Onmyou Taisenki Fan Fiction ❯ Onmyou Taisenki: Rebirth ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The path up the mountainside was rocky and rugged but for Kogenta it was nothing more than a long trek. Compared to some of the cliffs he had to scale, rivers he rafted over, and thunderous plains he had guided travelers through, scaling this mountain was nothing before the samurai. Once he reached the peek of the mountain Kogenta made sure to be search for any sign of booby traps or guards posted. The feline kept his triangular ears perked into the air as he kept watch for any sign of Riku's grandfather.
The feline samurai had walked for almost and hour up the path and noticed enough signs of human to be confident he was on the right path; a few cut down trees, human footprints, spilt blood and what looked like pieces of torn clothing. Hearing the sounds of people up ahead and the tiger warrior veered into a clump of bushed nearby and looked around the area. The red iris of the feline samurai's eyes seemed to slit into thin lines and his ears wiggled on top of his head as the commotions of humans filtered through the air.
“Hey, when are we supposed to be getting our money?” a rough voice with a thick and uncultured accent rang out from a man in tattered and dirty clothes
“How should I know? The boss say we should wait, so we wait.” saying another man with the same rough and cutting tone who also wore dirt covered clothing
“Hey you two keep watch out, someone should be coming soon.” a well-groomed voice spoke from a man who was wearing a traditional wizard garb complete with a black cape and a staff in his hand
“How you know?” the first man asked while rubbing his unshaven face
“I just do, so keep an eye out. I'll see about the old guy.” the third man said before walking away from Kogenta's line of sight
“Who he think he is?” questioned the first man again while scrunching his face in anger
“Hey, watch your mouth. He supposed to be some kind of wizard or something so keep your voice down.” warned the second man while looking to where the mage had disappeared to
The first man grumbled out loud and then walked towards the area Kogenta was hidden in. The feline got a better look at the man from his vantage point and was amused by what he witnessed. The classical bandit, complete with a huge bulking body, unshaven face, large sword in his hand, ragged clothes and looking completely like a muscled bound moron. Kogenta kept himself low to the grass covered ground while preparing for the right time to strike. Battle wasn't just about skill and physical prowess, there were many times one needed to have cunning and luck to catch the enemy off guard.
As the bandit walked closer Kogenta waited and waited until the man was just close enough. Just as he stood over the hiding feline the samurai broke from his place and grabbed the man by the neck with his clawed hand. The brute yelped out as he was slammed against a tree before falling to the ground without another sound. As expected the other bandit looked up at where his companion had cried out before rushing over. Ready for the other hulking man Kogenta preformed a sweep kick and watched the human fall to the earth before driving his knuckles down into the bandit's head. The man moaned before falling into a black void and Kogenta clapped his hands together to remove imaginary dirt.
Waling to where the three men had been standing and talking to just a few minutes ago Kogenta assessed the surrounding and notice a entrance to a cave mouth a few feet away.
`Typical, just like bandits to hid in a dank cavern in the middle of a mountain.' the samurai thought to himself before rubbing his hand over his head and sighing
Once inside of the cave entrance Kogenta looked both this way and listened out for any other guards that were posted but was surprised at the fact that he was met by no resistance while moving deeper inside. Maybe it was because the cave was so remote this far up the mountainside the bandits felt confidant that no one would come bearing arms.
`But that doesn't make sense, whoever that was with the other two had to have known someone was coming. No one in their right mind would be this lax in defense especially if they expected a ransom. What's going on?' Kogenta was starting to get a bad feeling and clutched the hilt of his sword tightly to his side
As the warrior cat neared the end of the cave's path he came to a cave wall that seemed to be a dead end. Looking down into the dirt of the path Kogenta was able to make out the shoe prints of people that stopped at the cave wall so the feline looked around for a lever or switch that could open to a hidden room. Seeing nothing the samurai began patting the wall of the cave a few times until he got frustrated and kicked at the face of the wall.
