Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Death Academy: The Beginning ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Death Academy: The Beginning
Chapter Seven
Ryuu was continuing down deeper into the Ruin Sector until he arrived at another room, he looked into the room and saw nothing so he continued on down deeper, until all of a sudden he was sliced in the shoulder by a sword. He quickly turned around, placing his sword in front of him, protecting him from any other surprise blows. He turned to see some old “friends.” There, standing about a few feet from him were three Slades, staring at him, teeth showing.
“You have got to be kidding me! I don't have time for this!” Ryuu said, staring at the Slades, “I'll end this quickly.”
The Slade in the front threw its sworded arm back at Ryuu. Ryuu dodged the blow by jumping backwards, causing the Slade's arm to fly into the ground, getting stuck. Ryuu immediately saw the opportunity and ran on top of the Slade's arm towards its head. He reached the head slicing into it vertically creating a huge gash between the eyes; as the Slade fell over, Ryuu jump off the shoulder towards another Slade, catching it off guard and beheading it. He jumped back a little to get distance from the last one.
“Hpm, then there was one.” Ryuu said, placing his sword in front of him, “not for long though.” He finished as he charged towards the Slade.
The Slade warped its arm into an axe, as it hovered it above Ryuu; Ryuu jumped sideways, just dodging the blow. He then, ran beside the Slade, slicing its foot off, causing it to collapse down. Ryuu ran behind it, jumping on its back and stabbing it in the back of the head; as it fell over dead, Ryuu was already long out of sight.
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Ben Sparks stared at Ryo'ichi in horror, shocked at what he has just seen, “What the hell are you?!” he asked.
“I don't know.” Ryo'ichi responded, jumping back onto the circular platform.
“Your arm, it's possessed looking!” Ben yelled, staggering backwards.
Ben Sparks studied Ryo'ichi's right arm again, the arm itself was a different shade of skin color than the rest of Ryo'ichi, and it was much darker, evil looking. Ryo'ichi's fingers had accumulated what look like to be claws, they looked sharper than shark teeth, but the most horrible looking thing on his arm was the eye, on the back of his hand that stared back at Ben with the lust to kill in its stare. The eye itself was blood red, with what look like to be a serpent shape pupil, the eye look so evil and demonic looking that Ben was shaking from just being near.
“Yes, possessed looking. Why? Because it is. This demon speaks to me.” Ryo'ichi said, sounding as if the demon were talking itself.
“Wha-What does this demon say?!” Ben yelled, regretting what he just spoke.
Ryo'ichi smiled and said, “This demon wants blood.”
Ben staggered back even more hearing those words, yet suddenly he stopped staggering and shaking.
“No matter what. I will avenge your death, Ken.” Ben thought, now calming down by the rage building back up inside of him.
“I don't care anymore, you still killed my brother, and I will utterly destroy you.” Ben said, running towards Ryo'ichi, spear extended.
Ben flung his chain-spear at Ryo'ichi, only having him grab it midway, yanking Ben towards him, and then punching Ben in the stomach. Ben stammered backwards, until Ryo'ichi's foot met his face, sending him flying sideways into a rock. Ben recuperated real quickly and ran towards Ryo'ichi again, spinning his weapon; as he got to Ryo'ichi he flung his weapon at Ryo'ichi's low side, slicing him in the left thigh, and then he flung it back again, slicing Ryo'ichi side causing Ryo'ichi to stammer backwards. Ben saw the opening he needed, he ran towards Ryo'ichi punching him the face about two times, having the third one being block by the possessed arm. Ryo'ichi sent a punch in his face, then let go of him, punching him with the possessed hand causing Ben to fly across the ruins, into a nearby wall; Ben fell into the water, and then suddenly Ryo'ichi fell to the ground gripping his head.
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Special Scene change: Ryo'ichi's Mind.
“Errrrr…….wha-what?! What do you wa-want?!” Ryo'ichi yelled, at someone or something shadowed by the darkness in his mind.
“You are not worthy of this!” the thing said.
“Like I chose this!”
“Let me take control child! I will end this quickly!”
“No Fenrir! This is my body not yours, you are just stuck here in it.”
“I do no care! This is my body as much as it is yours, if you screw up and die, I will too!” Fenrir yelled, revealing itself.
Fenrir was a wolf, an all black wolf, with two red eyes. Fenrir stood about two Slades standing on top of each other.
“It doesn't matter! I will handle this on my own!”
“I will NOT allow it!” Fenrir yelled, teeth showing.
“And you think you can stop me?” Ryo'ichi said, glaring at the huge snarling wolf.
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“Ryuu wait up!” Hitomi yelled running behind Ryuu.
“Hitomi? Lee? What about Professor Sparks?” Ryuu said, stopping for them to catch up.
“Zinnia and Fee are handling that problem.” Lee said, “Saw you took care of some problems of your own back there.”
“Yeah, stupid Slades.” Ryuu said, glancing back deeper in the Ruins, “I can see the opening, Ryo'ichi should be up ahead come on!”
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“Is that all you got Haley!” Fee yelled, dodging her scythe, and then slicing her in the shoulder with her guitar.
“You think you two can beat me?!” Haley yelled, crazed.
“Yes. We do.” Zinnia said calmly, appearing behind Haley, “Bye.”
Zinnia stabbed her dagger into Haley's back, pulling it back out as Haley staggered forward in pain. Fee then swung her guitar around hitting Haley in the face sending her flying across the room into a wall, knocking a few bricks out. Haley glanced over at the bricks then looked up to see a button.
“That's right! These Ruins use to be holding grounds for experiments! This button must make the cage appear, but where?” Haley thought glancing around the room seeing a faded “X” on the ceiling above Fee, “There.”
