However, she yelps as she quickly flies up into the air, bashes against a sign, and falls back to the ground with a nasty ‘thud’ in which she loses a small portion of her health causing everyone else to winch from that.


Asuna asks, worriedly, “Usagi-chan, are you okay?”


Usagi responds, “Well, I know that their ‘pain absorbers’ are working, Asuna.”


Michiru says, with a nervous smile, “Maybe we should train on a training field where you can easily beat the monsters there.”


Usagi says, with a groan, “Good idea.”


As Usagi gets back to her feet, Asuna says, “This isn’t going to be easy. I hope that Kirito-kun and the others are having an easier time.” However, Asuna’s own statement makes her worried for her fellow SAO survivors, friends, and boyfriend/in-game husband.


Flashback; April 10, 2025, ALO, Spriggan capital


At the Spriggan capital, which is a village surrounding a pyramid-like structure, Kirito, in his new ALO avatar, is with Mamoru, Setsuna, and Philia, in her new ALO avatar, as they go through their menus in which Kirito materializes a tear-shaped object in which he pushes it causing a bright light to engulf them with a familiar little black haired girl in a white dress coming out of the light.


Flashback; April 11, 2025, ALO, Butterfly Valley


At Butterfly Valley, Leafa, Kirito, Asuna, Philia, Klein, in his new ALO avatar, Silica, in her new ALO avatar, Sinon, in her new ALO avatar, Agil, in his new ALO avatar, Lisbeth, in her new ALO avatar, our Digidestined, with the SAO survivors among them, minus Dai and Akari, in their new ALO avatars, Mamoru, and the Sailor Scouts in their ALO avatars, are all assembled together with quite a few of the new members of ALO taking a deep breath.


Klein says, “Geez! This flying is exhausting!”


Silica, with Pina circling around her, says, with a nod, “It is, but it is worth it to see Pina again.”


Mizuno says, with a smile, “Since there are similar dragons to Pina, here, I’m not surprised that her data within your avatar data could be replicated here.”


Asuna asks, “Could this mean…?”


Kirito says, with a smile, “There is someone to see you, Asuna.” Just then Yui, in her new pixie form, comes out of Kirito’s pocket and flies over to Asuna.


Yui says, with a smile, “Mommy!”


Asuna says, excitedly, “Yui-chan!” Asuna asks, curiously, “But what happened to you?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “She is a navigation pixie.”


Sinon asks, “Navigation Pixie?”


Kirito says, “Yui explained it to me. Navigation Pixies are support AI in ALO.”


Leafa says, nodding her head, “Typically, they are given to players who pay for them and they usually give just basic system information with basic voices. However, when ALO was started, they gave away a limited number of ‘private pixies’ to winners of a raffle among those who ordered the game when it first came out.”


Mamoru says, “We managed to use that excuse to explain Yui.”


Izumi says, “Well, it makes sense that Yui would be a Navigation Pixie since, based on what you told us, she is a human support program that didn’t get to do her job in SAO and since Navigation Pixies are a support program for players in ALO, it makes logical sense that Yui would become one.”


Kirito says, “However, Yui doesn’t have her administration privileges anymore. She has the ability to give us map data, system information, and she can also check the conditions of players that she has met, but I think that it is for the best.”


Yui lands on Asuna’s shoulder and Asuna says, “I’m just glad to see her, again, Kirito-kun. She is so cute.” Yui blushes and giggles as Asuna gently strokes Yui’s chin with her finger. Asuna then asks, “But what about Strea?”


Yui responds, “Don’t worry, mommy. Strea is here too. She was with us a while ago, but she was having fun flying around…”


Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Kirito!” Soon after, Kirito yelps as he is tackled to the ground and everyone looks to see none other than Strea hanging onto Kirito, but she looks quite different.


Strea’s ‘ALO avatar’ is a female Gnome with brown hair in her hairstyle of her ‘SAO avatar’, red eyes, and an outfit resembling her SAO outfit.


Usagi asks, shocked, “Strea?”


Setsuna says, with a smile, “That would be her.”


Strea let’s go of Kirito and she says, seeing Usagi, “Hi, Usagi-chan!”


Usagi then yelps as Strea gives Usagi one of her possibly bone crunching hugs, if she was doing this in ‘reality’, causing Lisbeth to say, nervously, “That’s Strea all right.”


When the others kindly and gently get Usagi out of Strea’s hug, Yui says, “Remember, Strea used player data that wasn’t used to give herself physical form, so, she has player avatar data. I was able to save all of Strea’s data and now, Strea has a brand new ALO player avatar of herself. Since she is just like me, I believe that Strea also have her own Navigation Pixie form.”


Silica says, “Well, it is good to see you, again, Strea.”


Strea says, with a smile, “Nice to see you, again, Silica-chan.”


Dai asks, “So, you choose a Gnome, huh?”


