Original Song Lyrics Fan Fiction ❯ Sadistically Insane ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sadistically Insane
I'm insane I laugh while they scream
Line em up and gun them down
I feel no shame
I laugh while you scream
You cant call me psycho
But you can call me sadistically insane
I suppose their the same
But I prefer sadistically insane
Why do they cry when their about to die
They should face it like a man
Screams are my lullabies
They put me to sleep
You can't call me psycho
But you can call me sadistically insane
I haven't been stroke down by god yet
But I'm waiting to be pulled down
To the depths of hell
To be placed next to satin my savior
You can't call me psycho
But you can call me sadistically insane