Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Utopia ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

6,840,507,003 the world population at the start of 2012, before the x42 gene epidemic. No one knows what caused this gene or why it formed out of generation z. What is known is that 90% of generation z babies were born without the ability to produce male and female gamete. In other words females were not able to produce eggs and males semen held no life. 2200 the world population is now 2,000,000. The world is in a panic to figure this out, through testing however, if the right “fertile compatible couple” was to have children and so on and so forth this infertile “problem” would cease to be one.
The United States Government “I do mean from a lowly mayor to the U.S. President supported this” mandated that every person legal or not were to submit themselves for a simple blood test and exam to see if they were fertile and if they were carriers of the gene commonly known as x42 “the infertile gene” as others called it. Those that refuse were arrested immediately. Don't ask me about what happened to them because I just don't know. I lost 3 neighbors because of it, and I honestly don't know what happened to them.
After all the testing and exams were done, 15% of the world was the only ones who were still very much fertile and were not carriers of x42. That's 300,000 people. The UN who had assumed control of the government globally, recommended the “pure ones” as were to be called take a relationship needs assessment and compatibility assessment. Without the public's knowledge of course, they also went ahead and started building their Utopia on an island far away from the rest of civilization.
Now you're probably asking what about those who are a pure one but under the age take these assessments, don't worry. Who were not 17 years of age did not take those assessments or test and exams until then. And when they were 17 they took the assessments in high school or where ever else it was set up to be taken if you were being home schooled, etc. Pretty much they were going to pair us “pure ones” off with another “pure one” whom who are most likely to make a life with and produce healthy fertile babies, without the disruption of infertile people. While trying to make everything seem on the up and up.
Five years after of this had happened this “Utopia” had finally been completed, and we so called “pure ones” were all moved here. There was no point trying to fight it, those who did were shot with tranquilizers. When we got there the island is truly utopia, absolutely beautiful. What you would expect the Garden of Eden to look like, except with modern technology, but there is no cars, either you use a bus that ran purely on solar power ran batteries, a bike, or you walked.
The U.C.P. “Utopian Counsel Police, I know original right?” gave us our assigned houses, our new job address (the nice part of this is, is that it's the same jobs we did when we were part of civilization), and our new cell phones, with new numbers, that hey guess what? They DID NOT call any number that was not recognized as a Utopian number.
To be perfectly honest here, I really didn't care about being uprooted from the rest of the world. I had no family to speak of, my parents died when I was 16 and that was 10 years ago. I have only two people whom I call sisters, Saphira Lockwood and Trinity Mason. More about me, my name is Selene Reese, I have no family expect my two best friends. I have my masters in Human Behavioral Science, so I was trying to apply what I had learned to real life.
I remember being transported; I was working a crime scene with my supervisor, Adele. Adele's a woman in her mid 50's, tall, blonde, green eyed. She had this authority feel but stern kind mother look. Today's job was double rape homicide, this was my worst crime scene. I will spare you the details, it was brutality at its extreme. I was taking notes of the scene, most particular of the man's body that was adjacent of the woman on the bed. I was still getting use to seeing that lifeless look, that empty look, when Adele's phone went off.
“Special Agent Buble speaking”, she turned her gaze on me “yes she is, but Reese is currently indisposed at the moment. I will send her back to the department when I am finished with her,” promptly hung up. Sighing internally I figured either Saphira or Trinity was trying to get a hold of me or that I didn't file some paperwork correctly. Either way I was in for a deep chewing of my rear end.
However the look she gave me was one of sympathy when she finally spoke “Selene they are finally acting on that damn transport mandate!” I felt my stomach and heart drop from me. “I thought it was just rumors that people just said to try an over throw the UN?” Adele gave me a hug and with a shaky voice “Steve, my husband, was promoted to Chief Deputy of the U.S Marshals two years ago, remember?” “Yes” I replied on the verge of tears, she just squeezed me tighter.
“15 months ago when those rumors surfaced, the purposed bill was as well. The UN just said it was rumors to keep people from going into a panic. However the Marshals were informed only for the purpose transporting of WIT SEC members who are consider a `pure one'” she spat that as she continued on “The bill was passed 6 months ago, and now they are enacting it!”
I started shaking so hard, trying to do my best not to cry, to show my mentor and friend that I am strong. “Selene listen to me,” I brought my gaze to hers, she was fighting tears as well “you are going to be fine, you can do this!” Adele gave me a teary eyed smile. I smiled back “I will miss you” she just shook her head and said “as I you my friend. Now head over to the main building when you have yourself pulled together.” Adele kissed me on my forehead, as I walked away prepared for whatever the UN officials had to say to me about my transportation.