One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Luffy in Slumberland ❯ Journey to Nightmare Land ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Luffy in Slumberland
Buggy laughed nervously upon being asked that question. But he was still hesitant on giving them the map, but nevertheless, he knew for a fact that he had no choice in the matter.
He pulled it out of his jacket and handed it to Vivi. Luffy couldn't read so Vivi had to read it.
“What does it say?” Luffy asked as Vivi said, “This is shock. Even I can't read it.”
“Oh, that's right,” Buggy said, swiping the map back, “It's written in my own special, undecipherable code incase someone steals it.”
Then it was final. The 2 had no choice but to bring Buggy along. He'd be a nuisance, but he was the best they had.
Merry had prepared them a boat, the Mini Merry, for their travels. But as they were ready to board, a voice came out shouting, “LUFFY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT GIRL?”
Luffy recognized the voice and turned to see a slim orange-haired girl with a cute face glaring angrily at him.
“NAMI!” Luffy shouted with delight as the girl whacked him over the head and spat, “DON'T YOU `NAMI' ME!”
“Excuse me, but who are you?” Vivi asked as the girl named Nami turned to her and threatened, “Now you listen to me, you tramp! Luffy is my future husband, got that? Stay away from him!” (There, now every fan, even me, can be happy)
“I don't like your attitude!” Vivi retorted and soon it was a verbal brawl to the finish until Chopper transformed into his heavy point and whacked them both over the head.
“NAMI, HOW DARE YOU DO THAT IN THE PRINCESS' PRESENCE!” he barked as Nami turned to Luffy who grinned and nodded.
Nami then went from angry to guilty just like that as she bowed and said, “Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were the princess of Slumberland.”
“That's okay,” Vivi said, “I can see you care about Luffy.”
And so, the group sat down to a tea party and cleared up the whole situation with Nami. Luffy tried to steal all the scones but Nami hit him every time he tried. And soon enough, the entire group was on a boat to Nightmare Land.
Buggy laughed with glee and said, “I never thought that I'd be a captain! This is going to be fun!”
And while he boasted and bragged to himself, he steered the ship to where it needed to go. Sadly, he failed to notice a big rock jutting out of the water as the boat crashed into it and got totaled.
“Well, this is just perfect!” Nami moaned, “Now my best top is ruined!”
“Well, at least we're here,” Vivi groaned, “otherwise I would kill Buggy right now for ruining my favorite top.”
Luffy laughed and said, “Now it's time for an adventure!” as he picked up a stick and started to walk off in a random direction singing, “Oh, on the islands to the North, it is hot! Paina-Purupuru, they melt to the ground, and they're idiots!”
His magical journey ended when he ran into a hideous beast and was knocked back to the group.
“Next time, wait until we read the map,” Nami scolded, pinching the vein on her forehead.
“He sure is rambunctious,” Merry said, “So where do we go now?”
Buggy whipped out the map but was terrified when he saw that the writing had been smeared over the page. Apparently, when the ship crashed, the map had gotten wet and now there was nothing there.
He froze as Vivi asked, “So, what does it say?”
Buggy trembled with fear. He couldn't let the group know what had happened to his map, so he put it away and uttered, “Um… we start heading east!”
And so the group trekked in that very direction until they found a fork in the road. Buggy whipped out the map again to look all impressive, making sure not to reveal what was wrong with it and pointed the group west.
While the group traveled west, Buggy quickly pulled out the map, set it on a stump and started to draw like he'd never drawn before.
“Now, if I remember correctly,” Buggy muttered, “there is a bush somewhere around here. There's also a lake here and castle just south from here.”
“I believe you mean north from there,” said a voice as a hairy finger pointed to the position and Buggy drew that on the paper.
Then the clown froze. Hairy finger? Someone else knew where to go?
He quickly turned around and hollered before passing out at the sight of a big hairy beast with 4 faces standing before him.
The others were just walking along when they ran into a Cliffside. Vivi just blinked and said, “We went the wrong way. Buggy, are you sure the map said to go here?”
“Buggy?” Nami asked as the group turned around.
“Where did he go?” Chopper asked while trembling when Luffy suggested, “Maybe he got attacked by a monster! Let's go help him!”
And so the group ran back to where Buggy was only to see him passed out while 4 goblin-like creatures surrounded him.
“OI, YOU LEAVE OUR NAKAMA ALONE!” Luffy shouted as he sent out a series of rapid punches shouting, “GOMU-GOMU NO GATTLING!”
