Original Stories Fan Fiction / Realism Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Pleasant Surprise 2 ❯ Pleasant Surprise 2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: All characters belong to me and I ask that know one use them without asking first. I wrote this a long time ago but found some mistakes so I re-did it, it's the same story though.

Note: I had a dream one night and loved it so much I had to change it into a short story. Just so there's no confusion the names are pronounced like this: Arya - Ah-ree-ah, Damien - Day-me-uhn, Karrlys - Car-lie-us.

Pleasant Surprise

Arya looked up quickly from the book she had been reading, did she hear something? No that couldn't be she had the house to herself and her dogs would have alerted her to any disturbances. She shrugged and went back to reading her book.

Arya frowned and listened closely, she would have sworn that she heard a sound from the living room. Slowly rising from her bed she set her book down and walked to the door. Listening through the door she heard nothing but wasn't going to trust that, slowly turning the doorknob she peaked through the crack. Nothing was in her line of sight but to get to the living room she had to go down the hallway and turn the corner. Taking a steadying breath she slowly and quietly made her way down the hallway.

She stopped just before she got to the corner, listening once again, she was sure she could hear heavy breathing and the small sound of whimpers. Her dogs were silent though not making a sound, that was strange for if anybody else was in her house Prince, her big mutt would have been barking and growling instantly. Frowning she slowly peaked around the corner ready to run back to her room if the need arose.

Arya gasped at what she saw sitting in the middle of her living room. "A huge black clump of fur?" she thought to herself. No, it was more then that. She looked closer and could see that it was breathing heavily and shaking like mad, she looked around for her dogs and found them all in one corner shivering and whimpering softly. They were scared out of their minds including Prince. She was about to turn and run back to her room when she heard another whimper come from the huge clump of fur, squinting into the afternoon sun that spilled through the bay windows she could make out a huge paw resting on the floor. If she didn't know any better she would say that the paw closely resembled that of a dogs, but it was much larger.

Sighing she knew that her curiosity wouldn't leave her alone until she found out what it was. Taking a deep breath she moved slowly around the corner every muscle in her body ready to run if the need arose, she gasped when the huge clump of fur moved and looked up at her. Eyes that looked like a dancing fire stared at her, ears that resembled a wolf's pivoted around to listen to the sounds that she was making. Arya's eyes were wide at what she saw before her, one huge paw was resting on the ground the other was wrapped around to hold the creature's side, it was sitting on it's back legs and hunched over. "Wings?" she thought, yes wings, gigantic wings were draped down from it's back and lay stretched out on the floor behind it.

Slowly Arya got her heartbeat back under control and took a deep calming breath. "Ok, I think I know what it is but that's impossible!" she thought to herself. "Werewolves aren't real! Their just creatures in mythology." Arya had always loved mythology, werewolves, vampires, angels, demons, dragons all that stuff had always interested her but never in her wildest dreams had she thought they were real, but now sitting right in front of her, in her living room no less was a real werewolf and something was wrong with it. She heard it whimper again and move farther away from her, "I've got to help it!" Arya said to herself.

Taking one more deep breath she slowly started moving towards it. She knew how dangerous they could be if angry or scared, she also knew they could get vicious and protective of themselves if they were hurt. She moved slowly, one step at a time towards it, half way there the werewolf suddenly shivered and whimpered again. Squinting she could see it's ears pin themselves to it's head and it's eyes looked scared and unsure. Arya stopped and knelt down, she realized then just how big this werewolf was. Standing she had been the same height as it but now the werewolf was twice as big as her and when it shifted she knew that it was kneeling as well. Looking it over closely to see if it was wounded anywhere she figured out that this werewolf was defiantly male and he wasn't hurt, there was no blood or wounds, so why was it shaking? Surely something so big and strong wouldn't be afraid of a small human like her. Arya wasn't very big, she only stood five foot five and weighed 120 pounds, there wasn't much she could do to the werewolf that would hurt him.

She stayed kneeling and as still as she could, after a few minutes she started talking to him. She reassured him that she wasn't going to hurt him and that she wanted to help, slowly he stopped shivering, his wings came up to fold at his back and his ears swiveled around to listen to her voice. He whimpered once more and then very slowly started to move towards her, he seemed hesitant as if not knowing how she was going to react. If Arya didn't know any better she would say that he was scared he would frighten her. Again she tried to reassure him, "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you!" She tried to use a soothing voice not letting him hear her nervousness. She was sure that he would sense it and he could probably hear her heart beating hard and fast in her chest. If everything she had read about werewolves were true his hearing, sight, and sense of smell were all very acute and accurate.