Strea says, with a smile, “Yep! They are so big and strong, so, I thought that would be good for me!” Strea then goes into a sexy pose and she asks, “So, what do you think?”


Asuna says, nervously, “It looks good on you, Strea.”


Taichi says, “Well, it looks like the gang is all here.”


Minako tells Takashi, “You look good, Takashi-kun.”


Takashi responds, with a smile, “You, too, Minako-chan.”


Miyako says, “Man! I’m amazed that we got here at all! And it wasn’t the monsters that were the problem!”


Takashi says, “You weren’t kidding when you said flying wasn’t as easy as it sounds.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Told you.”


Klein says, “And you weren’t kidding about the Salamander homeland. Geez! I saw chipper places in the dark dungeons of you know where.”


Hino says, “Yeah, it isn’t exactly a nice place.”


Leafa says, “Anyway, you can set up shop in Alne or Yggdrasil City, the new ‘capital’ of Alfheim, Klein. They are completely neutral cities and no fighting allowed in which you can get to anywhere from there.”


Klein says, with a grin, “If you say so…Lady Leafa.”


Leafa yelps and Asuna, Kirito, and Usagi ask in unison, “Lady Leafa?”


Leafa slaps herself on the head and Michiru says, with a smile, “Well, it was going to come out sooner or later, Leafa.”


Usagi asks, confused, “What do you mean?”


Makoto asks, “Remember when we talked about that we were the top players of ALO?”


Takashi says, “Yeah, I know. All eight of you, Usagi’s female friends, are known as the ‘Eight Great Nymphs’ of ALO and you are treated with the upmost respect by most other players.”


Klein says, “Yeah. Hino may have been a Salamander, but those Sylph guards treated her like she was close to royalty.”


Minako says, pointing to Leafa, “Well, we are NINE Great Nymphs of ALO. This is our newest member: Leafa, the Wind Blade Valkyrie.”


There are gasps of shock and Leafa asks, nervously, “Really, Minako?”


Just then a female voice booms, angrily, “Well, the Sylph wench won’t be so ‘great’ for long!” There are winches in which everyone looks to see a female Salamander with a gorgeous female figure covered in a blood red and black armor with long flowing flaming red hair and dark green eyes landing in front of them.


Klein says, with a grin, “Not bad.”


Hino says, with a sneer, “How about real bad, genius? Her name is Flare and she is an ultimate pain in the neck.”


Leafa says, with a sigh, “I’ll take care of this.” Leafa goes over to face the female Salamander, Flare, and she asks, “Can’t this wait?”


Flare responds, with a sneer, “I won’t lose to you, girl!”


Minako asks, with a sly smile, “Didn’t you already lose to Leafa a dozen times already?”


Flare angrily sneers at this and Hino asks, “You had to get her started, didn’t you?”


Flare says, strongly, “The Salamanders could have been on top, but this Sylph made us look like a laughing stock when she defeated our great general, Eugene, who was…who is the strongest player in ALO!”


Minako asks, slyly, “Don’t you mean ‘was’?”


Flare draws her sword, a rapier with a golden hilt and flame designed blade, and she yells out, “That’s it! You’re dead!” Flare charges in and Leafa barely dodges her sword slashes.


Haruka tells Minako, “You had to piss her off, huh?”


Kirito says, “Leafa!”


Leafa responds, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this one!” Leafa keeps dodging the attacks of Flare and she then unleashes a barrage of fireballs at her.


Lisbeth asks, “Is she using magic?”


Makoto says, “That’s her special sword: Dragon’s Breath. When an opponent clashes with it, it unleashes a flame attack that damages the opponent and she can also use flame magic without using incantations. It is one nasty blade.” Leafa dodges the fire magic attacks with ease, but Leafa then notices the smirk on Flare’s face. Leafa then ‘senses’ some kind ‘killer intent’ and she draws her sword only to whip and swing in which it seems to collide in mid-air with nothing making a loud ‘clang’ as if two swords are clashing.


Taichi asks, “Did she just hit the air?”


Haruka says, with a serious tone, “No! Someone else is here and hiding under an invisibility cloak or spell!”


Leafa says, “I knew it!” Leafa then seems to grab for air, but catches a piece of cloth and rips it away revealing a taller than average Sylph with dark green hair with green clothes to match and heavy silver armor with a huge broad sword hung at his waist. He also wears a circlet with an amethyst on his forehead.


Haruka says, with a sneer, “Sigurd!”


Yamato asks, “You know him?”


Makoto says, with an angered sneer, “He tried to sell the Sylphs out to the Salamanders by trying to take out Sakuya, the leader of our people, which would have allowed them to occupy our lands for over a week and take a good amount of our money and resources for themselves by giving them information about a secret meeting between our people, the Sylphs, and the Cait Sith!”