His sandal hit something that made a click sound and soon the wall turned in a one hundred and eighty degree angle. Smirking, the feline eased his way inside to the deeper part of the cave and then came to another section that gave way to a large room. This time Kogenta smiled to himself and surveyed the scene; five bandits stood over an entranceway that was covered with metal bars and right passed them was the sprawled figure of an old man. At first Kogenta was worried because the old guy wasn't moving but after scenting the air he felt reassured the aged human was alive because the smell of blood and death wasn't in the air.
One of the men was much smaller than the rest and Kogenta could guess that this was the mage he had heard talking to the others outside. He seemed to be saying something to the others that they weren't taking too kindly to when one of the bandits pushed the man to the dirt floor. They all started to laugh before the smaller man got up and stalked away with a pissed look on his face. The face of retribution masked the well-groomed man as he scrunched his forehead and narrowed his eyes to the bridge of his nose. A smell like sulfur oozed from his body and Kogenta was happy he didn't have to deal with the man's fury right now. Mage's always brought him nothing but bad luck as the tiger warrior remembered the troubles he had before with magical humans As they man moved in his direction Kogenta jumped to the roof of the cave and hung onto the dirt ceiling with his claws.
When the mage passed him by and out of the cave far enough away so that Kogenta's sharp hearing couldn't track him the tiger dropped down and then withdrew his katana. Without warning the samurai charged into the prison area where the bandits were with a roar that shook the cave as he took out the nearest one. The surprise of his assault gave Kogneta the time he needed to ambush the rest of the bandits and render them weaponless before sending each one into the land of darkness with well placed attacks.
Once all five of the bandits were dealt with the white tiger samurai was able to retrieve the cell keys and open the door that led to Riku's sleeping grandfather. The old man was in the world of Nod when Kogenta knelt down to him and shook his shoulder.
“Hey, old man. Come on get up already. Hey!” Kogenta started to shout when he saw a string of drool on the old guy's face and his loud snores. The samurai's nerves twitched before he balled up his fist and then laughed to himself.
`This had to be Riku's grandfather because who else could have such annoying habits just like the kid.' Kogenta thought while staring down to the older human sleeping his life away
Checking the old man over Kogenta made sure that he wasn't sporting any kind wounds that could have been missed and when the samurai was sure Riku's grandfather was in good health he looked around the area. The room of the cell was nearly empty but there was some water and a few pieces of bread in a nearby corner so they had fed the old guy. Once Kogenta was sure that the aging human was safe he walked out of the cave and checked for any loot that might have been left behind.
Pocketing the few bits of gold and gems that were scattered around the cave Kogneta returned to Riku's grandfather and carefully picked him up. Adjusting the old man onto his back the samurai looked back and nodded to himself at the fallen bandits. When he got to the capital later on he would be sure to tell the royal guards about the men here and make sure they were dealt with, he couldn't have these good for nothing losers bothering Riku or his gramps again. Why the thought of Riku and a hot cup of tea made the tiger samurai almost warm inside he wouldn't speculate on so he continued out of the cavern and into the sun.
“Hold it right there.” a voice startled Kogenta making him stumble a bit and then look to one side with narrowed eyes
Standing to his right along the pathway down the mountainside was a giant warrior wearing red armor and black leggings with the well-groomed wizard from before. Kogenta set Riku's grandfather by the mouth of the cave and then withdrew his katana before facing off against the two men. The feline stood in a defensive stance as the hulking man withdrew a large claymore sword and the mage stepped backward.
“Who the hell are you anyway? What do you think you doing taking away that old geezer?” the bandit asked while taking a step forward
“Sorry but I got to return this guy to his grandson. I hope you mind so I get in a good fight today. These last two days have been nothing but a vacation for me so far and I need a good practicing dummy to work on.” Kogneta taunted while steeping forward
The towering human growled before charging the tiger and taking at swipe at him with his massive sword. The weapon made a silver arc as it was swung and Kogenta jumped into the air just in time to dodge the blow. With skill and grace born from his race the samurai landed on the bandit leader's head and then kicked off to send the man sprawling into the ground. When Kogenta landed he stood just in front of the mage and growled directly in the human's face.