After a good 15 minutes of trying to coax him to come to her he finally reached out with his paw. Knowing by the look in his eyes and his body movement that he wanted her to take it she reached out and gently slid her hand so their palms were pressed against each others, this seemed to confirm that she wanted to help and wasn't too afraid for he moved closer now sitting in front of her.

Arya smiled, secretly she had always wished that she could meet a werewolf and befriend it and now her wish was coming true. She looked him over closer now and found that he was beautiful, thick yet soft fur covered his body it was the darkest black that she had ever seen and yet with the sun shining through the bay window she could see the faintest hint of a dark blue, his wings were the same color as his fur the feathers being black and the veins throughout them were blue. His paws were large at least twice the size, if not more of her hands, the claws that sprouted from them were long and sharp. His tail was bushy and yet well groomed it curled on the floor behind him, looking back to his face she could see that the fangs were like his claws big and sharp yet they were white and clean. His eyes though were what held her entranced, the red/orange mixture of them made them look like a fire dancing with a soft breeze.

She gasped when she looked closer into those eyes, she could have sworn she saw a hint of brown just then. Looking closer she had a feeling that she knew those eyes from somewhere, thinking back to all the stories she had read she remembered that he had to have a human form, but who was he? Did she know him? Better yet did he know her? All these questions fought for dominance in her mind, she had to know before she could do anything else. She thought back to all the faces that she had ever seen, none had these wonderful eyes but the brown that she had seen, she did remember that in one of her friends. "Damien?" She whispered this more to herself then to him and yet as soon as the name left her lips the werewolf stiffened and drew his paw back, he quickly moved back to the middle of the room. Arya looked up and back into his eyes, "It is you, isn't it!" It was a statement and yet the massive black head slowly bobbed up and down in what Arya took as a nod.

Her eyes widened and she knew now who she was looking at, her friend since she was very young sat in front of her. She knew now why he had come to her house and why he had been so scared. "What happened? When did this happen? How did this happen? How did you get here without anybody seeing you?" All the questions that had been building inside of her came spilling out but when he growled she stopped abruptly. Arya knew that he would never hurt her and that it was just a warning but that growl had been very impressive. Damien brought one paw to his throat, locking eyes with her he growled and then whimpered.

Arya understood the message clearly, he couldn't speak. He didn't have human vocal cords anymore, they were that of a wolf. She sighed and knew that this was going to be hard, how would she understand him? He couldn't speak and with those paws he definatly couldn't hold a pen to write. Giving up she decided that she would have to try and figure things out on her own, she looked up and saw that he was shaking again, lightly this time but still shaking. "Are you alright, Damien?" A whimper and a fearful glance at her told her no there was something wrong. "Ok, this is my best friend I should be able to tell what's wrong." Thinking quickly she looked into his eyes and saw the nervousness in them, "He's afraid of me! That I'll be afraid of him and reject him as a friend. I should have known, he was always afraid that he would do something wrong around me." Her thoughts were confirmed when she stood up to move closer to him, he flinched and tried to move away again but Arya was ready for it and walked quickly up to him. Sliding one of her arms around his neck and the other down his arm to take his paw in her hand she looked him in the eyes, "I'm not afraid and I'm not leaving." Her statement was direct and straight from the heart but it seemed that was exactly what he wanted because he relaxed then and stopped shivering.

Since she had the house to herself for the whole day she pulled the blinds so no one would see in and they sat in the living room. Damien watching the t.v and having fun scaring Arya's dog Lady and Arya trying to think things through. She had checked her calendar and found that tonight was the second night of the full moon, that would explain why he changed but the how of the situation wasn't coming to her as quickly. When she asked him if he had known he was a werewolf before he had shook his head in the negative, she knew he wouldn't lie to her and so the question of how was still a mystery. Giving him a reassuring touch on the arm she stood and went into another room where her computer was, going into the internet she brought up her favorite site on werewolves and read through it yet again just in case she had missed something the other 100 times she had read it. Nothing came up that she hadn't already known until she saw a link leading to a different site. Clicking on the link she scanned the new site and saw something very interesting, a myth was all it was but it mentioned a werewolf spirit residing in a humans body.