He punched the four goblins in the face multiple times before the three backed off and shouted, “DON'T HURT US! WE'RE NOT BAD GUYS!”
“How can we trust you?” Nami asked as she leaned down in front of them. The two started to stare at what was supposed to hidden by her top as she frowned and said, “If you keep that up, I'm going to have to charge you.”
The four looked back up at her face and the girl glared and asked, “How do we know you didn't just knock out our servant, here? You are, in fact, goblins.”
The shortest one, who had hair shaped like a carrot top that covered his eyes, shook with fear and said, “We're nice goblins. He just saw us and passed out.”
“Yeah, we meant no harm,” one with pepper-shaped hair and big round eyes said, “We were just wandering the forest when we saw him.”
Chopper beamed and asked, “Really?” while Nami sighed and asked, “Why are you here if not to attack him?”
“We were helping him draw the map,” said a tall one with a long nose and curly hair.
The entire group glared at Buggy as he trembled with fear and uttered, “They're lying! They wanted to kill me for sport, so I played dead!”
Nami walked up to him, smacked him over the head and said, “Well, if you can't lead us to the castle, then we'll just bring these guys along. You can carry our luggage!”
“Who are you, anyway?” Luffy asked as the long-nose grinned and said, “Hey, he wants to know who we are! Get together, guys!”
Then he waved his finger in a rhythmic fashion and said, “And a 1 and a 2 and a 3!”
(Following scene is directly from the movie, no visual editing this time)
And so the 4 goblins got together and sang, “OOOOOH, we are the boomps, boomp-boomp! Good goblin boomps, boomp-boomp!”
“We are escapees from nightmare land,” explained the long-nose while the one with pepper hair stated, “Our nightmarish king doesn't understand!”
“We just can't horrify or terrify!” sang the whole group while the carrot-top added, “Can't even work up a fright.”
“We just get laughs,” they stated, “when we go boomp in the night!”
“When goblins are good, boomp-boomp,” one with onion-shaped hair sang, “They're misunderstood, boomp-boomp!”
“Though we may separate,” moaned the carrot-top while all of them came together to make the big goblin from earlier singing, “or come in KLOOMPS… we get so blue cause when we say `BOO', nobody JOOMPS from boomps!”
Luffy laughed and started to clap at this display. It was true what the goblins said. They weren't scary at all. They were actually quite amusing. Buggy, on the other hand, just felt ashamed of himself for being afraid of them at first.
Anyway, the group was once again off. While they walked along, the boomps explained how they had escaped from Nightmare Castle and how one of their friends had been left behind. They also introduced themselves by name for a change of pace.
The long-nosed one was the leader of the group. He had brilliant brown fur that had recently been shined and was known as Captain Usopp of the boomps. The one with onion-shaped hair was named Onion… yeah… he was also fat compared to the others and wore a pair of glasses. He also had white fur. Pepper was the one with the pepper-shaped haircut. He had eyes that were almost as perfectly round as Usopp's and a slim build along with green fur. Finally, there was Carrot. The hair, I explained, was over his eyes and it was orange. He was also quite slim and had a very mellow expression.
Anyway, as the group carried on their journey, Chopper felt sorry for Buggy having to carry all those bags and offered to help only for the clown to scowl at him. There was no way some reindeer raccoon thing was going to steal this job from him.
Along the way, the group was shocked when a group of hawks soared towards them. Usopp screamed in terror and ran behind a bush shouting, “UM, YOU GUYS CAN HANDLE THEM! THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP WILL LET YOU HOG THE GLORY!”
(Ah, that felt good)
Onion, Pepper and Carrot turned to him and shouted, “Get up the fight, captain! You're making our team look bad!”
Then the three boys whipped out a frying pan, a shovel and a spoon as they lunged at the hawks. Did I mention there were also crows? I should have mentioned that.
The three managed to strike down… well… 3 of the birds only to be captured in an instant. Usopp got out of hiding and pulled out a big sling shot with 5 launchers and shouted, “KILLING TECHNIQUE FIREBIRD STAR!” as he fired 5 bullets which formed into a phoenix and took down the 3 birds that abducted his crew.
Luffy was so pumped and excited. He had been waiting for a battle this whole time. Nami ran behind a bush and said, “Come on, Luffy, finish them off!”
Vivi had to admit that she would have done the same thing, but the group had gone too far. Vivi pulled out two spear heads shaped like peacock feathers and they were attached to chains.
