Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ What would you Do? ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Eva I'm not making any money from this so don't sure me since it isn't
worth it. Also I don't own Lays Potato chips or their slogan I'm just using it for comedic

Author's Notes: I thought of this coming home from the mall. Secondary plot kudos go to my
best friend who's crazier than I am. This is also my first script fic and my first using myself as a

What Would You Do?

By: Epyon Zero

Epyon: Well now I've got some Lays potato chips and a few hours to kill. What can I do to
amuse myself??

**************************************************** **************************

*15 Minutes Later*

Gendo Ikari's office is a tomb of darkness, the only light is that which illuminates the etchings all
around the room. Suddenly the door to this mausoleum opens.

Gendo: "Enter."

Epyon: "Good afternoon Commander Ikari. So sorry to disrupt your scheming, but I wanted to
ask you something."

Gendo: ...

Epyon: "See I have these chips and I wanna know who likes them"*holds up bag of Lays* "I
wonder could you take a little time from your schedule to try one."

Gendo: "... Very Well."

*Gendo gets up, walks over, and eats a chip*

Epyon: "You like?"

Gendo: ""good." *reaches for another*

Epyon: "No, No. What will you do for the bag of chips?"

***************************************************** *************************

*5 minutes later*

Maya: We've got something coming up on the screen."

Makoto: "It...It looks like....Commander Ikari.... in a tutu!?!?"

The entire bridge proceeds to erupt in laughter at the sight of the terrifying Commander dressed in
a pink ballet tutu prancing around. This stops however when Commander Ikari's desk makes an
appearance on the Command level.

The desk however doesn't contain Commander Ikari rather it holds out intrepid author who is
doing a fairly good impression of Gendo.

Maya: "Huh... What's going on....."

Epyon: "Lays, betcha can't eat just one." With that he smirks down at the crew, giving them the
willies at how much like Commander Ikari the stranger looks, and walks away.

Epyon: Hm......That was amusing, I wonder what would happen if I went and got some Klondike
bars and visited the Gundam pilots...??"

The End.

Author's notes: Yes, this is incredibly short, and yes there will be a sequel. Well maybe not, that
depends on the response I get for this. How was it? I NEED TO KNOW!

Thanks, and keep reviewing.

Epyon Zero

P.S. For those of you wondering I wasn't on a sugar OD when I did this, it was a product of mine
and my friend's wandering imaginations.

P.P.S. I Will do the next Chapters for Bitch Fight and Genesis Wing, when I can remove my
writers block and think of ideas for them.