Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto instrumentalities Newest player ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Naruto Instrumentalities newest player Chapter 4

Ladies and gentlemen

Juubi the king of Biju is here today, to bring you the 4th installment of this Naruto x Evangelion crossover.

One last thing make sure that after you read this you remember one thing, Naruto is a Shinobi.

Parings for the story

Naruto x Rei x Mari x Misato x Maya

Shinji x Asuka


Shinji who by now had a depressed look on his face stayed behind as the door to the train closed and left. The station.

As Rei watch home, she pulled out her tri-pronged kunai.

The words that Naruto had said the day he pulled her out of Unit 0 echoed through her head.

As Rei stared at the first gift that she had ever received, an emotional change causes certain muscles in the face to tense, producing an expression.

Hedgehog's Dilemma and the Souls within

"Hey where is the food, I'm starving over here!" Misato exclaimed as she and Ritsuko entered the house.

*Groan* "Oh great and she just had to come home half-drunk didn't she." Naruto complained as he continued to cook.

Naruto was cooking some Oden, Udon Tonkatsu, Hayashi Rice, Hiyayakko, and Ramen.

During Naruto's travels with the toad sage Jiraiya, Naruto had created storage's that he used to store large quantities of food.

The Oden comprised of various fish cakes, daikon, boiled eggs konyaku and Kombu seaweed that was slow simmered in a soy sauce based soup.

Udon are noodles served with tempura and mountain vegetables.

The Tonkatsu are deep fried pork cutlets served with curry rice. Hayashi rice is Japanese style hashed beef stew, thinly sliced beef and onions in demi-glace sauce served over cooked rice.

The Hiyayakko is fresh chilled tofu garnished with grated ginger, Katsuobushi (shaved bonito flakes), green onions and seasoned soy sauce.

Finally the Ramen was noodles prepare fish broth flavored with miso, sliced pork and a boiled egg.

Rei was sitting at the table in pajamas.

"Sorry about this Naruto, I tried to stop her, but by now you know how she is when it comes to sake and food." Ritsuko said causing Naruto to shake his head.

"Just make sure she gets to the bathroom if she starts feeling sick, would ya." Naruto said as he continued to cook.

Misato who was leaning on Ritsuko's shoulder with her head down, raised her head to watch Naruto cook in the kitchen with an apron on.

She then stood up straight and headed to her room. Ritsuko then sat at the table and watched Naruto as he cooked.

She studied him from her seat.

As she watched, she noticed that she wasn't reacting to him like she did earlier that day.

This actually surprised her as she had been extremely aroused when he held her, however now she just seemed to regard him casually.

'Why was I so aroused when he held me earlier, why is that?' Ritsuko wondered.

Naruto grinned as he felt Ritsuko's calculating graze.

Being able to sense human emotion, Naruto could tell that she was extremely confused about her feelings.

"Hey Naruto where is Shinji?" Misato asked as she came out of her room. Misato had changed out of her work clothes and now wore a tank-top and short-shorts.

"He didn't get off the bus when we took it earlier." Rei said as Naruto gave her an amused look that he knew what had happened.

"Ah yeah about that, he met Kensuke who was camping out in the woods." Naruto informed them while Rei gave Naruto a bored look.

Misato sighed and sat at the table. "That Shinji… I guess its best that I have a talk with him once he comes back." Misato said.

"I think you should leave that to me Misato, its best that he speak to someone who is around his age." Naruto said as he started putting the food onto plates.

*Sigh* "Yeah I suppose your right, he just so much more naive than I expected him to be." Misato said in defeat.

"What's this, complaining already, you wanted the one who insisted on living here with Shinji, Naruto, and Rei?" Ritsuko said with a smug look on her face.

"Oh shut up." Misato said as Naruto placed their food on the table.

"She is right you know." Naruto said getting their attention. Naruto then created a shadow clone and handed it two plates of food.

"Have you ever heard of the hedgehog's dilemma?" Naruto asked as his clone vanished in a swirl of black flames.

"Hedgehog's dilemma? You mean those little spiky critters?" Misato asked.

"You see with hedgehogs, even if they want to get close to each other for warmth the closer they get the more they risk hurting each other with the quills on their bodies." Naruto explained.

"Basically it's no different from people, Shinji is worried about what will happen if he lets someone get too close, he's fear of that pain causes him to pull away completely." Naruto finished explaining.

"Well he'll figure it out someday, that part of growing up is to allow herself to get hurt sometimes." Misato said as Naruto sat down at the table with them to eat.

