Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Realms Of Time ❯ Alas It Wasn't So ( Chapter 6 )

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Alas, It Wasn't So
Saying 'Goodbye' to someone I once knew a long time ago.

One wish says I; I seekith thy truth from thou'est lips?
A time ago, I would'st given up all to be with thee.
And yet I know not if thee would have been worth the pain,
That ye and thee friends would'st be-seechith upon me.
Why do thee stalketh me?
Does thou'est heart and conscience betrayeth thee?
As my heart, not once, but twice betrayeth me.
Ye haven't given one promising word that should maketh me,
To believeth, that I shall doest what thee always askith of me?
When death befalls thee, ye soul will be filled with regret,
That thy words had not yet flowed to this faithful soul,
That once, but twice yearned to hear them.
But alas, it wasn't so.

Jacqueline Sue Bird

Copyright ©2007 Jacqueline Sue Bird