Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Lady of Darkness ❯ 5 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

You looked everywhere, but didn't find him. “Where could you have disappeared to?” you asked yourself. You went back down into the den and asked Clara “Have you seen Kazuko?” Without looking away from the computer screen, she answers “Hm? No, sorry.” You sighed “That's okay.” you sat down on the chair next to her. She typed something and the computer made a loud beep and a window popped up saying “Access denied.” She screamed in frustration “I'll never get through! What is the password?!” You thought for a second and something popped in your head “Haduki.”(some made up word that popped in my head!) you said. Clara shrugged and typed it in. “Welcome back Lady Alexia.” said a voice. “Hey how did you know? And why did the computer say your name?” she looks at the computer suspiciously. You shrug it off and leaned back in the chair. “Every Darokei has their own password that they use for everything.” You turn to see Kazuko walking up to you. “There you are, your food is in the kitchen waiting for you.” you said. He dashed off and you told Clara what he said. She thought for a while, then looked up at the clock. “It's getting late, I should get back home.” she says turning off the computer. You walked her to the door. “I'll leave the book here, ok? See you later.” She leaves and you went upstairs to take a shower.
When you got out, you dressed into some dark blue pajama pants and a large black t-shirt. You went downstairs to get a drink when you heard Kazuko growling outside in the backyard. You went to go check on him and you gasped, there in the doorway was a huge fox, about your size, baring its teeth at a dark spot in the middle of the yard. Somehow you knew the large fox was Kazuko and you asked “What's wrong?” He didn't move, but answered “Stay out of sight!” Something didn't feel right. You stared at the dark spot and waited for something to happen, keeping a safe distance behind Kazuko. Suddenly, a strange figure crawled out from the spot. It looked like a deformed human, engulfed in darkness, with claws and glowing red eyes. It growled and ran toward us, but before it could take five steps, Kazuko sent a ball of fire, from out of nowhere, to it, instantly killing it. “They are coming for you, Alex. I want you to get on my back, we're going to get out of here.” he said. “Wait.” You ran into the den and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note for Clara, saying that you will be out for a while and that you would call her when you can. You ran toward the front door and stuck it on the screen. you closed the door and turned around to go back to Kazuko, but you were stopped by another one of the shadow creatures blocking your way. But you weren't scared, instead, you grew angry and you felt something in your mind explode and you said “Baro ne fira!” and a ball of fire appeared in your hand, your instincts took over and you threw the ball at it. It yelped in pain and disintegrated. Kazuko rushed to you. “Are you hurt?” he asked. “No.” you assured him. “Good, then let's get going!” he said. You jumped on his back, like a horse, being careful to avoid getting in the way of his wings, and he ran toward the back door and jumped into the night sky.
Flying felt so natural, almost like you had experienced it before. You rest on Kazuko's back and watch the stars. “Where are we going?” you asked. “Somewhere safe, in a sacred place hidden in the mountains. No one knows of its existence, so we shall be safe there.” he replies. You sigh and feel sleep overcoming you. “Wake me when we get there.” you say, almost mumbling, and fall into a deep sleep.
It seemed like only seconds afterwards when you felt him land on the ground. you felt his feathers brush softly against your body as he tried to get you to get off. You slowly rolled off and landed on the cool grass that immediately woke you up. You groaned and sat up. “We're here.” he stated. You gawked, it was beautiful! It was like a small valley, hidden in the mountains. “It's beautiful up here!” you said. “Before we bonded, this is where I lived. I put up a barrier so that nobody could get in.” he said, changing back into his normal form. “Hm?” you saw a small hut near a large tree and walked toward it. You peered inside and noticed a small bed and a dresser and a mat, but it was empty. “Did somebody live here?” you asked. “This place was deserted when I got here.” he answered. “Have you ever gone inside?” you looked down at him. He shakes his head. Slowly, you walk into the hut. The dust should have collected on the unprotected furniture, but not a single speck of dust lingered in there. “Weird.” You walked out and decided that the hut felt too creepy to sleep in. “I think I'll sleep out here tonight.” you said with a weak smile. You lay down on the grass and yawned. Kazuko laid beside you and you fell asleep.
“Ahhh!” you woke up with a start and sat up. “What's wrong Alex?” asked Kazuko. “My arm… it hurts!” you screamed. It felt as though acid was flowing through your veins from the birthmark. “It's the mark…” you said. He looked down and you saw his eyes widen “You are awakening.” he mumbled. “What do you mean `awakening'?” you asked. The pain increased and you screamed louder. “Don't fight it or it will hurt you! Don't reject your true lineage, accept it. It is who you are.” he said, rubbing against your arm. “But…” you didn't want to accept who you really were, but you realized that you had no choice. “I will accept myself…” The pain slowly weakened until it was gone and a warm tingling feeling spreads throughout your body. You looked at your arm, it was turning paler. You would have started to freak out, but you felt emotionless and ignored it. you slowly fell asleep, it was like the process of “awakening” took a lot of energy.
When you opened your eyes, Kazuko was three inches from your face. “Have a nice 3 day nap?” he asked sarcastically. “What?!” you jumped up, knocking Kazuko off you. “Ow, that hurt.” he moaned. “Sorry.” you said. “Three days…” you thought. You noticed that your wings came out. “I like the new look, it makes you… look powerful.” he said. “Huh?” You stood and went to the small spring and stared at your reflection. “I look like some kind of vampire or demon!” Your skin was pale with strange black markings all over, your hair was longer, you had fangs, long fingernails, your wings were giving off a strange purple glow, and your eyes were silver! You practically looked dead! “This is your true form, the Queen of Darkness.” said a man standing behind me. You jumped and looked back. “Who-.” you started, but then realized who it was “Kazuko?” He grinned “You like?” He was hot! His hair was white, he now had dark-blue eyes, he had fangs and nails like yours, a pair of silver wings that glowed pure white, and his body was very nice (thin, but masculine). “Wow.” you said “Impressive.” He smiled “Thanks, your form is impressive too.” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Your stomach grumbled and you sighed “We got anything to eat?” you asked. “Fish.” he said. You grumbled, you weren't too fond of fish, but anything would do at the moment.(you don't like fish in this story so shut-up!)