“Lift one finger or say one word and I'll kill you.” the threat was said with such force that the mage fell to the ground and backed away before cowering behind a tree
Smirking the feline backed flipped into the air just as the sword of the bandit leader cleaved the space he was standing and landed in the ground. The warrior tried to pull his weapon from the ground from where it had landed and got stuck but by the time he unsheathed his weapon Kogenta was brining the broad end of his katana down across the man's skull. The bandit yowled out loud before Kogenta punched his fist into the back of the human and watched him crumple onto the hard earth. Once the man was down Kogenta grabbed the back of the hulking man's head and rammed it into the ground rendering the bandit unconscious.
Seeing the man was completely out of it Kogenta looked over to the mage and then smiled with his fangs gleaming before stalking over to him. His tail swished from side to side and the golden bell on his tail end rang out like a funeral toll. Kogenta smirked as the panic on the man's face grew the closer he sauntered over to the wizard. Once the warrior tiger was right over the cowering human he bent down and grabbed the man by his shirt and hauled him face to face with himself.
“You get one chance to answer me and if I think you're lying I'm going to carve you into pieces. Do you understand?” Kogenta smiled predatorily as he watched the mage nod with ever growing panic
“You said earlier someone was coming, who was coming? Remember, you lie you die, so be honest.” the human closed his mouth as the tiger spoke his last warning while pressing his claws into the wizard's throat
“I don't know…honestly!” the mage said sharply as the feline warrior withdrew his sword and raised the katana so that it caught the sun's rays just right
“Someone was coming to exchange the old man for a couple of bags of gold coins. I don't know who was coming I just know that it was someone from the capital.” Kogenta looked into the eyes of the human before nodding and knocking him unconscious
Releasing the unconscious mage the tiger watched him drop to the ground with a thump and Kogenta sneered down with a huff before returning to the old man who was still asleep. Shaking his head the samurai picked up the old man and then headed down the mountain road back to Riku and the teahouse.
Along the way Kogenta thought about a lot of things; the old man, Riku, what his missions was and other things that seemed to jump to the front of his thoughts without his approval. Questions kept nagging at him like, why was he asleep on the forest floor when Riku found him? What was he supposed to be going to the capital for? Who was supposed to becoming for the old man? Why did the old man seemed familiar to him? What would Riku praise him with for brining back his grandfather alive?
The last one caused the white and blue-stripped tiger to pause before thinking carefully. Why did it seem like Riku got the most of his inner musings? All his thoughts so far had been about Riku ever since he had met the young man. It was beginning to get a little bit on the vexing side but it was almost like Kogenta couldn't help himself. Something about the brown haired violet eyed human made his heart pulse a little quicker, his blood boil, and his mind lose all focus.
Kogneta kept up his musings for so long that he barely realized when he was coming up to the little teahouse. It was the scent of brewed tea that caught the tiger samurai's attention and he looked up just in time to see a heavenly sight. Coming from the small house was Riku who gazed at Kogenta with a huge smile on his face and a small cup of steaming tea in his hand. That sight would forever be engraved in the samurai's memory for the rest of his life because nothing had ever seemed so perfect.
“Riku. I'm back with your grandfather, just like I said.” Kogenta walked up to the brown haired human before setting the old man down to the steps of the teahouse
“Grandfather! Kogenta, thank you so much! Thank you.” Riku dropped the cup he was holding as he kneeled down and wrapped his grandfather in a bear hug as he let loose a few stray tears of joy
Looking at the still asleep old man and the young violet-eyed boy Kogenta felt something he hadn't in a long time, genuine happiness. It had been a long time since he felt such satisfaction from such a menial mission but the look in that childlike face stirred something in the warrior tiger. He had faced many more dangerous tasks in his hundred plus years of life but they couldn't compare to this single task he had accomplished for one lone child. None of the kingdoms he had saved years ago, men he had returned from war, families he rescued from perilous dangers could compare to saving one old geezer and returning him to his young grandson.
It didn't make sense to Kogenta, with all the things he had accomplished and all the fame and glory he had acquired why did making this one human boy happy fill him with satisfaction? Was it because the human had tried to heal him and care for him? No, it was more like Kogenta did something without looking for a reward; he only did it to save a single child's smile. Riku's smile was what money couldn't buy and more rewarding than the entire world's gold.
