Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ To Die or not, I Will Always Love You ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Get away!” Andrew screamed as he slowly got up. Joseph turned around, his beautiful fur flying by me. He bent his head low and growled. I moaned. Becky looked confused and sad. She shook her head and ran over to me. She saw the blood running out of my shoulder where I had been shot. She gasped. Then she got angry.
“HEY! IF YOU IDIOTS WOULD LIKE HER TO LIVE, I SUDGEST HELPING HER UP AND TAKING HER TO RYAN!!!” she screamed. The boys looked scared for a moment. Then Joseph looked sort of confused. He didn't know who Ryan was. I lightly shook my head. I was slowly losing consciousness. I opened my eyes a crack, only to shut them tight again when an immense pain shot through my body. I fought back a tear and reopened one of my eyes. Andrew was picking me up.
“N-No.” I could barely speak, but I could cope with this pain. “I-It hu-hurts.” Andrew slowly lowered me. Then Joseph tried. He lifted me easily, making sure that I didn't lean on my shot shoulder. He carried me to Ryan's house, not even breaking a sweat. Andrew barked and Ryan came running. When he saw me, bloody and weak, he gasped. He ran back inside and came out with his father. His dad took one look at me and knew what had happened (mostly. -.-). He took me from Joseph's warm back and lifted me into a car. Andrew jumped in next, followed by Becky. Joseph was about to hop in next, when Ryan's father shut the door.
“No.” He stated plainly. Joseph looked hurt. I was hurt. I wanted to jump out and stay with him, but had less strength than a crippled old mouse. I whimpered for Joseph, but all I got was another wet cloth on my shoulder. I could no longer hold back my tears. I let them pour out like a waterfall. My silent tears streaked my face as I secretly wept.
When we arrived at the vets, Joseph was sitting there waiting. My sunken face lit up. He beat us there! I mentally slapped myself. Of coarse he did! He's an angel! I tried to jump out of the car to greet him, but ended up falling instead. I landed on something soft and warm. I opened my eyes and felt better already. I landed on Joseph. Now I could go inside and get fixed and still be with Joseph! I was in so much pain, but being with him made me forget everything that was happening. I didn't even remember Andrew being there. Or Ryan. Not even Becky!
“Ok, you can put her down now! Dork.” I heard someone call Joseph a dork, and I snapped. In my head anyway. I tried to yell at Andrew for insulting my beloved Joseph, but no words came out. I didn't care and I knew that Joseph didn't either. We had each other back and nothing would ever separate us again!