Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Felix Felicis ❯ River Games ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I sighed, wiping my forehead. I'd finally finished packing. I stretched a little, reversing the slouch I'd had when I put all my clothes (Somehow my entire wardrobe was here. A note from Rector had said that she's had it all brought in by someone who was undercover in my hometown.) into my new, supplied also by Rector, suitcase.
I glanced at my watch for the first time since I got here. 6 AM. Time to go. Sedo appeared behind me, whacking me on the back of the head.
"Hey! What was that for?" I asked playfully.
"Stay alert, dimwit." Sedo said, smiling.
"Well, that's great for my self esteem." I sniffed, mocking sadness.
We left shortly after that little chat. The trip itself was a blur, and I only really remembered that we stopped twice, and one of those times I almost fell into a river. That, was perfectly clear.
"Ah, look at this! It's so pretty!" I exclaimed, kneeling down by the water. We were at the edge of a waterfall, shallow water twenty feet below.
I cupped my hands and drank some, sighing contentedly. "It's...sweet..." I said, pleased but confused. I looked around slightly, wondering why the water tasted as though someone had poured sugar in it. I found my answer only a foot away. There was a donut in the water upstream of me.
I laughed so hard I actually fell over on the bank. Dolo was staring incredulously at the pastry, his hand still in the position it had been in when he was holding the donut.
"M-M-M-My desert!" He stuttered, picking up said desert. It dissolved, turning to a pile of donut-flavored mush.
"Come on, you guys, it's time to get moving again." Rector said, jumping down from her perch on a tree branch. She landed as though she'd only fell a few inches, as opposed to ten feet.
I stood up slowly, taking in the sight of the river. I'd always had an affinity for water. I took one step, that was all it took.
I slipped on a wet rock, falling towards the shallow water. I closed my eyes, expecting to land in the water, probably breaking my back or neck.
I felt something wrap around me, and I stopped falling, frozen in midair. I opened one eye after a second, cautious. Sedo was right there, and I was wrapped up tight and safe in his arms. A cord was extended from his belt, apparently the only thing holding us up. I looked down. There was only two feet of space between us and the hard stone, made only harder by water rushing over it.
Something tugged on the cord, and we started to ascend. I was acutely aware of two things:
One, I was shaking.
Two, Sedo and I were very close.
Eventually, we made it to the ledge. Dolo grabbed Sedo, tugging him and me over the ledge.
"You two okay?" Rector asked, eyeing me cautiously. I knew it was only me she was really worried about. Sedo gave an affirmative, but I only managed to nod. I noticed that Sedo hadn't fully let go of me. He still had one arm around my shoulders. When I finally managed to look into his eyes, he looked scared. Not for himself, but for me.
He stood, gently bringing me up with him. "Are you alright?" He muttered, still holding on to me. I nodded again, but he saw right through it. He looked at Dolo. "Grab her bag, okay?" He asked. Dolo nodded, understanding. Next thing I knew, I was sitting, bridal style, in Sedo's arms.
"I-I'm okay, really." I said, finally finding my voice.
"No, you're not." Sedo replied shortly. Well, that was that.