There are gasps and Haruka says, “However, a friend of Leafa’s, here and IRL, Recon, managed to find this out and get the information to her. Leafa managed to stop the attempt by defeating their top warrior and rival to us, the ‘Great Nymphs’: General Eugene!”


Minako says, with a smile, “That’s why Leafa is one of us now! When that rat of a fairy was found out, Sakuya made sure that his butt was permanently kicked out of Sylph lands!”


Klein says, plainly, “I get it. This is payback.”


Leafa tells Sigurd, “Not surprising you would be back, Sigurd.”


Sigurd yells out, “You backstabber! Thanks to you, I’m a renegade with no power now!”


Leafa responds, “You are the backstabber, jerk! You tried to sell us out to the Salamanders despite ‘The Grand Quest’ being over when it was revealed to be a fake!”


Sigurd shouts out, with a sneer, “It doesn’t matter! There would be another ‘Grand Quest’ sooner or later and I intended for us to be on top! I used those lizard to get Sakuya out of the way!”


Leafa says, with a plain tone, “And wrongly discredit her when you were the one that betrayed her and us! And now, you are right where you belong scum!” Leafa then dodges another flame attack from Flare in which Sigurd barely ducks under the attack.


Sigurd shouts out, angrily, “Watch where you are aiming!”


Flare responds, “Then stay out of my way! Remember the deal, Sigurd! This is your last chance to make up for your failure!” Sigurd snarls as the two of them prepare to fight Leafa.


Kirito shouts out, “Not so fast!” Flare and Sigurd look to see Kirito charging them with Usagi’s two swords in which Sigurd barely manages to dodge out of the way of Kirito’s attack in which he gets nicked causing him to lose a bit of HP.


Sigurd says, “Stay out of this Spriggan!”


Kirito responds, “Not when you aren’t fighting my sister in a fair fight!”


Sigurd and Flare ask in unison, “Sister?”


Leafa responds, with a smile, “Meet my older brother. His name is Kirito. He is also known as ‘The Black Swordsman’. He is new to ALO, but he is more than a match for you, two, dopes!”


Flare responds, “Want to bet?”


Leafa replies, with a smirk, “Don’t need to since big brother has already won.”


Flare tells Sigurd, “Her Spriggan brother is all yours!”


Sigurd responds, with a plain tone, “With pleasure!” Flare goes after Leafa while Sigurd attacks Kirito.


(Sword Art Online music ‘Swordland’ starts)


As Sigurd starts to attack Kirito, plenty of the others notice that he is using Usagi’s swords and Silica asks, “Aren’t those Usagi-chan’s swords?” A lot of the others look to see Usagi without her swords, but Asuna, who is looking at the battle, is smiling at this.


Sigurd says, with a sneer, “So, you are Leafa’s brother, huh? She is going to weep as I pound you into the dirt.”


As Kirito easily dodges and/or blocks Sigurd’s attacks, Kirito responds, with a smirk, “Not with those moves, pal. Are you even trying?”


Sigurd responds, angrily, “You will pay for mocking me!” Sigurd attacks Kirito with all of his might, but with his skill and experience in SAO, Kirito proves to be faster, stronger, and more skilled with his wielding of two swords in his Duel Wielding style of SAO, he quickly puts Sigurd on the defensive and his expression starts to show panic causing to be unable to understand how a ‘newbie’ could be beating him. On the meanwhile, Leafa flawless dodges the strikes and fire magic attacks of Flare.


Flare shouts out, strongly, “Stop jumping around!”


Leafa responds, with a smirk, “You have to make me, hot head!” Flare growls in anger as her attacks continue to fail to connect against Leafa in which she then glances at the others.


Flare asks, “Then how about this?!” Flare then looks she is about to attack the others, but instead, Flare unleashes a powerful flame attack right at Kirito’s back!


Dai yells out, stunned, “Hey, Kirito, heads up!”


Asuna shouts out, nervously, “Kirito-kun, watch out!” Kirito turns to see the attack heading for him, but Leafa steps in and grunts as she takes the attack on the side.


Usagi yells out, shocked, “Leafa!”


After Sigurd tries to use Kirito’s distraction to strike at Kirito, which fails obviously, causing Kirito to knock him away, Kirito yells out, concerned, “Sugu, are you all right?”


Leafa responds, “I’m fine, big brother.” As she looks at her HP gauge, she notices that she took damage equal to one-third of her health bar.


Makoto shouts out, “That’s a dirty trick!”


Flare responds, “While I will never go low to attack those that aren’t fighting, your brother is another story! You made the Salamanders look like a joke when you took down General Eugene and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you will pay the price, Sylph! Now, fight me seriously!”


Leafa responds, strongly, “Well, here I am!” Flare then charges right at Leafa and Leafa prepares to use her sword, only held in her right hand, to block Flare’s sword.


Haruka asks, “What’s she doing?”


