Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Rainbows ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I wake up to see the sun,
Another day is ready to test me.
Get ready for school so I gotta run,
I think I have all my books so I might be ready.

The crowd is dense,
But it's not just one.
No, many crowds and an invisible fense,
To keep the same ones in a ton.

Groups of the same race glare,
What's going to happen today?
Opposites begin to continue the stare,
I just turn and walk away.

As the 'white girl' it's hard to please,
Where'n Wal-mart clothes and living with my family.
I get the blunt of the resentment towards 'whites' and I can't leave,
So I just bear it and let them get angry.

It's day-after-day, and I wish others would see,
I'm not just white, i'm every color under the sky.
I'm polish, i'm black, i'm asian, and I take that happily,
No one can see i'm not just that 'white girl' who's shy!

And if I say something, 'mad-ass white girl!'
Of course i'm mad, and i'm getting tired of the names!
Why do we have to be different in this world?
Why can't we be the same?

No one is just one race,
No one is just the same as the other.
Those words hold not a trace,
Because everyone sees they're different from one another.

It's because I take this stand,
I stand alone.
But if people saw we're all the same wouldn't it be grand?
Then the entire world will be our home.

If you're tired of the hate,
And being left out,
I know the pain and the fate,
But don't be afraid to shout.

We're not just one race,
Race comes and go.
But we all share the same face,
For we are all a rainbow.

A rainbow that holds every color,
A rainbow that shares the same place.
It doesn't matter what we are or who are our sisters or brother,
But we all share the same face.