Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Maiden ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: This is my own work. It might be crap, but its mine, and I take pride in
that. So no thievery. Or else I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish.
Moon Maiden
Moonlight coursing through the grove
Shyly she peeks around
Waiting, watching to see if she in turn is being watched
No mortal is in sight
They all lie asleep
Snug in their beds
Oblivious to the beautiful maiden who dances beyond their doors
Slowly she begins her dance
Stars falling to earth to alight in her hair
Creating a shimmering crown
But no rival to her beauty
The sun begins to peek over the horizon
Quickly she flees
She is no shameless harlot
He will have to try again another day