The princess spun them around and shouted, “PEACOCK STRING!” taking down a good number of birds.
Luffy sent out many rapid punches and kicks at them but sadly, the hawks dodged every attack. When they grabbed onto his shoulders, he grabbed onto their legs and stuffed the birds into his mouth making sure to swallow them whole.
Chopper gulped down a small yellow ball as the birds came at him and transformed again. This time he had a slim build and long legs. This was his jumping point.
He leapt above the incoming assault as the crows and hawks came at him. He saw this and quickly changed into his guard point. This involved his fur expanding in size making him look like a puffball. With that, the crows were not only unable to pick him up, but their beaks had no effect on him.
Upon landing, Chopper expanded the size of his muscles. This was known as arm point.
He held his hoof back before slamming it hard into a lineup of crows shouting, “KOKUTEI ROSEO!” taking out 10 of them.
Luffy leapt into the air as his body spun around. Then his fists and feet flew from his body rapidly as the boy shouted, “GOMU-GOMU NO FIREWORKS!”
This took out 20 of the birds. Even Buggy had managed to take down 15 with his powers and Nami took down one that tried to rip off her top by banging it over the head with her Clima Tact.
It seemed as if the group was in the clear until 200 more swooped into the area. The team groaned as Buggy, Chopper, Merry and Vivi were picked up instantly. The boomps would have been captures only they were hiding really well under a bush.
Luffy grimaced and started to send out rapid punches at the flock but a good number of brave soldiers took in the blows for their army's sake and the abductors escaped.
Luffy stared in shock when one went behind the bush, knocked out the boomps and took Nami by her shoulders.
“YOU LET ME GO, YOU STUPID BIRDS!” she spat as the birds carried her off to the castle.
Luffy was about ready to take that particular one down when a bird soared directly at him and knocked him unconscious.
Luffy woke up 2 minutes later only to find himself in his bed.
“Perhaps it was all a dream,” Luffy moaned as he rubbed his eyes. But he then noticed a light coming from downstairs and walked slowly to where it was coming from.
He opened the door to the living room when he saw 4 familiar faces and one the boy had never seen before lying there.
“LUFFY!” the 4 shouted as they embraced him.
Luffy blinked and asked, “How'd you guys get into my house?”
“The great captain Usopp led us here so we could find you and get you back to Nightmare Land!” Usopp boasted while Onion explained, “In truth, we just woke up here and nothing more. Anyway, this is our friend who we left behind.”
Luffy turned his gaze to a big man with a rugged beard and an axe latched to his back. He had a broad face and was very muscular.
“Hello, I'm Broggy,” the big man said (And no, he's not going to be a giant. That would be messed up), “Who are you?”
“I'm Monkey D Luffy,” the boy replied with a grin, “Nice to meet you.”
“Luffy?” Broggy replied as he stood tall and handed him a message saying, “Cobra told me to give you this.”
Luffy opened up the letter and read over it. As he looked at the very words, he nodded with a serious expression as the others asked, “What does it say?”
Then Luffy looked at them with a serious expression and said, “No clue. Can you read it to me?”
The boomps did a face fault before looking over the letter. Apparently, Cobra had sent Luffy the incantation to activate the scepter. Luffy grimaced and said, “I don't need the scepter. Come on, let's go to Nightmare Land and save my friends!”
“But how will we get back?” Pepper asked as Luffy said, “I don't know why, but I have a feeling that my bed can get us there.”
And so the group went to Luffy's room and sat on his bed. Apparently, Luffy's suspicions were correct. As soon as they sat on the bed, it rose up and started to fly like a small plane.
Soon enough, the group crossed the gap and entered the nightmare realm. Things started to get serious and a strong wind current pushed against the group.
“Hold onto me!” Broggy shouted as he held tightly onto the group.
Soon enough, the bed landed on in front of the nightmare's castle and the group ran in.
Meanwhile, Eneru was standing tall admiring his reflection when a hawk flew into the area.
“Sir, we captured the boy's friends!” the hawk said as Eneru turned to him and said, “Very good. And what of the boy?”
“He's dead, sir,” the hawk replied, “There's no way he can be alive after we knocked him out like that.”
“Well, I see you are worthy of this,” Eneru said with a grin as he placed a medal around the hawk's neck.
Eneru turned his gaze to the hawk who trembled with fear as the nightmare god sent a bolt of lightning down on him and he was fried to a crisp.