"To keep letting people in until you finally find that safe distance where you can finally find that safe distance where you could be close without hurting each other to much." Misato said.

"I hope your right." Ritsuko said. Rei just sat in her chair at the table listening to their conversation.

Listening to Naruto explain what Shinji was suffering from, a thought suddenly entered her head.

'Did you have to go through a similar situation Naruto?' She wondered. Noticing her look, Naruto gave her a smile before patting the top of her head.

"Well enough about that, why don't we all enjoy our dinner." Naruto suggested, which caused Rei, Misato and Ritsuko to grab their chopsticks.

"Ok it's time to eat!" Misato proclaimed as she and Ritsuko took a bite of their Oden and Udon respectively.


*AH!* Suddenly, Misato and Ritsuko both dropped their chopsticks into the food. They then turned to look at Naruto in shock.

"What?!" Naruto asked wondering why they were giving him that look.

"Naruto… just how did you make this?!" Ritsuko asked as she picked up her chopsticks.

"Just how did you make it so flavorful?" Misato asked as she took another bite.

"It's good." Rei said as she tried some of her Hiyayakko.

"Well I'm glad that you like it, it actually took me and my three fiancées a long time to come up with this recipe." Naruto said with a happy grin on his face.

"Oh well I have to say….

*Cue Record Scratch*

"Wait what did you just say?" Misato asked as she and Ritsuko look towards Naruto.

"Oh I guess I haven't told you yet." Naruto said before he pulled out a picture of him and his three deceased lovers.

"Here is a picture of us." Naruto said as he should them the picture.

"The girl with short black hair, holding a pig and my third fiancée Shizune." Naruto said.

"The girl in the royal kimono is the princess of a nation in the land of snow, Koyuki Kazehana my third fiancée.

Finally the girl in the middle is my first fiancée and the princess of one of the most powerful clans in my world, her name is Hinata Hyuuga.

Misato and Ritsuko looked from the picture to Naruto and back with a bewildered look on their face.

Suddenly, their look turned somber look. "What's that look for?" Naruto asked with a calming smile on his face.

"You seem a lot happier in this picture." Misato said causing Naruto to smile.

"This was taken right before the war," Naruto said as he looked towards Rei.

Rei looked at the picture in curiosity and then to Naruto with a look that actually surprised Naruto.

Naruto then placed his hand on Rei's head and offered her a smile. "I'd like to tell you the story one day however for now let's just enjoy our dinner."

(Shinji and Kensuke campsite)

"Oh did you know that Toji had a younger sister?" Kensuke asked Shinji who was sitting across from him with a somber look on his face.

"Toji has been complaining lately about how his little sister begging him to introduce her to the pilot of the Eva." Kensuke said.

"It must be hard having to deal with a second grader when they beg for things." Kensuke said. Shinji did reply and instead chose to stare into the campfire.

'Hm there seems to be something bothering him.' Kensuke notices as he continues to try to get Shinji to speak.

"You know I really enjoy it out here at night, because those noisy Cicadas don't chirp."

"It was pretty quiet when I was a kid, but there are tons of them now." Kensuke said.

"Misato said that the ecosystem is returning to its original state." Shinji said.

"Oh Misato said that huh, you know I really envy you and Naruto Shinji." Kensuke said.

"I mean you two live with two beautiful women and you get to pilot the evangelion."

"Ah man I wish I could get inside that lovely cockpit just once." Kensuke said as he started making battle sounds.

"You really shouldn't you know." Naruto said as he made his way to their campsite.

"Oh hey Naruto what brings you here?" Kensuke asks.

I had dinner cooked for you guys since you told me you were camping tonight." Naruto said as he handed both Kensuke and Shinji them the Tonkatsu and Hayashi rice respectively

"Naruto's right you know, your mother would be worried." Shinji said confusing Kensuke.

"Huh my mother? Oh don't worry about my mother, as a matter of fact I don't have one of those." Kensuke said shocking Shinji although Naruto already knew this.

"I'm no different from you in that since. Kensuke said. "What about you Naruto?" Kensuke asked.

"Well I suppose I can tell you if you promise that you won't tell Misato and Rei or anyone else." Naruto said while giving Kensuke and Shinji a look.

Kensuke then stood up and placed his hand over his heart, doing a very good impression of the solute human's once did when they recited the pledge of allegiance "I promise on my live Naruto!"

"Reading the boy's emotions, Naruto knew that he could trust the boy. Looking over to Shinji, Naruto was quite surprise when he saw the down look on Shinji's face.

"I don't think that I deserve to know Naruto, not after what happen today." Shinji said as the somber look returned to his face.

