Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Hunters the night watchers ❯ First encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Watching the people walk down the brightly light streets as the sky slowly burned out as the sun made
its great escape telling us that night was almost upon us. Where normal people would be at home
locked in and hunters would rule the streets. These where the things that I always longed for, I turned
my attention to the sky watching the colors change as if it was a live burring fire. I smiled.

Leaning against my car watching the sun disappear brought me to the realization that I was late for my
second day of training. Moving I opened my car door grabbing my swords. I placed them in their rightful
spots on my back and closed the door again taking a deep breath of the cold night air. The streets where
pretty much clear meaning curfew was almost upon us.

I grinned as the remaining people gave me odd looks. It couldn't be my black uniform with a black rose
that had a silver chain with a small cross attached to it that was getting me the looks? That's when
someone grabbed me from behind making me jump. You're late for the meeting again Lizzy what am I
going to do with you?"

I would know his voice anywhere; I turned around to find my dream guy standing there. His short black
hair fell loosely around his face, and his golden eyes shined brighter then the moon. Staring at him made
my heart flutter, everyone keep telling me I was too young to become a hunter but here I was standing
before the man I very much wanted to marry wearing the uniform I always dreamed of wearing. That's
when it happened, the sound of dreams shattering. 'beep beep' I rolled over in bed hitting my alarm
clock and groaned. Another dream. Great!

School was in an hour and I was not looking forward to it. Everyone in my school knew I fantasized
about being a hunter. Every day it was the same 'Lizzy hunters are adults with lots of training in monster
extermination' 'Lizzy you know you already have white hair you don't need any more stress' I graved my
bag slinging it over my shoulder letting out a soft sigh.

I was some day going to show everyone that even I Lizzy Nightshadow could become a hunter. Though I
wanted it now to fight alongside him. I never got his name but he had to be a hunter he was wearing
their uniform though he seemed to be about sixteen or seventeen witch made me sad that not only was
my dream guy my age but that he also had my dream job. People thought I had dreamed him up too.
Everyone keeps telling me that someone my age couldn't be a hunter it just wasn't possible to dangers
of a job.

My thought were interrupted by my best friend Glean walking into my kitchen as if she had been here
the entire time "Lizzy come on where going to be late" she whined. Though I knew the only reason she
cared if we were late was because there was a rumor that we had a new student. Witch was a big deal in
my school because our city was on constant watch and new people were rarely allowed in past the gates
and high security. Though in these times I don't know who would want to travel. As soon as the sun is
down the hunt begins and the hunters are being hunted as well by something that the government
won't tell us about. They say it's in our best interest if we stay in the dark and let the hunters do their

Though many people miss going outside at night I never knew a world where we could go out at night.
She pulled me to the car without me relieving it "please don t tell me your dreaming about becoming a
hunter when there's something more important like us having a new student at school." the car was
moving and she continued to talk about how she had heard it was a boy and his parents had been killed
and a hunter found him and was making him attend our school.

Sighing again I slipped out of her car as soon as she stopped talking making me realize we were at
school. "I think I m going to head to the library I have some books I have to return." I hurried off
knowing she rolled her eyes at me. I didn't care.

As I hurried throw the halls I found myself ruing into someone falling to the ground "sorry Miss I didn't
see you there"

My eyes widened hearing the boy's voice. I looked up at his smiling face then noticed that he was
holding his hand out for me. I took it, he helped me up. "Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going"

I said stupidly not taking my eyes off him or letting go of his hand though he seemed to be staring at me
as well not to even notice our hands where still attached. Sitting in class seemed harder than normal, I
don't know if it was the fact that the teacher had given the boy the sit right next to me or if it was the
fact that no one seemed bother by the fact that we were not allowed to know his name. I wanted so bad
to tell Glean that he was the boy the one that I had been obsessing over the last few weeks but it felt as
if I was being watched. Every time I stolen a glance at him he seemed to be taking notes but I couldn't
shack the feeling.

When the bell rang telling us that school was over I had never been happier. I was gathering my things
from my lockers most of the other students had already gone home to start on their homework or what
not. Someone pushed me up against the lockers; I could tell it was a guy by the feel of their boy pressed
against my back. Then they spoke their breath ticking my ear "You would be wise to forget about going
outside or becoming a hunter. If you do either I will have no other choice then to kill you" he licked the
side of my cheek and pressed harder ageist me making me gasp for air.

"Why?" I didn't know why he would threatened me, wasn't he a hunter?

I could feel his lips upon my skin, it burned like fire "Your parents are going to die for what they did, and
if you follow in their footsteps I will kill you as well" he paused then turned me around so I was facing
him, his body still pressed agilest mine, " nd that would be such a shame" he pressed his lips ageist
mine then despaired.