Tomoe says, “If she blocks that sword, she’ll get hit with a flame attack!” What few see is Leafa using her left hand to call her player menu and when Leafa blocks the sword, she gets engulfed in flames, but Flare’s sword is knocked out of her hands by Leafa using a sword similar to her typical katana in her left hand! With a strong battle yell, Leafa then puts her TWO swords side by side and unleashes rapid series of kendo style strikes with both swords!


Many of the others are shocked and Lisbeth asks, stunned, “She’s Duel Wielding?!”


Leafa says, with a serious tone, “You wanted the strength that I used to defeat General Eugene! Well, here it is!” Leafa’s two sword then start to glow, showing the start of a Sword Skill, and she yells out, “Starlight Edge!” Leafa then uses rapid fast kendo style slash attacks with both swords together in unison for the first seven attacks and for the eighth and final attack, Leafa slashes Flare with both swords at once in ‘X’ formation hitting Flare at the exact same moment in which Flare grunt as her HP gauge hits zero and she explodes into red flames leaving only a red flame behind of herself.


Sigurd sees this and he yells out, stunned, “No way!”


Starburst Stream!


Sigurd then roar out as Kirito unleashes the same classic 16 hit Duel Wielding Sword Skill combo that he used in SAO so many times and Sigurd then explodes into green flames leaving a green flame behind when his HP drops to zero.


(Sword Art Online music ‘Swordland’ ends)


Makoto says, with a grin, “They did it!”


Lisbeth says, with a smirk, “Not surprising, Mako-chan.”


Strea yells out, “Great job, Kirito!”


Yui calls out, “You were wonderful, daddy!”


Miyako asks, looking at the flames, “What happened to them?”


Kendo tells Miyako, “Those are ‘End Flames’. When a player ‘dies’ here, they turn into those flames and remain that way for sixty seconds. They can still hear and see what we are doing, but they can’t do anything. After a minute, they are revived in their home territory.”


Haruka says, “And if they are exiles like Sigurd, they are then booted out to the next neutral village or town.”


Leafa shouts out, “But if you use a revival item or spell, they can be restored right here and now.” Leafa looks at the Sailor Scouts and she makes a nod in which Mizuno, Minako, Hino, Makoto, Tomoe, Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna race over, draw their weapons, and Michiru uses a revival spell in which the red flames turn into Flare and the green flames turn into Sigurd. When they regain their senses, they find Leafa and the Sailor Scouts, minus Usagi, with their weapons on them. Leafa tells Flare, “Shall we go round two or shall we call it a day?”


Flare says, extending her wings, “Fine, Sylph, but this isn’t over!”


Flare then takes off into the distance and Sigurd shouts out, “Hey!” He then yelps as Haruka’s sword is around his neck.


Haruka asks, with a deadly glare, “You got anything else to add traitor?”


Makoto says, with a sneer, “Get out of our sight, so, we can enjoy a day with our friends.”


Sigurd extends his wings and he yells out, “This isn’t over, Leafa! You will pay!”


Sigurd then flies away and Hino says, with a snarl, “Sore loser.”


Dai tells Hino, “What do you expect from power hungry jerks like him?”


Hino says, with a nod, “Good point, Dai.”


Soon after, the group puts away their weapons with Kirito giving Usagi’s swords back to our Moon Princess and he says, “Thanks, Usagi.”


Usagi responds, with a smile, “No problem, Kirito.”


Leafa says, rubbing her head, “Sorry about that guys.”


Philia says, “It’s all right, Leafa.”


Silica says, with a smile, “You were just awesome out there even better than before!”


Yamato says, “Not to open any wounds, but she does have actual combat experience.”


Haruka says, “Same with us.”


Asuna asks Leafa, “Leafa-chan, when did you use Duel Wielding?”


Leafa responds, a bit nervously, “It happened after I returned to ALO for the first time and I had looked to see much of the stuff that I had gained in SAO displayed on my menu, but I was shocked to find in my skill set that I had Duel Wielding and while I’m not at the ‘level’ of big brother, I had a few skills that Duel Wielding had.”


Lisbeth asks, “Wait? You come back to ALO and find out that you have the Duel Wielding Sword Skill?”


Usagi says, “Leafa told me back in the Moon Kingdom a few days ago.”


There are gasps of shock and Leafa says, “I couldn’t believe it and in fact, I went to Usagi’s friends about it.”


Mizuno says, “We think that since she used two swords at the final battle with Kayaba, she had somehow gained the Duel Wielding Sword Skill which has become part of ALO. The people at RCT Progress did kind of rush job to get the Sword Skills to be a part of ALO while making sure that they didn’t import any of the ‘bad stuff’ from SAO.”


Kirito asks, “But that Sword Skill…?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “That’s my special Duel Wielding OSS: Starlight Edge.”


Klein asks, “OSS?”


Izumi says, “Original Sword Skill. When they added Sword Skills into ALO, they also added a system to allow players to create their own sword skills.”


