Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Glimpse ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Through the slits of his helmet, the young warrior could see the enemy rushing towards his position. They were numerous. The ground shook at their approach. Shield strapped to his left arm, spear on his right, he waited. To the left and right of him were his fellows. Packed tightly into a phalanx, confident that their defence was impenetrable, they proudly stood their ground. Swallowing back his saliva and his fear, trying to ignore the thumping in his heart, he watched the enemy. How numerous were they!

“Stand your ground!”

At that command, every soldier brought their shield in front of them, then held their spear at eye level, resting on the shield. A wall of steel. The enemy was closer now.


With a twist of his left arm, he struck out using his right, spear piercing through flesh with brutal efficiency. Pulling his arm back, he brought his shield back to cover his body. Back and forth the line, his fellows did the same, alternating their attacks so that they were always protected. When the rush of bodies pressed against their shields were too great, they simply pushed the enemy back. In that moment, the enemy would lose their footing and fall prey to the deadly spears.

The mad rush stopped. He could see fear on the eyes of his enemies. Closing their formation again, he waited for any movement. The enemy were hesitant now, seeing a great number of their fallen, yet not a single member of the defenders. Slowly, the phalanx commander gave the order to advance. Slowly, they shuffled forward a few steps, eyes deep and staring, using intimidation as their choice of tactic. It worked. The enemy began to take a few tentative steps backward, not wanting to face any of the wicked spears. The young warrior heard his commander give the order to charge. Yelling their battlecries, the phalanx opened their formation and charged the enemy.

A spear thrust. A foe fallen. Pulling the spear out from the dead body, the young warrior took a step back with his right leg, using it as a pivot. Wheeling his body in a complete turn, his cape sweeping wide, he brought his spear in a fluid sweeping motion across the torso of another enemy, smashing him to the right. Following through with the movement, he suddenly reversed direction, bashing with his shield to the left. He felt the shock travel up his arm as the blow connected with another foe. Holding his spear in an overhand grip, he threw his spear. His aim was true. Another enemy fallen.

One of the enemy, who thought him weaponless, charged towards him, thinking him to be easy prey. Smiling grimly, he reached for the sword sheathed at his side. He brought the blade out of his sheath in a vicious slashing motion. His opponent fell without knowing what hit him, so quick was his movement. Blood spurted everywhere, temporarily blinding him. Blinking away the blood, he surveyed the scene around him. Death. Destruction.

Holding his shield, sword held at eye level, he charged at the next enemy. A slash to the left. Right arm and leg in motion. Following the movement through. Using right leg as a pivot. 360 degree turn to the left. Another shield smash to another enemy. While the enemy was stunned by the smash, he followed up with an overhead chop, blade biting through flesh with ease.

No movement was too much, leaving him unbalanced. No movement was too little, creating an opening for the enemy. His movements were graceful, as were the movements of his fellow soldiers. It resembled a dance of leaves swaying in the wind, so fluid were their movements. Their training was excellent. Their morale was high. They would prevail.

Another upward slash later, all he saw were bodies. They had routed the enemy. They had won. For now.

Disclaimer: This document is entirely my own creation and belongs to me, Darryl aka longkang.