The tiger samurai looked down at the two humans when his sharp hearing caught the signs of the old man waking up. Brown eyes opened slowly and took in the sights before him with slow recognition. Once the familiarity of his surroundings caught up with the aging human he looked to see his grandson hugging him and a white tiger clad in armor staring at them both.
Once Riku's grandfather was able to stand all three moved into the teahouse and Riku explained everything.
“I see, so you risked life and limb to rescue me on my grandson's behest. Then Kogenta-sama I thank you.” said the old man while drinking a cup of tea Riku had made while everyone sat at one of the tables in the living area
“It was no problem. Besides I couldn't let a squirt like Riku here go up a mountain and face a bunch of low class bandits by himself. Leave that to the trained professionals I say!” Kogenta showed off one of his arms and balled a muscle to show off to the two humans gaining a laugh from Riku's grandfather
“Thank you Kogenta. I don't know what I would have done if my grandfather had been hurt.” Riku smiled as he praised the white tiger samurai
“It seems to be getting late and I would like you to stay for as long as need be Kogenta. I know that you probably don't have anywhere to stay for a while so please think of this as your home for as long as you need.” Riu's grandfather offered before getting up and putting on a pot of rice
It was a shock to Kogenta to say the least for anyone to offer to make their home his own and the samurai didn't know what to say to that. A gentle hand on his own made Kogenta look up and see Riku gazing at him with a starry look in his eyes.
“Please Kogenta, stay as long as you need. You've done so much for us, so…” Riku started to say something but he closed his mouth before any more words could rush out and instead a warm blush settled over his face making the tiger warrior blush in return
“Riku, could you get me some firewood from outside?” the voice of the older man made Riku pull his hand back and scramble up hastily before rushing outside without a backward glance
“Kogenta…I must ask you? Why did you save my life?” Riku's grandfather asked with something in his voice that drove away the happy haze that had settled over the tiger's mind
“I don't know but I didn't want to see Riku unhappy. I know it sounds like one of those bard's romance tales…some stranger coming along and rescuing people on a whim. Doing so all for the sake of truth, justice, and things like that but honestly all I wanted to do was make Riku happy.” Kogenta trailed off as he looked at the clawed hand Riku had touched that seemed unnaturally warm
“He has that effect on people. Riku can make others happy just by being around them. I'm sure that you probably know of his abilities by now…” the old man asked without asking
“He's not human is he?” Kogenta countered
“Define what it means to be a human and I will answer that.” Riku's grandfather challenged while getting out the eating utensils
“haha…I guess that would be difficult. So many seem human and are more like beast that one would ever know. Let me see then, Riku is something more than what he seems. I've never met a human child that could lift a hundred and eighty plus pounds and outrun a tiger beast.” Kogenta said while thinking back about the past day and a half since he met Riku
“Riku is a young child with a good heart and many would take advantage of that.” the question was as clear as a bell's toll
“Don't worry. I mean him no harm nor would I use him. I think I would…”
“Grandfather will this be enough wood?” Riku asked as he barged in with several logs of kindling and setting them in the kitchen area unaware of what had been going on
“Yes Riku this will be more than enough. Now clean up and make the beds while I prepare the rice and tea.” the brown haired boy nodded before dashing off to finish his chores
Once Riku was out of hearing range the aging man looked to Kogenta and both stared at each other. It would seem like minutes ticked by but then without a single word between them both nodded and turned away with their own inner musings. When the food was finished cooking Riku served both Kogenta and his grandfather before settling himself down with his own bowl of rice. Dinner was quiet but comfortable between the three individuals and the air seemed to take on a homier feel as everyone dove in and thought about the past few days.
After finished eating Riku took up the used dishes and cleaned them while having pouring the last of the tea made for today in everyone's cups. Returning with the refilled ceramic drink ware Riku thought about something and then voiced his question.
“Kogenta…” Riku looked to the white tiger who stared back at him
“What is it?” looking to the boy the samurai felt something rising in his chest
“I wanted to ask you…if you get your memory back about the mission you were undertaking…could you…maybe…” Riku hesitated for a brief second as he tried to find the courage to ask something
Riku's grandfather continued to drink his tea but kept a careful eye on his grandson and the reactions of Kogenta. Meanwhile the white tiger looked hard at Riku and wondered what the human child wished of him.