There are gasps and Miyako asks, stunned, “Players creating their own Sword Skills?”


Kendo says, “That’s right, but the system only accepts skills that meet requirements of speed, combo, and execution requirements and the players have to make the skill WITHOUT help from the system itself.”


There are more gasps and Taichi shouts out, “You have got to be kidding me! It shouldn’t be possible since without the system assisting you! We should know that kind of thing.”


Haruka says, “You are right, Taichi. However, players have found a way to create a ton of new sword skills for all types of weapons.”


The SAO survivors in the group are amazed and Philia says, amazed, “Incredible.”


Minako says, with a grin, “It is why our Leafa-chan is now so famous. She created her own eight hit Duel Wielding combo which only she and her brother have the Duel Wielding Sword Skill and only Usagi and Dai are the only ones other than them that can use Duel Wielding.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “Well, it wasn’t easy. It took me a lot of tries to get everything just right to create Starlight Edge.”

  Kirito says, with a nod, “I bet, Leafa. It would be hard enough to create a one to four hit Sword Skill, but anything five hit or beyond takes out of speed, skill, and excellent execution down to the letter.”


Hino says, “Yeah, no kidding. It is the reason that Leafa has become so famous in which her 8 hit OSS is the Original Sword Skill with the highest number of hits through I hear that someone has a Two-Handed Original Sword Skill with just as much hits.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Yeah, I heard: General Eugene and his Volcanic Blazer.”


Klein says, “Wow. There is a lot of new stuff that we have to learn here. Not only is there magic and learning on how to fly, but we have to deal with Sword Skills that could be off the chain.”


Agil says, with a smile, “No kidding.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “I like it.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “I’m not surprised, Kirito.”


Lisbeth says, with a nod, “You got that right, Usagi.”


Taichi asks, with a grin, “Well, what are we waiting for?” Soon enough, the SAO survivors in the group start their lessons on learning how to fly in ALO.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, overlooking Butterfly Valley, our group looks over the lovely sky and the World Tree.


Takashi, with Minako by his side, says, “Man. It has been an incredible few months.”


Yamato says, with a nod, “You said, bro.”


Junpier says, with a smile, “It has been great.”


Kirito tells Leafa, “You and the others were right about this place.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “Yeah.”


Usagi has Mamoru by her side and she says, with a smile, “This is what VRMMO should be.”


Asuna says, with a nod, “I agree, Usagi-chan.”


Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Hey, everyone!” Everyone looks to see Strea flying in and landing nearby.


Kirito says, “Hey, Strea!”


Strea says, excitedly, “Hi, Kirito! Hi, everyone!”


Agil says, “Anyway, we have got to ready. Within a few days, the new update and the brand new ‘Grand Quest’ is going to start.”


Minako says, “We have to get started and get pumped immediately!” Many of the others nod their heads in agreement and they start to discuss on what to do to prepare for the newest update to ALO while Kirito, Leafa, and Usagi enjoy ALO with their friends, but deep down, they have a bad feeling about the future to come.


July 2, 2025, Japanese countryside


Within an abandoned warehouse, we find the three people that were within the tubes that Donovan and his son, Rig, were looking at: Namely Naruto, the pink haired female, and dark blue haired female. Naruto is dressed in a black and orange jacket, pants, black suit under the jacket, and black open-toed sandals, the pink haired female has a red sleeveless top, black shorts, and low heeled open-toed sandals, and the other female has a white and violet jacket, blue baggy pants, and black open-toed sandals.


After looking through a hole in the wall, Naruto says, “We’re safe.”


The pink haired female responds, “For the moment, Naruto. Remember, we managed to get out because they underestimated how much they ‘pumped’ us up.” The pink haired female sports a high-tech bracelets attached to her upper left arm and she says, “These devices were designed to negate our chakra. I can’t even begin to know how they work.”


Naruto responds, “Sakura, we just break them and our chakra will come back.”


The pink haired female responds, “Naruto, do you think that they would make it that easy. Don’t you think that they may have a bomb in there that could blow our arms off if we tamper with them?”


Naruto replies, nervously, “Good point, Sakura.” Naruto asks the blue haired female, “How are you feeling Hinata?”


The blue haired female responds, “I’m okay, Naruto-kun.”


Sakura, the pink haired female, replies, “Not surprising since that ‘super-soldier formula’ that they used on us really enhanced our stamina and then some. If we had our chakra sealed and we didn’t get ‘enhanced’, we would have been able to break out much less travel this far.”


Naruto says, “Well, I don’t like being used a ‘lab rat’.”


Sakura responds, “I know, Naruto. I’m pissed off too. I’m just saying that something good came out of this.”


Naruto says, with a smile, “Yeah, you have got a point. Man, I can’t wait to see what we really can do once we get these pain in the ass off, believe it!”