Haley jumped up slinging her scythe at the two girls, having it slice Fee in the side, cutting deeply, and it sliced Zinnia's hair a little as she ducked out of the way. All of a sudden there came a deep crashing noise as Haley hit the button. Above the injured Fee a huge iron cage fell from the ceiling trapping Fee in it, leaving only Zinnia left to deal with.
“Now, to finish you Zinnia!” Haley said running towards Zinnia.
Haley jumped over Zinnia grabbing her blade, then swinging it around only to have it blocked by Zinnia's umbrella dagger.
“This is a hopeless battle Haley!” Zinnia yelled, jumping back to another wall.
“How about we end it here!?” Haley yelled running towards Zinnia, scythe high in the air.
“You got it!” Zinnia yelled running towards Haley, dagger extended to the floor.
Haley and Zinnia met, as Haley let her scythe fall to the floor, while Zinnia let her dagger rise to the sky. Blood splattered on the ground, leaving both of them standing still.
“Heh, I-I underestimated you……it seems I have…….lost, congrats.” Haley stuttered out, falling to the floor, passing out from the pain of the deep slice wound on her chest.
“Lost? Hah. Don't congratulate me….I didn't win…..either…” Zinnia sighed, falling to the ground next to Haley, unconscious from the deep slice wound on her chest.
“Zinnia!!” Fee screamed, banging her guitar against the iron bars, bending them bit by bit.
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“You worthless child! You dare deify a God?!” Fenrir screamed, moving closer to Ryo'ichi, tempted to bite his head off.
“Yes I do!” Ryo'ichi yelled, seeming unfazed by this godly demon.
“I will-“
“You will do nothing! I mean c'mon you little puppy, what do you think you're going to do? Kill me? Don't make me laugh, if you kill me you die too!” Ryo'ichi said, smiling and patting Fenrir on his paw.
“RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR!” Fenrir growled swatting Ryo'ichi with his paw sending him flying backwards, “Don't ever deify me!”
“Uh…Fenrir! You're just fighting a hopeless bat-“
“Ryo'ichi you imbecile! Look out!” Fenrir screamed, knocking Ryo'ichi back into reality.
Ryo'ichi stood up and turned around to see the hilt of Ben's Spear in his face, as he said, “Oh shit-“ but he was knocked out and flying across the platform before he could finish the sentence.
“Pathetic.” Ben sighed walking to Ryo'ichi's unconscious body, “Now I will erase you permanently!” he continued, with his spear extended in front of him.
Ben arrived in front of Ryo'ichi; he placed his spear high in the air, blade hovering above Ryo'ichi.
“Die.” Ben whispered bringing the blade to Ryo'ichi's flesh, “Hmm…”
Before his blade struck Ryo'ichi, Ben jumped backwards just in time to dodge a huge blow from a giant hammer.
“Well, Well, Well, how's it hangin, Dean Sparks?” Lee said, picking up his hammer off the ground and placing it on his shoulder.
Ryuu and Hitomi ran into the room and to Ryo'ichi. Hitomi kneeled down placing her hand on his chest.
“We're here Ryo'ichi.” She said, kissing him on the cheek, “Don't worry.”
“I see. My wife failed in keeping you people back. I am surprised.” Ben said, placing his spear on his shoulder.
“Ryuu, Hitomi, take Ryo'ichi and go, I'll handle the Dean.” Lee said, walking up towards Ben.
“No. We stay.” Ryuu said, standing next to Hitomi, “Right Hitomi?”
“Right.” Hitomi said, standing back up beside Ryuu.
“I see you guys won't listen, but promise if things get rough, leave, got it?” Lee continued.
“Yeah, yeah” Ryuu said, waving his hand.
“Now for you Dean.” Lee said, staring at Ben, “It's time to take you down.”
“You're so naïve, I mean if Ryo'ichi can't beat me, I know you can't.” Ben said, mocking Lee, “but if you insist, I'll be happy to oblige!” he continued, running towards Lee.
Ben disappeared from view, and reappeared above Lee, slicing him down his chest. Lee immediately recovered slamming his hammer into Ben's Spear. Ben may have blocked it; however it was still powerful enough to knock him backwards. Lee then jumped to Ben's side, slamming his hammer into Ben's right shoulder dislocating it, only to have Ben kick him backwards. Ben popped his shoulder back into placed, not seeming fazed by it at all. Ben ran over to Lee punching him several times in the stomach, then slicing him a few times. Ben finished him off by picking him up with his spear's wooden handle, then flinging him towards Hitomi and Ryuu.
“You can have this back!” Ben yelled, as Lee flew towards them.
Ryuu caught Lee in midair, he staggered backwards, then he placed Lee on the ground as he said, “Lee don't worry I'll finish him off, take a break.”
“Huff, Huff, Huff, I don't think my body will argue…” Lee said, sitting up while Ryuu grabbed his blade and made his way towards the exhausted Ben.
“Ryuu!” Hitomi said, “Be careful.”
“Count on it.”
“Uhh…..” Ryo'ichi said, dipping in and out of consciousness.
“Ryo'ichi…..please be okay, and your arm….what has happened to you...” Hitomi thought, staring at Ryo'ichi.
So the time has come! The ending of the beginning of this Trilogy! That is right; Chapter Eight is the ending of Death Academy: The Beginning. Ryuu is faced against Dean Sparks, while Hitomi is to deal with the two injured guys. Zinnia is unconscious next to the body of Prof. Sparks, while Fee is fighting to get out of the cage. Dean Sparks is faced with the ultimate truth, ultimate betrayal, and the P.A.S.M Facility will be going out with a really big bang.