“Kogenta…would you please come back here and tell me about the capital. I've never been so I wanted to know what it's really like.” Riku asked while gazing deep into the samurai's ruby eyes
Kogenta felt something akin to disappointment but could understand what for as he gazed back into Riku's violet orbs. Blinking, the warrior tiger smirked at the boy before nodding his head in a superior way. The brown haired tea maker was so happy that he reached out and hugged Kogenta without a thought. The warm feeling from his hand returned but this time it enveloped his entire body as Riku hung onto him and Kogenta could only pat the boy on his head while looking sort of embarrassed.
Pulling away Riku blushed again before drinking his tea hurriedly and then going into his room without a word.
“It would seem that you have fallen under his spell the same as everyone else Kogenta-sama.” Riku's grandfather who had been watching the entire scene quietly spoke up startling the tiger who had drifted off
“What do you me, old man?” Kogenta demanded as he felt his furry cheeks heat up at someone watching him in a moment off guard
“Riku is able to capture the hearts of everyone around him and can easily make even the most untrusting souls believe in him. I would have ever thought that a lone warrior, such as yourself, could fall under his spell but it must mean Riku is more special than I thought.” finishing his tea Riku's grandfather stood and then took his, Riku's, and Kogenta's empty cups into the kitchen and washed them
“Hey, it's not like he asked me to take him along or bring something back from my journey or run a stupid errand. All Riku wants is for me to swing back around as I finish up my mission, what so hard about something so simple?” Kogenta tried to play cool but inside he knew the older man was right.
Never would he have thought about coming back to see some little human boy after finishing a assignment; it was always the same, finish the task, get paid and then vanish. However, with Riku, the white tiger wanted to come back, he wanted to see the boy again, and he wanted to have a face to welcome him home after a journey. Home…something almost foreign to the samurai as he thought about the years he went without a place to call his own, the family he never had, the kittens he hadn't been able to raise with a mate, and the mate he never courted.
Kogenta bowed his head and the shook himself. The regrets he always kept buried deep in his heart seemed to be surfacing and it made the warrior growl to himself with self loathing. These were the thoughts best left in the dark corner of his heart when he could analyze himself alone and away from prying eyes. Looking up Kogenta had felt the heated gaze of the old man on him and looking to those eyes which had seen too much the samurai couldn't take it and just got up to march into the guestroom.
With a hump Kogenta dumped himself onto the bedroll and closed his eyes tightly. He figured that if he just fell into oblivion the thoughts that had plagued him for ears would just go away. Settling down Kogenta took several deep breaths and slowed down his body's rhythm and began to meditate. Sleep usually came after and this ay the white tiger could shut the world out and ease his mind.
Back in the kitchen Riku's grandfather looked down and thought about everything that had happened in the past several years. Soon it would be time and he had always hope that it would never be but he knew that one day everything would start to flow again. For twelve years he had worked so hard to keep things from moving in this direction but now it was too late. Fate had finally become impatient and set everything into motion destiny as so it had been foretold years ago.
Once he had moved into his and his grandson's room the old man looked down to the sleeping child and sat down beside him. Stroking over the dark brown hair Riku unconsciously moved away from the touch and turned his back to his grandfather. The older man chuckled s he thought that Riku had always done that to him. Somewhere deep inside the boy had always been wary of the older man and he couldn't blame him. It was he who took everything from Riku so long ago, he and the others had done this to protect their world and now it seems that everything would be for not.
Getting up and walking over to the window the aged human looked out into the night shy at the waning moon towards the mountains. Raising his hand a faint glow of red shimmered from his palm and then shot directly into the night sky. The beam of red would call forth the messenger and everything would move as it was supposed to. Returning to his futon the older man settled himself down and then closed his eyes.
Sometime within the night aged eyes opened to see Riku getting up and walking out before closing. The human boy had gotten up and sleep walked his way into Kogenta's room and then settles down into the furry arms of the tiger warrior. Subconsciously, Kogenta curls around the human child for the second time and purred quietly drifting both into the land of sleep.