Sakura says, “Anyway, we should keep moving. Most likely, they have tracking devices on these things.”


Naruto asks, “If that’s the case, where can we go?”


Sakura responds, taking out a map, “Unlike you causing havoc all over the place, I took the time to get a map. There is a huge place known as Tokyo and remember, we can blend in.”


The dark blue haired female asks, “How can we blend in?”


Naruto says, with a grin, “It is because this is world where I’m famous!”


Sakura says, “A famous manga character, Naruto.”


The dark blue haired female asks, “How does that help us?”


Sakura says, “Since our world is so famous, here, we can ‘mask’ ourselves as cosplayers, people that dress us like their favorite fictional characters. It is something that I managed to learn about this place. I know that this isn’t the best plan, but it is the best that I can come up with, Hinata.”


Naruto says, “It is the only plan that we got.”


Sakura says, “We should get going.” Naruto, Sakura, and the dark blue haired girl, Hinata, then prepare to sneak out in which they don’t know that some distance away, there is a group of armored figures looking at scanners in which they are focused in the direction of their exact location.


July 2, 2025, Tenbi Academy


Within a large high school known as Tenbi Academy, which seems like a regular huge Japanese high school campus out in the countryside, Suguha is exploring the campus and looking for any signs of trouble. While she is by herself at the moment, she came to this area with Darien, the Sailor Scouts, Shion, and the Digidestined due to a mysterious message about ‘unusual energy’ readings. However, the group was skeptical or thought that it was a trap, but Trista, after visiting the Time Gates, did confirm that there was space-time activity, however, she didn’t sense was because she felt that it came from either a small distortion or a very stable space-time gateway in which the word ‘stable’ means that the space-time wouldn’t have set off ‘warning bells’ at the Gates of Time. However, the space-time activity was unusual to lead the group to believe it does need to be investigated and both the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined are working together since they are facing common enemies these days.


Right now, the group of Scouts and Digidestined have split up with Suguha off on her own, despite her Moon Princess sister’s concern, but Shion is on the rooftops keeping a lookout. However, despite looking of anything suspicious, they haven’t found a thing…due to the fact that this school is much like a regular high school expect they train to use powerful items known as Maken with special magical or spiritual powers known as Elements.


Suguha thinks in her mind, “I’m amazed that they allow places like this to exist and not have some kind of plan for them.” Suguha continues to walk around to see if there is anything out of place, but in a high school that has ‘special powered’ teenagers, it isn’t exactly that easy to find anything ‘out of place’. Just then Suguha yelps as something or someone slams into her causing her to fall to the ground in which she regains her senses as Naruto is there in front of her with Sakura and Hinata coming behind.


Hinata asks, “Are you okay?”


Naruto says, with a smile, “I’m okay!”


Suguha tells Naruto, with an annoyed tone, “Hey, watch you are going!”


Naruto responds, nervously, “I’m sorry!”


Suguha asks, looking at Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, “Are you some kind of cosplayers?”


Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Hey, who are…?!”


However, Sakura covers Naruto’s mouth and she responds, with a smile, “That’s right! We are big fans of the anime and manga!” Sakura whispers to Naruto, “Naruto, we are in a world where our world is a famous manga, remember?”


Naruto gives a slight nod and Suguha says, with a plain tone, “Not surprising. Naruto is one of the most popular animes and manga of all time or at least in my opinion.” Suguha says, looking at Sakura, “Wow, you really must dye your hair. It looks so much Sakura Haruno’s hair and it looks so natural.”


Sakura replies, nervously, “Yeah, good, huh?”


Just then a voice shouts out, “There they are!” Everyone then looks to see a group of armored cloaked warriors appear in front of them.


Naruto says, annoyed, “Oh, great!”


Sakura asks, annoyed, “Don’t they give up?”


One of the armored cloaked warriors responds, “Give it up, Uzumaki!”


Suguha thinks in her mind, looking at Naruto, “Uzumaki?!”

 < /p> Naruto responds, with a grin, “If you read the books based on my life, then you should know that I never do that, believe it!”


The leader of the armored warriors responds, with a grin, “Actually, we knew that you would say that and we’re glad that you did!”


Sakura thinks in her mind, nervously, “Why do I get a bad feeling about that?”


As Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata get into defensive stances, Suguha thinks in her mind, using her sensory powers to get a close ‘sense’ of Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, “No way! That’s impossible! But from what I’m feeling…Okay, I don’t get what’s going on, but something tells me that they are going to need some major help and Sailor Celestial has to get up to bat!”


Suguha takes out her broach from her subspace pocket and Naruto says, strongly, “Hey, we aren’t going down so easily, believe it!”


The armored warriors’ leader responds, snapping his fingers, “We know!” Just then a whole legion of the kunoichi, Kasumi, leap from the shadows, but they are wearing red versions of Kasumi’s typical kunoichi outfit in which the armored warriors’ leader responds, “We have got too much invested in you to let you and your girlfriends go, Uzumaki!”