"Damien, come here for a minute!" She called through the open door. A few seconds later a dark figure bent over making his way through the door frame, being at least 7 feet tall was not an easy feat in a house that only had 8 foot ceilings, add the wings and it was just about impossible but somehow he managed it. Crouching down behind her Damien looked at the paragraph that she was pointing out, his lips pulled back from his teeth and a deep rumble filled the room. Looking back at him Arya smiled, "Was that a chuckle and smile?" she asked trying to hold back her laughter as his big head bobbed up and down in another nod. He timidly tapped the computer screen with his claw on the spot where it mentioned a werewolf living inside a human body.

They went back to the living room after that and watched a movie, later her parents came home and the fun began. Damien hid in Arya's room knowing that if her parents were to see him they would freak and probably call the police before Arya could explain anything, she spent the evening in her room with him watching more movies. The few occasions that her mom did come into her room Damien found that having black fur came in very handy, wrapping his wings around himself to hide his eyes he could crouch into a corner and remain hidden in the shadows. That night he slept curled up on the floor beside Arya's bed keeping guard over her for he found that his emotions of protectiveness and his possessive nature came through twice as strong in this form.

The next morning found that Damien could talk again, his voice not quite his own though. Instead of the baritone that he usually spoke in his voice was a deep base with a very distinct growl to it. At first Arya couldn't understand him past the growl but she soon got used to it and learnt to hear past it. Damien explained to her that for the past few weeks he had been hearing a voice inside his head but didn't want to say anything for fear that people would think he was crazy. The voice called himself Karrlys and said that he had been asleep inside Damien until the full moon approached that Damien was old and strong enough to handle him. Now that Karrlys could be awake Damien was a full fledged werewolf and would transform every full moon, he would have all the scenses and bodily changes that a werewolf had and would live just as long.

The next few months proved interesting with Damien's new scenses and changes in human form. He had to get used to hearing, smelling and seeing things he never could before. His natural reactions to things were twice as quick, he could walk on completely silent feet and move twice as quick as he could before. His emotions were also heightened and for the most part he craved touch, a simple touch on the hand would mean a lot more to him now then it would have before. Arya stayed with him as much as she could helping him in any way possible through this change, he found that he was attracted to her more. A touch from her was the most wonderful thing in the world, just looking at her and seeing her smile was what he lived for. Once a month on the full moon he would ask his parents if he could leave for 3 days, they figured that he just wanted time to himself and agreed, he would then go to Arya's and they would have a sleepover. Arya's parents didn't mind and left them alone so they had nothing to fear.

Karrlys became more involved with Damien's everyday life and that was the hardest to get used too. Hearing a voice in your head wasn't an easy thing, Karrlys would talk to him and he back but at first Damien would look around to see who was talking to him before he remembered it was inside his head. He found that Karrlys was just like every other person but was less shy to express his opinion on something. One day when Damien was watching Arya reading her book Karrlys came out with a comment that shook Damien's mind, "She's your mate you do know!" was what Karrlys said. "My mate? What do you mean?" Damien knew that wolves and dogs took mates and when they did it was for life but he was more than just an animal with instincts. "Just what I said, she's your mate. Werewolves take mates like wolves but our mates are usally either another werewolf or a human, have you ever heard a human talk about finding their soul mates?" Damien nodded making sure that Arya didn't see it, he didn't want her to ask what him and Karrlys were talking about just yet. "Well it's similar to that exept more binding, once a werewolf has found his mate he loves her for life and will do anything to protect her. Think about this question carefully and then answer. Would you kill, die, suffer to keep her safe and happy?" Damien thought hard about Karrlys's question and found that yes he would do all those things for Arya. Karrlys knew the answer already and being part of Damien's mind meant that he could read it quite easily, "Good, you've found your mate then and I'll bet with the way that she looks at you she feels the same way."

Sure enough once Damien got enough courage to tell Arya how he felt she smiled and launched herself at him hugging him tightly, She pulled back quickly though a bright blush on her cheeks. Damien smiled and softly kissed her letting his love for her be shown in the gentle kiss.

Well I hope you liked the story and I welcome comments, if I get enough people saying they like it I might write another part to it.