Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Call ❯ Entry the Fifth ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Entry the Fifth
Even though Leon, as we'll shorten Chameleon to, was fine, Sarah wasn't. Her leg seemed broken, and was already infected, which led me to believe the subtly changes we'd been noticing in the atmosphere when we went on patrols were even worse than we'd thought. The creatures, or whatever led them, were changing our world to better suit their needs. It was getting colder in many places, hotter in others, and the differences were very noticeable. In either case, Sarah was in trouble. Leon and I and a few others stayed up all night with her, but now it wasn't just her leg. She was feverish, sweating, freezing, we didn't know what she had, and we didn't have the skills to heal her. We set the bone, but the rest we could do nothing for.
This seemed to have completely blown the spirit of the school, expect for a few people. Chris, a good friend of Sarah, leon, and Tar, and a decent enough mate to myself, was just plain pissed. Leon had become very determined it wouldn't happen again. I myself intended that very same thing.
Rugged was worried too, in part simply because Stone, his girlfriend, and an anime frea… I shouldn't say that, I'm a bit crazy about manga and anime myself, anyways, she was worried too. This is where some things got crazy. Stone spent lots of time watching over Sarah, and helping with whatever she could. In the mean time, Chris when around pissed off at the world, and Leon was now going with every foraging party as special backup. Well there was one where Chris went too. It got attacked. Leon called in help, and we sent rugged in his newly upgraded truck. I went too, because this was the largest attack we'd had. But here was the thing, when we got there, all the raptors and crocs, which seemed to make up the bulk forces thus far, were dead or too injured to pose a threat. And nearly all of them had been beaten to death with sheer brute force.
I just stared in utter astonishment. Leon appeared behind me, nearly giving Rugged a heart attack again. Rugged never did get used to that, Leon started using it to play jokes on him, actually gave Rugged a heart-attack once, so Leon quick. Anyways, back to where we where. “Where's the forage team?”
“Doing their job.”
“Who did this?”
“Take a look for yourself, I'm still not sure I believe it. I didn't even actually get to test out my knives or those techniques Koswald's been teaching me.” Leon pointed a reptilian finger, his own, at someone standing out amongst the corpses of the monsters.
I'm sure most of you can guess who that is, so I'll jump off that track to explain the scaly finger. As we quickly learned, Chameleon did not just turn essentially invisible. His body also masked his scent and heat signature, making him completely invisible to anything except sonar, radar, or physical contact. Actually, it might have made him invisible to radar, we never actually had reason to test it at that point. We could hear him while he was invisible, even as he moved, so sonar would have picked him up instantly.
In addition to his camouflage abilities, his body instantly adapted to his surrounding environment, and partial to his situation. In cold environments, he grew fur, and somehow gained fat to store heat, in hot environments, he appeared to become cold blooded like a reptile, absorbing heat from his surrounding and the sun, thus granting him more energy than a normal person. To encourage this, he became somewhat scaly and slightly reptilian. I believed at the time he could even grow feathers or something, but never got that tested either. His scales or fur could also change to his situation, the fur could become rough, coarse, spiky even to the point of piercing, or the scales could be as hard as diamonds, able to absorb any energy. Of course, most of this we found out as we went. But still, most people were freaked out by the exterior changes, so he tended to stay invisible a lot. He had no way to control them, they just happened.
Jumping back to our nice little plot point I'm sure you are all anxious to hear finished, it was indeed the Huge man himself, bigger even than my former self… before all this started. He was standing there, alone, amidst the corpses. I looked, and I saw, and I marveled, for in his eyes, I saw tears streaming, still, even though it must have been several minutes since the battle had ended.
“He's been like that, I can't get through to him. He can't hear me at all.”
“Punch him then.” Said Rugged, and started forward.
“I tried, but just like all the attacks from those creatures, it was absorbed. He won't feel a damn thing. And another thing, I'm not sure he's sad, I think, those are tears of like, joy or something. Even popping out of nowhere didn't work.”
“you mean he's thinking something like `with this power, I can save Sarah,' or `with this power, I can prevent another Sarah' or maybe `with this power, I can destroy these sons of bitches?'”
Leon nodded. I walked forward. And flipped on my blade. I walked straight forward, towards Chris, and when I reached him, I swung my blade.
“Corben what the hell are you do...”
I sliced the mouth off a croc creature, then bend down and pulled a long tooth out of Chris's leg. Then switched off my blade. I held it up to him. “Here, a token of victory. Now get in the truck, we're heading back with the forage team, and if you expect to see Sarah again, I suggest you wake up. And you better not have been crying because the tooth hurt.”
That snapped him back to reality, he tried to punch me, and we all headed back. On the way, I got the story from Leon. The ambush had been lying in wait for them, Leon hadn't managed to find it. The creatures attacked, but before anyone could do anything, Chris exploded in rage, and swung his fist. He impacted on a raptor about to take a slice out of him, and sent it flying 20 yards. A Croc charged him and he smashed its mouth. The others had been firing, had taken down about two, but soon stopped as Chris laid waste to the monsters, one after the other, taking no injury from blunt force blows, and even cuts that should have been fairly serious were only minor. One of the crocs had managed to bite him, but he'd smashed it furiously. I never did learn exactly what he cried for, but to this day I don't believe it was the tooth.
Chris stayed silent on the way back, after we'd gathered the forage team, but when we returned to the school, the Sergeant was waiting outside with Tarius. They looked extremely happy, and there was cheering heard within the school. At first, we thought they might be cheering Chris or something. We had reported in the incident as we headed back. We quickly learned that this was not the case, as except for Tarius and Sarge, and the guards, no one really noticed we'd returned. No, it was something far better.
Stone had saved the day! Well, saved Sarah. And discovered a spectacular power to heal and cure nearly anything. We would later learn some of her limits. Weeping as Sarah faded further and further, Stone had hugged Sarah tightly, begging her not to go, and then witnesses stated a weird glow came out of Stone, enveloped Sarah, and then voila, she was fine.
That brought the total number of beyond normal humans to 3 confirmed, 1 practically confirmed, 1 extremely likely, and 1 totally unnoticed. 6 right? Where did the last one come from? Well hold on, and maybe I'll tell you.