Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ A Halloween Treat ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Halloween Treat
By: Tearful Insanity
“Shhh now, Shino. If we're going to do this, we have to be quiet.”
“I don't know why I agreed to do this! It's so cold outside! And the branches of this bush keep poking me!”
“You'll enjoy it!”
“Anybody can just walk by these bushes and notice us!”
“Not if you hush up.”
“Good. Ready?”
Shino moaned softly. “You do know that this is a bad idea, right?” he whispered.
“Yes, yes; you've told me enough.”
“Here we go.”
Chumei smiled and leapt from the bushes in front of a small group of trick-or-treaters, yelling loudly. Shino jumped behind them and added to the din his boyfriend was making. The children screamed and ran, dropping all of their candy as they elected that their lives were more important than the sweets. Chumei laughed and began collecting the fruits of his efforts. Shino helped and admitted that it was kind of fun. They stashed the candy in the bushes with them and waited for their next victims.
Were you thinking like that again? *smirk* Ecchi-san! (pervert)