Suguha prepares to make her move, but she is then grabbed from behind by one of the Kasumi duplicates and she yells out, “Hey!”


Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are shocked at this and Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Hey, let her go!”


Sakura says, with a serious tone, “She has nothing to do with us!”


The armored warriors’ leader responds, “Sorry, but no witnesses!”


One of the other armored warriors, a female, says, “Hold on! That girl! I think that she looks familiar!”


Suguha thinks in her mind, “Uh oh!”


Suguha tries to hide her broach behind her back, but the leader of the armored warriors shouts out, “What are you hiding behind your back?” The Kasumi duplicate, getting the message, starts to force Suguha’s hand that has her broach in it in which she decides that it is now or never.


Suguha yells out, “You want to know? Here it is: Valkyrie Celestial Power, Make-up!” Suguha’s broach blazes to life and engulfs her in power and light that forces the Kasumi duplicate off her violently as Suguha’s clothing melts away and is replaced by her armored fuku in which when the light fades away, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial replaces Suguha in front of everyone.


Sakura asks, stunned, “What the heck?”


The female armored warrior shouts out, “Oh, shit! Sailor Celestial!”


Sailor Celestial responds, “Got that right!” Sailor Celestial then aims her laser guns right at the female armored warrior and she yelps out as she is blasted and sent flying into the trees.


The leader of the armored warriors shout out, annoyed, “Get her!” Immediately, the Kasumi duplicates draw their short ninja style swords, but Sailor Celestial cross draws her swords and starts to fight the mass of clones of the kunoichi ally of Sailor Celestial.


Hinata asks, “What’s going on?”


Naruto says, “She isn’t a friend of theirs.”


Sakura responds, “Obviously, Naruto.” Just then Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata yelp as metal ropes/cables wrap around them and restrain them in which the lines of the cables go back to the armored warriors in which they are coming out of wristbands.


The leader of the armored warriors says, “Don’t bother! We know how much your physical strength has been enhanced by the super-soldier serum that we modified and once we get you back, the ultimate power in the universe, Etherion, will be ours!”


Sailor Celestial thinks in her mind, shocked, “Etherion? Impossible!” Sailor Celestial then unleashes a burst of mystical wind energy that sends the Kasumi duplicates flying in which she then sends a powerful flame attack against the armored warriors, but all it does is burn their cloaks to reveal their futuristic high-tech armor.


Sailor Celestial gives a gasp of shock and the leader of warrior says, with a smirk, “Nice try! Our armor was designed against elemental magic like yours, so, you might one of the strongest of the Sailor Scouts, but your powers are useless against us and we can take you one-on-one!”


Just then a female voice shout out, “How about an army of us, you tin can?” The armored warriors look towards the source only to get kicked in the face by Valkyrie Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Sun, the rest of the Sailor Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask and knocked to the ground.


Sailor Celestial says, “Hey, everyone!”


Just then another familiar voice, a male one, shouts out, “Hey, don’t forget us! We’re not getting left out of the action!” Soon after, the Digidestined and their Digimon, in either their Champion, Ultimate, or Mega forms, arrives on the scene.


Sakura asks, stunned, “What the?”


Sailor Moon uses her sword to cut the cables around Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata and she asks, “Huh? Why are these people going after some cosplayers?”


Sailor Celestial says, “Sis, I don’t think that they are cosplayers.”


Sailor Mars says, “They aren’t ordinary humans. I sense powerful energies coming from them and the blond haired kid has something…familiar? Okay, that’s weird.”


The leader of the armored warriors shout out, “Oh, crud!” He shouts out to the Kasumi clones, “Get them!” Immediately, the Kasumi clones attacks the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and the Digidestined in which they fight back hard while the armored warriors made their getaway with jet boots like you see on television. After they were gone, the fallen forms of the Kasumi clones are littered all around and defeated by Tuxedo Mask, the Sailor Scouts, and the Digimon along with help from Davis and his Keyblades.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “How many of these ‘copycats’ do they have?”


Sailor Pluto responds, “They got a good amount of Kasumi’s DNA, so, they can be produce plenty of these Alpha clones.”


Sailor Uranus says, “It is the more advanced ones that I’m worried about.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a nod, “No kidding, Uranus.”


Sailor Venus asks, “So, what are they doing terrorizing a group of cosplayers?”


Naruto yells out, “Who are you calling a cosplayer?”


Sailor Celestial says, nervously, “I don’t think that they are cosplayers.”


Sailor Mars says, “I sense powerful energies from them, Venus. I think that Celestial is right. They aren’t ordinary humans. They are human, but they have powerful energies.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, with a sarcastic tone, “So, they are the REAL Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Hinata Hyuga?” Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata look at each other with greatly nervous expressions and the others immediately catch on why they have those reactions.


