Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A View From the Wings ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A View From the Wings > Chapter 1: First Day/The Small Adjustments
by: Lord Deathscythe >
Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion, nor do I own Gainax studios. This fic is going to be an SI first off. WAIT!! DON'T HIT THAT BACK BUTTON JUST YET!!! This is going to be a true SI. I am putting myself as an observer in Classroom 2-A and will tell the story from the perspective of one of the students. I will have no powers, no effect, and most defiantly NO EVA OF MY OWN!!!

Asuka and Rei are safe!!!


"I can't understand a damn word here," is all I can think, as my brother Michael and I stand outside Tokyo-3 Junior High. All the little squiggles and pictures, while completely understandable to everyone around us, are little more then encrypted code to our eyes. We just moved here from Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas in the United States, since Dad got a transfer to Nerv Central. It came as a shock to all of us, and we had only had time to learn enough Japanese to communicate with the people here. Unfortunately, we still didn't know anything of these pictograms they use as a written language. It was… disturbing to be thrown into a situation where I couldn't understand what was right in my face. Michael doesn't let it get to him though. I wish I could be as accepting as my younger brother of our current situation.

"I can't understand a damn word here," he says to my side.

"Good, I thought it was just me. How in the hell are we supposed to find these classrooms if we can't even find the main office?"

"You're asking me?"

"Just voicing my concern over our situation. Good thing Mom thought about getting us here early so we would have time to find our places."

The wind picks up a bit. My brothers long blond hair gets blown against his face, obscuring the blue eyes of the only person I can understand here, both literal and emotional. The culture shock alone is driving me nuts; the inability to understand most of the people around here makes it almost unbearable. The only solace I can take is that in time I will grow above this. After all, the US is made of people who talk and think differently so I should be able to deal with the people here. Shouldn't I?

"Well, I suppose we should try to find out where we belong. You got your paperwork?" I ask him.

"Of course I do, what about you?" he replied in a very annoyed tone

"Got it. These transfer papers say I'm supposed to be in classroom 2-A, wherever that is. Maybe it's second floor or something."

"I'll be in 1-A, so if your right I'm first floor and your second floor. Well Chris, it should be easy enough if we follow that mind set. See you at lunch?"

We began walking towards the building. It would seem upon entrance that there was some room to the left with lockers, and some sort of cubby hole type things. Mom said something about having to change shoes when we got here, but I'm not exactly sure. Must be some custom to have multiple pairs of shoes for each place you go. I still was uneasy about this sort of thing. It seemed a waste of time to switch shoes for school, then to switch back for when we left. But as the wise man said, when in Rome.

"Sure. I wonder what food they serve in the cafeteria?"

"Probably something with rice and fish, I don't know."

"We'll see then I guess," with a smirk on my face I say my farewell to my brother. "Have fun."

"You too."

I part from Michael after we change our shoes. It's pretty early, so barely anyone is around. I make my way up the stairs and find what I believe is 2-A. The sign over the door being in Kanji leaves me only assuming, but looking in I find someone is even earlier to class then we are. As I enter the room, I see this girl sitting at the window, just staring out into what I assume is the schoolyard. I don't think I've ever seen anyone with quite that shade of blue for hair, at least without the tell tale signs of hair dye. I don't expect her to notice my entrance, unless she can see my reflection in the glass. I've always had a light footstep, and have been known to startle people without even trying. So when I get to her desk, I tap her on the shoulder to make my presence know. Something about her seems to… disquiet me. Her head turns to face me, bringing blood red eyes to bear. I must say, if her eye color is real then I am in for an interesting eight hours. I try to ask her a question, my Japanese still not very good.

"Excuse me, is this classroom 2-A?" I ask in very butchered Japanese. Hopefully she understood me.

"Yes," is her reply, then she goes back to staring out the window. Well, at least I knew I was in the right place. I move around the classroom, waiting for someone who's a bit more sociable to arrive. I don't have to wait long, as another girl enters the classroom. She had brown hair and eyes, with her hair done in twin pony tails. At least she looked like she would be more sociable. I knew very well that while I came from a country that thrived on diversity, I was a stranger here. A stranger in a strange land. I hope they still don't use that gaijin epithet. I guess being on an island can make you kind of xenophobic. But its 2015, we're over those petty difference's, aren't we?