"You mean the conversation you had with Rei earlier today right." Naruto said causing Shinji to flinch and look away from Naruto.

Kensuke stared looked towards both of them, not knowing what was going on.

"I had a clone of myself there when you two were talking on the bus, Rei did not tell me." Naruto informed him.

"You don't have to worry about me being angry Shinji, it's perfectly normal for humans to fear what they don't understand and while you are scared of me, you do regret it." Naruto explained.

Shinji looked up towards Naruto in surprise. He had expected Naruto to be extremely pissed about it, however he was a lot more understanding about it.

"But Misato and Rei seemed to not be afraid of you, and you make Miss Ritsuko fall for you." Shinji said.

"Wait a second, what's this about Naruto having Ritsuko fall for him?" Kensuke asked with a bewildered look on his face.

'Oh yeah I forgot that I had used my pheromones on her while Shinji was watching.' Naruto thought.

"Are you referring to Ritsuko Akagi, Nerv's top leading scientist?" Kensuke asks causing Shinji and Naruto to give him weird looks.

"Yeah she is who we are talking about." Shinji said.

Suddenly, Kensuke turned towards Naruto and bowed his head to the sage of six paths.

"Please… teach me the art of wooing women Naruto-sensei!" Kensuke said causing Naruto to gain a droplet of sweat on the back of his head.

"First off, raise your head Kensuke, as this is starting to get really awkward." Naruto said as the boy sat up straight.

"Second, my relationship with Misato works so well, because we have mutual respect for each other and have a few things in common." Naruto said.

With Ritsuko I noticed that she seemed to be "extremely frustrated" and since I was feeling that way as well, I thought it would be beneficial for the both of us if we came to an agreement." Naruto said.

While this was an obvious lie, Naruto once had to use his pheromones on women during some of his missions.

Shinji and Kensuke both turned bright red at as they pictured Naruto and Ritsuko in various sexual position that you can find in most karma sutra novels.

"As for Rei… well she seems to be trying to figure me out and I find her extremely cute, so do I really need a reason?" Naruto asked them.

"Good point." Shinji and Kensuke said at the same time.

"Good and now I believe it's time for me to go." Naruto said as he stood up.

"Oh and Shinji, you shouldn't feel down about your fear of me, over time it will fade and you will come to see me as someone you can trust with your life." Naruto said before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

(Back with the others)

"I gets I'll see you tomorrow at the base Misato" Ritsuko said as she put on her shoes and got ready to walk out the front door.

"You could have stay you know." Misato said causing Naruto to give her a weird look.

"Sorry but I have something to look at before I go to bed tonight." Ritsuko said waving Misato off.

"Besides I'm walking her home so it's not as if something bad is going to happen to her." Naruto said causing Misato to look at him in suspicion.

"Oh I wonder about, after all you did try to put the moves on her earlier today, Should I can't let you have your way with her." Misato accused.

"Hey I wasn't going to take advantage of her if that's what you are thinking." Naruto said.

"It's quite alright I wouldn't have mind all that much if he did." Ritsuko said causing Misato who was drinking beer to spew it from her mouth much to Naruto and Ritsuko's amusement.

"Ritsuko what the hell!" Misato exclaimed casing Naruto to laugh his ass off.

"What you said that you weren't planning on making a pass at him or Shinji, so why can't I?" Ritsuko asked causing Misato's face to go red in embarrassment.

"Oh really well I have to say that I'm a little disappointed." Naruto said with a pout on his face with was so forced that even Rei noticed it.

"Oh well, shall we go then Naruto?" Ritsuko asked. "Yes let's be on our way Ritsuko." Naruto said as they both walked out the front door, leaving a clearly flustered Misato.

"You jerks!" Misato exclaimed before walking back to the kitchen with Rei following behind her.

After sitting in at the table Misato began to down another can of beer to drown her frustrations.

Rei watched her for about a minute before she decided to ask the older women a question. "Misato what does having you way with someone and making a pass mean?"

*Cue Spit take*

*Coughing* "Why would you ask that?!" Misato asked the girl who had a curious look on her face.

"Also I would like to know what Naruto did that made you question Naruto's motives." Rei asked not being able to understand what they were talking about

'Oh why me.' Misato thought with a groan.

(Naruto and Ritsuko)

"So what's this talk about making a pass on me or Shinji?" Naruto asked Ritsuko. Because it was dark out Naruto was able to fly over the rooftops without any human noticing.

"Oh it was just some girl talk after you and the others had left." Ritsuko said as she held onto Naruto's back.

"I see, so what do you say my chances are with her." Naruto asked deciding to keep the conversation going.