Sailor Moon says, nervously, “You have got to be kidding me.” Naruto nervously rubs his head and he displays the band that’s suppressing his abilities.


Naruto responds, “If you take off these goofy armbands off, we can prove it, believe it.”


Tai says, nervously, “Okay, didn’t see that coming.”


Matt says, nervously, “No kidding, Matt.” The others look at each other and Sailor Mercury uses her computer to hack into the armbands and remove them.


Sakura says, rubbing her arm, “That’s better.”


Sailor Venus says, with a confident smirk, “Oh, yeah! If you are the real Naruto Uzumaki, then use his famous Sexy Jutsu!”


Sakura yelp out in surprise and Naruto yells out, with a grin, “You got it! Sexy Jutsu!” Soon after, in a puff of smoke, Naruto transforms in a female version of himself that has smoke covering his/her female ‘private areas’ and Sailor Moon yelps as she quickly cover Tuxedo Mask’s eyes while the other males in the group did the same. Sakura then bashes Naruto on the head causing him to transform back to his ‘regular self’.


Mimi yells out, amazed, “Oh, wow! You are the real Naruto Uzumaki!”


Davis says, stunned, “Okay, now, I have seen everything.”


Sailor Mars asks, “But how?”


Sailor Pluto asks, “Does this involve something known as a Queen’s Gate?”


Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata look at Sailor Pluto and Hinata asks, “How do you know?”


Sailor Celestial says, “That explains some things.”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Sailor Mars asks, “What do you mean Meatball Head?”


Sailor Moon says, with a sigh, “Remember those kind of stories that have people traveling into alternate universes, dimensions, and such? The ‘Queen’s Gates’ is a powerful artifact that allows the creation of a safe and stable gateway between one world and another world, realm, dimension, or even universe.”


Sailor Celestial asks, “You remember?”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “After the final battle at the Ruby Palace, a lot of my memories from the Silver Millennium came back and hard.”


Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “This is so awesome! The real life Naruto Uzumaki!”


Sailor Jupiter says, with a smile, “Not surprising that you get excited.”


Sailor Mercury asks, “So, what do they want them?”


Sailor Uranus says, “Let’s save the explanation for later, Mercury. Those guys could be back for the next round.”


Sailor Mars says, “Good idea.”


TK tells Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, “You are in a strange land far from home and we just saved your lives. You want to take your chances with those guys that were after you?”


Naruto says, nodding his head in agreement, “Good point.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “No joke, Naruto.” Soon after, Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata join our heroes and heroines as they prepare to leave, but what they don’t know is that high in the sky, an unmanned aerial drone with advanced camera technology is watching them.


July 2, 2025, Neo Domino City


Inside of the mayor’s office within Neo Domino City, Lazar is showing a holographic screen showing Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata meeting up with the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined to the group of figures on a wall screen.


Lazar tells the figures on the screen, “It seems like our ‘ninja trio’ has meet up with our Moon Princesses and their friends.”


One of the figures say in a male voice, “Good, Lazar. It is time to move onto the next phase.”


Lazar asks, “Next phase, sir?”


The figure responds, “You need to force Sailor Celestial into another duel. You have to make her reveal the full power of Pendulum Summoning. You saw her perform a Synchro Summon after using Pendulum Summoning, correct? The full power of Pendulum Summoning and its complete evolution have yet to be revealed.”


Lazar asks, shocked tone in his voice, “Are you serious, sir?”


The figure replies, nodding his head, “I am, Lazar. But there is also something else.” Just then images of Sailor Moon’s ‘civilian identity’ of Serena, Davis, and Kari appear and he says, “You must test the two Signers and Kayaba’s niece.”


Lazar asks, confused, “The new Signers I understand, but why her?”


The figure responds, “I believe that we have the Duel Priestess of Ancient Fairy Dragon’s ‘sister’ and we may have found the third Signer.”


Lazar’s eyes grow wide and he says, with a sly smirk, “Understood, sir. I will get to work right away.” Lazar looks at the pictures of Davis, Kari, and Serena in which you can expect that ‘unpleasant surprises’ are in store for them in the near future.


And that’s the chapter, everyone! As I said in the last chapter, there are going to be a lot of MAJOR and MINOR crossovers in which there could be actual crossovers or just elements from that ‘story universe’ put into this story, folks! However, as I said before, Naruto is going to be a major crossover with Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh and you are going to have to read and see what the other ones are.


Before I go, I would like to ask: Would you like a short story that takes place in-between the end of Hollow Fragment and the start of this story? To see the gang’s early days in ALO before the start of Svart Alfheim in this story, the ‘incident’ with Jadeite that they talked about in the first chapter, and whatnot? I’m going to start a pole on Fanfiction so either leave a review or vote to say what you want. Please read and review to tell me what you think and I’ll see you later, everyone! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!