Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Chaykeely ❯ Definitions, mainly ( EndNotes )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey. You've made it through the first part of Chaykeely, have you? I applaud you. If you liked it at all, please read the next part...it is basically the prologue to the one you just finished.

So. Anyway. If you were curious about the faerie language and whatnot, I can help you a bit. Here's a basic translation. Some of it was already defined, but some of it wasn't. I'll do the same in the later books of Chaykeely.

Chapter One

Mother, but more informal. You know, like "Mommy"
Ferli-Father, but more informal. "Daddy"
Nama kutip hir du me?-Are you here to kill me?
Yinip hunid nama?-Are these for me?
Teru gosa?-Asking permission. She was asking Brighid if she could use magic on the clothes to make them smaller.
Janit naso mine-Now they fit
Girano sui-Thank you
Fulri kusan?-Is that you?

Chapter Two

Hishi nora-
I'm sorry
Mirina tulor-Goodbye

Chapter Three

Alamara tochino marito-
Take it as far as you can

Chapter Six

Tinua mira kala dices-
With my life as sacrifice, I now end yours