"Oh so you like her and here I was expecting you to go after Rei, since you two have been almost inseparable likely." Ritsuko said.

"I'm not really going after either of them, it was just a passing thought." Naruto said.

Ritsuko frowned as she noticed that she couldn't tell if Naruto was telling the truth or lying.

"I see, well I think that you have an sixty percent chance with Misato, however I'd say only a thirty percent at best." Ritsuko said.

Naruto grinned once Ritsuko said that. "I like those odds." Naruto said just low enough so that Ritsuko did not hear him.

Upon reacting Ritsuko's house, she got off Naruto's back as walked up to the door.

"Oh and before you go, could you give these too both Rei and Shinji when you see them?" Ritsuko asked as she handed Naruto some new ID cards.

"Oh these are the new cards." Naruto states. As he looked at the one with his name on it.

"That's right so you can throw away the old ones." Ritsuko said before opening her door and walking inside the house.

Naruto watched as she closed the door and turned to walk away. "She thought that I would use that woman for my desires." Naruto said with a look of disgust on his face.

"I'd never allow myself to be in the bed of a woman who is that desperate to sleep with that man and has no self-respect." Naruto said having looked into the woman's memories.

'Still that was a lot easier than I thought, now that I have her card, I can get into Nerv without a problem.' Naruto thought as his eyes became the Rinnegan and a dark grin spread across his face.

Naruto then vanished into a swirl of wind.


"Well I guess I should take a quick bath, before I go over that paperwork." Ritsuko said as she headed towards her bathroom.

After taking a shower she entered her living room only to notice that the lights were out and one of her candles was lit.

'Wait I didn't light that candle.'

"I see that you are doing well Ritsuko Akagi." Gendo said as he made his presence known.

"Oh Gendo I didn't notice you come in, what can I do for you." Ritsuko said wondering if he was there to talk business.

"I am here as per our deal Ritsuko." Gendo said as he removed his tie and started to unbutton his shirt.

Ritsuko blushed and unconsciously licked her lips. "Okay but allow me to service you." Ritsuko purred as she walked over to him while slowly swaying her hips back and forth.

She then took off his belt and pulled pants and got down on her knees.

Ritsuko then pulled his underwear down and grabbed his dick, which right now was standing at attention. (I'm gonna be sick)

Ritsuko then licks the tip before taking him into her mouth. She then began to bob her head back and forth while slurping on Gendo, causing the man to groan.

*Groan* "As usual you are very skilled at this technique." Gendo said. Ritsuko let out a moan which caused Gendo to cum in her mouth.

'It's a lot more than usual, I wonder why' Ritsuko thought as she swallowed his cum.

"I believe that it's time to start the next phase." Gendo said causing Ritsuko to look up at him only to come face to face with a gun.

"Thank you for your cooperation, you are now being relieved from duty." Gendo said as he shot a wide-eyed Ritsuko right in the head twice.

"Without even so much as a scream, Ritsuko's body fell limply to the floor. A pool of blood flowing from under her body.

"So it's finally done." a distinct female voice asked from the shadow of the room.

"Yes and with this your mission can begin." Gendo said causing the woman to giggle.

"But before then, how's about we finished what she couldn't." the woman said seductively as more candles lit up the room.


Naruto stood before the Eva's with a calculating look on his face. 'Alright I guess it's time to finally meet the three souls that have emerged with the Eva's.'

Naruto then held up a hand-sign and summoned the king of hell. The demon rose up from the depths of hell in all his glory.

It then placed its hands on both Eva unit zero and Eva unit 1. Naruto then sat on its head and got into the lotus position while also activating the Rinnegan.

"Sage Art's: Soul Resonance!" Naruto proclaimed as the room was engulfed in darkness.

Inside the darkness Naruto came face to face with two individuals.

The first was a beautiful young woman who looked like an older version of Rei except that she had a different hair color and she had this kind and gentle look in her eyes that caused Naruto to blush.

The second person was a carbon copy of Rei with the only difference being that she had the appearance of an eight year old.

This was known other than Yui Ikari and the first clone of Yui Ikari who was once killed by Naoko Akagi.


Holy shit Ritsuko brains got splattered all over the floor, by Gendo and who was that woman with him.

To all those who thought that Ritsuko was a part of the harem well sorry but this isn't some normal harem and Naruto is a ninja who will use everything in his arsenal of skills to get what he wants.

And what he wanted was Ritsuko's knowledge.

Make sure to leave a "REVIEW" for this story and I'll see you all next time

This is Juubi the god of Biju signing out