"Excuse me, miss. Can you help?" I ask. Obviously she's surprised to see me, a foreigner with dark red hair and brown eyes hidden behind my sunglasses. I forgot to switch to my regulars again. Not there two minutes and my little quirks are starting to come out. But it's so bright in here, I hardly noticed. I remove my sunglasses, and take out the case I use. Switching to my regulars, I put my sunglasses in the case and replace it in my pocket. Now that she can see my eyes I hope things will go easier.

"May I help you, Mr…?" she asks me. I'm kind of surprised to hear her call me mister. I don't understand really, I thought everyone went on a first name bases in school.

"Smith, Christopher Smith. I just transferred here." I reply with a slight inclination of my head. I know they don't shake hands here, but I'm still uncomfortable about the whole bowing thing.

"Well Mr. Smith, welcome to Japan."

"Please, it would be a big help if you just called me 'Christopher' or 'Chris'. I'm still adjusting to the change in things. And you are?" I ask, my butchering of the language and accent even I can hear making a mockery of the dialect.

"Hikari Hokari, I'm the class representative. I should have your transfer paperwork on my terminal, so you can take a seat right over there. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask your neighbor. Aida will help you out."


"Kensuke Aida, you'll be sitting next to him. You're not with Nerv are you?" She asks me, giving me the most inspective and questioning look I've ever seen. It makes me very uncomfortable.

"No, why would I be? I'm only fourteen." I ask Hikari. Why would anyone think a fourteen year old would have any sort of connection to Nerv save through family?

"No reason. Just be careful, we don't get that many new people here, and the class will start bombarding you with questions the first chance they get," she warns me. I guess I'm grateful for the advice. I just don't see how it would matter.

"Are there any other foreigners in this class? I would like to know if someone else is from the US."

"Sorry, you're the only one from the US. Our other foreign student is Asuka Langley Soryu, but I wouldn't try to get too close to her if I were you."

"If you say so, you know more then I do about how things work around here. Are the terminals multi-lingual?" I ask, hoping that this school has taken it into account. God knows that every language possible had to be provided for back home.

"Unfortunately, no. All of the terminals are set for Kanji. Nothing I can do about that."

"Okay, thanks for the help Hikari."

"Chris, I know you're still adjusting, but you should address me as class rep."

"Why?" I ask. I never called anyone back home by their school title; it had always been first name basis. Hikari can see the confusion just oozing out of my expression. This is going to be a very long day.

To Be Continued…


In the Darkscribes studio's, Lord Deathscythe continues work on "A View from the Wings" when suddenly he notices an aura around him.

"What the hell is this?"

Instantly he feels nauseated by the glow, the dangerous and horrifying Glow of the DJ-Field (AKA Aura of Smooth).

"SHIT!!" he screams as he starts swatting at the glow.

"Go away, damnit! GO AWAY!" he screams futilely, as the aura gains strength. The beads of light flying all around him like a nest of angry bees. Each trying to get at his self-insert fic to try to transform it from the good work it is, into a Mary Sue SI.

Moving quickly, he reaches for a can of bug spray, fumigating the whole area. Alas, it is to no avail as the aura just gets brighter.

Deciding a different tactic is required, LD takes out his lighter and turns the bug spay into a make-shift flame thrower. While some of the dimmer beads die off, the brighter ones just get brighter.


LD runs out of the room again, only to return in the outfit of a Catholic priest. He begins his own little exorcism

"The Power of Christ compels you! The Power of Christ compels you! I cast thee out foul Demon!"

This has little effect on the aura of Smooth.

"That does it!" LD rushes out of the room to the Darkscribes storehouse.

"Where the hell is it?!" His cries as he digs through the old props. Finally he finds what he's looking for. One of the proton packs from his short lived and never published GhostBusters writing career.

He rushes into the room, Proton pack hot and ready. "Lets see how you handle a guy with a positron collider on his back!"

He lets loose with the beam of destruction, frying everything in the room. Unfortunately the positrons pass right through the aura, not catching a single bit of it.

Seeing he has failed, LD falls into his chair.

"This fic is going to suck!" he cries out. Suddenly the aura disappears, since it feeds on the authors feeling of superiority. Noticing the trouble has passed, LD gets back to work, and tries to repair the damage caused to his fic.

Authors Notes: Okay, I'm sure you can see how this is going to go. Trust me, it'll be fun. You'll like it and I won't even have an "Aura of Smooth." Also the Omakes will be fun too.

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